Daily Archives: 9. April 2017

09.04.2017 - 23:53 [ Shephard Media ]

Special Ops: ​Gulf SOF operators refine tactics

Aimed to develop concepts of operation, and tactics, techniques and procedures (TTPs) associated with CT and COIN and conducted between 19 March and 19 April, the US Central Command (CENTCOM) sponsored exercise is seeing participation from Kuwait, Qatar, the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia (KSA) and the United Arab Emirates (UAE), with instruction from the US Special Operations Command (USSOCOM).

09.04.2017 - 23:28 [ africanews ]

Mali‘s Defense Minister named as new Prime Minister

Abdoulaye Idrissa Maiga, a close ally of President Keita who had held the defense portfolio since September, replaced Modibo Keita, according to a decree read on state television. The prime minister had tendered his resignation on Friday, it said.

09.04.2017 - 22:19 [ New York Times ]

Tillerson Jabs at Russia Over Syria’s Chemical Weapons Use

Mr. Tillerson’s comments, made in interviews aired on Sunday, were far more critical of the Russian government than any public statements by President Trump, who has been an increasingly lonely voice for getting along better with Russia. They seemed to reflect Mr. Tillerson’s expectation, which he has expressed privately to aides and members of Congress, that the American relationship with Russia is already reverting to the norm: one of friction, distrust and mutual efforts to undermine each other’s reach.

09.04.2017 - 22:06 [ Yonhap (Südkorea) ]

S. Korea hails results of Trump-Xi talks

„We assess that they were relatively successful talks that laid the groundwork for cooperation between the two leaders and the development of the U.S.-China relationship,“ the Ministry of Foreign Affairs said, referring to the talks between Donald Trump and Xi Jinping.

09.04.2017 - 22:05 [ KBS (Südkorea) ]

NBC: Trump könnte US-Nuklearwaffen auf südkoreanischen Boden platzieren

Der US-Fernsehsender NBC berichtete am Freitag, dass Präsident Trump bei der Lösung der nordkoreanischen Atom-Frage auch US-Nuklearwaffen auf südkoreanischen Boden platzieren könnte.

Laut dem Bericht, der mehrere, hochrangige Geheimdienst- und Militärbeamte zitiert, soll der US-Sicherheitsrat dem US-Präsidenten Trump mehrere Optionen präsentiert haben, auf das nordkoreanische Atomprogramm zu reagieren – darunter auch die Tötung von Diktator Kim Jong Un.

09.04.2017 - 22:02 [ Sputnik ]

Syrien: Warum Russlands Raketenabwehr die US-Tomahawks nicht abfing

Russland hat seine in Syrien stationierten Raketenabwehrsysteme nicht gegen die sich abzeichnende US-Attacke auf die syrische Luftwaffenbasis Schairat eingesetzt, weil die russisch-syrischen Vereinbarungen bislang keine Verteidigung der syrischen Militärobjekte vorsieht, wie die russische Zeitung „Nesawissimaja Gaseta“ schreibt.

09.04.2017 - 20:38 [ TASS ]

Russian Soyuz rocket to boost ESA’s Cheops satellite into space

(6.4.2017) According to the agency, „through high-precision monitoring of a star’s brightness, scientists will examine the transit of a planet as it passes briefly across the star’s face. This allows the radius of the planet to be accurately measured. For those planets of known mass, the density will be revealed, providing an indication of the structure.“

09.04.2017 - 20:00 [ Trend ]

Egypt president declares state of emergency

The army chief-turned-president hasn‘t detailed the legal measures needed to declare the state of emergency but according to the Egyptian constitution, the parliament majority must vote in favor of the state of emergency.

09.04.2017 - 18:02 [ Indian Punchline ]

Russia and Iran review Syrian operations

Again, on Saturday the chiefs of the Iranian and Russian national security councils, Admiral Ali Shamkhai and Nikolai Patrushev held a phone conversation to discuss Syria. Shamkhani hinted at intelligence available with Tehran that the chemical attack in Idlib on April 4 was executed “by a third party in order to create a pretext for carrying out a (US) military attack on Syria.”

