Daily Archives: 31. August 2016

31.08.2016 - 23:32 [ AlterNet ]

The Great Mexican Wall Deception: Trump‘s America Already Exists on the Border

It has for years, and the fingerprints all over it aren‘t Trump‘s but the Clintons‘—both Bill‘s and Hillary‘s…. Twenty-one years before Trump’s wall-building promise (and seven years before the 9/11 attacks), the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers began to replace the chain link fence that separated Nogales, Sonora, in Mexico from Nogales, Arizona, in the United States with a wall built of rusty landing mats from the Vietnam and Persian Gulf wars. Although there had been various half-hearted attempts at building border walls throughout the twentieth century, this was the first true effort to build a barrier of what might now be called Trumpian magnitude.

31.08.2016 - 23:21 [ Electronic Frontier Foundation ]

Stupid Patent of the Month: Elsevier Patents Online Peer Review

Elsevier recently acquired SSRN, the beloved preprints repository for the social sciences and humanities. There are early signs that it will be a poor steward of SSRN. Together, the SSRN acquisition and this month’s stupid patent present a troubling vision of Elsevier’s new strategy: if you can’t control the content anymore, then assert control over the infrastructures of scholarly publishing itself.

31.08.2016 - 17:58 [ Süddeutsche ]

Schweigepflicht Aggressive Fantasien

(12.8.2016) Der Bundesinnenminister will gemeinsam mit Ärzten überlegen, wie die Bürger besser vor gewalttätigen Menschen geschützt werden können. Zugleich soll die Schweigepflicht nicht aufgeweicht werden. Kann das funktionieren?

Das kann man erst sagen, wenn konkrete Vorschläge auf dem Tisch liegen.

31.08.2016 - 17:48 [ Trend.az ]

Turkey not to allow new state emerge in Syria

The information that the Turkish military operation in Syria is allegedly aimed against the success of the YPG (Kurdish People‘s Protection Units) and the Democratic Union Party (PYD, the Kurdish political party) doesn’t correspond to reality, Kalin said.

He noted that the PYD and the YPG are terrorist organizations.

31.08.2016 - 17:40 [ theRepublic.com ]

The Latest: Turkey briefs Russia on anti-IS operation

Turkey’s Mevlut Cavusoglu called Sergey Lavrov on Wednesday to update him on the progress of ‘Euphrates Shield,’ Turkey’s incursion into Syria, which is aimed at helping Syrian rebels drive back IS as well as U.S.-backed Kurdish forces.
The Turkish Foreign Ministry says the two discussed current developments in Syria, the delivery of humanitarian aid and efforts to restart peace talks.

31.08.2016 - 17:37 [ Techdirt ]

Inspector General Finds NYPD‘s Surveillance Of Muslims Routinely Violated Consent Decree Guidelines

Following two lawsuits against the NYPD for its pervasive, rights-violating surveillance of the city‘s Muslims, the department‘s Inspector General took a look at a sampling of cases from 2010-2015 to see if the Handschu Agreement — crafted in 1985 and heavily modified in 2002 — was being followed. The short answer is „No.“ So is the long answer [PDF].

31.08.2016 - 17:36 [ Hurriyet ]

Gülen movement ‘founded by CIA like the Mormons and Scientologists,’ says Turkish prosecutor

The system that the Gülenists have built over years up in the education, heath, political, technology and culture sectors aims at the same thing as these churches, Dur said.

He claimed that it would not be possible for a primary school graduate, 75-year-old Fethullah Gülen, who has been living in the U.S. since 1999, to have built up such a large organization and infiltrated vital state organizations through his own efforts and abilities.

“Without international backing, Gülen could not have opened schools in 160 countries,” Dur added.

31.08.2016 - 17:35 [ Hurriyet ]

EU MP: We may have got Turkey plot wrong

The European Union might have “underestimated” the gravity of Turkey’s failed coup and must pursue dialogue with Ankara to preserve an agreement on halting the flow of migrants to Europe, according to the senior European lawmaker for foreign affairs.

Elmar Brok, the European Parliament’s foreign affairs chair and a member of German Chancellor Angela Merkel’s party, made the comments on Aug. 30 while briefing fellow lawmakers on a visit to Turkey last week, which came after the summer saw a souring of relations between the EU and Ankara following the failed coup in July.

31.08.2016 - 17:32 [ Ansa.it ]

Maximum support for EC on TTIP

The European Commission must get „maximum support“ in a „difficult negotiating phase“ for the Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership (TTIP) to enable it to „reach the ambitious result which the European governments rightly demand“, Industry Minister Carlo Calenda stressed.

