Daily Archives: 29. Oktober 2017

29.10.2017 - 21:00 [ Radio Polen ]

Zwei Jahre nach den gewonnenen Parlamentswahlen bereitet sich die Regierung auf einen Regierungsumbau vor.

Zwei Jahre nach den gewonnenen Parlamentswahlen bereitet sich die Partei Recht und Gerechtigkeit (PiS) auf einen Regierungsumbau vor. Diesen Schritt kündigte diese Woche Premierministerin Beata Szydło an. Steht Polen ein politisches Erdbeben bevor, oder wird es sich um kosmetische Veränderungen handeln?

29.10.2017 - 20:55 [ Korea Times ]

Anti-US rallies may mar Trump‘s Seoul visit

„No Trump, no war,“ was one of the key messages shouted at Seoul‘s Gwanghwamun Square by some anti-U.S. groups. Led by the Korean Confederation of Trade Unions (KCTU), the country‘s second-largest umbrella trade union, they vowed to do all they can to mar U.S. President Donald Trump‘s state visit to Korea next month.

They called Trump a threat to peace on the Korean peninsula, saying they will follow him and stage protests during his visit.

29.10.2017 - 20:48 [ Chosun Ilbo (Südkorea) ]

‚Anarchist from Colony‘ Sweeps Daejong Awards

„Anarchist from Colony“ had a roaring night at this year‘s Daejong Film Awards at the Sejong Center for the Performing Arts in Seoul on Wednesday. The period drama swept five trophies including best director, best actress, best new actress, best costume design, and best art direction.

29.10.2017 - 20:47 [ Rubikon ]

Machen wir es selbst!

Es wird keine von den bekannten Parteien etwas für uns ändern. Sie sind selbst viel zu sehr im parlamentarischen System gefangen. Keine Partei sagt: „Wir stellen gemeinsam mit euch etwas auf die Beine.“. Es heißt immer: „Wählt uns, wir machen das dann für euch.“ Das verdeutlicht zum einen, dass es nur um Wählerstimmen und damit um parlamentarische Macht, nicht aber um die Veränderung an sich geht. Vor allem aber zeugt es vom zugrundeliegenden Menschenbild des dummen Wählers, der nicht in der Lage ist, die Komplexität der Sachverhalte zu überblicken und daher auch keine vernünftigen Entscheidungen zu treffen vermag. Dass aber jeder Mensch Fähigkeiten besitzt, die er zum Wohle Aller in die Gemeinschaft einbringen kann, wird schon im Kindergarten, spätestens aber in der Schule abtrainiert und es wird dafür gesorgt, dass eine Ellenbogengesellschaft entsteht und sich Potentiale gar nicht erst voll entfalten können.

29.10.2017 - 20:46 [ Arte ]

Demokratie auf Ungarisch

Die ungarische Regierung hat Sozialhilfen drastisch gekürzt und Obdachlosigkeit kriminalisiert. Während Europa meist nur mit verhaltener Kritik reagiert oder zuschaut, leistet eine Gruppe ungarischer Bürger Widerstand und kämpft um das Recht auf demokratische Teilhabe und um soziale Gerechtigkeit. Die Dokumentation begleitet sie und wird Zeuge von Ungerechtigkeiten, die in Ungarn zum Alltag gehören: Arbeiter, die in extreme Armut abrutschen; Familien, die per Zwangsräumung aus ihren Wohnungen vertrieben werden und deren Kinder in staatliche Obhut kommen. Es mangelt an Sozialwohnungen, und Obdachlosenheime sind in grauenhaften Zuständen.

29.10.2017 - 20:41 [ Präsident der Islamischen Republik Iran ]

President while receiving credentials of the new Finnish Ambassador to Tehran: Deepening Tehran-Helsinki economic, cultural, political ties essential / Welcoming Finnish entrepreneurs and investors

The president also referred to the vast natural, historical and cultural attractions in Iran and Finland, emphasising development of bilateral relations and strengthening of tourism between the two countries.

