Daily Archives: 24. November 2016

24.11.2016 - 21:20 [ Tass ]

Putin to meet Louis Vuitton CEO Bernard Arnault

„A meeting is scheduled between President Putin and Louis Vuitton Moet Hennessy CEO Bernard Arnault,“ he said. „The Louis Vuitton Foundation initiated and arranged a wonderful exhibition in Paris, dubbed „Sergei Shchukin. Masterpieces of Modern Art“.

24.11.2016 - 12:41 [ de.sputniknews.com ]

Nachricht, Fake oder Werbung? US-Teens erkennen keinen Unterschied – Studie

Schüler und Studenten aus den USA können Nachrichten von Falschmeldungen und Werbung nicht unterscheiden. Das haben Kommunikationswissenschaftler von der Stanford University in einer Studie herausgefunden, deren Ergebnisse sie auf der offiziellen Webseite der Hochschule veröffentlichten.

24.11.2016 - 12:09 [ SANA ]

Lavrov: Paris call for a conference of countries backing “opposition” in Syria hinders any comprehensive Syrian-Syrian dialogue

In a joint press conference with his Vietnamese counterpart in Moscow on Thursday, Lavrov said that holding such a conference will prevent achieving the basic goal which is starting a comprehensive Syrian-Syrian dialogue with the participation of the Government and all of the “opposition” groups.

24.11.2016 - 09:11 [ ABS-CBN News ]

US warship USS McCampbell visits Manila

The Manila visit came after McCampbell completed a training exercise with the Royal Brunei Navy during Cooperation Afloat Readiness and Training (CARAT) 2016.

CARAT is a series of annual maritime exercises between the US Navy, US Marine Corps, and the armed forces of nine partner nations to include Bangladesh, Brunei, Cambodia, Indonesia, Malaysia, the Philippines, Singapore, Thailand, and Timor-Leste.

24.11.2016 - 08:51 [ Jon Schwarz / Intercept ]

Chuck Schumer: The Worst Possible Democratic Leader at the Worst Possible Time

When Barack Obama leaves the White House, New York Sen. Chuck Schumer will almost certainly be elected Senate minority leader — and therefore become the highest ranking Democratic official in America.

That’s a terrible roll of the dice for Democrats, because Schumer might as well have been grown in a lab to be exactly the wrong face for opposition to Donald Trump:

24.11.2016 - 08:49 [ Michael J. Saintato / Counterpunch ]

Buying Silence: Why So Many Democrats are Mute About Standing Rock

“Video of the incident appears to show that the water cannons were not simply being used for fire control, or even crowd control, but were often directed at small crowds or even individual protesters. Combined with the onset of wintry weather, water cannons are extremely dangerous and potentially lethal weapons, and I urge you to investigate their use on protesters,” he wrote to Lynch.

24.11.2016 - 08:03 [ Democracy Now! ]

Sophia Wilansky Critically Injured During Police Attack at Standing Rock

(22.11.2016) In Minneapolis, 21-year-old activist Sophia Wilansky is in critical condition and has been undergoing a series of surgeries, after reportedly being hit by a concussion grenade during the police attack against water protectors fighting the $3.8 billion Dakota Access pipeline in North Dakota Sunday night. Sunday’s attack at Standing Rock included police firing rubber bullets, mace canisters and water cannons in subfreezing temperatures. T

24.11.2016 - 07:31 [ Techdirt ]

Alex Halderman Clarifies: Not Sure If Election Was Hacked, But, Uh, Shouldn‘t Someone Be Checking To Make Sure?

As we noted in our post, the story would barely be worth mentioning if one of the people involved wasn‘t Alex Halderman, a computer science professor we‘ve been talking about for nearly a decade and a half, going back to when he was a student. Halderman is basically the expert on e-voting security — so when he says something, it‘s worth paying attention.

Halderman has now posted something of a follow-up to the NY Magazine article clarifying his views and what he‘s suggesting. He‘s not saying there‘s evidence of a hack, but basically saying that no one knows if there was a hack or not, and because of that, there should be a recount as a way to audit the results to see if there were any irregularities.

24.11.2016 - 07:27 [ Keep Talking Greece ]

Armageddon on its way to Greece with the “Updated Bailout Agreement”

According to daily Kathimerini that published the draft the measures are:
– strict monitoring of civil servants and their salaries until 2020
– new interventions in the social security system
– automatic confiscation system for assets belonging to those with debts to the state as of 1.1. 2017
– new cuts to retirement lump sums
– recalculation of all pensions up to the end of 2017 (..) (…)

cuts of 430million euros in poverty allowance (EKAS) in 2017

24.11.2016 - 07:23 [ CNBC ]

Greece says bailout hard line could be ‚social disaster‘

(22.11.2016) „If the counter proposals mean cuts to the health service, education, across-the-boards cuts to pensions, and mass firings in the already understaffed civil service, that would be a social disaster and would not be accepted by the government or by the Greek people,“ government spokesman Dimitris Tzanakopoulos said at an evening briefing.