31.08.2016 - 17:30 [ schweizerbauer.ch ]

EU-Kommission verteidigt TTIP

Der Sprecher der EU-Kommission erinnerte daran, dass die EU-Staaten ihr einstimmig ein Mandat für die Verhandlungen mit den USA erteilt haben. «Wir müssen diesen Prozess abschliessen und dann können die Mitgliedstaaten und die (EU-)Institutionen ihn bewerten.

31.08.2016 - 17:22 [ Techdirt ]

James Comey Claims He Wants An ‚Adult Conversation‘ About Encryption; Apparently ‚Adults‘ Ignore Experts

Plenty of experts have been trying their damnedest to have an „adult conversation“ with Comey, explaining to him why he‘s wrong about the risks of „going dark,“ while others have — in fairly great detail — explained the serious dangers behind Comey‘s approach.

Comey‘s response to these efforts so far has been the equivalent of sticking his fingers in his ears and screaming „nah, nah, nah — can‘t hear you!“ while repeating his „nerd harder“ mantra.

31.08.2016 - 16:23 [ antikrieg.com ]

Die Verfälschung des Begriffs Faschismus soll den Kapitalismus gut dastehen lassen

Die oberflächliche und willkürliche Verwendung des Begriffs Faschismus hat zu einem weitverbreiteten Missverständnis und zu falscher Anwendung seiner Bedeutung geführt. Auf die Frage, wie sie Faschismus definieren, würden die meisten Menschen Begriffe wie Diktatur, Antisemitismus, Massenhysterie, effiziente Propagandamaschinerie, hypnotisierende Reden eines psychopathischen Führers usw. nennen.

31.08.2016 - 16:16 [ Prof. James Petras / Dissident Voice ]

The Financial Times: Megaphone for Mass Murder

The Financial Times editorial page carries a logo that proclaims: “Without fear and without favour”. Indeed the editors have shown no fear when it comes to… fabricating lies, promoting imperial wars decimating countries and impoverishing millions, whether in Libya, Syria, Iraq, Afghanistan, Yemen and now Venezuela. The fearless “Lies of Our Times” have been at the forefront forging pretexts for inciting imperial armies to crush independent governments.

31.08.2016 - 16:07 [ Kieran Kelly / Dissident Voice ]

US Wars are for Empire, Not for Profit

How many times do we need to see the same intentional destruction of a country and its people by the US before we call it what it is – genocide. This is intentional destruction of “nations and peoples” and it is exactly what the term genocide was coined to describe.

The US empire is hollowing itself out. As it fails internally it will be ever more driven to impose control globally. As the 2016 Presidential campaign enters its crucial stage, we are entering the most dangerous period of history since the Cold War. We cannot afford to cling to delusions. We need to oppose US wars; evict US military bases; end mass surveillance and intelligence co-operation; reject neoliberalism and pro-corporate trade deals; and we need to reject the propaganda and discourse of US exceptionalism and apologism. When I say “we”, I mean every single person on the planet (including people in the US itself). The empire has to be beaten back on all fronts, because otherwise there are two horrific options: either it collapses, or worse still it doesn’t.

31.08.2016 - 10:00 [ tt.com ]

KRIEG IN SYRIEN – Hollande kritisiert Türkei: „Gefahr eines Flächenbrandes“

Die Türkei habe Truppen in Syrien stationiert, um sich gegen den IS zu verteidigen, sagte Hollande. Gleichzeitig gehe die Türkei gegen Kurden vor, die ihrerseits mit Unterstützung der internationalen Koalition den IS bekämpften. „Diese mannigfaltigen widersprüchlichen Interventionen bergen das Risiko, einen Flächenbrand auszulösen“, sagte der sozialistische Politiker.

31.08.2016 - 09:48 [ The Begin-Sadat Center for Strategic Studies ]

The Destruction of Islamic State is a Strategic Mistake

(2.8.2016) EXECUTIVE SUMMARY: The West should seek the further weakening of Islamic State, but not its destruction. A weak but functioning IS can undermine the appeal of the caliphate among radical Muslims; keep bad actors focused on one another rather than on Western targets; and hamper Iran’s quest for regional hegemony.

US Defense Secretary Ashton Carter recently gathered defense ministers from allied nations to plan what officials hope will be the decisive stage in the campaign to eradicate the Islamic State (IS) organization. This is a strategic mistake.

31.08.2016 - 09:47 [ RT ]

Israelischer Think Tank gegen Zerschlagung des IS: „Nützliches Instrument gegen Iran und Hisbollah“

Das Begin-Sadat Center, das nach eigenen Angaben eine „realistische, konservative, zionistische Agenda für Sicherheit und Frieden in Israel“ verfolgt, verfügt über einige Angehörige der Streitkräfte (IDF) im Vorstand.