During the meeting, the new Finnish Ambassador to Tehran, Keijo Norvanto presented his letter of credence to the President of the Islamic Republic of Iran and said: „Tehran-Helsinki relations have been developing in recent years and senior officials of the two countries have had good relations and consultations“.

29.10.2017 - 20:37 [ Rubikon ]

Die Unabhängigkeit des Journalismus

In seiner unveröffentlichten Einleitung zur Farm der Tiere, das sich “der literarischen Zensur” im freien England widmet, fügte George Orwell einen Grund für diese Klugheit an: Es gebe, schrieb er, „eine allgemeine stillschweigende Übereinkunft, dass ‚es nicht angeht‘, diese bestimmte Tatsache zu erwähnen.“ Die stillschweigende Übereinkunft stellt eine „verschleierte Zensur“ auf der Grundlage „einer reinen Lehre, eines Corpus von Ansichten“ dar, „von denen man annimmt, dass alle vernünftigen Menschen sie fraglos akzeptieren“, und „jeder, der die vorherrschende Lehrmeinung infrage stellt, wird merken, dass er mit erstaunlicher Effektivität zum Schweigen gebracht wird“, ganz ohne „ein behördliches Verbot“.

29.10.2017 - 20:36 [ John B. Taylor / Stanford Universität ]

A Rules-Based International Monetary System for the Future

(Oktober 2015) Alan Greenspan summed up the empirical evidence well at a Federal Open Market Committee meeting in October 2000: “There is
no evidence, nor does anyone here [in the FOMC] believe that there is any evidence to confirm that sterilized in
tervention does anything.” (FOMC transcript, October 3, 2000, quoted in Bordo, Humpage, and Schwartz (2015)).

It is possible, of course, to move exchange markets temporarily even with sterilized intervention, but the impacts are uncertain. As I reported in Taylor (2007a, p. 276) based on my
experience observing each daily intervention by the Japanese in real time during the period from 2002-2003:

“If the Japanese intervene in the markets by buying a huge amount of dollars with yen, they can usually increase the price of the dollar relative to the yen. But the impacts of such interventions are temporary and their size is hard to predict because the volume of trading in the market is many times larger than even the largest interventions.”

Nevertheless, I believe that these temporary effects can lead policymakers to intervene in the markets because it is harder to
detect the offsetting effects as fundamentals soon overtake the intervention.

29.10.2017 - 20:35 [ CNBC ]

There‘s one Fed chair nominee Trump is considering who scares the market

„There is some movement towards selecting individuals who are focused in on rules, who are focused in on very specific models, and I believe that‘s a mistake,“ Abby Joseph Cohen, a semiretired high-profile strategist at Goldman Sachs, said at a Yahoo Finance conference earlier this week. „The next people who go onto the board really have to be people who are flexible in their thought processes and willing to take in a lot of new information.“

29.10.2017 - 20:27 [ Nachrichten.at ]

Trump kürt diese Woche Fed-Chef

Als Anwärter für den Posten gilt aber auch der Wirtschaftswissenschaftler John Taylor von der Universität Stanford. Taylor befürwortet ein Ende der von Yellen betriebenen Niedrigzinspolitik. Im Wahlkampf hatte Trump diese Politik kritisiert und Yellen dabei politische Motive vorgeworfen. Der Senat muss Trumps Wahl jedenfalls noch bestätigen.

29.10.2017 - 20:25 [ Ansa.it ]

Rosatellum confidence votes ‚violence‘ says Grasso

Analysts said he might be poised to join the leftwing MDP group, a splinter from the PD, which applauded his move.
PD Deputy Secretary Maurizo Martina said the party „regretted“ Grasso‘s departure.
Anti-establishment 5-Star Movement (M5S) leader Luigi Di Maio said Friday that President Sergio Mattarella should bear in mind Grasso‘s decision when it comes to signing the Rosatellum.
Di Maio added that in the PD „there remain only (leader Matteo) Renzi, the Renzi boys, and (ex-Berlusconi aide Denis) Verdini.“

29.10.2017 - 20:23 [ Kreml ]

Telephone conversation with President of Turkey Recep Tayyip Erdogan

Ahead of the seventh international meeting on Syria to be held in Astana on October 30–31, the two sides stressed the importance of stepping up efforts to ensure the functioning of de-escalation zones, fighting terrorism and promoting the political settlement in the Syrian Arab Republic.

