Daily Archives: 29. Juni 2016

29.06.2016 - 19:14 [ Truthout ]

Mexico: State Terror, Education Reform and the Stock Exchange

The reasons why the Mexican government wants to impose the education reform — even if it means killing people, as with the massacre in Nochixtlan by repressive state forces on June 19 — are rooted in economic objectives guided by international financial organizations. The reform, proposed by the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development, or OECD, under the OECD-Mexico Agreement to Improve the Quality of Education in Schools of Mexico, aims to lay the groundwork to shift education from being a state responsibility to instead being resolved in the realm of the financial market.

29.06.2016 - 17:22 [ Ortem/Bandcamp ]

Jagganath from ORTEM 004 – ‚Ensō‘ EP by Books

Ortem is a platform which will be the home of fresh tracks, overseen by Metro. The emphasis will be stationed around drum and bass and electronic music delivered in all its innovative forms.

29.06.2016 - 15:48 [ FARS News Agency ]

Pakistan Calls for Expansion of Media Cooperation with Iran

Iranian and Pakistani officials in a meeting in Islamabad underlined the need for the further expansion of mutual cooperation. During the meeting in the Pakistani capital, Iranian Ambassador to Islamabad Mehdi Honardoust and Pakistani Interior Minister Chaudhry Nisar Ali Khan explored avenues for bolstering and reinvigorating bilateral ties.

The Pakistani interior minister underlined the need for joint efforts against the elements trying to disrupt peace and create instability in the region.

29.06.2016 - 14:59 [ Indian Punchline ]

Russia, Turkey reconcile; Middle East in a tizzy

On the whole it is a ‘win-win’ situation for both Turkey and Russia, if they reconcile. However, the overall advantage goes to Russia insofar as the reconciliation with Turkey comes in the wake of Brexit, which already heralds winds of change in Eurasian politics that are likely to strengthen Moscow’s negotiating hand vis-à-vis the European Union and the West. (See my article in Asia Times Brexit: Russia’s comfort level rises, US loses Eurasian plot.)

29.06.2016 - 14:49 [ BBC ]

LuxLeaks scandal: Luxembourg tax whistleblowers convicted

Former PricewaterhouseCoopers employees Antoine Deltour and Raphael Halet received 12 and nine-month sentences respectively for leaking documents.
Prosecutors had sought 18-month jail terms for the two men.
Edouard Perrin, a journalist who reported on the leaks, was acquitted of all charges.
Deltour, 31, and Halet, 40, also received suspended fines of €1,500 (£1,250; $1,650) and €1,000 euros respectively.
They have 40 days to appeal the verdict. Deltour told Agence France-Presse that he intended to appeal.

29.06.2016 - 14:45 [ FARS News ]

Syria: Documents Found in Manbij Reveal Turkey‘s Support for ISIL Terrorists

„As soon as capturing and cleansing Manbij silos, the SDF fighter found the house of a senior Russian commander of the ISIL,“ the sources said, adding, „The SDF found further a series of secret documents, including bill of lading, proforma invoice and other financial documents, that show the ISIL had imported a large number of items from Turkey.“
„Based on these documents, the Turkish trading company of Anvar Kargo Firma in Gaziantep was involved in exports of various kinds of goods to the ISIL-held regions in Syria,“ the sources went on to say.

29.06.2016 - 14:10 [ Haus der Demokratie und Menschenrechte ]

Tim Anderson: Der Schmutzige Krieg gegen Syrien – Washington, Regime Change und Widerstand

Das angerichtete Chaos ist das logische Ergebnis der geostrategischen Konzeption eines ‚Neuen Mittleren Ostens‘ durch die USA. Während die USA in diesem Konflikt als Akteur nur am Rande in Erscheinung treten, haben sie durch Stellvertreterarmeen vor Ort systematisch und absichtsvoll die gewachsenen Strukturen des Nationalstaats Syrien zerschlagen. Das Ziel ist ein Regime Change oder sogar die Erschaffung ganz neuer Mini- Staaten vor Ort. Die Methode ist keineswegs neu: im Falle Nicaraguas in den 1980er Jahren wurden die USA sogar vom Internationalen Gerichtshof für diese Vorgehensweise verurteilt. Tim Anderson stützt seine Thesen vornehmlich auf anerkannte westliche Quellen: Zeitungsberichte, Memoranden von Think-Tanks, oder auch auf wissenschaftliche Expertisen.

