Daily Archives: 10. September 2017

10.09.2017 - 20:43 [ nknews.org ]

Ahead of possible oil embargo, fuel prices spike further in Pyongyang

Gas prices are set to further increase in North Korea as the United Nations prepares to vote Monday on a new sanctions package that may include a full oil product embargo to North Korea.
Gas stations in Pyongyang told foreign residents that a new price hike is anticipated on gas supplies, informed sources told NK News on Saturday, though new rates have yet to be established. In addition, new restrictions have, since Thursday, been preventing customers from filling up jerry cans to buy extra supplies, the sources added, while a number of gas stations have closed in the city.

10.09.2017 - 15:40 [ Washington Post ]

Netanyahu’s son posts classic anti-Semitic meme, drawing praise from neo-Nazis

In this instance, it depicts his father‘s perceived foes: American Jewish billionaire philanthropist and investor George Soros, outspoken former Israeli prime minister Ehud Barak, activist Eldad Yaniv and Meni Naftali, a former housekeeper for the Netanyahu’s who successfully sued them for mistreatment.

Netanyahu captioned the meme “the food chain.”

10.09.2017 - 15:39 [ Reuters ]

Syria army, U.S.-backed forces converge on Islamic State in separate offensives

The U.S.-backed Syrian Democratic Forces alliance of mostly Kurdish and Arab militias (SDF) said it had reached Deir al-Zor’s industrial zone, just a few miles to the east of the city after launching operations in the area in recent days.

The Syrian army and its allies, backed by Iran and by Russian air cover, meanwhile advanced from the west to seize full control of the Deir al-Zor-Damascus highway, a Hezbollah-run media unit reported.

10.09.2017 - 15:36 [ Junge Welt ]

Vormarsch auf Deir Al-Sor

Sie rücke von Osten her auf Deir Al-Sor vor, um den IS aus dem Gebiet östlich des Euphrat zu verdrängen, so SDF-Kommandeur Ahmed Abu Khawla am Samstag in Abu Fas. Derweil stehen die syrischen Regierungstruppen mit Unterstützung Russlands, der libanesischen Hisbollah und weiterer Milizen davor, die gleichnamige Provinzhauptstadt zu befreien.

10.09.2017 - 13:19 [ southfront.org ]

US-Led Coalition ‘Will Not Allow’ Syrian Army To Cross Euphrates River In Deir Ezzor – Reports

Meanwhile, a member of the SDF-linked Raqqa Civil Council claimed that Major General Robert Jones, Deputy Commander-in-Chief of the US-led coalition, said in a meeting that the US-led coalition will not allow the regime forces to bypass the Euphrates River.

Others even claimed that Jones threatened to strike any units of the Syrian Arab Army (SAA) if it crossed the Euphrates River. However, none of these claims have been confirmed by the US-led coalition so far.

10.09.2017 - 13:10 [ Rudaw.net ]

UPDATE: Arab League leader in Erbil to persuade Kurds to call off referendum

President Masoud Barzani told the visiting Arab League chief that it is not the decision of an individual to delay the referendum in response to a request from the head of the pan-Arab group for Kurdistan to postpone the vote “for a period of time” while talks are held between Erbil and Baghdad under the watch of the international community.

10.09.2017 - 08:53 [ Heise.de ]

Nach kolossalem Hack bei Wirtschaftsauskunftei: Schiefe Optik bei Equifax

Nach eigenen Angaben hat die Wirtschaftsauskunftei Equifax am 29. Juli bemerkt, dass sich Unbefugte an ihrem Datenschatz bedienten. Datensätze über 143 Millionen US-Amerikaner mit deren Namen, Sozialversicherungsnummern, Geburtsdaten, Adressen und teilweise auch Führerscheindaten waren in falsche Hände gelangt. Dazu kommen Opfer in Kanada sowie Großbritannien und Nordirland.

10.09.2017 - 08:05 [ Haaretz / googleusercontent.com ]

When David Duke Agrees With Netanyahu‘s Son: As Probes Intensify, the Prime Minister and His Family Lose Control

After the neo-Nazi demonstration in Charlottesville last month, which ended with the death of a left-wing female protester, Netanyahu Jr. – “Hun,” as he calls himself on his Facebook page – published a post that actually equated the racists and anti-Semites with those demonstrating against them.

If we thought, or hoped, it was a one-time blip, Friday’s post proved that the lad – whose father presents him proudly to world leaders as “the best election strategist in Israel,” and for whom he plans a bright future in domestic politics – enjoys flirting with anti-Semitic ideas.

10.09.2017 - 08:03 [ Daily Mail ]

Saudi government ‚paid two citizens to pose as students in US and perform dry runs for 9/11‘, lawsuit claims

– New evidence claims Saudi Arabia funded 9/11 ‚dry run‘ just two years before
– The complaint was filed on behalf of more that 1,400 family members
– In 1999, both men reportedly tried multiple times to gain access to the cockpit of an America West flight to Washington
– The plane was forced to land, and they were arrested by the FBI
– They were later released, however, and no charges were brought against them
– The plaintiffs also say that the two men trained with some of the hijackers at an Al Qaeda training facility in Afghanistan