Paolo Angeli (Prepared Sardinian Guitar – live, no over dub, no loops) plays „Ferri“
Daily Archives: 1. Oktober 2016
Unreliability, Spinelessness of the Western “Left”
But whenever some individual or country rose up and began openly challenging the Empire, most of the Western left-wing intellectuals simply closed their eyes, and refused to offer their full, unconditional support to those who were putting their lives (and often even the existence of their countries) on the line.
SöNDöRGő – Music
Söndörgő (pronounce Shoendoergoe)
Söndörgő is one of the most active and interesting world music groups in Hungary. They play a style of music that is hugely attractive, but little known and quite different to the traditional, fiddle-led hungarian repertoire. Their aim is to foster and preserve Southern Slavic traditions of the Serbs and Croats as found in various settlements in Hungary. Most of these communities are situated along the Danube, but quite isolated from each other.
Iran unveils new combat drone, says copied from captured US aircraft
Iran‘s Revolutionary Guards unveiled a home-built drone that they said was capable of carrying bombs, state media reported on Saturday, in what appeared to be another copy of a reconnaissance U.S. drone that Iran captured five years ago.
The drone, called Saegheh, or lightning, was unveiled at an expo showcasing the latest achievements by the Revolutionary Guards‘ aerospace arm.
Mexico‘s Attorney General Secretly Purchased Costly Spyware (Again)
Mexican news outlet Reforma recently confirmed that Mexico‘s Attorney General (the government agency in charge of investigating and pursuing federal crimes in Mexico) acquired surveillance software from the Israeli company NSO Group in 2014 and 2015 for a sum of 15 million dollars. According to Reforma:
S. Sudan accepts deployment of UN-authorized troops
„The council [of ministers] instructs all government of agents, particularly the security organs to cooperate with UNMISS and UN Security Council for the quick deployment of troops to Juba as soon as possible,“ he told reporters in Juba Friday.
Meeting of the platform on the democratic future of Syria begins
(30.September) Preparation committee member Dîrok Mela Resûl gave the opening speech of the platform today, and Cizîr Canton Co-President El-Şêx Himêdî Deham El-Hadî addressed the participants of the platform. In his speech, El-Hadî stated that the peoples of Syria have high hopes for the platform, and wished for a political solution to the crisis in Syria.
Deutsche Bank executives heading to US in coming days: FAZ
FRANKFURT: Deutsche Bank executives are heading to the United States in the coming days to negotiate a settlement over a fine of up to US$14 billion for misselling mortgage-backed securities, the Frankfurter Allegemeine Zeitung reported.
Pedro Sánchez resigns as leader of Spain‘s Socialist party
The leader of Spain’s Socialist party, Pedro Sánchez, has resigned after losing a party assembly vote, a step that could pave the way for the formation of a new government and end nine months of political deadlock.
NANNI ANGELI – MISTERI (Stabat-Tibi) musiche Paolo Angeli
Angeli Productions Vlora / Blu Di Prussia
Music composed and arranged by paolo Angeli ©
Mi e La Traditional elab. by Paolo Angeli
Porto Flavia is dedicated to Paco de Lucia
Angeli Productions – Krutitsa Vertitsa Shar Goluboy
Piccola Orchestra Gagarin VOSTOK – WAJ 030/AnMa ReR PA 9 / ALU 23
Sasha Agranov Cello & Voice
Paolo Angeli Prepared Sardinian Guitar
Oriol Roca Drums
Produced by Piccola Orchestra Gagarin
Tzenni from Tzenni by Noura Mint Seymali
Glitterbeat specializes in vibrant global sounds from Africa and beyond. Glitterbeat’s artists are both culturally committed and resolutely contemporary.
Glitterbeat Records Beverungen, Germany
Syrien, Aleppo: Russland muss jetzt endlich gewinnen und den U.S.-geführten fünfzehnjährigen Terrorkrieg brechen und beenden
Es gibt deutliche Anzeichen dafür, dass innerhalb der Führungshierarchie der Russischen Föderation gewisse Kräfte dem „Westen“ und seiner mit denkbar langer Ansage erfolgten Invasion Syriens bis heute in die Hände spielen.
MAP UPDATE: #SAA captured #Humrah hill and established fire control over #Shuqayyif district und #Jandoul Roundabout area. #Aleppo #Syria
Syrian „opposition“ astonished at the suggestion that they should have to participate in Syrian elections to get to power.
Russia: Lavrov blasts Syrian opposition for threatening humanitarian convoys in Aleppo
Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov stated that the Castello Road in Aleppo could not be used as a humanitarian supply line because the Syrian opposition „threatens to fire at any convoy,“ during an interview with the BBC, conducted in Moscow on Friday.
