Archiv: Defense Production Act

04.04.2020 - 14:32 [ ]

Kentucky Gov. Andy Beshear calls on 3M to release patent for N95 respirator amid pandemic

Gov. Andy Beshear wants multinational company 3M to release its patent for the N95 respirator — a desperately needed type of protective gear that‘s difficult to get during the coronavirus pandemic — so that more manufacturers can start making it.

04.04.2020 - 14:04 [ USA Today ]

Trump blasts 3M as company says mask demand far exceeds ability to produce them

Earlier Thursday, the White House invoked the Defense Production Act to acquire more masks with N95 respirators from 3M.

In a statement posted Friday, 3M said the White House formally invoked the act to prioritize N95 orders from the Federal Emergency Management Agency. The company also said it has gone „above and beyond“ to make enough respirators available in the U.S.

04.04.2020 - 13:57 [ ]

Coronavirus: face masks bound for Canada and Germany diverted to US

The delivery from mask manufacturer 3M was shipped from China and reloaded in Bangkok before it was to be transported to Germany by air freight. However, in Bangkok, the shipment was suddenly „redirected“ to the US, Berlin police confirmed.

04.04.2020 - 10:07 [ ]

Trump invokes Defense Production Act to prevent export of surgical masks, gloves

The White House said the order is intended to prevent “war profiteers” from hoarding supplies to generate foreign demand and then exporting the goods, and that it will not interfere with the ability of manufacturers to export personal protection equipment (PPE) “when doing so is consistent with United States policy.”

04.04.2020 - 10:03 [ ]

USA stoppen Export medizinischer Schutzausrüstung

Trump betonte zugleich, wenn bestimmte Länder wie etwa Spanien große Probleme hätten und längerfristige Bestellungen aufgegeben hätten, werde er solche Lieferungen nicht stoppen. Das wäre unfair, sagte der Präsident. Spanien ist wie die USA auch schwer von der Coronavirus-Krise getroffen.

19.03.2020 - 14:23 [ ABC News ]

Government response updates: Trump calls himself a ‚wartime president,‘ promises ‚total victory‘

President Donald Trump on Wednesday started his latest briefing to the nation on the government response to the coronavirus crisis by saying, „I would like to begin by announcing some important developments in our war against the Chinese virus,“ again casting the effort in military terms and referring to the disease with a term that has sparked backlash.

At one point, Trump called himself „in a sense, a wartime president.“

19.03.2020 - 14:20 [ ]

Trump Invokes A Cold War Relic, The Defense Production Act, For Coronavirus Shortages

The DPA is a law that has its origins in the War Powers Acts of World War II, which granted the executive branch broad powers to direct industrial production for the war effort. Those authorities were allowed to expire when the war was over, but in 1950, after Soviet-backed North Korea invaded South Korea, President Harry Truman revived those lapsed powers by persuading Congress to enact the DPA.