Daily Archives: 23. Januar 2018

23.01.2018 - 23:41 [ DiaNuke.org ]

Swedish Environmental Court Says NO to Nuclear Waste Repository, A Precedent Which Others Must Follow

In parallel with the Swedish Environmental Court proceedings, the Swedish Radiation Safety Authority (SSM) has been evaluating the application in accordance with the Act on Nuclear Activities. This morning, the Swedish Radiation Safety Authority announced their statement to the Swedish Government. They approved the license application based on the assumption that the industry has “potential to achieve” the safety requirements. The Authority decision is based the continual step-by-step assessment in accordance with the Act on Nuclear Activities.

23.01.2018 - 18:26 [ Digitalcourage e.V. ]

VW muss Kinder-Tracking stoppen!

Keiner der am Projekt Beteiligten klärt angemessen darüber auf, wohin die Daten der Kinder übermittelt werden. Weder Grundschulkinder noch ihre Eltern sind in der Lage, informiert zu entscheiden, ob sie sich mit GPS-Trackern und Apps überwachen lassen wollen.

23.01.2018 - 16:29 [ Ariana News ]

MoI: 19 Security Firms Still Operating to Protect Diplomatic Entities

More than three weeks ago, the security responsibility of Intercontinental Hotel in Kabul was handed over to Kabul Balkh Safety and Security Company. The company which failed to cope with the Taliban assailants who were able to penetrate security at one of the capital’s most prominent buildings on Saturday (Jan. 20) and launch a devastating attack.

23.01.2018 - 15:58 [ Independent ]

Kurdish forces in Syria launch powerful counterattack to set up extended battle against Turkey

(22.Januar) Turkey needs a swift success in Afrin because it is diplomatically isolated and there is growing international pressure to end the fighting. France has called for an emergency meeting of the UN Security Council to discuss the fighting in Afrin and other parts of Syria. Britain said it would look for ways to prevent escalation.

23.01.2018 - 15:34 [ Center on International Cooperation - New York University ]

The Public Cost of Private Security in Afghanistan Briefing Paper

(18.September 2009) „Nonetheless, building a credible public security sector is a long-term process; one that will not address the immediate security needs of international and national stakeholders in Afghanistan. Nor, in the longer term, will it completely replace the market for PSCs. The role of the ANA and ANP is not to provide static and convoy security; placing them in that role would detract from their essential task of safeguarding public security and safety – and deteriorate their performance of these responsibilities. The goal, therefore, should be a private security sector that is better regulated and controlled by the government of Afghanistan and, critically, by the international community that constitute their primary source of contracts and revenue“.

23.01.2018 - 15:22 [ KBSS – Kabul Balkh Safety & Security Company ]

About Us

KBSS at present serves and protects the interests of a number of major businesses, Companies, corporations, United Nations, Embassies, Government and Non-Government Organizations (NGOs), our services are extended in the Office Resident Marketplaces Hotels Isolated worsites Escorting Convoys Cash / Valuable Materials Carrying VVIP/VIP Protection Dedicated Quick Reaction Force, Intelligences Services and Security Situation Analysis.

23.01.2018 - 14:46 [ TAXItimes ]

Uber vereitelte mit „Ripley“ regelmäßig Hausdurchsuchungen

(18.Januar) Das für Ripley zuständige Team in Ubers Hauptquartier konnte per Fernzugriff sowohl Daten auf Smartphones, Laptops, Bürocomputern als auch diese Geräte komplett abschalten. Die Angestellten bekamen der Zeugenaussagen im Waymo-Fall zu Folge Laptops und Smartphones von Uber, so waren sie auch Ubers Eigentum. Die bekannte Routine hieß ursprünglich „Protokoll für unerwartete Besucher“ und wurde bald im Firmenjargon „Ripley“ genannt, nach dem Helden im Film „Alien“, der einen Befehl zur atomaren Vernichtung von Aliens gibt.

23.01.2018 - 14:21 [ United Nations Peacekeeping ]

Improving Security of United Nations Peacekeepers: We need to change the way we are doing business

During the past four years (2013 – 2017) a consistent increase in peacekeeper fatalities
due to violent acts resulted in 195 deaths.
This report, directed by the Secretary-General of the United Nations, uses internal United
Nations data and reporting to analyze the causes of fatalities
due to violent acts.

23.01.2018 - 13:13 [ Linus Torvalds / Linux Kernel Mailing List ]

Re: [RFC 09/10] x86/enter: Create macros to restrict/unrestrict Indirect Branch Speculation

(21.1.2018) Have you _looked_ at the patches you are talking about? You should have – several of them bear your name.

