Daily Archives: 18. Januar 2017

18.01.2017 - 23:52 [ Daniel McAdams / RT ]

‘John McCain passed dossier to make Trump look bad; now he’s trying to save his hide’

He contacted James Comey, the director of the FBI, to have a personal and private meeting to hand him this dossier. That action in itself validates or gives the impression that the document is validated to the FBI. So I think he is caught in the trap of his own making. He was trying to be involved in a ploy to make Trump look bad. He was caught at it, and now he is trying to backtrack and save his hide.

18.01.2017 - 23:33 [ The Washington Post ]

Rep. Tulsi Gabbard makes unannounced trip to Syria

“If you or I gave money, weapons or support to al-Qaeda or ISIS, we would be thrown in jail,” she said in announcing the legislation. “Yet the U.S. government has been violating this law for years, quietly supporting allies and partners of al-Qaeda, ISIL . . . and other terrorist groups with money, weapons and intelligence support, in their fight to overthrow the Syrian government.”

18.01.2017 - 19:20 [ Keep Talking Greece ]

Populist Antonio Tajani (Italy) is the new President of the European Parliament

In his youth Tajani was a militant of Fronte Monarchico Giovanile (Youth Monarchist Front), a student organization of the Monarchist party of Italy. Even later, he has always advocated for the return from exile of the House of Savoy (banned according to the Italian Constitution until 2002, when the Italian Parliament lifted the ban).

He was one of the founders of the nationalist and populist Forza Italia party in 1994, then regional coordinator of the party in Lazio from 1994 in 2005.

In the first Berlusconi’s government (1994–95), Tajani was a spokesman of the Prime Minister.

18.01.2017 - 19:17 [ Philip Weiss / Mondo Weiss ]

It turns out Jews are as stupid as everyone else

When I was growing up I was taught that Jews are smarter than non-Jews. My mother pointed to the holy trinity of Einstein, Freud and Marx and said we had created modernity in the west. We won all those Nobel Prizes. But we had to have our own clubs because we were discriminated against.

Now it turns out we are just as stupid as any other entitled insiders. My in-laws have belonged to a lot of WASPy clubs. They tell me the non-Jewish ones pull these sorts of stunts all the time.

Still, I hope the golf story gets widely circulated and brings mortification on the Jewish establishment, by showing the world what has brought my people down: obedience to Jewish nationalism.

18.01.2017 - 19:14 [ Techdirt ]

DOJ, Obama Administration Fight Order Requiring The Full CIA Torture Report To Be Turned Over To The Court

The Obama administration has responded to calls to declassify the full CIA Torture Report with a „will this do?“ promise to lock up one copy in the presidential archives. While this ensures one copy of the full report will survive the next presidency, it doesn‘t make it any more likely the public will ever see more than the Executive Summary released in 2014.

Other copies may still be scattered around the federal government, many of them in an unread state. The Department of Defense can‘t even say for sure whether its copy is intact.

18.01.2017 - 19:11 [ Zeit.de ]

Spionage: Türkische Gemeinde fordert Aufklärung von Ditib

Imame der Türkisch-Islamischen Union der Anstalt für Religion (Ditib) sollen im Auftrag der türkischen Regierung Informationen über mutmaßliche Anhänger des Predigers Fethullah Gülen an die Regierung in Ankara geliefert haben. Ditib-Generalsekretär Bekir Alboğa hatte das in der Rheinischen Post zunächst bestätigt. Später wurde auf der Webseite des Verbands eine „Richtigstellung“ veröffentlicht.

18.01.2017 - 16:59 [ Informationsstelle Militarisierung e.V. ]

Bundeswehr: Der neue Werbefeldzug

Die „Mach, was wirklich zählt“-Kampagne der Bundeswehr und die YouTube-Serie „Die Rekruten“ setzen seit November 2015 sowohl quantitativ als auch qualitativ neue Maßstäbe bei der Nachwuchswerbung und Öffentlichkeitsarbeit der Armee. Die Auswertung dieser Kampagnen zeigt, dass sie für die Öffentlichkeitsarbeit und zur Nachwuchswerbung ein fahrlässig verzerrtes Bild von der Bundeswehr zeichnen. Die Armee präsentiert sich jungen Leuten als Abenteuerspielplatz mit dem Versprechen zur Selbstverwirklichung. Allgemein wird die Bundeswehr in der Öffentlichkeit im Dienst für „das Gute“ in der Welt gezeigt. Gefahren und Probleme des Soldatenberufs sowie die Interessen deutscher Außen- und Militärpolitik werden dabei systematisch ausgeblendet.