According to Lavrov, after the ceasefire had been announced on September 12, „the Syrian government did start pulling back its forces from the Castello Road and the opposition was supposed to do the same; they never did. Instead they started firing to get the Syrian forces pulling back from Castello Road.“
Audio Reveals What John Kerry Told Syrians Behind Closed Doors
“I think you’re looking at three people, four people in the administration who have all argued for use of force, and I lost the argument.”
Kerry: ‘I argued for use of force in Syria, and I’ve lost the argument’
John Kerry frustrated with inability to use forces in Syria – leaked recording
dem damal. Generalstabsleiter Ashkenazi und Mossad-Chef Dagan. Sie weigerten sich ohne Kabinettsbeschluss vorzugehen.
Ich habs schon mal erwähnt: dass der Iran in 2010 nicht durch Israel angegriffen wurde ist zwei Leuten zu verdanken:
Israel ‚planned Iran attack in 2010‘
(5.11.2012) But the army chief, Gabi Ashkenazi and the Mossad head, Meir Dagan, who were at the meeting, opposed the move. According to the hour-long Channel 2 programme, Dagan told Netanyahu and Barak: „You are likely to make an illegal decision to go to war. Only the cabinet is authorised to decide this.“
Security chiefs refused order from PM in 2010 to prepare military to strike Iran within hours if necessary, TV report says
(4.12.2012) The report cited sources close to Ashkenazi and Dagan – who since stepping down from their respective posts have both been outspoken in their opposition to a strike on Iran – to the effect that as the two men were leaving the meeting, Netanyahu “matter-of-factly” instructed them to initiate the “P Plus” code, which is essentially a readying of the military to imminently launch an attack.
Ashkenazi and Dagan reportedly vehemently objected to the order.
Shimon Peres hat vor zwei Jahren einem Reporter der Jerusalem Post erzählt, dass er einen Militärschlag Israels gegen den Iran verhindert hat.
„Peres: I stopped Netanyahu from attacking Iran.
Me: Can you tell us more?
Peres: I don’t want to go into details, but I can tell you that he was ready to launch an attack and I stopped him.“
AP: Police Officers Abuse Confidential Databases
AP Investigation: Scores of police officers abuse confidential law enforcement databases to access personal information about ex-girlfriends, business associates, politicians and others for reasons that have nothing to do with police work. (Sept. 28)
Mehr als 300 Polizeibeamte in den USA wegen Datenmissbrauch entlassen oder suspendiert
Polizisten in der USA missbrauchen dienstliche Datenbanken um Informationen über Ehepartner, Nachbarn oder Journalisten herauszufinden. Das hat AP in einer Recherche herausgefunden. Die Recherchen ergaben, dass alleine in den Jahren zwischen 2013 und 2015 landesweit 325 Entlassungen und Suspendierungen wegen solcher Verstöße gab. In 250 Fällen gab es Verwarnungen oder andere disziplinarische Maßnahmen.
NSU-Ausschuss deckt auf: Vorsätzliche Aktenvernichtungen beim Bundesverfassungsschutz
Die Bundesanwaltschaft kennt den Sachverhalt seit mindestens zwei Jahren und unternahm nichts.
Syrien: Einwohner von Aleppo bekommen weitere Hilfslieferung aus Russland
Russland hat in einen der befreiten Stadtteile von Aleppo rund 1,5 Tonnen humanitäre Hilfsgüter gebracht. Wie der Sprecher des russischen Zentrums für Aussöhnung in Syrien, Daniil Rytschkow, mitteilte, werden die Hilfsgüter an Zivilisten bzw. Flüchtlinge und Familien der gefallenen Soldaten verteilt.
Ohne TTIP alles Nazi: Wie Transatlantiker à la Joschka Fischer um das Abendland bangen
Natürlich musste Joschka Fischer seinen apokalyptischen Meinungsbeitrag zu zwei Dritteln im Konjunktiv verfassen: würde, hätte, sei und käme. Aber das Szenario ist deutlich. Die Transatlantiker spüren Gegenwind. In Washington bekommen einige mit, dass ihre strategischen Projekte auf Widerstand stoßen.
Protest vor dem Bundeskanzleramt: Kriege und wirtschaftliche Ungerechtigkeit beenden
Die Sprecher der Aktion „Es reicht“ appellierten an die Bevölkerung, sich nicht durch künstliche Widersprüche spalten zu lassen. Hautfarbe, Religion und andere Unterschiede seien Teil der Natur und der Schöpfung, argumentierte, der ehemalige Radiomoderator. Um gemeinsam für Frieden und eine zukunftsfähige Wirtschaft einzustehen, die nicht darauf basiert, Ressourcen zu enteignen und zu verschwenden, sollten die Menschen das Gemeinsame suchen.
UNAMA condemns killing of at least 15 civilians in airstrike
In the early morning of 28 September, an international military forces unmanned aerial vehicle conducted an airstrike, reportedly targeting members of ISIL/Daesh, that struck a civilian home killing the 15 civilians.
