US Central Command (CENTCOM) commander Gen. Joseph Votel landed at the newly-rebuilt Iraqi air base near the city of Mosul early on Wednesday morning, the Central Command said via Twitter.
Daily Archives: 26. Oktober 2016
„Für mehr Transparenz“: Stoltenberg will Russland-Nato-Rat einberufen
Die Nato erörtert mit Russland weiterhin künftige Maßnahmen zur Risiko-Minimierung militärischer Zwischenfälle und ist laut dem Generalsekretär Jens Stoltenberg bereit, den Russland-Nato-Rat für eine Fortsetzung dieser Diskussion einzuberufen, wie die Agentur RIA Novosti berichtet.
UAE surveillance contractor is recruiting an army of foreign hackers to break into its citizens‘ devices
The world‘s most sophisticated security experts have been bombarded with recruiting offers from UAE-based company Darkmatter, which bills itself as a major state security contractor — but people who‘ve taken the bait say they were then told that they were being hired to weaponize huge arsenals of zero-day vulnerabilities so that the UAE can subject its own population to fine-grained, continuous surveillance.
Debunking the Patriot Act as It Turns 15
EFF has been fighting against abuses of the Patriot Act since it first passed, and we’ll continue fighting in the courts and on the Hill. To help us in those fights, donate to EFF today.
Proteste gegen Fracking im Norden von Kolumbien
Mehr als tausend Menschen haben vergangene Woche gegen die Lieferung der Fracking-Maschinen und den bevorstehenden Beginn der Erdölförderung im Landkreis San Martín en Cesar im Norden von Kolumbien protestiert.
Venezuela zwischen Putschvorwürfen und Dialog
Die Aufforderung der Opposition an das Militär wies Verteidigungsminister Vladimir Padrino López indes in einem Kommuniquee im Namen der Streitkräfte deutlich zurück. Niemand könne von ihnen einfordern, was sie bereits täten: die Verfassung zu respektieren und zu verteidigen. Ein Bruch der verfassungsmäßigen Ordnung liege nicht vor. Er mahnte stattdessen die Opposition, diese zu achten
Trump TV: About As Terrible As You‘d Expect
Trump TV recently launched its first broadcast online. It‘s just plain unwatchable, but here, watch some anyway!
The Naked Truth: Trumpland
They have been called „deplorable“ but they have changed the face of presidential politics in 2016. Fusion is uncovering the real people that drive the Trump campaign.
Despite the pundits who‘ve decided the race is over, polls show the Donald refuses to die
On the one hand, we have a candidate who‘s accused of hiring crazed fanatics to aid in her campaign.
On the other hand, we have a candidate who gets crazed fanatics to help in his campaign for free.
Who‘s going to win? At the moment the most reliable poll in recent history is giving a slight edge to the guy who fires up fanatics for free.
That‘s Donald Trump, and as of Saturday the Investors Business Daily/TechnoMetrica Market Intelligence Poll had him leading Hillary Clinton by two points in a four-way race.
I Went Undercover With a Border Militia. Here‘s What I Saw.
We are in a Walmart parking lot in Nogales. Captain Pain and a couple of others go into the store to get supplies. In Pain‘s absence, Showtime is our commanding officer. He is a Marine special-ops veteran who did three tours in Afghanistan. He has camo paint on his face and a yeti beard. He gets in the cab to check Facebook on his phone while Destroyer, Jaeger, Spartan, and I stand with our backs to the truck, rifles in hand, keeping watch for anything suspicious. The Mexican border is three miles away.
Russia Calls the War Party‘s Bluff
The CIA will be waiting forever and eternity for Russia to collapse.
U.S. has secretly expanded its global network of drone bases to North Africa
Obama administration officials say they have tried to shore up Tunisia’s fledgling democracy and position the country as a key counterterrorism partner in the region. Though the drones operating out of Tunisia currently conduct only surveillance missions, U.S. officials said they could be armed in future, if Tunisia gives the United States permission. The Tunisian embassy in Washington declined to comment.
We can disagree without attacking each other. Our ideas can be in conflict without us being in conflict. Everything isn‘t war.
50 Years After Founding of Black Panther Party, Some Members Still Locked Up As Political Prisoners
As the Black Panther Party marks its 50th anniversary we revisit two decades of Democracy Now! interviews with members who were released from prison, in many cases after tortured confessions, wrongful convictions, and longterm solitary confinement. We also report on those still behind bars.
