Daily Archives: 24. Juli 2017

24.07.2017 - 19:04 [ WSWS ]

Bayern führt zeitlich unbegrenzten Gewahrsam für Gefährder ein

(22.7.2017) Das Gesetz richtet sich dabei weder gegen Terroristen noch gegen anarchistische Randalierer. Es dient dazu, den wachsenden Widerstand gegen die Rückkehr des deutschen Militarismus und die wachsende soziale Ungleichheit zu unterdrücken. Jeder, der der rechten Politik sämtlicher Bundestagsparteien entgegentritt, soll eingeschüchtert und eingesperrt werden. Nicht umsonst kann die Schutzhaft auch bei der Gefährdung „erheblicher Eigentumspositionen“ verhängt werden, also etwa zur Unterdrückung missliebiger Streiks eingesetzt werden.

24.07.2017 - 18:29 [ German Foreign Policy ]

Beihilfe zur Hungersnot (II)

Die Bundesrepublik setzt entgegen anderslautenden Ankündigungen die Aufrüstung Saudi-Arabiens fort und beliefert die saudische Küstenwache mit Patrouillenbooten. Vergangene Woche sind zwei solche Boote aus der Wolgaster Peene-Werft nach Saudi-Arabien ausgeschifft worden; sie sind Teil eines rund 1,5 Milliarden Euro umfassenden Deals, der die Lieferung von mehr als 100 Booten an die Küstenwache sowie die Marine des Landes umfasst. Hauptauftragnehmer ist die Bremer Lürssen-Werft. Die Lieferung erfolgt, obwohl Riad im Jemen einen weltweit heftig kritisierten Krieg führt und das Land mit einer Seeblockade abschottet, die eine verheerende Hungersnot ausgelöst hat und eine grassierende Cholera-Epidemie verschärft. Für die Seeblockade kann Saudi-Arabien vermehrt auf deutsche Patrouillenboote zurückgreifen.

24.07.2017 - 18:05 [ Jewish Telegraphic Agency ]

Jason Greenblatt, Trump’s envoy, heads to Israel to help reduce Temple Mount tensions

“President Trump and his administration are closely following unfolding events in the region,” a senior administration official told JTA on Sunday night, speaking on condition of anonymity and reporting Greenblatt’s departure.

“The United States utterly condemns the recent terrorist violence, including the horrific attack Friday night that killed three people at their Shabbat dinner table in Halamish, and sends condolences to the families of the innocent victims,” the official said. “We are engaged in discussions with the relevant parties and are committed to finding a resolution to the ongoing security issues.”

24.07.2017 - 17:59 [ Jerusalem Post ]

Think About It: A field day for Bibi-watchers

First of all, Netanyahu believes that he is the only real barrier to an Israeli withdrawal to the 1967 borders (totally false) and to the return of the political Left to power (circumstantially correct).

He referred to the two successful attempts of the Labor Party in the past 25 years (by Yitzhak Rabin in 1992 and by Ehud Barak in 1999) to replace the Likud as having been based on false accusations of corruption in Likud,

24.07.2017 - 17:53 [ Keep Talking Greece ]

Schaeuble says “Greece is on a good path,” reveals SPD had agreed on Grexit

Schaeuble claimed that “almost all European finance ministers agreed that it would be better for Greece to leave the European Union.”

He revealed that coalition partner Sigmar Gabriel (SPD), an economy minister at that time had also agreed on Grexit. “I was in agreement with Mr. Gabriel, too, before I left for Brussels,” he noted.

24.07.2017 - 17:45 [ theIntercept.com ]

Paid FBI Informant Leading Counterterror Case Ran Wire Fraud Scams on the Side

A confidential informant who helped ensnare three Florida men as ISIS supporters in an FBI sting was simultaneously running wire fraud scams on the side.