Der Leiter des Centers, Efraim Inbar, betrachtet trotz des hohen Maßes an Brutalität, das Terrorgruppen wie der IS offenbaren, diese als das geringste Übel unter den zahlreichen Feinden, die Israel in der Region hat.

31.08.2016 - 09:39 [ presidency.ucsb.edu ]

George W. Bush: Proclamation 7463–Declaration of National Emergency by Reason of Certain Terrorist Attacks

(14.September 2001) A national emergency exists by reason of the terrorist attacks at the World Trade Center, New York, New York, and the Pentagon, and the continuing and immediate threat of further attacks on the United States.

Now, Therefore, I, George W. Bush, President of the United States of America, by virtue of the authority vested in me as President by the Constitution and the laws of the United States, I hereby declare that the national emergency has existed since September 11, 2001, and, pursuant to the National Emergencies Act (50 U.S.C. 1601 et seq.), I intend to utilize the following statutes: sections 123, 123a, 527, 2201(c), 12006, and 12302 of title 10, United States Code, and sections 331, 359, and 367 of title 14, United States Code.

This proclamation immediately shall be published in the Federal Register or disseminated through the Emergency Federal Register, and transmitted to the Congress.

This proclamation is not intended to create any right or benefit, substantive or procedural, enforceable at law by a party against the United States, its agencies, its officers, or any person.

In Witness Whereof, I have hereunto set my hand this fourteenth day of September, in the year of our Lord two thousand one, and of the Independence of the United States of America the two hundred and twenty-sixth.

George W. Bush

31.08.2016 - 09:37 [ Weißes Haus ]

Notice — Continuation of the National Emergency with Respect to Certain Terrorist Attacks

Consistent with section 202(d) of the National Emergencies Act, 50 U.S.C. 1622(d), I am continuing for 1 year the national emergency previously declared on September 14, 2001, in Proclamation 7463, with respect to the terrorist attacks of September 11, 2001, and the continuing and immediate threat of further attacks on the United States.

Because the terrorist threat continues, the national emergency declared on September 14, 2001, and the powers and authorities adopted to deal with that emergency must continue in effect beyond September 14, 2016. Therefore, I am continuing in effect for an additional year the national emergency that was declared on September 14, 2001, with respect to the terrorist threat.
This notice shall be published in the Federal Register and transmitted to the Congress.

31.08.2016 - 09:36 [ Sputnik ]

USA: 9/11-Ausnahmezustand geht ins 16. Jahr – Obama verordnet Verlängerung

Der nun bereits fünfzehnjährige Ausnahmezustand wäre am 14. September 2016 abgelaufen. Er war von US-Präsident George W. Bush am 14. September 2001 ausgerufen und weiter regelmäßig verlängert worden. Das Dokument selbst enthält keine konkreten Maßnahmen der US-Behörden, spielt aber eine entscheidende Rolle beim Reagieren auf Terrorgefahren.

31.08.2016 - 07:43 [ Counter Currents ]

Montreal Declaration For Nuclear Fission Free World

We recognize uranium as the key element behind all nuclear weapons and all nuclear reactors, and we endorse the call by the International Physicians for the Prevention of Nuclear War and by the 2015 Quebec World Uranium Symposium for a total global ban on the mining and processing of uranium.

31.08.2016 - 07:38 [ New Eastern Outlook ]

US Cultural Colonisation in Asia Pacific

At face value, the notion of the United States “training” the “leaders” of Asia makes little sense, considering such training would be endowing such leaders with American values serving American interests, not Asia’s. Thus, their role as “leaders” is questionable. Their role as “facilitators” or “collaborators” seems like a much more accurate description.

31.08.2016 - 06:20 [ insidesourcenews.com ]

Rebels Crack SAA Defences in Northern Hama

(30.8.2016) The rebel assault was well organised and had similarities with the successful ‚Ánger For Aleppo‘ campaign launched by rebels in SW Aleppo. Although on a lower scale, the assault replicated the burning tyres technique to ‚blind‘ jets and avoid imminent air strikes. After detonating 2 successful VBIEDS on SAA checkpoints near ‚Lataminah‘ , widespread bombardment and fierce clashes with local NDF (National Defense Force) units, rebels were able to penetrate SAA defence lines. Their infiltration was quick and the sweeping operations were swift, resulting in the capture of several strategic villages and checkpoints. Their initial gains consisted of Al-Buwaydah, Al-Massasnah & Zalin.