Archiv: Deforestation

01.11.2020 - 02:28 [ Al Jazeera ]

Malaysia’s Indigenous people question timber sustainability

Communities in state of Sarawak on Borneo say forest is being felled without their consent and still being certified as sustainable.

13.03.2020 - 01:13 [ KINY ]

Federal court rules against old-growth Tongass logging plan

Eight conservation organizations, represented by the nonprofit environmental law firm Earthjustice, challenged the logging plan on the grounds that, among other claims, it had violated the National Environmental Policy Act, which gives people a say in government actions that will affect their communities.

29.01.2020 - 00:24 [ Mike Garrity / CounterPunch ]

Natural Gas Pipeline Corridor Threatens Imperiled Species and Inventoried Roadless Areas

We are giving the Forest Service the opportunity to address the serious legal problems with this decision before actually filing a lawsuit. For the sake of our public lands and wildlife – especially the imperiled species that will be harmed by this project – we truly hope the Forest Service reconsiders its decision and either cancels the project or takes the steps necessary to bring the project in compliance with federal law.

03.11.2019 - 22:21 [ Reuters ]

Thousands of Romanians protest against illegal logging, attacks on forest workers

Romania, which is home to some of Europe’s last remaining virgin forests and diverse wildlife, is losing an estimated three to nine hectares of forest per hour due to illegal logging, Greenpeace studies have shown.

08.01.2019 - 21:07 [ teleSUR ]

Brazil: Environment Agency Head Resigns After Bolsonaro‘s Trump-like Tweetstorm Attack

Suely Araujo, the head of Brazil’s environmental protection agency the Brazilian Institute of Environment and Renewable Natural Resources (Ibama) resigned Monday after far-right President Jair Bolsonaro criticized the amount of money it spends to rent vehicles, his latest attack on the agency.

19.10.2018 - 23:49 [ Reuters ]

Brazil front-runner proposals could lead deforestation to ‚explode‘: NGOs

The letter also condemned plans to combine the environment and agriculture ministry, as suggested by Bolsonaro’s top agriculture adviser last week.

“The subordination of these functions to agriculture, in addition to demonstrating a lack of knowledge of the subject, would generate insurmountable conflicts of interest and jeopardize four decades of progress in protecting the environment,” the letter said.

03.04.2018 - 19:23 [ teleSUR ]

Meat, Soy Industries Are Guilty of Deforestation, Human Rights Violations in Latin America: Report

The study released this week pointed to two United States-based agribusinesses, Cargill and Bunge, along with several European companies, as the critical drivers for the extensive destruction. These companies according to the report stood out for their role in the widespread damage caused to Latin American forest areas for soy in the Brazilian Cerrado and Bolivian Amazon Basin in a previous investigation.