Gregory Hubbard, Dayne Antani Christian, and Darren Arness Jackson all lived in or near West Palm Beach, Florida. It’s unclear how they first met the FBI’s informant, Mohammed Agbareia, but according to FBI documents, Hubbard and Agbareia were friendly enough by April 2015 that Hubbard felt comfortable emailing him a 100-page e-book published by ISIS.

24.07.2017 - 17:42 [ Haaretz ]

When Right-wing anti-Semites Call, the Jewish State Answers

(12.7.2017) If you happened to catch some of the widespread coverage this incident received, and the outrage that followed, you may have deduced – quite reasonably – that seeing Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and Israel’s far-right so willing, even eager, to vindicate foreign far-right extremists with anti-Semitic tendencies for the sake of political expediency is unusual and shocking.

Except it isn’t.

24.07.2017 - 17:15 [ Al Monitor ]

Golan residents renounce Israeli plan to hold local elections

After a general meeting July 11, the Golanese issued a statement that said, “The Israeli goal behind the elections is to have the Golanese recognize the occupation as legitimate.” They said, “Israel has no right to impose its laws on the Syrian population and force it to give up its national identity.”

24.07.2017 - 16:59 [ teleSUR ]

UN Issues Alert after 240 Colombians Forced to Flee Homes

The latest U.N. alert comes as violence in Colombia continues to escalate, particularly in areas where members of the Armed Revolutionary Forces of Colombia, FARC, have demobilized. While the Colombian government has insisted paramilitary groups are no longer a problem, the targeted murder of social leaders has raised alarms.

24.07.2017 - 09:03 [ Haaretz ]

Netanyahu: Submarine Deal Will Go Ahead as Planned Once Probe Ends

(20.7.2017) Netanyahu also said that all government decisions regarding purchasing submarines and other sea vessels were transparent and objective. When asked about former navy commander Major General Eliezer Marom being questioned on the matter, Netanyahu replied, “I don’t know what’s corruption and what isn’t corruption in the submarine affair. I’m not going to judge people. There is a presumption of innocence. I don’t know if anything is going to come out of this.”

24.07.2017 - 08:57 [ der Aktionär ]

ThyssenKrupp: Die Milliarden-Chance

Analyst Marc Gabriel vom Bankhaus Lampe ist aber sehr zuversichtlich, dass sich ein Zusammenschluss mit Tata auszahlen wird. „Die Bilanz dürfte sich deutlich verbessern. Insbesondere dank der At-Equity-Bewertung würde ein milliardenschwerer Buchgewinn in der Sparte Steel Europe erzielt“, so der Experte.

24.07.2017 - 08:55 [ zeit.de ]

Kauder für wirtschaftlichen Druck auf Ankara

Im Streit zwischen der Türkei und Deutschland hält Unionsfraktionschef Volker Kauder das Ausüben von wirtschaftlichem Druck für ein geeignetes Mittel, um Einfluss auf Ankara zu nehmen. „Wir wissen, dass die Türkei erhebliche wirtschaftliche Probleme hat“, sagte Kauder im ARD-„Morgenmagazin“.

24.07.2017 - 08:52 [ theGuardian.com ]

Anger and mistrust in Gaza as Hamas hunts for Israel ‚collaborators‘

(19.7.2017) Israel has officially denied the Hamas claim that it was responsible for the killing. But it has previously assassinated senior militants from the air and Israel has without doubt recruited collaborators in the territory.

Since Hamas took control of the region in 2007, Gaza has been subject to exceptionally close cyber and electronic surveillance by Israel.

24.07.2017 - 08:41 [ Jordan Times ]

Arab foreign ministers to meet Thursday over Jerusalem

Safadi, according to Petra, talked over the phone with his Omani peer Youssef Bin Alawi, “who underlined his country’s support for the Jordanian efforts led by His Majesty King Abdullah to end the tension in a manner that safeguards the holy sites”.

Safadi also discussed the issue with European peers, including Germany’s Sigmar Gabriel, French foreign minister Jean-Yves Le Drian, Norwegian Borge Brende and Sweden’s top diplomat, Margot Wallstrom.

