Daily Archives: 22. Januar 2017

22.01.2017 - 22:34 [ Lars Schall ]

Die Woche im Rückspiegel betrachtet

Geneigte Leserin, geneigter Leser, willkommen bei Die Woche im Rückspiegel betrachtet. Mit diesem Format möchte ich Ihnen immer wieder des Sonntags im Schnelldurchlauf Geschichten und Veröffentlichungen zu 10 Themenbereichen präsentieren

22.01.2017 - 21:05 [ Der Standard ]

Brasiliens Präsident Temer bei Beerdigung von „Korruptionsjäger“

Brasiliens Präsident Michel Temer hat den unter rätselhaften Umständen gestorbenen Richter des Obersten Gerichtshofs, Teori Zavascki, als Beispiel bei der Korruptionsbekämpfung gewürdigt. „Was Brasilien braucht, sind mehr solcher Leute mit der Kompetenz, Moral und Professionalität“, sagte Temer bei der Beerdigung am Samstag in Porto Alegre.

22.01.2017 - 20:42 [ Echoes of Bluemars ]

Cryosleep – Zero Beat Guaranteed

Most people who underwent cryosleep have reported that the mind seems to naturally retreat into a place of infinite tranquility, where the experience of Time itself is distorted in a subtle way.

22.01.2017 - 20:32 [ Golem ]

Angebliche Backdoor: Kryptographen kritisieren Whatsapp-Bericht des Guardian

Eine Gruppe von Aktivisten und renommierten Kryptologen hat die Berichterstattung des Guardian über eine angebliche ‚Backdoor‘ in Whatsapp als unverantwortlich kritisiert. Der Guardian und der Sicherheitsforscher Tobias Boelter würden mit ihren Veröffentlichungen dazu beitragen, Menschen zu verunsichern und diese dazu zu bringen, weit unsicherere Alternativen wie SMS oder den Facebook-Messenger zu nutzen.

22.01.2017 - 20:31 [ Winfuture ]

Update Pack für Windows 8.1, Windows 8 und Windows 7

Das WinFuture Update Pack ist eine Zusammenstellung der wichtigsten Patches, die Microsoft für Windows 8.1, Windows 8 und Windows 7 zum Download bereitgestellt hat.

22.01.2017 - 20:09 [ ORF ]

Bericht: London verschwieg gescheiterten Atomwaffentest

Die britische Regierung hat einem Zeitungsbericht zufolge das Scheitern eines Atomraketentests im vergangenen Juni bewusst verschwiegen. Sie habe verhindern wollen, dass ein Bekanntwerden der Panne die Glaubwürdigkeit des Atomwaffenprogramms zerstöre, zitiert die Zeitung „The Times“ (Sonntag-Ausgabe) ein hochrangiges Mitglied der britischen Marine.

22.01.2017 - 20:08 [ Sunday Times ]

No 10 covered up Trident missile fiasco

The Sunday Times can reveal that a Trident II D5 missile — which can kill millions when armed with nuclear warheads — experienced an alarming failure after being launched from a British submarine off the coast of Florida in June last year.

It was the only firing test of a British nuclear missile in four years and raises serious questions about the reliability and safety of the weapons system.

22.01.2017 - 18:03 [ Portal amerika21.de ]

Erstes Gerichtsurteil im Odebrecht-Skandal in Kolumbien

In Kolumbien ist der frühere Vize-Verkehrsminister Gabriel García Morales wegen Verwicklung in den internationalen Korruptionsskandal um die brasilianische Baufirma Odebrecht zu einer Haftstrafe verurteilt worden.

22.01.2017 - 16:37 [ Reuters ]

Syrian rebels call on Russia to help defend ceasefire

A Syrian rebel group called on Russia to withstand pressure from Iran and the Syrian government to help ensure that a ceasefire agreed last month holds, the head of a delegation at peace talks told Reuters on Sunday.

Mohammad Alloush said a failure by Moscow to end what the opposition says are widespread violations of a Turkish-Russian brokered ceasefire would be a blow to its influence in Syria.

22.01.2017 - 16:26 [ ABC News ]

A Day After Trump Visits CIA, Conway Slams Ex-CIA Chief as Sounding ‘Like a Partisan Political Hack’

Counselor to the President Kellyanne Conway shot back at former CIA Director John Brennan for his criticism of President Trump‘s speech to the intelligence agency, saying the former intelligence leader sounded “like a partisan political hack.”

„We really would prefer the intelligence community that’s going out the door to be much more respectful toward the president and his vision in moving forward,“ Conway said in an interview Sunday on ABC News’ “This Week,” calling Brennan‘s remarks „spectacularly disappointing.“

22.01.2017 - 16:23 [ antikrieg.com ]

Eric Margolis – Gruß dem Präsidenten

Donald Trumps größte ererbte Kopfschmerzen und Prioritäten werden im Mittleren Osten liegen, bereits ein Katastrophengebiet, aber noch um ein Vielfaches verschlimmert durch den Pfusch der Administration Obama und deren bescheuerte Versuche, die Vereinigten Staaten von Amerika und Russland auf einen Kollisionskurs zu bringen.