The patches do things like add the garbage MSR writes to the kernel entry/exit points. That‘s insane. That says „we‘re trying to protect the kernel“. We already have retpoline there, with less overhead.

So somebody isn‘t telling the truth here. Somebody is pushing complete garbage for unclear reasons. Sorry for having to point that out.

If this was about flushing the BTB at actual context switches between different users, I‘d believe you. But that‘s not at all what the patches do.

As it is, the patches are COMPLETE AND UTTER GARBAGE.

They do literally insane things. They do things that do not make sense. That makes all your arguments questionable and suspicious. The patches do things that are not sane.


And that‘s actually ignoring the much _worse_ issue, namely that the whole hardware interface is literally mis-designed by morons.

23.01.2018 - 13:05 [ derStandard.at ]

Linux-Erfinder Torvalds: Intel-Updates für Prozessorlücken „kompletter Müll“

Die kritischen Lücken in praktisch allen aktuellen Prozessoren halten nicht nur Intel, AMD und Co. auf Trab, sie bergen auch gehörige Herausforderungen für Betriebssystemhersteller. Und während selbst bei Microsoft in einzelnen Fällen schon die Verärgerung über die Hardwarepartner durchgeklungen ist, gibt man sich der Welt der freien Software prinzipiell weniger diplomatisch.

23.01.2018 - 12:35 [ Sueddeutsche.de ]

Kanzlerin an der Schmerzgrenze

Wenn die Koalitionsverhandlungen scheitern sollten, käme auch die Kanzlerin in schweres Fahrwasser. Bereits jetzt gilt sie in ihrer Partei – bei aller Wertschätzung – nur noch als Kanzlerin in der Restlaufzeit. Erfolgreiche Verhandlungen zur Bildung einer neuen großen Koalition würden Merkels Lage noch einmal stabilisieren, ein Scheitern hätte dagegen unkalkulierbare Folgen.

23.01.2018 - 12:31 [ Palestine News & Info Agency ]

Palestine observes a general strike as US vice president visits Jerusalem

A general strike was observed throughout Palestine on Tuesday in protest against a visit by United States Vice President Mike Pence to the old city of Jerusalem and US recognition of the holy city as capital of Israel.

Shops, banks, schools, government offices and businesses were shut down heeding the call by the political forces for the strike. Public transportation has also joined the strike. Excluded from the strike were hospitals and clinics and some educational facilities.

23.01.2018 - 12:26 [ Times of Israel ]

Palestinians call general strike to protest Pence visit to Jerusalem

Palestinian Authority Mahmoud Abbas’s Fatah party called for a general strike across “all Palestinian sectors” on Tuesday in response to a United States decision to recognize Jerusalem as the capital of Israel.

The strike was timed to coincide with the final day of US Vice President Mike Pence’s visit to Jerusalem.

23.01.2018 - 12:18 [ Reuters ]

Turkey seeks no clash with Russia, Syria, U.S., but will pursue Syria goals: minister

“Terrorists in Manbij are constantly firing provocation shots. If the United States doesn’t stop this, we will stop it,” Turkish Foreign Minister Mevlut Cavusoglu was quoted as saying on Tuesday.

“Our goal is not to clash with Russians, the Syrian regime or the United States, it is to battle the terrorist organisation,” broadcaster Haberturk quoted him as saying.

23.01.2018 - 09:29 [ Radio Utopie ]

Warum Präsident Steinmeier den Selbstmord von „S.P.D.“ und Schulz betrieb

Es war Bundespräsident Frank-Walter Steinmeier, der Martin Schulz und die „Sozialdemokratische Partei Deutschlands“ zu einer erneuten Wahl Koalition mit „C.D.U.“ / „C.S.U.“ drängte, weil Steinmeier seiner geschäftsführenden Kanzlerin Angela Merkel die Blamage einer für Neuwahlen notwendigen zweifachen Wahlniederlage im Bundestag ersparen und eine günstige Position der „S.P.D.“ bei Neuwahlen verhindern wollte. Diese hätten womöglich in eine „rot-rot-grüne“ Regierungskoalition mit dem Kanzler Schulz gemündet – eine Konstellation, die Schulz noch am 20. November nicht ausgeschlossen hatte.