The two leaders agreed to maintain personal contacts.

29.10.2017 - 20:18 [ Südtirolnews.it ]

Eine Million Menschen bei Pro-Spanien-Demo in Barcelona

Nach der Unterstellung Kataloniens unter die Zwangsverwaltung der Zentralregierung bemühten sich beide Seiten am Wochenende, den Unabhängigkeitsstreit nicht weiter anzuheizen.

Ein Regierungssprecher sagte am Samstag Reuters TV, es sei das Recht des entmachteten Regierungschefs Carles Puigdemont, weiter in der Politik aktiv zu bleiben

29.10.2017 - 20:10 [ derStandard.at ]

Neuwahl erwischt Kataloniens Separatisten am falschen Fuß

Die Wahlen stellen die Unabhängigkeitsbewegung vor ein grundlegendes Problem. Sie werden von Madrid organisiert. Eine Beteiligung käme der Anerkennung der spanischen Legalität und damit einer Absage an die soeben verkündete unabhängige Katalanische Republik gleich. Aber ein Wahlboykott birgt die Gefahr, in völliger Belanglosigkeit zu verkommen.

29.10.2017 - 20:08 [ Handelsblatt.com ]

Belgien, die Wallonen und die Flamen: Das gespaltene Land

(9.4.2014) Brüssel„Katalonien ist meine Heimat. Und Katalonien ist nicht Spanien.“ Pep Guardiola, der Trainer von Bayern München, ist wohl der bekannteste Spanier, der sich für die Abspaltung Katalonien von Spanien einsetzt. Doch die Katalanen sind nicht die einzigen, die unabhängig sein wollen: Nicht von Europa, aber von ihrem Land.

29.10.2017 - 20:06 [ Kurier.at ]

Asylangebot für Puigdemont: Kritik an belgischem Migrationsmi­nis­ter

Mit seinem Asyl-Vorschlag an die abgesetzte katalanische Regionalregierung hat ein nationalistischer belgischer Politiker auch im eigenen Land Kritik geerntet. Theo Francken, Belgiens Staatssekretär für Asyl und Migration, brachte am Sonntag sein Land als möglichen Zufluchtsort für Kataloniens Regionalpräsidenten Carles Puigdemont ins Spiel.

29.10.2017 - 19:43 [ Eleven (Myanmar) ]

More guns seized from disgraced tycoon’s properties

This case had garnered a lot of interest from the public for the tycoon’s brazen and mysterious act of transporting drugs and firearms through airport security. Many speculate that he had done this before without a hitch but something had gone awry this time.

Many also expressed concerned over the amount of deadly weapons and accessories found, especially since badges and tags of the uniforms boldly proclaim “National Security Agency”.

29.10.2017 - 19:42 [ Narinjara (Myanmar) ]

Handmade bombs exploded on Sittwe-Yangon highway

At least three bombs were exploded on Sittwe-Yangon highway in Minbya township of Arakan State on Tuesday evening, said the Arakan police.

According to the State police chief Aung Myat Moe, the bombs were planted between two Muslim villages namely Tant Sit and Set Kyar, 8 miles away from down town Minbya.

“The incident took place at around 7:20 pm when a passenger bus (named Gassipa Nadi) and three cargo vehicles/lorries arrived at the location. The bombs were handmade and none was injured in the explosion,” said the police chief.

29.10.2017 - 19:41 [ Eleven (Myanmar) ]

Myanmar signs security agreement with Bangladesh

Before a meeting, both high ranking officers held a preparatory meeting at the Horizon Lake View Hotel in Nay Pyi Taw, yesterday morning.

At the ministerial level meeting, both sides discussed about rule of law in the border area, reinforcement of border security, combating violence, the opening of border liaison offices, border trespassing, securitising arrivals and departures, as well as accepting of citizenship and elimination of narcotic drugs.

