In seinem der APA vorliegenden Entwurf des Ausschussberichts wirft Rohrer dem Konzern vor, rund um die Gegengeschäfte „undurchschaubare Geldflüsse“ bewirkt und damit Österreich gegenüber „treuwidrig“ gehandelt zu haben. Kritik übt der Bericht auch an Ex-Verteidigungsminister Norbert Darabos (SPÖ).
Daily Archives: 30. Juli 2017
Chinese province with Muslim minority asks citizens to install surveillance app
The Chinese government is known for having strict policies about the internet and the apps that its citizens use. Now, it’s requiring an app to be installed to keep tabs on the Muslim populace.
Apple’s capitulation to China’s VPN crack-down will return to haunt it at home
But by doing so, Apple has clearly decided to put its business before the interests of the population, opposition leaders and activists.
Addressing unjust US surveillance policies
Members of Congress should be taking active steps to prevent these spying and wartime technologies from being used against the communities they represent. And all of us must start asking more questions about what our government is doing, especially under the direction of those currently in charge.
Sanctions against China, Russia, Iran and North Korea. Part of a Global Military Agenda. Pentagon’s World War III Scenario
…The main sponsor of Islamic terrorism is US intelligence.
Indian Independence: Forged in Washington?
The shift from cash towards digital transactions is being spearheaded by Bill Gates and US financial corporations who will profit from the mark up on digital payments. Modi is seemingly a willing partner in this. His brand of nationalism is a cheap diversionary con-trick to make India a fully paid up client state of the US. Control food you control people. Control digital payments (and remove cash), you can control and monitor everything a country and its citizens do and pay for.
We Need a Broad-Based Movement to Stop Killing at Home and Across the Globe
Yet making connections with other movements have been critical in counteracting the behemoth military-industrial complex. Moving forward, finding more effective ways of universalizing resistance to militarism across issues and continents, is key to building a more peaceful world.
Tehran, Baghdad launch talks to refine Iraqi Kirkuk’s oil in Iran
Iranian Oil Minister Bijan Namdar Zanganeh and his Iraqi counterpart Jabar al-Luaibi have joined a new round of oil talks in Tehran
Gazprom, Iran’s OIEC sign deal over oil fields
The cooperation agreement between Gazprom and OIEC was signed by the heads of the two companies in Russia’s Saint Petersburg.
Las millonarias pensiones de invalidez a ex funcionarios sanos de las FF.AA. y CNI Fuente
A estos pensionados se les otorga en promedio 1$ millón mensual, contra los $190 mil, de la pensión de invalidez civil.
Erneuter Aufruf zu Protesten gegen Rentensystem in Chile
Deshalb war der Skandal besonders groß, als vor wenigen Tagen bekannt wurde, dass Pensionierte des chilenischen Militärs, der Polizei und des ehemaligen Geheimdienstes Arbeitsunfähigkeit vorgetäuscht haben, um höhere Renten zu kassieren. Sie haben zusätzlich zur staatlichen Rente, die nur diesen Institutionen zusteht, jahrelang Invalidenrenten von umgerechnet bis zu 8.000 Euro monatlich erhalten, obwohl sie vollkommen gesund waren.
Schüsse in Diskothek in Konstanz: Zwei Tote und drei Schwerverletzte
Die Polizei schließt einen terroristischen Hintergrund aus.
Insgesamt wurden drei Menschen schwer verletzt. Demnach schoss der mutmaßliche Täter gegen 4:30 Uhr in der Diskothek um sich. Der 34-jährige Iraker wurde nach dem Verlassen der Diskothek bei einem Schusswechsel mit Polizeibeamten lebensgefährlich verletzt und erlag in einem Krankenhaus seinen Verletzungen. Das meldet die Polizei.
CIA Gives More Power to Spies to Bolster Intelligence Operations
„Look, our primary mission is foreign intelligence,“ Pompeo told the Washington Free Beacon.
„That is at the core of what we do, and so the ability to go collect against the most difficult places, the most difficult targets in a way that is not one off, that is deep and robust and redundant, is something this agency is really good at when they are allowed to do it. And the president is going to go let us do it.“
Similar to the Pentagon shift in giving military commanders greater authority to act in the field, the CIA is unleashing its spying power—clandestine operations, intelligence analysis, and technical prowess.
