Archiv: Abdullah Abdullah

18.08.2021 - 18:43 [ ]

Former Afghan President Hamid Karzai holds talks with senior Taliban leader

A Taliban commander and senior leader of the Haqqani Network militant group, Anas Haqqani, met for talks with former Afghan President Hamid Karzai, a Taliban official told Reuters on Wednesday. Karzai was accompanied by Abdullah Abdullah, the head of the Afghan National Reconciliation Council.

17.05.2020 - 15:30 [ France24 ]

Afghanistan’s President Ghani signs power-sharing deal with rival Abdullah

„The Political Agreement between President Ghani and Dr. Abdullah Abdullah has just been signed,“ said Sediq Sediqqi, Ghani‘s spokesman, on Twitter. Abdullah would lead the council for peace talks with the insurgent Taliban and his team members would be included in cabinet, Sediqqi added.

24.03.2020 - 06:24 [ Tagesschau ]

Konflikt um Präsidentenamt: USA kürzen Hilfen für Afghanistan

Er hatte dort Staatschef Ashraf Ghani sowie dessen Erzrivalen Abdullah Abdullah getroffen, die seit der Wahl im vergangenen Jahr beide die Präsidentschaft für sich beanspruchen.

Die USA seien „enttäuscht“ über das Verhalten der beiden afghanischen Rivalen, erklärte Pompeo. Deren Versäumnis, eine Einheitsregierung zu bilden, habe die Beziehungen zwischen den USA und Afghanistan „beschädigt“.

23.03.2020 - 15:48 [ ]

Mike Pompeo lands in Afghanistan to salvage Taliban treaty

Pompeo will meet Afghan President Ashraf Ghani and his rival, ex-Chief Executive Abdullah Abdullah, who also proclaimed himself president after results of the September vote were published with a months-long delay.

The Kabul-Taliban prisoner swap, which is one of the steps outlined in the Doha agreement will allegedly be at the top of the agenda,