18.01.2017 - 16:29 [ German Foreign Policy ]

Die Stunde der Europäer

Dabei nimmt Wolfgang Ischinger inzwischen eine „nukleare Bewaffnung Deutschlands“ in den Blick. Aktuell sei es zwar besser, die Debatte über „eigene Nuklearwaffen“ der EU „zu scheuen“, erklärt der deutsche Diplomat: Die Atommacht Großbritannien verlasse die EU, während die Atommacht Frankreich nicht „bereit und in der Lage“ sei, ihr „Nuklearpotenzial zu europäisieren“. „Im Moment“ sei dennoch „eine Debatte über eine alternative nukleare Bewaffnung Deutschlands ein politischer Fehler“: „auch, weil wir damit den Kritikern in Europa wie in Moskau ein Argument liefern würden, dass die Zentralmacht Deutschland jetzt in Europa nicht nur finanzpolitisch dominieren will, sondern entgegen allen Verträgen eine Mitkontrolle über Nuklearwaffen anstrebt.“[12] Unter welchen Bedingungen das zeitlich eingeschränkte Argument („im Moment“) keine Geltung mehr haben könnte, erläutert Ischinger ebensowenig, wie er absolute Einwände gegen deutsche Atomwaffen äußert.

18.01.2017 - 08:21 [ Project Veritas / Youtube ]

Part II: NEW Investigation Uncovers Plot to Chain the Trains & Shut Down DC During Inauguration

(17.1.2017) The latest Project Veritas video reveals DisruptJ20 plot to Chain Trains and Halt the DC Metro. This video exposes the collusion between the various groups under the DisruptJ20 umbrella. The video shows that DJ20 is not simply a movement of fringe groups but instead a nefarious organization.

18.01.2017 - 08:13 [ Washington Post ]

What Is Best for America – Russia as a Friend or a Foe?

Trump has promised to “drain the swamp” in Washington, DC. In that swamp, there are no bigger and meaner alligators than the members of an American version of the defunct Soviet nomenklatura that has built generations of lucrative careers on East-West confrontation, not to mention arming and training Islamic radicals in successive “regime change” wars like Libya and Syria. To preserve their power and perks, even at the risk of fomenting war with Russia, they aim to neuter Trump before he nails their hides to the wall of the Oval Office.

18.01.2017 - 08:10 [ Huffington Post ]

Israeli Diplomat, Shai Masot, Tried To Set Up Groups To Undermine ‚Crazy‘ Corbyn And ‚Weirdo‘ Supporters

(10.1.2017) The Israeli diplomat who was secretly recorded plotting to “take down” Sir Alan Duncan also sought to influence Labour policy and discredit Jeremy Corbyn, it has been revealed.

Shai Masot, a senior political advisor at the Israeli embassy, boasted about establishing a number of groups in the UK while trying to play down their links to Israel in footage covertly filmed by an Al Jazeera reporter.

18.01.2017 - 08:10 [ New York Review ]

The Swedish Kings of Cyberwar

In a 2008 law, the FRA had been given expansive powers by the Swedish government to vacuum up all communications traveling over fiber optic networks into and out of Sweden—including e-mails, text messages, and telephone calls. This was of great interest to the NSA, not least because a large percentage of Russian communications traveled through Sweden. In 2011, the Swedes began sharing their surveillance data with the NSA, which included—as NSA officials described it at the time of the meeting—a “unique collection [of communications data] on high-priority Russian targets such as leadership, internal politics, and energy.”

18.01.2017 - 08:07 [ RT ]

US-Panzerkompanie bei Angriffsübungen in Polen: Wir sind hier, um voll kampfbereit zu werden

In Swietozow im südwestlichen Polen haben US-Soldaten erste Schießübungen mit ihren Panzern durchgeführt. Bei dieser Übung gehe es darum, alle Soldaten und Panzer voll kampfbereit zu haben, so der Kommandeur der gepanzerten 3. Kampfbrigade der 4. Infanteriedivision. M1M2-Kampfpanzer und M2/M3 Bradley Infanterie-Kampffahrzeuge wurden bei dem sogenannten Schuss-Genauigkeitstest eingesetzt.

18.01.2017 - 08:01 [ taz ]

Keylogger-Affäre: Geldstrafe für früheren taz-Redakteur

Wenn ein Keylogger, der einem USB-Stick ähnelt, zwischen Tastatur und Computer angebracht wird, zeichnet er unbemerkt sämtliche Tastaturanschläge auf. Laut Anklage soll Sebastian Heiser damit zwischen dem 1. Januar 2014 und dem 17. Februar 2015 an verschiedenen Rechnern innerhalb der taz-Redaktion Daten abgefangen haben, unter anderem Passwörter und E-Mails.