29.10.2017 - 18:54 [ New York Post ]

Trump demands Republicans ‘DO SOMETHING’ in Twitter meltdown

”Instead they look at phony Trump/Russia ​”collusion,” which doesn’t exist. The Dems are using this terrible (and bad for our country) Witch Hunt for evil politics, but the R’s ​are now fighting back like never before. There is so much GUILT by Democrats/Clinton, and now the facts are pouring out. DO SOMETHING!,” he said.

29.10.2017 - 18:53 [ Slate.com ]

As Russia Collusion Indictments Get Closer, Trump Goes on Offensive Against Clinton

Amid reports that Robert Mueller’s office is getting ready to make the first indictments public in the investigation into Russian collusion with Donald Trump’s campaign, the commander in chief wants everyone to focus on Hillary Clinton and the Democrats in general. The president went on a long, confusing tweetstorm Sunday morning that seemed to have one clear purpose: discredit any part of the Russian collusion investigation.

29.10.2017 - 18:48 [ El Pais ]

Orwell and Catalan doublespeak – Far from being a state clinging on to a Francoist past, Spaniards and Catalans love democracy

It is more difficult to comprehend why the opposition parties have been dubbed ‘fascist’ or ‘Francoist’ because of their concern for rules based politics. The image of General Franco is still potent in Spain – the dictator only died in 1975 – and the memory of his totalitarian regime is still very much alive. Separatists use the term to close down inconvenient arguments and silence critics. There is no need for any further debate if your opponent is a Francoist, right? But it is also echoed by foreign commentators whose knowledge of Catalan politics seems to be based on reading George Orwell’s Spanish civil war novel Homage to Catalonia and occasional trips to Barcelona. Orwell, himself a rigorously clear thinker, would have been appalled by some of the arguments in today’s debate in the Catalan parliament and the vote for secession.

29.10.2017 - 18:40 [ Shingetsu News Agency (Japan) ]

Why the Party of Hope is a Real Threat

Granted, Koike poses a serious threat in another direction too, and that is to Article Nine of the Constitution and liberal politics in general. Despite a few pseudo-progressive elements, Koike is undoubtedly a hard right politician, not very different in outlook from Shinzo Abe. She is a more modern conservative—without Abe’s hangups about his family history or rewriting the war—but she has already shown alarming flashes of racism toward resident Koreans and is no less hawkish than the incumbent.

29.10.2017 - 18:37 [ Xinhua ]

Xi ruft zu Aufbau einer starken Armee auf

„Wir sollten danach streben, die Streitkräfte des Volkes bis Mitte des 21. Jahrhunderts vollständig in ein Weltklasse-Militär zu transformieren“, sagte Xi.

Xi sagte, dass die ZMK sich in den letzten fünf Jahren bemüht habe, eine Armee aufzubauen, die dem Kommando der KPCh folge, in der Lage sei, Schlachten zu gewinnen und eine gute Arbeitsweise habe.

29.10.2017 - 18:33 [ Norient ]

Haftbefehl: Scheine statt Pumpgun

(27.Oktober) «Wie der Hirsch schreit nach frischem Wasser, so schreit seine Seele nach Geld, dem einzigen Reichtum», schrieb Karl Marx über die Geldversessenheit der Bourgeoisie. Ein Prinzip, das unterschiedslos auch auf Rüstungsproduzentinnen, Diamantenhändler, Bankangestellte, Drogeriefachmarktverkäufer oder kleinkriminelle Drogendealerinnen anzuwenden ist. «Saudi Arabi Money Rich» macht Schluss mit dem guten Gewissen der Klassengesellschaft, macht Schluss mit der bürgerlichen Vorstellung von Moral und beschränkt die Botschaft unserer Gesellschaftsordnung auf das, was zu hören ist, wenn man genau zuhört: Setz dich durch! Rücksichtlos! Und fick deinen Illuminatentrip!

29.10.2017 - 13:56 [ Haaretz ]

In Highly Rare Move, Israel to Demolish Five Palestinian Residential Buildings Behind Separation Barrier

The Jerusalem municipality is preparing to demolish five buildings with a total of 138 apartments – only a small number of them are currently occupied – in Kafr Aqab in northern Jerusalem.