The civilians had gathered in a village to celebrate the return of a tribal elder from the Hajj pilgrimage to Mecca and were reportedly sleeping in a guesthouse of the elder when the airstrike occurred. Civilian victims of the strike included students and a teacher, as well as members of families considered to be pro-Government.
How the US Armed-up Syrian Jihadists
The West blames Russia for the bloody mess in Syria, but U.S. Special Forces saw close up how the chaotic U.S. policy of aiding Syrian jihadists enabled Al Qaeda and ISIS to rip Syria apart, explains ex-British diplomat Alastair Crooke.
Rüstungshaushalt: Bald 40 Milliarden fürs Militär
Der NATO meldet die Bundeswehr jedenfalls eine Summe, die um 2,7 Milliarden höher ist. Denn natürlich gehören auch Ausgaben für UN mandatierte Einsätze oder zur „Ertüchtigung“ der irakischen Armee zum Militärbudget. Deswegen ergibt sich bei den Verteidigungsausgaben nach NATO-Ausgaben die beachtliche Summe von 39,3 Milliarden Euro. Berücksichtig man dann noch, dass zwischenzeitlich auch aus den Zuweisungen an die Europäische Union militärische relevante Haushaltsposten finanziert werden, dann ist es leider nicht übertrieben davon auszugehen, dass aus Steuermitteln im nächsten Jahr wohl etwa 40 Milliarden fürs Militär „investiert“ werden. Positiv formuliert: Hier gibt es viel finanziellen Spielraum für ein Umsteuern der Ausgabenpolitik hin zu sozial und ökologisch sinnvollen Projekten.
NATO, Iraq seek long-term partnership upon Baghdad‘s demand
This is the King Abdullah II Special Operations Training Center, or KASOTC, which was established upon the instructions of King Abdullah II in 2009 and boasts over $200 million worth of training facilities and support structures.
David Camerons Begabung – Krieg und Rassismus für die Anderen und für uns
Der europäisch-amerikanische Überfall auf Libyen hat nichts damit zu tun, dass jemand beschützt werden soll, solcherlei Unsinn glauben nur unheilbar Naive.
Dave and Tony, the back row mourners: Former prime ministers find themselves relegated at the funeral of Israeli statesman Shimon Peres
Mr Cameron’s war to topple Colonel Gaddafi in Libya was described in a report by MPs as ‘ill conceived’, fuelling the rise of Islamic State and leaving the country in chaos.
Exposed: ‘Revolving door’ between British govt and arms dealers
The group highlighted the case of current Leicestershire police and crime commissioner, Baron Willy Bach, who moved from the Ministry of Defence (MoD) procurement department to the directorship of aerospace and cybersecurity firm Leonardo-Finmeccanica shortly after he left the government in 2005.
“The government may talk about the importance of human rights, but its role is absolutely central to the UK arms trade,” CAAT spokesman Andrew Smith told the Guardian.
Mein Kreatives Manifest (Wacht auf)
Pentagon‘s New Goal: Put Science Into Scripts
(4.8.2005) At a cost of roughly $25,000 in Pentagon research grants, the American Film Institute is cramming this eclectic group of midcareer researchers, engineers, chemists and physicists full of pointers on how to find their way in a world that can be a lot lonelier than the loneliest laboratory: the wilderness of story arcs, plot points, pitching and the special circle of hell better known as development.
And no primer on Hollywood would be complete without at least three hours on „Agents & Managers.“
An offer they couldn‘t refuse
(14.11.2008) What‘s less widely known is how much the spies have wanted to get in bed with the film-makers. In fact, the story of the CIA‘s involvement in Hollywood is a tale of deception and subversion that would seem improbable if it were put on screen.
The model for this is the defence department‘s „open“ but barely publicised relationship with Hollywood.
Bildermaschine für den Krieg: Über Geschichte, Ziele und Kritik der Pentagon-Filmarbeit
(24.5.2005) Bereits 1988 konstatierte Georg Seeßlen: „Noch nie in der Geschichte der Menschheit … war die Wahrnehmung, war alle Information und alle Kommunikation so sehr vom Kriegerischen bestimmt, noch nie gab es eine solche Allgegenwärtigkeit von Militär und Krieg.“ Mehr als 15 Jahre später haben wir allen Anlass zu fragen: Wer produziert eigentlich die uferlosen Bildszenarien, die bis hin zum äußersten Universum das Programm „Krieg“ als Problemlösung anpreisen?
Wir sind die Bösen, klar?
(9.8.2016) Worst. Heroes. Ever.
#SuicideSquad – ab 18. August im Kino!
So I went to see Suicide Squad today…
@DirkLaabs Das ist doch mal erfrischend. Diesen Leuten trauen wir also unsere Sicherheit an. Sie sind nur sich selbst am nächsten. Pfui!