Als Zwangsmaßnahme gegen die allgemeine kognitive Dissonanz, eine Chronologie und Erinnerung:

23.01.2018 - 09:29 [ Süddeutsche ]

Steinmeier mahnt Union und SPD zur Eile

Die Entscheidung über eine Regierungsbildung liege zwar bei den Parteien, sagte Steinmeier während eines Besuchs in Hamburg. „Ganz unabhängig davon spüren wir alle, dass die Menschen in Deutschland erwarten, dass jetzt, mehr als vier Monate nach der Bundestagswahl, wieder eine Regierung zustande kommt.“

23.01.2018 - 09:25 [ Korea Broadcasting System ]

Südkoreanische Delegation bricht zur Inspektion für gemeinsame Veranstaltungen nach Nordkorea auf

Es ist der erste Besuch von südkoreanischen Beamten in Nordkorea seit dem Betriebsstopp im innerkoreanischen Industriepark Kaesong im Februar 2016.

Die Delegation wird die Umgebung des Geumgang-Gebirges besuchen, wo beide Koreas anlässlich der Olympischen Winterspiele in PyeongChang eine gemeinsame Kulturveranstaltung austragen wollen. Es wird erwartet, dass die Delegation eine Aufführungshalle und weitere Anlagen in der Region besichtigen wird.

23.01.2018 - 09:23 [ Politico.com ]

NSA deleted surveillance data it pledged to preserve

Since 2007, the NSA has been under court orders to preserve data about certain of its surveillance efforts that came under legal attack following disclosures that President George W. Bush ordered warrantless wiretapping of international communications after the 2001 terrorist attacks on the U.S. In addition, the agency has made a series of representations in court over the years about how it is complying with its duties.

However, the NSA told U.S. District Court Judge Jeffrey White in a filing on Thursday night and another little-noticed submission last year that the agency did not preserve the content of internet communications intercepted between 2001 and 2007 under the program Bush ordered. To make matters worse, backup tapes that might have mitigated the failure were erased in 2009, 2011 and 2016, the NSA said.

23.01.2018 - 09:21 [ Techdirt ]

Spending Bill Would Give Administration Direct Control Of Surveillance Spending

We‘ve been given six more years of Section 702 collections, thanks to many, many Congressional representatives who just couldn‘t find it in their hearts to tell the dear old NSA „No.“ An extension was granted to push the „debate“ into 2018, but there was no debate to be had. Instead, oversight committees on both sides of the Congressional aisle used this time to push out zero-reform renewal packages that actually made Section 702 worse.

After a brief, two-week consideration of opposing views, things moved ahead as though the program had never been abused by the NSA and had never „inadvertently“ swept up US persons‘ communications without a warrant. The same politicians who complained about the NSA‘s power being in the hands of Donald Trump were the ones who voted for the passage of „reform“ bills increasing the agency‘s reach and grasp.

Now, Congressional reps are granting the Trump Administration even greater control of US spy powers.

23.01.2018 - 09:19 [ New York Times ]

Schumer Sells Out the Resistance

It’s hard to overstate how disgusted many progressive leaders are. “It’s Senator Schumer’s job as minority leader to keep his caucus together and stand up for progressive values and he failed to do it,” Ezra Levin, a co-founder Indivisible, a left-wing advocacy group modeled on the Tea Party, told me. “He led them off a cliff. They caved.” (An Indivisible chapter is planning a Tuesday evening protest outside Schumer’s Brooklyn apartment.) Representative Luis Gutiérrez, Democrat of Illinois, said in a statement, “This shows me that when it comes to immigrants, Latinos and their families, Democrats are still not willing to go to the mat.”

23.01.2018 - 04:25 [ Chna Economic Review ]

China struggles to convince parents to have a second child

The surprising results released by the National Bureau of Statistics last Thursday reinforce that sense even further. The data published revealed that the total annual number of births in China actually declined by 680,000 in 2017 compared to the previous year. The figure for annual childbirths stood at 17.3 million, much lower than the 21.95 million the Chinese government estimated would be born last year following the introduction of the two-child policy.

23.01.2018 - 04:01 [ Kyrillow's Journal ]

Sozialistischer Porno Deutschlands

(20.Januar) Da man zu Berlin nach 2 Grokos erst mal sondieren muss und einen Sondierungsvertrag ausgehandelt hat um einen Koalitionsvertrag aushandeln zu können um dann eine Regierung aushandeln zu können auf die die meisten Bewohner Deutschlands auch verzichten können will man dem Wahlvolk zeigen: die SPD ist aber schon noch so, dass sie junge Leute hat, die zu „Wir nehmen den Oppositionsauftrag an!“ stehen