Veranstalter: Hermann Ploppa Liepsen Verlag

29.06.2016 - 12:37 [ Channel NewsAsia ]

Goldman, Morgan Stanley deny plans for Frankfurt office switch after Brexit

Goldman CEO Lloyd Blankfein said the bank, a big donor to the defeated ‚Remain‘ campaign had planned for either referendum outcome for many months, in a statement issued after the outcome of the historic referendum became clear on Friday.
„Goldman Sachs has a long history of adapting to change, and we will work with relevant authorities as the terms of the exit become clear. Our primary focus, as always, remains serving our clients‘ needs.“

29.06.2016 - 12:32 [ IRIN ]

Unknown and exploited: Europe’s new arrivals

“Everything went underground with the border closures,” said Jelena Hrnjak, director of Serbian anti-human trafficking organisation ATINA. “Refugees are now in the same position as they were in 2014 and early 2015. The old routes that existed before the so-called humanitarian corridor are operational again.”

29.06.2016 - 12:02 [ Canary ]

The truth behind the Labour coup, when it really began and who manufactured it

An exclusive investigation by The Canary can reveal that the current Labour ‘coup’ being instigated against Jeremy Corbyn appears to have been orchestrated by a PR company where Tony Blair’s arch spin-doctor, Alastair Campbell, is a senior advisor.
He sits alongside several other figures, all of whom have direct links to the centre-right of the Labour party, and the Fabians at Portland Communications.

29.06.2016 - 11:56 [ youtube ]

Brexit, Corbyn and the coup

Filmed at the pro-Corbyn demo on 27.06.16 with Paul Mason (Journalist), John Hilary (War on Want), David Graeber (Writer) and others discuss underlying causes of Brexit and the Labour Party coup.

29.06.2016 - 11:45 [ LabourNet Germany ]

Frankreichs umkämpfte Arbeitsrechts-„Reform“, Teil 39

Artikel von Bernard Schmid vom 29. Juni 2016
Doch im Laufe des Vormittags umstellten starke Polizeikräfte das Gewerkschaftshaus. Die drinnen Versammelten (unter ihnen viele Gewerkschaftslinke) konnten nicht nach draußen, oder, wie einige Zeit später verlautete, nur unter Auflagen: Personalienfeststellung und Durchsuchung. Dies wurde durch die Betreffenden jedoch abgelehnt.(…)
Als vorläufiges Fazit lässt sich festhalten, dass die Mobilisierung in Paris auf quantitativ eher hohem Niveau bleibt, aber auf gesamtfranzösischer Ebene eher die Zunge heraushängen lässt.(…)
Am Dienstag, den 05. Juli kommt der Entwurf in die französische Nationalversammlung zurück – in das „Unterhaus“ des Parlaments, das bei abweichenden Voten beider Kammern im Endeffekt das letzte Wort hat.(…)
Auch die „Vollversammlung der Kämpfe“, die am gestrigen Abend im Pariser Gewerkschaftshaus versammelt war, ruft nun zu Aktionen am 05. Juli auf. Ferner ruft sie nun zu einem Aktionswochenende, mit einer Demo der „kämpferischen Sektoren“ am Samstag und einem Treffen am Sonntag, für den 09. und 10. Juli auf. Und am „Tag X“ – dem der drohenden endgültigen Annahme des Gesetzentwurfs in dritter Lesung, vielleicht rund um den 13. Juli – sollen die Menschen spontan in Richtung Nationalversammlung strömen.

29.06.2016 - 09:19 [ Techdirt ]

Senator Wyden Puts A Hold On Intelligence Authorization Bill To Block FBI Warrantless Surveillance

As we‘ve discussed, some surveillance/law enforcement hawks have tried to rush through a law to expand the power of national security letters (NSLs) to paper over the long standing abuse of NSLs, by saying that they can use those documents (which have basically no oversight and don‘t require a warrant) to collect a ton of private info, including email info and web browsing histories. The rushed vote on this — stupidly citing the Orlando attacks, despite the fact it would have done nothing to stop that — failed but just barely. Basically, if Senator Dianne Feinstein were able to attend the vote, it likely would have passed. The support for it was one vote shy, and then Sen. Mitch McConnell changed his vote for procedural reasons to be able to bring it back for a quick follow up vote.