„Dr. King became a martyr because of his stand on Vietnam, not only… his stand on race, justice, economic poverty“
We are torturers and murderers: America’s first casualty of war is the Constitution
(6.4.2016) Let’s face it: in times of war, the Constitution tends to take a beating. With the safety or survival of the nation said to be at risk, the basic law of the land — otherwise considered sacrosanct — becomes nonbinding, subject to being waived at the whim of government authorities who are impatient, scared, panicky, or just plain pissed off.
The examples are legion.
Hillary’s War: Can a No-fly Zone Over Syria Work?
(19.10.2016) But unlike the wars that Washington has embarked on in the Middle East, no-fly zones have clear objectives and limits. They have been enforced three times – in Iraq, Bosnia and Libya – with various degrees of success.
Syria is in many ways a much more difficult situation, mainly because a large and well-equipped air force is already operating there with impunity. But that’s arguably why a no-fly zone is so urgently needed.
RELEASE: The Podesta Emails Part 19 #PodestaEmails #PodestaEmails19 #HillaryClinton
Apple VP to Clinton chief: „Strong encryption does not eliminate Apple’s ability to give law enforcement meta-data“
The US is currently bombing seven countries.
Mehr Videoüberwachung: Minister de Maizière plant Gesetzesänderung
Bundesinnenminister Thomas de Maizière hat erneut seinen Willen betont, die Videoüberwachung an öffentlichen Plätzen mitsamt intelligenter Auswertungstechnik auszubauen. Dazu zählt die automatische Gesichtserkennung von Passanten an Flughäfen, Bahnhöfen oder Einkaufszentren. Der Minister setzt damit Vorhaben aus einem ganzen Paket an Überwachungsmaßnahmen in Gang, die im Sommer schon angedroht worden waren.
The Clinton Campaign Should Stop Denying That The Wikileaks Emails Are Valid; They Are And They‘re Real
So it‘s been a bit bizarre watching people try to insist that the troves of John Podesta emails that Wikileaks has been releasing are somehow fake, doctored or manipulated. We recently wrote about Newsweek reporter Kurt Eichenwald going crazy insisting that he had proved that Wikileaks and the Russians teamed up to „manipulate“ an email. Of course, the reality turned out to be that a young American part-time reporter for a Russian-owned news site, had simply misread a tweet and turned it into an article. No big conspiracy. No manipulation. And, certainly, none of that has anything to do with Wikileaks (amusingly, Eichenwald then deleted all his tweets claiming proof that Wikileaks was a part of this conspiracy, and apparently tried to silence the young reporter by telling him he‘d try to get him a job elsewhere).
Saudi cleric blames Syrian rebel losses on ‚blasphemous‘ swearing
Muhaysini‘s call for an end to swearing related to God has received mixed responses on social media with many people mocking the cleric for his „bizarre“ reasoning for rebel losses.
CETA-Rebell Paul Magnette – Was Europas Sozialdemokraten von dem Wallonen lernen können
Ganz Europa haben die EU-Funktionäre auf Linie gebracht und für die Unterzeichnung des umstrittenen Freihandelsabkommens CETA gewonnen. Ganz Europa? Nein. Die belgische Region Wallonien leistet erbitterten Widerstand.
Washington’s ‘Pivot to Asia’: A Debacle Unfolding
The ‘pivot to Asia’ did not shift existing resources from the Middle East, it added military commitments to the region, while provoking more conflicts with Russia and China.
The “pivot to Asia” meant that the US was extending and deepening its regional military alliances in order to confront and encircle Russia and China. The goal would be to cripple their economies and foster social unrest leading to political instability and regime change.
The US onslaught for greater empire depended on the cooperation of proxies and allies to accomplish its strategic goals.
Is this the end for the International Criminal Court?
It looks like the news came as a surprise to the UN secretary general.
„We didn‘t see this coming“ said a source close to Ban Ki-moon. „The UN Secretary General was totally shocked“.
But perhaps the UN should have seen this coming.
Britain to resume training Syrian rebels
It is understood the troops will work at bases in Turkey and Jordan.
Putin verkauft jordanischem König Waffen für 390 Millionen Dollar
Es sind bereits Lieferungen im Wert von 183 Millionen Dollar erfolgt.
Russland: US-Koalition bombardiert mehrfach Zivilisten in Mossul – Über 60 Tote in nur drei Tagen
In den Medienberichten hieß es zuvor beispielsweise, dass Russland ein Krankenhaus in Aleppo angegriffen und zerstört hätte. Die jüngsten Aufnahmen belegen jedoch, dass das Krankenhaus nach wie vor unversehrt ist und die Vorwürfe somit haltlos. Rudskoi kam nach der Widerlegung der Vorwürfe wegen angeblicher Kriegsverbrechen in Syrien auf die Anti-IS-Operation in der irakischen Stadt Mossul, die letzte Woche begonnen wurde, zu sprechen und machte den USA schwere Vorwürfe.
