Archiv: Connecticut

29.03.2020 - 11:40 [ ]

Trump: Doch keine „Kriegserklärung“ gegen New York

Nein, Donald Trump will New York und andere Corona-Brennpunkte doch nicht abriegeln. Er hatte am Samstag laut – vor Mikrofonen – darüber nachgedacht, die Bundesstaaten New York und New Jersey sowie Teile von Connecticut zwei Wochen unter Quarantäne zu stellen. Und heftige Kritik einstecken müssen.

29.03.2020 - 11:12 [ ]

Donald Trump decides against quarantine for New York region

Donald Trump decided late on Saturday against imposing a broad lockdown on New York and its neighbours after a strong pushback from local political leaders and warnings of the panic it could spark.

29.03.2020 - 08:11 [ Fox News ]

Trump says coronavirus quarantine on New York, New Jersey, Connecticut not necessary, CDC issues 14-day ‚travel advisory‘

„A quarantine will not be necessary,“ he tweeted, noting that the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) would issue a „travel advisory“ later in the evening.

The CDC shortly after issued a Domestic Travel Advisory urging against „non-essential domestic travel“ in the tri-state area for 14 days.

29.03.2020 - 07:52 [ CNN / Youtube ]

Cuomo says possible NY quarantine ‚would be chaos and mayhem‘

New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo responds to President Donald Trump considering a short-term quarantine of coronavirus „hot spots,“ including New York.

29.03.2020 - 07:41 [ CNN ]

Cuomo: Quarantine would be federal declaration of war on states

New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo reacts to President Donald Trump floating the idea of a temporary quarantine for New York, New Jersey and Connecticut.

29.03.2020 - 07:36 [ ]

Trump considering quarantine for New York and parts of New Jersey, Connecticut

Trump suggested the quarantine would be travel based, meaning people inside the quarantine area couldn‘t travel to other places in the country. He also said he would talk to New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo (D) about the possible quarantine.

Cuomo said he had talked to the president Saturday morning but that they hadn‘t discussed a quarantine.