Now, as Congress rushes towards that vote, Senator Ron Wyden stepped up today to use his power as a Senator to put a hold on the entire Intelligence Authorization bill. He gave a short floor speech explaining his reasons.

29.06.2016 - 09:18 [ Commanders for Israel's Security ]

To: The Prime Minister of Israel Mr. Binyamin Netanyahu

This is not a question of right or left. This is not a question of fear. This is another idea for the solution of the conflict that is not based on negotiations with the Palestinians that have failed time and again.

Sir, please do not join those who, every other day, use warnings of danger as an excuse to do nothing. We know what is necessary to achieve security for Israel, and we know that regional cooperation will contribute to this goal.

There is a high chance that this initiative will succeed! But even if it doesn’t, you owe this to the people of Israel.

Only then can we look our children and grandchildren in the eye and say: “We tried; we are sorry, we did not succeed.”

29.06.2016 - 09:15 [ Fox News ]

Israel‘s security figures take aim at hard-line Netanyahu

On Tuesday, a group representing more than 200 retired leaders in Israel‘s military, police, Mossad spy service and Shin Bet security agency presented a plan to help end the half-century occupation of the Palestinians through unilateral steps, including disavowing claims to over 90 percent of the West Bank and freezing Jewish settlement construction in such areas.

The movement, called Commanders for Israel‘s Security, reflects an increasingly widespread assessment that Israel is drifting catastrophically toward permanent entanglement with the Palestinians and conflict with the world community.

29.06.2016 - 09:14 [ Times of Israel ]

Coalition chair: Security chiefs ‘all become leftists’ on the job

(25.6.2016) Bitan said the late Meir Dagan, who headed Mossad between 2002-2011 and became a fierce critic of Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu after leaving the job, “was an extreme rightist when he entered Mossad, but came out the opposite.”

He was likely also referring to former Shin Bet heads Yuval Diskin, Ami Ayalon and Carmi Gillon as well as former Mossad chiefs Shabtai Shavit, Danny Yatom and Efraim Halevy — all critics of Netanyahu and his policies vis-a-vis the Israeli-Palestinian conflict.

29.06.2016 - 09:08 [ Business Standard ]

US Secretary of State Kerry visits ‚plucky‘ Mongolia

(5.6.2016) Former secretary of state Hillary Clinton and US Vice President Joe Biden are among other top officials to have visited the country in recent years as America „pivots to Asia“.

The former Soviet nation of about three million people possesses enormous mineral resources and deposits of gold, copper and uranium, still largely untapped.

29.06.2016 - 09:07 [ Reuters ]

Malaysian police probe grenade attack, checking credibility of IS claim

The more likely motive appeared to be business rivalry, or a targeted attack on someone in the bar, according to police. The owner of the Movida bar also used Facebook to air suspicions that there was some personal grudge against two of his customers.

Counter-terrorism officials, however, were trying to establish the credibility of the claim of responsibility posted on the Facebook page of a known Malaysian IS fighter.

29.06.2016 - 09:02 [ The Diplomat ]

China, Russia, Mongolia Sign Long-Awaited Economic Partnership Agreement

Overshadowed by the news of the British referendum on European Union (EU) membership held the same day, on June 23 Presidents Xi Jinping of China, Vladimir Putin of Russia, and Tsakhiagiin Elbegdorj of Mongolia signed a trilateral economic partnership agreement in Tashkent, Uzbekistan during the 11th meeting of the Shanghai Cooperation Organization (SCO).

29.06.2016 - 08:49 [ German Foreign Policy ]

Einflussverlust in Südosteuropa

Mit empfindlichen Drohungen gegen Skopje reagiert die Bundesregierung auf spürbare Einflussverluste in Mazedonien. Nach ersten Sanktionsforderungen haben sich zu Wochenbeginn die EU-Außenminister mit der Entwicklung des Landes befasst. Die EU müsse „mit unseren europäischen Mitteln“ auf Skopje einwirken, um die Krise dort zu lösen, verlangt Außenminister Frank-Walter Steinmeier.

29.06.2016 - 05:46 [ Newsweek ]

How Washington, D.C., is preparing for the next terrorist attack

(21.6.2016) Nightclub shooters, like Omar Mateen? Check. Bombers, as in Brussels last year? Check. Anthrax? Check. Nuclear, chemical or biological weapons? Check, check, check.