Appeals Court Says Government Doesn‘t Have To Disclose Contents Of Its Secret Terrorist Organization List
An attempt to force the government to reveal its secret list of terrorist groups has been shot down by the Seventh Circuit Court of Appeals [PDF]. The Heartland Alliance Immigrant Justice Center‘s FOIA request for „Tier III“ terrorist groups can remain unfulfilled. [h/t Brad Heath]
Without giving too much away (and neither the court nor the government does), „Tier III“ is apparently more nebulous and fluid than tiers I and II.
Luftschläge auf Mossul: USA bitten Russland um mehr Daten
„Was die Vermutung über die zivilen Opfer betrifft, ist der Süden von Mossul eine große Region. Wir brauchen konkretere Informationen, um festzustellen, ob die Flugzeuge der Koalition in den fraglichen Vorfall verwickelt waren“, so der Koalitionssprecher. „Falls die russischen Behörden über mehr Informationen zu dieser Vermutung verfügen, bitten wir sie, uns diese mitzuteilen, damit wir ermitteln können“, hieß es.
Weltpolitik nach Obama (II)
Tatsächlich böte eine deutsche Opposition gegen eine als untragbar empfundene Politik der nächsten US-Administration eine populäre Legitimation für das alte Berliner Bestreben, eine führende Rolle in der Weltpolitik zu übernehmen.
Mossul: US-Bomber greift Mädchenschule an
„Am 21. Oktober hat ein Flugzeug der US-Luftwaffe die Mädchenschule al-Hadsch Junus im Süden von Mossul angegriffen“, teilte Sergej Rudskoj, Chef der Hauptverwaltung Operatives des russischen Generalstabs, mit.
Awacs-Einsatz der Nato im Kampf gegen IS-Miliz bereits gestartet
Der Bundestag entscheidet erst im November über die Mission.
Overbeck gegen Inlandseinsätze der Bundeswehr
Diese strikte Trennung zwischen Äußerer und Innerer Sicherheit sei das Ergebnis der schlimmen Vermischung in der NS-Zeit und dürfe nicht wieder aufgegeben werden.
NATO übt Katastrophen-Einsatz nach Zugunglück
„Save The Link“: EU-Parlamentarier gegen Oettingers Leistungsschutzrecht (Update)
„Wir haben in Deutschland schon einen ähnlichen Versuch gehabt, und da haben wir gesehen, dass es gescheitert ist.“ Es gebe keinen Grund zu der Annahme, dass das auf der europäischen Ebene anders wäre, erklären die Parlamentarier. Der Plan der Kommission sei absurd, denn er verfehle die digitale Wirklichkeit. „Links mit Anreißern sind Werbung für Artikel und nicht Diebstahl.“
Big Brother Awards: Doppelsieg für österreichischen Bundestrojaner
Gleich zwei österreichische Big Brother Awards gab es am Dienstag für Minister, die sich für staatliche Trojaner ins Zeug werfen. Außerdem geschmäht wurden eine App, die Kinderdaten sammelt, BMW, der CIO der österreichischen Bundesregierung und Google.
Fahrassistenten werden zum Problem für Waschanlagen
Grund seien beispielsweise Kollisionsvermeidungsysteme, die den Unterschied zwischen einer massiven Wand und den riesigen Reinigungsbürsten einer Waschstraße nicht erkennen können. Andere Systeme blockieren die Räder automatisch, wenn das Auto mehr als drei Sekunden gestanden hat – auch wenn es eigentlich durch eine Waschstraße gezogen werden soll.
BGH: Mindestentgelt für überzogenes Konto ist unwirksam
Schon lange kritisieren Verbraucherschützer vielfach überzogene Zinsen für Dispokredite und geduldete Überziehungen. Ein Mindestentgelt hat der Bundesgerichtshof jetzt gekippt.
Steinmeier fordert Flugverbot über Syrien
(22.9.2016) Außenminister Frank-Walter Steinmeier will, dass die UN wieder Hilfslieferungen aufnehmen können.
Why Hillary Clinton‘s plans for no-fly zones in Syria could provoke US-Russia conflict
Retired senior US military pilots are increasingly alarmed that Hillary Clinton’s proposal for “no-fly zones” in Syria could lead to a military confrontation with Russia that could escalate to levels that were previously unthinkable in the post-cold war world.