24.11.2016 - 07:14 [ Süddeutsche ]

Griechenland-Krise – EU-Finanzminister treffen sich am Freitag in Berlin

Nach Informationen der Süddeutschen Zeitung werden die Minister aus Deutschland, Frankreich, Italien, Spanien und den Niederlanden dort mit Vertretern des Internationalen Währungsfonds (IWF) darüber beraten, wie sich dieser doch noch finanziell am laufenden dritten Kreditprogramm für Griechenland beteiligen könnte. Mit dabei sein sollen auch Vertreter von EU-Kommission und Europäischer Zentralbank (EZB).

24.11.2016 - 07:03 [ Techdirt ]

TPP Dead, TTIP Dying, But The EU And Canada Seem Determined To Ram Through CETA Deal Without Proper Scrutiny

CETA is a smaller-scale agreement between the EU and Canada, but it‘s more important than it looks. It allows US companies with subsidiaries in Canada to use the agreement‘s corporate sovereignty provisions to sue the EU — and there are 42,000 such companies according to one analysis (pdf). As a result, CETA has been called „TTIP by the backdoor,“ since it would provide a handy way for US companies to put pressure on EU nations even if TTIP suffers the same fate as TPP.

24.11.2016 - 06:36 [ New York Times ]

Syrian Group: Rebels Preventing Refugees From Fleeing Aleppo

„They‘ve wanted to cross for a while because the circumstances have become very difficult,“ said al-Jasim, who confirmed his location near the al-Riz crossing via phone location services.

He said his relatives told him they were prepared to cross during the day but were advised by three rebel groups to wait until dark.

„Then in the evening, (the rebels) began to fire at the crossing“ to prevent passage, al-Jasim said. He said about fifty families were waiting to cross.

24.11.2016 - 06:33 [ PJ Media ]

Video Shows Syrian ‚Rebel‘ Group That Beheaded Child Still Using CIA-Provided TOW Missiles

Syrian „rebel“ group Nour al-Din al-Zanki, which was widely condemned this past July after beheading a child soldier and posting the video — raising questions about their CIA-„vetted“ status — continues to use U.S.-provided TOW missiles according to a video published on its Twitter feed yesterday.

24.11.2016 - 06:10 [ RT ]

Putin gratuliert RT und Sputnik zur Anti-Propaganda-Resolution

„Denjenigen Vertretern der Medien, Journalisten, die die Vertreter des repräsentativen EU-Organs zu solchen Entscheidungen bewegt haben, will ich dazu gratulieren, dass sie ihre Arbeit allem Anschein nach aktiv, ergiebig und talentvoll machen“. Dies zitierte die Nachrichtenagentur RIA Nowosti.

24.11.2016 - 05:41 [ proofdemocracy / Youtube ]

Demokratie ist obsolet?

Gesamter Redebeitrag der Bundeskanzlerin Merkel am 16.06.2005 zum 60-jährigen Bestehen der CDU:
„Politik ohne Angst, Politik mit Mut – das ist heute erneut gefragt. Dann wir haben wahrlich keinen Rechtsanspruch auf Demokratie und soziale Marktwirtschaft auf alle Ewigkeit. Unsere Werte müssen sich im Zeitalter von Globalisierung und Wissensgesellschaft behaupten. Und wenn sie sich behaupten sollen, dann müssen wir bereit sein, die Weichen richtig zu stellen. Auch da sind wieder Widerstände zu überwinden.“

24.11.2016 - 05:41 [ Handelsblatt ]

60 JAHRE CDU – Merkel: Reform mit Politik ohne Angst

(16.06.2005) Merkel sagte, Deutschland habe keinen Rechtsanspruch auf Demokratie und soziale Marktwirtschaft für alle Ewigkeit. „Unsere Werte müssen wir auch im Zeitalter von Globalisierung und Wissensgesellschaft behaupten.“ Dazu müssten Widerstände überwunden werden. „Es sind wieder Prioritäten zu setzen.“

24.11.2016 - 05:22 [ Zeit.de ]

Bundestag: Merkel startet den Kampf gegen gefälschte Nachrichten

Merkel zieht damit ein Thema auf die höchste politische Ebene, mit dem sich noch bis vor Kurzem höchstens Fachpolitiker beschäftigt hatten. Vieles, was man für selbstverständlich gehalten habe, sei heute nicht mehr selbstverständlich, sagt die Kanzlerin: die Akzeptanz des Rechtsstaates, die Marktwirtschaft, das Gewaltmonopol des Staates und die Bereitschaft, jeden Bürger als Teil des Volkes zu begreifen.

24.11.2016 - 05:12 [ Techdirt ]

Facebook, China, Fake News And The Slippery Slope Of Censorship

Well, I guess it‘s time to complete the circle. Last week, we were warning that the rush to demonize Facebook for allowing „fake news“ to be distributed and shared via its platform would lead to calls to suppress and censor certain view points. And then, this week came the news that China is strategically and opportunistically using the hubbub over „fake news“ to push for greater censorship of the internet — claiming it‘s necessary to stop fake news and keep people „better“ informed (rather than the opposite).