The CIA chief said decentralizing spying authority presents both risks and promise.
Verfahren wegen umstrittener Justizreform: Polen warnt EU vor „bösen Emotionen“
In einem weitergehenden Schritt könnte Brüssel ein Verfahren nach Artikel 7 des EU-Vertrags einleiten, das im äußersten Fall zur Aussetzung der Stimmrechte eines Mitgliedsstaats führen kann. Als Hindernis gilt dabei, dass Ungarn angekündigt hat, Polen mit seinem Veto beiseitezustehen. Zur Möglichkeit, dass die EU ein solches Verfahren zugleich gegen Ungarn und Polen einleiten und so ein ungarisches Veto umgehen könnte, meinte Waszczykowski: „Es ist nicht möglich, gegen zwei Länder dasselbe Verfahren anzuwenden.“
Katerstimmung bei Macron: Doch keine Flüchtlingshotspots in Libyen
Für den Feldversuch wurde das Grenzgebiet zwischen Libyen, dem Niger und Tschad auserkoren. Der Élysée-Palast erklärte dazu, man habe eine Zone „im Süden Libyens, im Nordosten Nigers und im Norden des Tschad“ identifiziert, wo sich derartige Hotspots errichten ließen. Weiter hieß es, dass ein solches Vorhaben in Libyen „momentan nicht möglich“ sei. Dies „könnte jedoch kurzfristig der Fall sein“.
Die Bundesregierung erklärte derweil, dass man Macrons Vorschlag prüfen werde.
Psychologists, Architects of CIA Experimental Torture Program
Two CIA psychologists, who were architects of the CIA’s torture program, have resorted to defense arguments once used by accused Nazi war criminals in order to claim they should not be held liable for torture.
James Mitchell and Bruce Jessen were contracted by the CIA to develop, implement, and personally administer the agency’s experimental torture program against detainees in the War on Terrorism.
A Death Sentence for Democracy
Whether Netanyahu intends to instate the death sentence for terrorists, or whether he‘s lying to placate his constituency, he‘s unworthy of leading a democracy
China‘s Xi calls for building elite forces during massive military parade
It was the first time China has marked Army Day, which formally falls on Aug. 1, with a military parade since the Communist revolution in 1949, state news agency Xinhua said.
It was also the first time Xi has reviewed troops in the field like this, Xinhua added.
NSU-Prozess: Bundesanwalt stellt Geheimdiensten Persilschein aus
Am Dienstag begannen im NSU-Prozess vor dem Oberlandesgericht München die Plädoyers. Die Bundesanwaltschaft forderte die Verurteilung der Hauptangeklagten Beate Zschäpe als Mittäterin bei allen Morden und Anschlägen der rechtsextremen Terrororganisation „Nationalsozialistischer Untergrund“ (NSU).
Zum Beginn des Mammut-Plädoyers der Bundesanwaltschaft, das sich über insgesamt 22 Stunden an mehreren Prozesstagen erstrecken soll, befasste sich Bundesanwalt Herbert Diemer allerdings nicht mit Beate Zschäpe und ihren vier Mitangeklagten. Stattdessen stellte er den staatlichen Sicherheitsbehörden einen Persilschein aus. Er wies alle Vorwürfe staatlicher Vertuschung oder der Verstrickung staatlicher Behörden in die Taten des NSU vehement zurück.
Immigration agents planning raids next week targeting teenage gang members
(21.7.2017) In a statement to the news outlet, ICE said that teenagers can be identified in their database as gang members if they meet two or more criteria of gang identifiers, including having gang tattoos, wearing gang apparel or being frequently spotted in an area known for heavy gang activity.
‚Tonight‘s forecast SNOW‘: Shocking cocaine adverts from 1970s America that would NEVER be allowed today
Dozens of glossy adverts sold paraphernalia, such as the Sno-Blo nose doucher and luxury razor blades made out of jade and gold, for millions of drug-crazed Americans.