Last week the Jerusalem District Court rejected the village residents’ appeal against the demolition order, permitting the city to knock down the illegally-built structures immediately. If the demolition takes place, it will be the first one in Kafr Aqab since 2001.

29.10.2017 - 13:43 [ al-sura.com ]

BREAKING: Kurdish MP Rabun Maruf attacked by KDP Members and press in front of Parliament

Concerns currently are that Masoud Barzani will leave the presidency to his son or nephew while maintaining a tight control behind the scenes where he is less criticised. He has so far not been seen publicly since the loss of Kirkuk city. Given the tribal nature of the Kurdish Region of Iraq the transition of power within the Barzani family is expected and the continuation of many ministries controlled by the family is again expected to continue.

29.10.2017 - 13:31 [ trt.net.tr ]

Barsani kündigt Rückzug an

Sein Hauptberater Hemin Hawrami gab über Twitter bekannt, dass Barsani die Verlängerung seiner Amtszeit abgelehnt und diesbezüglich an das Parlament der irakisch-kurdischen Regionalverwaltung im Norden des Irak einen Brief geschickt hat.

29.10.2017 - 13:30 [ rudaw.net ]

Peshmerga and Iraqi army meet in Mosul to negotiate possible truce

(28.10.2017) „The main task of this joint technical committee is to allow the deployment without violence of federal forces along the borders,“ Saad al-Hadithi, spokesperson for Iraqi Prime Minister Haider al-Abadi‘s spokesman, told AFP.

Baghdad wants to bring official border crossings with Turkey and Syria under its control.

29.10.2017 - 13:17 [ algemeiner.com ]

Iraqi Kurds Feel ‘Abandoned’ by the US, as Israel Offers Support

(26.10.2017) Dr. Kamal Sido, a Syrian Kurd who works at the Society for Threatened Peoples — a German human rights NGO — told JNS.org that, “It is the biggest scandal that the Iraqi government is fighting with American weapons against Kurdish cities and villages in Iraq.”

Sido also criticized the US for supporting a Shia-ruled Iraqi government that is “controlled by the Iranian regime.”

29.10.2017 - 13:16 [ jns.org ]

Netanyahu reportedly lobbying world leaders to support Iraqi Kurds

(20.10.2017) Israeli officials have said Netanyahu “raised the Iraqi Kurds’ plight in phone calls with German Chancellor Angela Merkel last week and with Russian President Vladimir Putin on Wednesday,” Reuters reported. The report added that the issue has also come up in communication with France, and that Israeli National Security Adviser Meir Ben-Shabbat has been discussing the Kurds with the Trump administration.

29.10.2017 - 12:47 [ Jerusalem Post ]

Catalan independence advocate looks to Israel, Germany for funding

(24.11.2014) Without initial membership in the European Union, an independent Catalan state could not appeal to the Central Bank of Europe to finance its debts, said Vidal, a member of a pro-Catalan independence expert group.

„But there is a solution for this,“ Vidal said in the interview adding that „another state with solvency, basically speaking of Israel and Germany, will serve as our temporary bank.“

29.10.2017 - 12:46 [ Regierung von Katalonien ]

President Mas: „Israel is a strategic country for Catalonia and we want to continue strengthening our cooperation“

(11.11.2013) This morning the president of the Government of Catalonia, Artur Mas, reiterated that „Israel is a strategic country for Catalonia in many ways“ and that the government‘s aim with this trip is to „strengthen our cooperation and maintain the good relations between the two countries“ since diplomatic relations were restored in 1986. “Israel is a country Catalonia should interact with in the best possible conditions“ Mas declared, and „we, having cooperated together for years, wish not to abandon this relationship, we want to emphasise it“.

29.10.2017 - 12:43 [ Jerusalem Post ]

Amid Spanish sparring, Israel unlikely to recognize Catalonia

The sources confirmed a Channel 10 report from Friday night that Spain has turned to Israel, as well as other friendly countries around the world, to issue a statement in favor of Madrid’s position against the independence move. The Spanish ambassador turned both to the Prime Minister’s Office and the Foreign Ministry regarding the issue.