09.04.2017 - 15:05 [ Sputnik ]

Lkw-Attentat: Eltern von Opfer erheben schwere Vorwürfe gegen Bundesregierung

(1.3.2017) Sie haben ihre Tochter Fabrizia bei dem Terrorattentat auf einen Berliner Weihnachtsmarkt im Dezember verloren. Nun brechen die Eltern ihr Schweigen: Gegenüber der italienischen Zeitung „Corriere della Serra“ rechnen sie mit der deutschen Regierung und insbesondere mit Bundespräsident Joachim Gauck und Innenminister Thomas de Maizière ab.

09.04.2017 - 14:55 [ Präsident der Islamischen Republik Iran ]

US missile attack on Syria aggression, against int’l laws, UN charter/Washington attack helping terrorists/Stressing need for supporting Syrian people

Presidents of the Islamic Republic of Iran and the Russian Federation had a phone conversation and stressed that United States’ missile attack on Syria is an act of aggression against international regulations and the Charter of the United Nations.

09.04.2017 - 14:54 [ Syrian Arab News Agency ]

President al-Assad receives phone call from President Rouhani who expressed strong condemnation of US blatant aggression on Syria

Damascus, SANA- President Bashar al-Assad on Sunday received a phone call from Iranian President Hassan Rouhani who expressed strong condemnation of the outrageous US aggression on the Syrian territories.

President Rouhani said that this aggression constitutes a blatant violation of the Syrian sovereignty and all the international laws and conventions.

09.04.2017 - 14:49 [ Bloomberg ]

Melenchon, Fillon Tap Momentum in Quest of French Election Upset

Melenchon, backed by France’s Communist Party, has powered ahead, reaching 18 percent support in the Bloomberg composite of voting intention polls, compared with less than 12 percent after the first televised debate on March 20. Emmanuel Macron, the independent who’s the nominal front-runner, turned his sights on Melenchon in the latest campaign sparring.

09.04.2017 - 14:41 [ Reuters ]

French presidential front-runner Macron urges military intervention in Syria

Macron, 39, interviewed for 2-1/2 hours on France 2 television, took a tough stance on the top foreign policy issue of the day, calling for military intervention against Assad if his government was found to have carried out a suspected chemical attack that killed at least 70 people on Tuesday.

„An international intervention is needed … My preference is that there should be an intervention under the auspices of the United Nations. A military intervention,“ Macron said.

09.04.2017 - 14:36 [ Wikipedia ]

Brian Chesky

Brian Chesky (* 29. August 1981) ist ein US-amerikanischer Unternehmer. Er ist Co-Gründer und CEO der Firma Airbnb und wurde von Time in die Liste der „100 Most Influential People of 2015“ gewählt.[

09.04.2017 - 14:34 [ Youtube ]

Trump Supporter Cancels Asian Woman‘s Airbnb Stay

An Asian woman and her three friends were on their way to an Airbnb house they booked for a weekend near Big Bear, California. Right before they arrived, the woman texted her Airbnb host to tell her they were almost there. Thats when the host abruptly cancelled; citing President Trump for the reason, and telling the woman, „One word says it all. Asian.“

09.04.2017 - 14:33 [ Washington Post ]

‘One word says it all. Asian’: Airbnb host reportedly leaves guest stranded because of her race

Though the incident took place in February, Suh’s story became publicly known this week after NBC Los Angeles and KTLA 5 News reported it on Wednesday and Thursday. It is unclear why KTLA 5 did not air the story earlier.

Suh told The Post that she was surprised by all the attention it has suddenly received.

09.04.2017 - 14:30 [ theSun.co.uk ]

SCREW EU! Lord Mandelson branded a traitor after slamming PM’s ‘attitude’ and urging EU chiefs to ‘screw’ Britain

Lord Mandelson showed where his true loyalties lie in an astonishing interview with the German newspaper Die Zeit.

The Brexit-bashing peer – a former EU trade commissioner – is in line for a £34,600-a-year pension from Brussels after swearing an oath of loyalty to European institutions.

09.04.2017 - 14:20 [ Wikipedia ]


Heuchelei (Hypokrisie)[1] bezeichnet ein moralisch bzw. ethisch negativ besetztes Verhalten, bei dem eine Person absichtlich nach außen hin ein Bild von sich vermittelt, das nicht ihrem realen Selbst entspricht. Das zugrundeliegende Zeitwort heucheln stammt ursprünglich vom unterwürfigen ducken und kriechen (mittelhochdeutsch hüchen) des Hundes ab[2] und wurde auf vorgespieltes, schmeichelndes Verhalten übertragen.