The former strategists spoke to the Guardian as Clinton’s Republican rival Donald Trump warned that Clinton’s proposal to establish “safe zones” to protect beleaguered Syrian civilians would “lead to world war three”.
Exclusive: Trump says Clinton policy on Syria would lead to World War Three
„You’re going to end up in World War Three over Syria if we listen to Hillary Clinton. You’re not fighting Syria any more, you’re fighting Syria, Russia and Iran, all right? Russia is a nuclear country, but a country where the nukes work as opposed to other countries that talk,“ he said.
Trump warns of World War III if Clinton is elected
„What we should do is focus on ISIS. We should not be focusing on Syria,“ Trump told Reuters on Tuesday morning at his resort in Doral, Florida. „You‘re going to end up in World War III over Syria if we listen to Hillary Clinton.“
The Republican nominee, who has called for a rapprochement with Russia in order to jointly combat ISIS, argued that his Democratic rival‘s calls for taking a more aggressive posture in Syria to bring the conflict there to an end and combat ISIS will only draw the US into a larger war.
NATO seeks troops to deter Russia on eastern flank
With Russia‘s aircraft carrier heading to Syria in a show of force along Europe‘s shores, alliance defense ministers aim to make good on a July promise by NATO leaders to send forces to the Baltic states and eastern Poland from early next year.
Terrorgefahr: Innenminister für mehr Kameras in Stadien und Einkaufszentren
Den angekündigten Einsatz von Gesichtserkennungssystemen an Bahnhöfen und Flughäfen zur Fahndung nach Terrorverdächtigen will de Maizière dem „Handelsblatt“ zufolge in einem Pilotprojekt erproben. In der Antwort auf eine Kleine Anfrage der Grünen-Fraktion heißt es demnach, man sei darüber mit der Deutschen Bahn „in Abstimmung“.
Innenministerium will Gesichtserkennung im Bahnhof testen
Die Würde des Menschen ist unantastbar. Gut, außer beim Arbeitsamt in Stade.
Die wollen schon mal ein paar Details über das Sexualverhalten haben, wenn eine Schwangere ein Kind anmeldet, von dem der Vater nicht bekannt ist.
The FBI Has a Secret Biometric Database — What Does it Mean for You?
(Mai 2016) Fueling suspicion is the fact that the agency is very secretive about its program and wants to keep it exempt from the requirements of the Privacy Act, the 1974 law that regulates what the federal government can and cannot do with information about citizens. In particular, federal officials do not want to disclose who is in the database or why they are in there.
Presently, there are between 50 million and 70 million people in the FBI’s registry. The information the agency has includes iris scans, voice recordings and gait measures, as well as records of scars, tattoos and other distinguishing characteristics.
Next Generation Identification
Next Generation Identification (NGI) is a project of the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI). The project‘s goal is to expand the capabilities of the Integrated Automated Fingerprint Identification System (IAFIS), which is currently used by law enforcement to identify subjects by their fingerprints and to look up their criminal history. T
Next Generation Sequencing Market Driven by Technological Innovation and Increasing Drug Discovery Initiatives by Healthcare Companies
True potential of this technology lies in the personalized medicine and sequencing genomes of individuals.
Bioinformatisches Tool zur Durchsuchung von Sequenzierungsdaten
Zunächst war etwa 30 Jahre lang fürs Entziffern des DNA-Codes von Mikroben die 1975 entwickelte Sanger-Sequenzierung vorherrschend. Mit dieser Methode konnte die Abfolge der Bausteine auf der DNA aufgeklärt werden – das läutete die Ära der Genomforschung ein. Inzwischen haben die sogenannten Next Generation Sequencing-Technologien (NGS) zu einer weiteren Revolution geführt: Die aktuellen Geräte können mit geringem personellem Aufwand innerhalb von 24 Stunden so viele Daten erzeugen wie zuvor hundert Durchläufe der ersten DNA-Sequenzierungsmethode.
Kuwait to change law forcing all citizens to provide DNA samples
In the wake of a legal challenge last month, and an appeal from the emir of Kuwait, the Kuwait parliament has now agreed to change the law so that only suspected criminals will need to give their DNA.
Leaked Documents Show New Zealand Company‘s Connection To GCHQ‘s Internet Dragnet
Another stack of documents has been leaked to The Intercept, these ones detailing a little-known New Zealand company‘s facilitation of worldwide surveillance.
Why Is the Foreign Policy Establishment Spoiling for More War? Look at Their Donors.
War is first and foremost a profitable racket.