Ein fortwährender Freiheitsentzug des WikiLeaks-Gründers Julian Assange nach dem Beschluss der UN-Arbeitsgruppe kann als Folter eingestuft werden, wie der Rechtanwalt des Australiers, Baltasar Garzón, sagte. In diesem Fall könne die UN-Antifolterkonvention berufen werden.
Daily Archives: 8. Februar 2016
Obama administration continues suppression of torture photos
Shortly after taking office in 2009, President Obama promised to release torture photos that had been suppressed by the Bush administration, but he quickly reversed himself and repudiated his promise. Obama stated that releasing the photos would “inflame anti-American opinion” and “put our troops in greater danger.”
Nobody has been prosecuted in the wake of the Central Intelligence Agency torture scandal, which culminated in a December 2014 report by the Senate Intelligence Committee. The executive summary of that report, which is the only portion made public so far, exposed not only a systematic practice of torture, but a longstanding and ongoing conspiracy to cover up those crimes and shield the perpetrators from accountability.
Nor was anyone prosecuted after the CIA broke into Senate staffers’ computers during the investigation to delete incriminating files. To this day, the Obama administration is working to suppress the full Senate report on CIA torture and to prevent its release…
The photos released on Friday constitute an additional 198 exhibits that should be admitted into evidence in a future war crimes trial of Barack Obama, Hillary Clinton, George W. Bush, Dick Cheney, Donald Rumsfeld, John Brennan, Leon Panetta, Robert Gates, James Clapper, John Ashcroft, John Kerry and others. The defendants in such a trial would not only include the direct perpetrators, but also all those who made themselves accomplices by attempting to cover up and conceal the underlying crimes. To these 198 exhibits will be added the remaining 1,800 photos that are still being withheld by the Obama administration.
Putin presents Bahrain’s king with Akhal-Teke horse to get Damascus sword in return
Putin and King Hamad held talks in the Black Sea resort of Sochi earlier on Monday.
Putin discusses Russian-Turkish relations with Kazakhstan leader
Presidents of Russia and Kazakhstan Vladimir Putin and Nursultan Nazarbayev have discussed in a telephone conversation on Monday the deterioration of relations between Russia and Turkey… During the talks with Turkish Prime Minister Ahmet Davotoglu who arrived in Astana on February 6, the Kazakh leader noted that for his country the crisis in relations between Turkey and Russia „had become a big problem“ and pointed to the need „to seek ways out of the situation.“
Canada to end bombing missions in Iraq and Syria
Trudeau‘s Liberals won an election last October promising to pull the jets out but had been under pressure from allies unhappy with the decision. Bombing had begun in April 2015 under the previous Conservative government.
Pope, Russian Patriarch Talks ‚Important‘ Despite Unity Lack
Pope Francis and Patriarch Kirill are expected to meet on February 12 in Cuba in what will be the first such meeting since Christianity split into two sects in the 11th century. It will conclude with the signing of a joint declaration.
Tunisia Opposes Foreign Intervention in Libya – Defense Minister
„There must be a Libyan government, recognized by all sides, and we will have to help it, supporting it militarily. The government will then be able to request the deployment of foreign troops by itself. If action on the ground is required, then it is the Libyans who must fight. We are against a foreign ground operation,“ Horchani said
Russland schickt Kriegsschiffe von Schwarzmeer- und Kaspi-Flotte zu Übung – VIDEO
Im Rahmen einer unangekündigten Kontrolle der Kampfbereitschaft vom Militärbezirk Süd haben Militärs und Flottenkräfte an Marineübungen teilgenommen.
Ausnahmezustand in Cizre: Türkische Sicherheitskräfte töten 60 „Terroristen“ in einem Keller
Das türkische Militär hat in der südosttürkischen Stadt Cizre 60 Personen getötet, die sich in einem Keller verschanzt hatten. Laut offiziellen türkischen Militärkreisen soll es sich bei den Getöteten ausschließlich um „neutralisierte“ PKK-Kämpfer handeln. Die Menschenrechtsorganisation Amnesty International spricht von bisher mindestens 150 toten Zivilisten in Folge der Militäroperation in Cizre.
Germany, Turkey want Nato help to police coast
Turkish prime minister Ahmet Davutoglu said during a news conference with Merkel that their two countries would make “joint efforts” for greater Nato involvement in the refugee issue.
Eskalation droht: Merkel will Nato vor die türkische Küste entsenden
Es ist unklar, ob die verstärkte Militär-Präsenz im Zusammenhang mit der Zuspitzung in Syrien zusammenhängt.
Merkel will Nato im Kampf gegen Schlepper vor türkischer Küste einbinden:
Ex-Generalinspekteur Kujat warnt vor #Nato-Einsatz als „Rutschbahn“ hinein in den #Syrien-Krieg
Kampf gegen IS: Deutscher General fordert Nato-Einsatz über Syrien
(4.2.2016) „Aus militärischer Sicht können meine Kommandeurskollegen und ich den Verteidigungsministern nur raten, einem Einsatz von Awacs-Flugzeugen unter Nato-Kommando zuzustimmen“, sagte Hans-Lothar Domröse der Zeitung „Die Welt“.