09.04.2017 - 14:19 [ Wiener Zeitung ]

Sprache und Politik: Ohne Durchblick

Dabei tut sich ein furchtbarer Verdacht auf: Dass wir schlicht noch nicht die richtigen Begriffe entwickelt haben, um die Politiken zu benennen und zu verstehen, die etwa zur Wahl Donald Trumps in den USA, zu einer Alleinregierung Viktor Orbans in Ungarn, zu einer Mehrheit für den Brexit und die auch zum rätselhaften Erfolg der Fünf-Sterne-Bewegung Beppe Grillos in Italien geführt haben.

09.04.2017 - 14:13 [ Ansa.it ]

M5S condemns US Syria strikes

Lawmakers for the anti-establishment 5-Star Movement in the Senate, Lower House and European Parliament on Friday issued a statement condemning the US missile strikes on a Syrian base. It said the attacks „risk constituting a clear violation of international law“.

09.04.2017 - 13:03 [ Daniel C. Maguire / Consortium News ]

Trampling the US Constitution for War

I am old enough to remember the last time the United States declared war in accord with Article 1, Section 8 of the U.S. Constitution. The date was Dec. 8, 1941, and I was ten-years-old. I remember hearing on the radio all the Yay votes and I was jarred to hear one female vote saying Nay. That was Rep. Jeannette Rankin of Montana.

War, by definition, is state sponsored violence. It kills people and animals and savages the natural environment. It is “development” in full reverse, a dreadfully serious undertaking, a power that kings once wielded arbitrarily on their own impulse and authority. But the Founders would have none of that.

09.04.2017 - 12:49 [ Techdirt ]

Oh, Sure, Now Congress Is Serious About Asking NSA About Surveillance On Americans

Suddenly, though, it seems that the ins-and-outs of Section 702, and how the „incidental“ information it collects on Americans is used has taken on a much wider interest, following President Trump‘s misleading suggestion that President Obama tapped his phone lines, and some Trump supporters trying to twist typical 702 surveillance to justify those remarks. Either way, if that leads people to actually look at 702, that may be a good result out of a stupid situation. And, thus, we get to this surprising moment, in which Goodlatte has actually sent a similar letter to Coats (along with ranking member John Conyers) asking about the impact of 702 surveillance on Americans. And since (for reasons that are beyond me) Reuters refuses to link to the actual source materials, you can read the full letter here or embedded below.

The letter demands an answer by April 24th. And, yes, it‘s notable that Goodlatte has signed on, because Section 702 is up for reauthorization at the end of the year, and if Goodlatte is not on board with reauthorization, then the NSA is going to have some difficulty in getting it through.

09.04.2017 - 12:41 [ Thomas Hummel / Süddeutsche ]

Usbekistan rückt ins Zentrum des Terrors

Der neue Präsident Usbekistans war gerade in Moskau. Schwakat Mirsijajew leistete einen Antrittsbesuch bei Wladimir Putin, dabei ging es vor allem um Wirtschaftsverträge, allein der halbstaatliche russische Gasproduzent Gazprom schloss einen Milliardenvertrag mit den Usbeken ab. Außerdem hieß es im russischen Parlament, man sei an einer militärisch-technischen Zusammenarbeit interessiert, um den Konkurrenten USA aus der Gegend fernzuhalten.

09.04.2017 - 12:38 [ Ostexperte.de ]

Russland und Usbekistan schließen Deals für 15 Mrd. USD ab

Zusammen wurden von den Vertretern Russlands und Usbekistans Verträge im Wert von 15 Milliarden Dollar unterzeichnet. Die Abmachungen umfassten rund 40 Dokumente und beinhalten unter anderem Übereinkünfte bezüglich des bilateralen Energiehandels, in denen sowohl der Export russischen Öls als auch der Import usbekischen Erdgases geregelt wird.

So unterschrieb Gazprom-Chef Alexei Miller einen entsprechenden Vertrag für den Gaserwerb aus Usbekistan, der sich zunächst auf fünf Jahre belaufen soll.

09.04.2017 - 12:33 [ Techdirt ]

If Facebook Becomes The Internet‘s Authentication System, Can Citizen Scores Around The World Be Far Behind?

The greatest threat here may not be from Facebook itself, which, after all, is a business that wants to make as much money as possible, rather than a Machiavellian scheme to enslave mankind. But there are other powerful actors — national governments — that would love to have access to that rich store of information in order to use it not for profit but for the purposes of political and social control.