Daily Archives: 27. Juli 2016

27.07.2016 - 19:46 [ Truthout ]

When Play Is Criminalized: Racial Disparities in Childhood

A significant segment of the child-age population in the United States is effectively denied one of the most important rights of childhood: free play. The trend away from unstructured play can have deleterious effects on the cognitive, social and emotional development of affected children. Because of disparities in opportunities for physical activity at school, the semi-privatization of public space, and the criminalization of Black and Brown bodies in motion, children of color, especially those of low socio-economic status, too often miss this essential requirement for healthy childhood development.

27.07.2016 - 17:01 [ Yeni Şafak ]

US Commander Campbell: The man behind the failed coup in Turkey

Military sources said Campbell, who was the commander of ISAF between August 26, 2014 and May 1, 2016, had made some top secret meetings in Erzurum military base and Adana İnicrlik Airbase.

İncirlik Airbase has been used by the U.S. Military for conducting the anti-Daesh campaign in Syria.

Military sources said that Campbell was the man, who directed the process of trending / blacklisting the military officers in the base.

27.07.2016 - 16:59 [ Voice of America ]

Top US General: Turkish Media Report ‘Absurd‘

„That‘s an absurd report that General Campbell would be involved in something like that,“ General Joe Dunford, the chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, told reporters Monday at the Pentagon.

The U.S. Army issued a statement Monday saying the retired general „categorically rejects the irresponsible assertions in the Turkish press of involvement in the recent political activities in Turkey.“

„There is no truth to the assertions,“ the statement added.

27.07.2016 - 15:58 [ Portal amerika21.de ]

Indigene Kinder in Kolumbien sterben an Hunger

Der Zugang zu Trinkwasser für die Bevölkerung in La Guajira ist bereits seit zehn Jahren durch die Umleitung des Flusses Ranchería sowie den Bau eines Damms für die Versorgung des Kohlebergwerks El Cerrejón stark eingeschränkt. In vielen Orten gibt es nahezu keinen Zugang mehr zu Wasser. Steigende Temperaturen in Folge des Wetterphänomens El Niño sowie die anhaltende Dürre haben den Mangel noch verstärkt und die Landwirtschaft fast vollständig zum Erliegen gebracht.

27.07.2016 - 15:56 [ Portal amerika21.de ]

Wieder Journalist in Mexiko ermordet

Fast genau ein Jahr nach dem Mehrfachmord an dem Fotoreporter Rubén Espinosa, der Aktivistin Nadia Vera und zwei weiteren Frauen in einer Wohnung in Mexiko-Stadt ist vergangene Woche im Bundesstaat Veracruz Pedro Tamayo Rosas erschossen worden. Tamayo ist der 17. Journalist, der in der laufenden sechsjährigen Amtszeit (2010-2016) von Gouverneur Javier Duarte ermordet wurde.

27.07.2016 - 12:34 [ Trend ]

Azerbaijan serious about developing North-South corridor (exclusive)

Azerbaijan is serious about the development of North-South transit corridor, Hossein Ashoori, vice president of operation and international transportation of Islamic Republic of Iran Railways told Trend.

He said that Iran, Russia, Azerbaijan hold a meeting every month to discuss the development of North-South corridor and Baku has taken a key role in this project.

Iran and India have also had two meetings during the current year, because one of the participanting transit countries in the mentioned route is India.

27.07.2016 - 12:32 [ Trend ]

Azerbaijan introducing online privatization

„All the information about the facilities to be privatized, their addresses, location and, finally, the initial cost, will be presented on the portal,” he said. “Moreover, it will be possible to participate in online auctions via the portal.“

Shamil Shirinov, head of the department of strategic planning, innovation, monitoring and analysis of the State Committee, said that it will be possible for foreign companies to actively participate in the privatization.

27.07.2016 - 10:06 [ Golem ]

Tesla fuhr bei tödlichem Unfall zu schnell

Nach Angaben von Mobileye handelt es sich bei verbesserten autonomen Fahrfunktionen um einen Paradigmenwechsel. Es stehe viel auf dem Spiel – die Reputation des Unternehmens und die der gesamten Technik des autonomen Fahrens. Das Unternehmen will enger mit Herstellern wie BMW und Intel zusammenarbeiten und nicht nur reiner Zulieferer sein. Genauere Gründe nannte das Unternehmen nicht.

27.07.2016 - 08:36 [ Zeit ]

Bundeswehr im Inneren: Falscher Alarm

Es scheint so, dass die CDU-Politikerin mit dem Einsatz ihrer Feldjäger einfach einen Präzedenzfall schaffen wollte: Die Bundeswehr soll den Kampf gegen Terroristen nicht nur im Ausland führen, in Afghanistan oder Mali, sondern auch innerhalb der eigenen Landesgrenzen.