18.01.2017 - 02:53 [ Musil-forum / Google Books ]

ZS: Musil-Forum. Studien zur Literatur der klassischen Moderne 34 (2015/2016)

c) opportunistisch: Weitere Argumente liefert die inkongruente und unfertige literarische Inszenierung der Figur. Indem der Feuermaul-Pazifismus aus der Beobachtung der dichterischen Laufbahn Werfels und anderer resultiert, denen Musil Opportunismus unterstellt, wird in ihm literarisch verfremdet das »öffentliche Suchen nach Anerkennung unter einer ideologischen, hier pazifistischen Flagge« dargestellt. Im Versuch, den Literaten Feuermaul durch seine Texte als notorischen Fabrikanten literarischer Gemeinplätze zu kennzeichnen, bleibt Musil jedoch stecken. Da im kanonischen Romantext weder aus Gedichten Feuermauls zitiert wird noch solche Blüten Feuermaul‘scher Lyrik in den apokryphen Materialien zur Romanfortsetzung bereitstehen, beschränkt sich die Leserkenntnis vom Werk des jungen Lyrikers auf die stereotype Aussage Der Mensch ist gut.

18.01.2017 - 02:27 [ Bandcamp ]

Forgotten Man from Mu by Richard Pinhas & Barry Cleveland

One day a troubled monk approached Joshu, a renowned Chinese Zen master, intending to ask him for guidance. A dog walked by and the monk asked Joshu, „Has that dog a Buddha Nature or not?“ The monk had barely completed his question when Joshu shouted: „Mu!“
Mu is often translated as “nothingness,” but as the response in Zen’s most famous koan, the gesture speaks to a truth deeper than rational dualistic thinking can obtain—therefore also resonating with the creative mindset accompanying the purest forms of musical improvisation.
from Mu, released September 16, 2016

18.01.2017 - 01:34 [ Dennis Kucinich / Facebook ]

Thanks to President Obama for commuting #ChelseaManning‘s sentence after Ron Paul and I requested he do so.

Frm. Congressman Ron Paul and I have sent the following letter to the President urging clemency for #ChelseaManning. Please read the letter and call the White House at 202-456-1111 in support of this humanitarian effort. Thanks, Dennis

The Honorable Barack Obama The President
The White House
Office of the President

1600 Pennsylvania Avenue NW Washington, DC 20500

9 January 2017 Dear Mr. President,

We write to urgently request that you grant the application for clemency submitted by Chelsea Manning and commute her sentence to time served. We each had the honor of serving the American people in the United States Congress for 16 years. We respect the government’s right to hold to account members of the military who breach military law, but believe that there are strong grounds for commuting Ms. Manning’s sentence. We strongly urge you to grant Ms. Manning’s application for clemency in recognition of her acting in the public interest and the treatment that she endured in early pre-trial detention…

18.01.2017 - 01:31 [ Zeit ]

Präsident Obama lässt Whistleblowerin Manning frei

Zeitgleich mit Chelsea Manning erließ Obama unter anderem dem 74-jährigen Nationalisten Oscar López Rivera die Haftstrafe. In dessen Heimat Puerto Rico wurde die Entscheidung mit Hupkonzerten und spontane Partys die ganze Nacht hindurch gefeiert.

18.01.2017 - 01:09 [ John Pilger ]


The obsession with Trump is a cover for many of those calling themselves „left/liberal“, as if to claim political decency. They are not „left“, neither are they especially „liberal“. Much of America‘s aggression towards the rest of humanity has come from so-called liberal Democratic administrations – such as Obama‘s. America‘s political spectrum extends from the mythical centre to the lunar right. The „left“ are homeless renegades Martha Gellhorn described as „a rare and wholly admirable fraternity“. She excluded those who confuse politics with a fixation on their navels.

While they „heal“ and „move forward“, will the Writers Resist campaigners and other anti-Trumpists reflect upon this? More to the point: when will a genuine movement of opposition arise? Angry, eloquent, all-for-one-and-one-for all. Until real politics return to people‘s lives, the enemy is not Trump, it is ourselves.

18.01.2017 - 00:48 [ New York Times ]

Chelsea Manning to Be Released Early as Obama Commutes Sentence

The decision by Mr. Obama rescued Ms. Manning, who twice tried to kill herself last year, from an uncertain future as a transgender woman incarcerated at the men’s military prison at Fort Leavenworth, Kan. She has been jailed for nearly seven years, and her 35-year sentence was by far the longest punishment ever imposed in the United States for a leak conviction.