Archiv: Dennis Kucinich

21.06.2023 - 13:50 [ New York Times ]

Why Robert Kennedy Jr.’s 2024 Bid Is a Headache for Biden

“Mr. Kennedy is the one person who has the qualities that can bring about the unity that most Americans are hungering for,” Mr. Kucinich said. “He speaks a language of conciliation and compassion.”

Besides fund-raising efforts, the Biden campaign has not had much of a public presence since its formal rollout in April. Top officials have spent time in recent days in Wilmington, Del., shopping for office space for a campaign headquarters that is expected to open in July, according to two people familiar with the discussions. The campaign, which has just a few employees on its payroll, is expected to add more staff members once its offices open.

22.07.2021 - 19:19 [ Chris Hedges / Consortium News ]

Chris Hedges: Kucinich Memoir Is a Moving Account of a Battle Against Corporate Power

When the “boy mayor” of Cleveland took a stand against privatization of public power, the region’s elites deployed every weapon they had, including attempted assassination.

29.03.2018 - 10:03 [ Fox News ]

Kucinich Praises Trump‘s Tariffs: ‚We‘ve Ended Up Being the Suckers of the World‘

(10.3.2018) On „Fox & Friends“ on Saturday morning, Kucinich, who‘s running for governor in Ohio, explained that steel has a $7.2 billion impact on The Buckeye State‘s economy, with 100,000 jobs directly or indirectly connected to steel production.

„This is an important moment,“ Kucinich said. „Ohio‘s lost so many jobs because of these bad trade agreements. Finally, we‘re seeing a correction here.”

29.03.2018 - 09:24 [ ]

Poll shows Dennis Kucinich and Richard Cordray tied in governor‘s primary

The results indicate Cordray may be struggling to catch on after a strong start both in fundraising and endorsements from figures around the state, while the upstart Kucinich‘s aggressive campaign schedule and progressive views may be clicking with Democratic voters.