22.01.2017 - 16:13 [ Zero Hedge ]

In Stunning Admission, Draghi Says A Country Can Leave Eurozone But Must „Settle Bill First“

More importantly, it also once again provides the basis for an aggressive „negotiation“, potentially escalating to rancorous bargaining between Italy and Germany, as suddenly the ECB has made it clear that Italy‘s gain in a „hypothetical“ Euro zone exit would be a tremendous loss for Berlin and Merkel. We are confident that the question of „how much“ preventing such a loss would be worth to Merkel, will emerge in very short order. As for what Draghi‘s statement means for countries with a far smaller Target2 liability which may also consider exiting the monetary union, the answer is two words: „green light.“

22.01.2017 - 16:04 [ Reuters ]

Any country leaving euro zone must settle bill first: ECB‘s Draghi

„If a country were to leave the Eurosystem, its national central bank‘s claims on or liabilities to the ECB would need to be settled in full,“ Draghi said in the letter.

Based on data to end-November from the Target 2 payment system, that would leave Italy with a 358.6 billion euro ($383.1 billion) bill. The system records flows of payments between euro zone countries.

22.01.2017 - 13:48 [ Radio Utopie ]

Umfrage zur Nachrichtenagentur Radio Utopie

Vor über sechs Jahren startete unsere unabhängige Medienstation Radio Utopie die Nachrichtenagentur. Im Oktober 2014 veröffentlichten wir unser Anwendungsprogramm (Application, App) NARU (für Nachrichtenagentur Radio Utopie), das bereits Tage später über 1000 Installationen verzeichnete. Wir wollen nun nach einiger Zeit in einer Umfrage wieder einmal von Euch wissen, wie und ob Ihr mit der Nachrichtenagentur interagiert.

22.01.2017 - 11:27 [ Gephardtdaily.com ]

Trump to CIA: ‘I am with you 1,000 percent’

Trump visited CIA headquarters, speaking in front of the row of anonymous stars representing agents killed in the line of duty. He pledged that the agency will receive his full support as president.

“I know sometimes you haven’t always gotten the backing you’ve wanted, and you’re going to get so much backing, maybe you’re going to say ‘please don’t give us so much backing,‘” Trump said. “I am with you, 1,000 percent.”

22.01.2017 - 11:16 [ Daily Mail ]

Hollywood on foot: Charlize Theron cries, Julia Roberts models p**** hat and Amy Schumer dons NASA suit as stars flock to Women‘s Marches across the country

Theron was in Utah for the Sundance Film Festival.

The Mad Max actress wore a white cap and grey scarf as she wiped away her tears while holding up a large banner in the streets of the small town of Park City.

The Oscar winner was joined at protest by talk-show host Chelsea Handler, who had on a pink hat. Actress Mary McCormick was also there. Snow fell on the women as they chanted and raised their fists.

22.01.2017 - 11:10 [ Celebrities / Youtube ]

Charlize Theron speak about supporting The Women‘s March 2017

From A-list movie stars to global pop stars, celebrity allies of every gender, sexual orientation and racial background came together with hundreds of thousands of everyday citizens in a display of solidarity and inter-sectional feminism, as well as a rallying cry against the insidious xenophobic, sexist and racist agenda of Donald Trump and his administration.

22.01.2017 - 11:08 [ People.com ]

Scarlett Johansson Reveals She Used Planned Parenthood When She Was 15 at Women’s March

The 32-year-old actress began her candid speech with a story. “‘Have you been to the gynecologist yet?’ That was the question my mom asked me at 15 when I informed her about a change that I noticed in my body,” she said. “I’m not the type to divulge facts about my personal life, but I feel that in the face of this current political climate, it is vital that we all make it our mission to get really, really personal. So, yes, at 15, I had been to a gynecologist.”

22.01.2017 - 10:44 [ Promiflash ]

Forbes Magazine: Scarlett Johansson bringt am meisten Cash!

(30.12.2016) Dieses Jahr schaffte es Scarlett Johansson an die Spitze der umsatzstärksten Schauspieler. Mit ihrem Auftritt in „Captain America: Civil War“ spielte sie weltweit über eine Milliarde US-Dollar ein. Auch am Riesenerfolg der Komödie „Hail, Caesar!“ war die schöne Blondine beteiligt. Dadurch ergibt sich die stolze Gesamtsumme von insgesamt 1,2 Milliarden US-Dollar Umsatz, die die „Black Widow“-Darstellerin im Laufe dieses Jahres erzielte.

22.01.2017 - 05:29 [ Ad Noiseam/Bandcamp ]

Entropia by Ontal

From well-kept secret to one of the most praised names for dark, distorted techno, Ontal are already among the most talked about names for the genre. With „Entropia“, this Serbian duo gets the chance to display its talent in a full-length format, offering very diverse material rich in heavy percussive beats, grating noise soundscapes and dynamic arrangements. Drawing inspirations from industrial forefathers as well as from modern producers, Ontal confirms with this album its position as one of the driving force when it comes to heavy, noisy and precise composition. Ever-changing but constantly powerful, „Entropia“ is an industrial tour-de-force.
released October 6, 2015