Unfortunately for Lanier, the recent attacks in Orlando, Brussels and Paris show that you can plan and train until your budget runs dry, and still you rarely stop a determined attacker. “Lone wolves” come out of nowhere. The urban guerrillas of the Islamic State group, or ISIS, use encrypted cellphones.

29.06.2016 - 05:45 [ Militär Zentrale / Youtube ]

Drohnen – Tod aus der Luft – Bigger and badder – Von der Predator zur Reaper – ZDF HD+

Veröffentlicht am 04.08.2015
„Gezielte Tötungen“ durch Kampfdrohnen – gesteuert von Soldaten, die zehntausende Kilometer entfernt sitzen. Auch die Bundesrepublik plant, bewaffnete Drohnen zu beschaffen.
Unter Präsident Obama bauten die USA ein Netz von Stützpunkten aus, von denen Drohnen in Krisengebiete starten und Terrorverdächtige angeblich gezielt töten. Eine Schlüsselfunktion soll dabei auch die US-Airbase im rheinland-pfälzischen Ramstein spielen.

29.06.2016 - 05:21 [ KBS World Radio ]

Streitkräfte stationieren im August Aufklärungsdrohnen für Überwachung von Grenzinseln

Die Drohne ist mit elektrooptischen Kameras und einem Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR) ausgestattet, deshalb kann sie auch bei Dunkelheit und ungünstigen Wetterverhältnissen ein mehrere Dutzende Kilometer weit entferntes Ziel beobachten. Dank der Fernbedienung kann ein Ort, für den die Aufklärung nötig ist, intensiv und gründlich überwacht werden.

Dank Heron können folglich die Bewegungen bei der nordkoreanischen Armee kontinuierlich überwacht werden. Die Drohne kann zudem mit einer 200 Kilometer entfernt liegenden Bodenkontrollstation Daten austauschen

29.06.2016 - 05:14 [ Ynet ]

Israel to lease advanced drones to Germany

According to a German report, what makes this deal particularly interesting is that the drones which will be leased is not only that they can be armed with rockets and bombs in order to attack ground targets, but that hey will be stationed in, and operated from, Israeli territory.

29.06.2016 - 05:13 [ Ynet ]

Senior politicians oppose PM‘s handling of Turkey deal

Meanwhile, Former Defense Minister Amir Perez (Labor) said during a conference in Herzliya marking 10 years since the Second Lebanon War: „If a leftist government had made this agreement, (the attendees) wouldn‘t have been able to enter the conference because of all of the protestors who would have been outside.“

29.06.2016 - 05:08 [ Al Jazeera English / Youtube ]

Reality Check: The truth about US drone strikes – UpFront

Drone supporters often say that strikes are effective, their targets aren‘t random and are not a recruiting tool for various armed groups. A look at the evidence, though, demonstrates otherwise.

In this week‘s Reality Check, Mehdi Hasan explains why he believes that drone strikes are ineffective, inaccurate and unsuccessful.

29.06.2016 - 05:06 [ Haaretz ]

Congrats, Netanyahu. A New Low

(21.6.2016)The moral is this: If Benjamin Netanyahu can do something like this to someone like this, he can do anything to anyone.

29.06.2016 - 05:00 [ RT ]

Empire Files: Saudi-Arabien – 80 Jahre Gemetzel, Sklaverei und innigste Beziehungen mit den USA

Die USA kritisieren ihren engsten Verbündeten am Golf grundsätzlich nicht. Abby Martin schaut auf die finstere Geschichte einer besonderen Beziehung zwischen US-amerikanischen Unternehmen und saudischen Monarchen: 80 Jahre blutige Repression für eine absolutistische Königsfamilie und für sicheres Erdöl. Aber die Menschen kämpfen und sterben bis heute. Doch wenn es um das Imperium geht, stehen Wirtschaftsinteressen über der Moral.

29.06.2016 - 02:43 [ Spiegelkabinett ]

Grossbritannien hat sich für einen Austritt aus der EU entschieden – Verantwortliche sind schnell gefunden

Es wäre nun an der Zeit, einmal darüber nachzudenken, was falsch gelaufen ist, in den letzten Jahren in der EU, woher es kommen mag, dass über die Hälfte der Briten, die an die Wahlurne gegangen sind und ihre Stimme abgegeben haben, diese EU nicht mehr wollen.