27.07.2016 - 08:22 [ Syrian Arab News Agency ]

Army controls new areas in Aleppo, kills scores of terrorists and destroys their positions in other areas

Army and Armed Forces units, in cooperation with supporting forces, carried out during the past few hours special operations which resulted in establishing control over a number of blocks of buildings and the departures bus stop in the direction of al-Lairamon and al-Khalidia north of Aleppo city.

A military source told SANA that this was achieved after inflicting heavy losses in personnel and equipment upon terrorist organizations, and that now army units are directly overlooking al-Castelo Road.

27.07.2016 - 08:20 [ Radio Utopie ]


(10.4.2015) „George Orwell hat einst geschrieben, dass es keine Rolle spielt ob der Krieg nicht real ist oder ob er es ist: ein Sieg ist nicht möglich. Der Krieg ist nicht dazu da gewonnen zu werden, er ist dazu da kontinuierlich zu sein. Eine hierarchische Gesellschaft ist nur möglich auf der Basis von Armut und Ignoranz. Diese neue Version ist die Vergangenheit und keine andere Vergangenheit kann jemals existiert haben. Grundsätzlich wird der Kriegseinsatz geplant, um die Gesellschaft am Rande des Verhungerns zu halten. Der Krieg wird durch die herrschende Gruppe gegen ihre eigenen Untertanen geführt. Und sein Ziel ist nicht der Sieg über Eurasien oder Ostasien, sondern die Gesellschaftsstruktur intakt zu halten.“

Michael Moore in „Fahrenheit 9/11“, 2004

27.07.2016 - 07:38 [ Hurriyet ]

It’s high time to resolve Turkey’s Kurdish question

There is no doubt that Turkey has entered a new era since the July 15 failed coup attempt, one which will witness drastic changes in its key security institutions and state structure, as well as its threat assessment.

The government is working on a new decree law that will change the status of the Gendarmerie Forces Command and Coast Guard Command, fully subordinating both institutions to the Interior Ministry. The gendarmerie forces are expected to serve as the “rural police” under the Police Department, while civilian control of the land, naval and air forces will be increased. The government is planning to appoint an undersecretary to each force so that it will much better oversee the military’s actions.

27.07.2016 - 04:10 [ Channel NewsAsia ]

Kerry to meet Philippines‘ Duterte on cooperation, China talks

Duterte will host Kerry at the presidential palace for a working lunch, a gesture the U.S. official called „unprecedented and a signal of the importance the new president places on the relationship and the alliance“ with the United States.

27.07.2016 - 04:05 [ South China Morning Post ]

Ten-year Canadian visas for Chinese nationals hit almost 400,000

“Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship Canada promotes the issuance of long-term multiple-entry visas to facilitate entry to Canada for legitimate travellers,” spokesperson Nancy Caron says. “As of February 6, 2014, all visa applicants are automatically considered for a multiple entry visa. A visa officer may be able to grant an individual a multiple-entry visa even if they applied for a single entry visa.”

27.07.2016 - 03:59 [ Chosun ]

Ex-President‘s Son Doing Hard Labor in Wonju Prison

Chun was taken to court on charges of tax evasion after reporting that he sold real estate he owned in Gyeonggi Province for W32.5 billion when the actual price was W44.5 billion (US$1=W1,137).
The Supreme Court last year gave Chun a four-year suspended sentence and a W4 billion fine, but he coughed up only around W140 million.

27.07.2016 - 03:54 [ Guangming Online ]

138 terror suspects to stand trial in Bahrain

As many as 138 suspects will face terror trial on Aug. 23 in Bahrain for charges of activating sleeper cells, links to murder attempts and bomb blasts, official said on Tuesday.
The suspects have been booked for being part of Al-Zulfiqar terrorist group who ran sleeper cells, said Terror Crimes Prosecution Chief Hamad Shaheen.

27.07.2016 - 03:44 [ Sudan Tribune ]

Sudanese president meets Saudi king in Morocco

Sudanese-Saudi relations have witnessed a thaw in recent months after years of tensions over Khartoum’s close ties with Tehran that saw Iranian warships dock several times in Port Sudan.

27.07.2016 - 00:56 [ Sicherheitsrat der Organisation der Vereinten Nationen ]

Security Council extends mandate of UN Iraq Mission for one year

The United Nations Security Council today adopted a resolution extending the mandate of the UN Assistance Mission for Iraq (UNAMI) for another year, until 31 July 2017.

In the resolution, the Council also decided that, at the request of the Government of Iraq in particular, the Special Representative of the UN Secretary-General for eth country, Ján Kubiš, and UNAMI will continue to exercise their mandate set out in Council resolution 2233 (2015).