24.07.2017 - 08:20 [ BBC ]

Israeli ‚kills attacker‘ at Jordan embassy

The attacker was a carpenter working in a residential building used by the embassy, an Israeli statement said.

It is one of the most serious incidents between the two countries since they signed a peace treaty in 1994.

The second Jordanian, who died from his wounds in hospital, was identified as the building‘s landlord.

24.07.2017 - 03:33 [ Blackkitchen / Facebook ]

100 Brote und alle Katzen sind schön

Jena. Die Aktionsküche Black Kitchen ist aktuell einem Gerichtsverfahren ausgesetzt. Einer Köchin der Gruppe wird vorgeworfen am 20. Januar 2016, beim Einkaufen für die Versorgung der Demonstrant*Innen gegen den rechten Aufmarsch der AFD, am Johannisplatz Polizisten beleidigt zu haben. Die Aktivistin bewegte sich mit einem Einkaufswagen gefüllt mit 100 Broten n Richtung Wagnergasse, dabei trug sie einen Beutel mit der Aufschrift „All Cats Are Beautiful“ und dem Bild einer Katze daneben. Dies beleidigte die am Johannisplatz stehenden Polizist*innen dermaßen, dass sie den Transport der Versorgungslieferung für die anstehenden Gegenproteste stoppten und eine Anzeige aufnahmen. Der Ermittlungseifer der Beamten des Staates ging soweit, dass sogar telefonisch private Kontakte zu dieser „schweren Tat“ befragt wurden.

Dies verzögerte nicht nur die Kochaktion, sondern beschäftigt die Kochgruppe nun ganz anderweitig. Es klingt nach einem absurden Scherz aber am 21. August 2017 9:00 findet im Amtsgericht Jena der Prozess gegen die Köchin statt.

24.07.2017 - 02:53 [ RT ]

Duma passes bill targeting anonymity of internet messengers

The Russian lower house has given a final nod to bills obliging companies that own internet messengers to verify the identity of every user and banning various services that allow users to visit prohibited internet sites.

24.07.2017 - 02:48 [ RT ]

‚We’re bad day away from Russians asking, ‘Why are you still in Syria?’ – top US commander

At the Aspen Security Forum on Friday, Special Operations Command chief Army General, Raymond Thomas was asked whether American forces will remain in Syria, after Islamic State (IS, formerly ISIS/ISIL) is defeated, possibly, to support the Kurdish forces in the north of the country.
Thomas acknowledged that American forces are fighting in a sovereign Syria, where they will likely “have no ability to stay” if that presence is questioned “in terms of international law,” Thomas said, replying to the Washington Post journalist’s question.

24.07.2017 - 02:40 [ Rudaw ]

US concerned about ‚date‘ of the Kurdish referendum

(14.7.2017) „We think that under the Iraqi constitution there is an important process of dialogue that has to take place. And having a referendum on such a fast timeline, particularly in disputed areas, would be, we think, significantly destabilizing and we’ve made those views very clear. So we are in consultations with all parties.“

24.07.2017 - 02:29 [ Rudaw ]

Iraqi VP Maliki on official visit to Moscow, scheduled to meet President Putin

Maliki is to hold meetings with Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov and head of the Federation Council Valentina Matvienko on Monday, Rudaw’s Khalid Hussein in Moscow reported.
According to the agenda of the meeting published by the Kremlin, Maliki is to meet with President Putin on Tuesday in Saint Petersburg.

24.07.2017 - 02:21 [ Bandcamp ]

13 Striking Contemporary EBM Releases

Electronic body music, aka EBM—a dancefloor-oriented style of industrial—requires the people who make to have a healthy obsession with mastering machines. It is a laborious task—forging a bassline, hammering out the intensity of a beat using metallic sounds. At its best, EBM feels like the heat from the furnace, causing blistered hands and battered feet, the rippling of muscles and dripping of sweat. It is about movement, about work—about, well, the body.