Archiv: Kim Meylemans

06.02.2022 - 05:24 [ ]

Athletes unhappy about quarantine hotels

When fetching the food left outside her door, she took a glance at the boxes left outside other rooms in her corridor, whose doors were labelled with signs to distinguish Olympians from other people working at the Games who tested positive, such as team staff.

She concluded the athletes were getting worse food, and underlined it with a picture of food served to her team doctor, who had also tested positive and was living two floors below. He had fresh fruit, a salad and prawns with broccoli.

„I honestly don‘t understand, why is there this attitude to us, the athletes?!“ she wrote.

Two days on from her criticism, Vasnetsova is still in quarantine …

06.02.2022 - 05:04 [ Michael P Senger / Twitter ]

25-year-old Belgian racer Kim Meylemans was taken unexpectedly to a Chinese government quarantine facility after testing COVID positive upon arrival in Beijing. She was released after recording this tearful video on Instagram.