Terror raids in Sydney: Police storm homes in Lakemba, Wiley Park, Punchbowl and Surry Hills
„He didn’t mix with anyone, he kept himself to himself and sometimes family members would visit; the only time you saw him is when he stood in the backyard watching his nieces and nephews playing cricket.”
Another neighbour said he lived there with his brother and the two nurtured a community of stray cats.
“He and his brother would feed about 15 cats and when we complained that they were bringing ticks and diseases into the block, they would walk off,” the woman who asked not to be named said.
6 arrested as police, Homeland Security carry out Suffolk raids
Police say the arrests were made during raids at four bars and restaurants in Huntington Station that were targeted for alleged gang activity and other illegal activity.
Among the establishments raided were El Triunfo Taverna, Safiro Bar, and La Perfecta Bar and Restaurant. Authorities say they also discovered an illegal gambling operation in the basement of the Santa Rosa Restaurant.
Trump: MS-13 gang members are ‚animals‘
President Trump makes remarks to law enforcement officials about cracking down on MS-13 gang members.
Anybody hear about #MS13 before today? Me neither. BS excuse to crack down on immigrants and sanctuary cities. #PressBriefing
LONG ISLAND IS NOT UNDER SIEGE!!! I‘ve live here my entire life and I‘d never heard of #MS13 until you brought it up. #LiarInChief
Departing for Long Island now. An area under siege from #MS13 gang members. We will not rest until #MS13 is eradicated. #LESM
Trump will Jugendgang MS-13 aus US-Städten vertreiben
Trump hatte bereits am Dienstag in einer Rede vor Anhängern im US-Staat Ohio verkündet, dass seine Regierung dabei sei, die US-Städte mit Razzien von „blutdürstigen kriminellen Gangs“ zu „befreien“. Er fügte hinzu, dass dies nicht auf „die politisch korrekte Art“ getan werde. „Unsere Kerle sind rauer als ihre Kerle“, prahlte er.
Polizei sperrte G20-Demonstranten grundlos ein
Das habe ein Sprecher der Hamburger Polizei der Zeitung mitgeteilt, berichtete die „F.A.S.“. Nach dem Bericht waren die teilweise minderjährigen Leute, darunter auch Mitglieder der Gewerkschaftsjugend und der Alevitischen Jugend, Anfang Juli bei der Anfahrt zur Samstags-Demonstration in Hamburg über Stunden ohne nähere Begründung von der Polizei festgehalten und in der Gefangenensammelstelle schlecht behandelt worden.
Bundeswehr in Munster: Soldat stirbt nach Übung
An dem Tag, dem 19. Juli, seien bei der praktischen Ausbildung nahe dem Standort im niedersächsischen Munster noch drei weitere Soldaten zusammengebrochen, und zwar über den Tag verteilt.
Sampling Stories Vol. 9: Dr. Das
(21. Juli) Nearly thirty years on, sampling remains central to the tracks of English producer Aniruddha Das. Although he takes most of his samples of Indian and Arabic percussion from two CDs, his creative strategies in processing them are almost limitless and ever developing. As a part of Asian Dub Foundation and more recently also with his personal project Dr. Das he understands sampling as a political, yet militant instrument. In the interview he gives insight into his sampling practice and talks about musical exoticism, political meaning, and the use of distortion within his tracks, self-labelled as «dubnoiz».
The Invincible by Endurance
The planet Regis is uninhabited; man has no business being here… It‘s no different than if the men had perished in an earthquake or a thunderstorm. We haven‘t been confronted by someone‘s conscious, purposeful effort or some hostile will. Nothing but an inorganic process of self-organization… Is it worth wasting our energy and strength to destroy it, simply because from the start we‘ve considered it an enemy lying in wait for us…?
Stanislaw Lem, The Invincible
released May 22, 2017
US Aircraft Carrier Changes Course after Facing IRGC Navy Missile-Launching Frigate
„The USS Nimitz aircraft carrier and an accompanying cruiser flew a helicopter and approached the IRGC‘s vessels on Friday 4pm while they were monitored and traced by the missile-launching frigates of Zolfaqar Naval regiment of the IRGC Navy‘s fourth zone in Resalat oil-gas region (in the middle parts of the Persian Gulf),“ the IRGC Navy said in a statement on Saturday.