L. LINGEN, ex-Referatsleiter BfV, gegenüber der BAW: „Vernichtete Akten können… nicht mehr geprüft werden.“ #nsu
CIA Took Three Years To Reject FOIA Request For Criteria For Rejecting FOIA Requests
Curious about what criteria the CIA have for determining if they „can neither confirm nor deny“ something? So did Jason Smathers, who back in 2010 filed one of MuckRock‘s earliest requests for exactly that. Six years later, he still doesn‘t know.
Report of the Secretary-General on the United Nations Disengagement Observer Force for the period from 4 September to 19 November 2014
(1.12.2014) 5. In view of the heavy fighting, which was approaching close to the UNDOF headquarters at Camp Faouar and the mission’s positions in the central part of the area of separation, the Force Commander briefed both parties early in September on the Force’s plans to relocate its personnel and assets should the Nusra Front or other extremist fighters who posed a clear threat to the mission endanger the safety and security of the United Nations personnel. It should be noted here that from information posted on social media as well as in the course of its efforts to secure the release of the peacekeepers, the United Nations learned that its personnel had been taken and held by members of the Nusra Front. There were indications that the Nusra Front intended to detain additional UNDOF personnel and take from UNDOF more weapons and vehicles as opportunities arose. (…)
12. Crossing of the ceasefire line by civilians, primarily shepherds, was observed on an almost daily basis. On 24 October, United Nations observation post 73 observed 12 IDF soldiers who detained one civilian between the Alpha line and the Israeli technical fence south-east of the observation post and subsequently took him away. IDF informed UNDOF that they released the person within one hour at the same location. On 27 October, position 80 observed two IDF soldiers east of the technical fence returning from the direction of the Alpha line towards the technical fence. UNDOF observed IDF opening the technical fence gate and letting two individuals pass from the Bravo to the Alpha side. Following the evacuation of UNDOF personnel from position 85 on 28 August, UNDOF sporadically observed armed members of the opposition interacting with IDF across the ceasefire line in the vicinity of United Nations position 85.
UN Peacekeepers Observe IDF Interacting With Al Nusra in Golan
(4.12.2014) UN troops monitoring the 1974 ceasefire between Israel and Syria have witnessed interactions between members of the Israeli Defence Forces and the Al Nusra Front who have taken over a large part of the Golan Heights.
Israel, US Coalition Provide Aerial Support to Nusra Front, Daesh in Syria
The Nusra Front and Daesh fighters receive air support from Israel and the US-led coalition in Syria, Riyad Haddad, the Syrian Ambassador to Russia, told Sputnik.
Pentagon chief calls U.S. alliance with Philippines ‚ironclad‘
„As it has been for decades, our alliance with the Philippines is ironclad,“ said Carter, speaking to American sailors aboard the U.S.S. Carl Vinson at its home port in San Diego.
Through a „landmark“ recent agreement, „the United States is supporting the modernization of the Philippine Armed Forces,“ he said.
Philippinischer Präsident Duterte vergleicht sich mit Adolf Hitler
„Hitler hat drei Millionen Juden massakriert. Nun, es gibt (hier) drei Millionen Drogenabhängige. Ich würde sie gerne abschlachten“, sagte Duterte in Manila.
Philippinen: Menschenrechtler fordern Ermittlungen gegen Duterte
(16.9.2016) „Es kann nicht davon ausgegangen werden, dass Präsident Duterte gegen sich selbst ermittelt“, sagte der Asien-Direktor der Menschenrechtsorganisation Human Rights Watch, Brad Adams.
Zeuge: Duterte soll Morde beauftragt und selbst begangen haben
(15.9.2016) Diese Anschuldigungen erhob am Donnerstag Edgar Matobato, ein früheres Mitglied der sogenannten Davao-Todesschwadronen (DDS), vor einem parlamentarischen Untersuchungsausschuss für die Morde in Dutertes Antidrogenkrieg. 2007 habe Duterte persönlich einen Beamten der Nationalen Ermittlungsbehörde, einer Art Bundespolizei, erschossen.
China’s real reason for getting yuan into IMF’s (otherwise pointless) currency basket
Of course, such radical reforms would face stiff opposition from entrenched interests: the export lobby which profited from a managed exchange rate, and the state companies which benefited from cheap loans. So Zhou sold his reforms by talking up the supposed glory of SDR membership.
In short, the SDR was a ruse to push through much-needed domestic liberalisation in the teeth of fierce opposition. In large measure the ruse succeeded, but that doesn’t mean the SDR is important, or even relevant.
„Historischer Meilenstein“: Chinesischer Yuan ist jetzt Weltwährung
Der chinesische Yuan wird offiziell in den Währungskorb des Internationalen Währungsfonds aufgenommen. Es ist die erste Neuaufnahme seit der Einführung des Euro.