Russian firepower helps Syrian forces edge toward Turkey border
The Syrian army advanced toward the Turkish border on Monday in a major offensive backed by Russia and Iran that rebels say now threatens the future of their nearly five-year-old insurrection against President Bashar al-Assad.
Turkey, Germany discuss situation in South Caucasus
During the meeting the sides also discussed the Syrian crisis and the problems of its settlement.
Turkey blackmailed EU: either €3bn per year & EU accession or we send buses full with refugees to Europe
In internal EU memo obtained by Greek media reveals the blatant Turkish blackmail on the refugee crisis. The memo contains a summary of the dialogue between Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan with European Commissioner Jean Claude Juncker and President of the European Council Donald Tusk on 16th November 2015 during the G20 Summit in Antalya, Turkey. The three Presidents were discussing the Action Plan to tackle the Refugees and Migrants Crisis.
Tel Aviv considering gas pipelines to Turkey, Greece – Energy Minister
Israel is reviewing the possibility of launching two pipeline ventures to export gas to Turkey and Greece, Energy Minister Yuval Steinitz said Sunday, Sputnik reported.
Israel NGO bill, seen as targeting left-wing groups, set to cross first hurdle
A bill that opponents say targets Israeli human rights groups critical of Israel‘s policies toward the Palestinians was set to win initial approval in parliament on Monday with the support of the country‘s right-wing.
U.S. to Netanyahu: Sign Military Aid Package, No Better Deal With Next President
After Netanyahu says he would wait for a new U.S. president to reach a better military deal for Israel, American officials fire back.
Labor Adopts Herzog’s Plan for Separation From Palestinians as Party Platform
Plan recognizes that two-state solution is not imminent, seeks to separate dozens of Jerusalem-area Palestinian villages from the city itself among other measures.
Obama to meet with Jordan‘s King Abdullah: White House
The two leaders plan to discuss the fight against Islamic State, support for Syrian and Iraqi refugees in Jordan and the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, the White House said.
Mattarella meets Obama: Anti-ISIS fight, refugee crisis on agenda
Italian President Sergio Mattarella arrived at the White House Monday for his first meeting with United States President Barack Obama.
Big Campaign Cash for Clinton From Monsanto Lobbyist
Clinton is widely seen as a friend to genetically engineered crop technology and agrichemical interests, while her chief competitor for the Democratic nomination, Bernie Sanders, has been a supporter of mandatory GMO labeling.
Hold Monsanto accountable for devastating impacts of PCB pollution in the Duwamish
Monsanto’s fingerprints are all over a discernible, definable environmental and economic travesty. The company needs to be held accountable. The City of Seattle has joined the fight.
Updated-The army restores security and stability to Kefeen village, northern Aleppo, continues operations in other areas
The army restored security and stability to many areas , the last of which is Kefeen village in northern Aleppo, and it continued its operations in other areas across the country , leaving many terrorist organizations’ members killed and their vehicles and weapons destroyed.
Ex-CIA-Beamter: Russland verhinderte „heißen“ Krieg der USA gegen Syrien
Russland hat im Jahr 2013 die USA vor dem Beginn eines offenen Krieges gegen Syrien wegen des Skandals um einen Chemiewaffen-Einsatz bewahrt, erklärte der ehemalige CIA-Beamte Ray McGovern in einem Interview gegenüber dem Kolumnisten der Ausgabe „Salon“, Patrick Smith.
China, India hold joint military exercises on border
“Great economies do compete with each other and that does not mean they become opponents,” he said while facing media questions on the ‘rivalry’ between the two neighbours.
„Mascha und der Bär“ erobern die Welt – Milliarden Klicks für russische Trickfilmserie auf YouTube
Die russische Trickfilmserie „Masha i Medved“, in Deutschland als „Mascha und der Bär“ bekannt, ist unter den weltweit 20 Videos in der YouTube-Geschichte, die es geschafft haben, über eine eine Milliarde Zugriffe zu verzeichnen. Die Cartoon-Reihe hat zudem einen völkerverbindenden Charakter. Die größte Anhängerschaft hat die russische Zeichentrick-Reihe in Deutschland, Malaysia, Australien, in den USA, in den Vereinigten Arabischen Emiraten sowie in der Türkei.
Moskau: Westen will Stockholm mit Schreckgespenstern in NATO zerren
„In Schweden wird jetzt lebhaft über die Erhaltung der schwedischen Neutralität debattiert und es gibt Kräfte, die versuchen, Schweden in die NATO hineinzuziehen. Ein ‚Schreckgespenst‘ sind hierbei die im Nato-Bericht angeführten Erklärungen über angebliche russische Atomwaffenübungen. Das hat nur einen Sinn: In der schwedischen öffentlichen Meinung Elemente von Russlandphobie und Angst weiterzuentwickeln, um wiederum zu versuchen, das Land in die Allianz hineinzuziehen“, betonte der ranghohe russische Diplomat.
Freeing Julian Assange: The last chapter – John Pilger
What is certain is that the decent world owes much to Julian Assange. He told us how indecent power behaves in secret, how it lies and manipulates and engages in great acts of violence, sustaining wars that kill and maim and turn millions into the refugees now in the news. Telling us this truth alone earns Assange his freedom, whereas justice is his right.
UNASUR: Let Julian Assange Go
UNASUR‘s secretary-general expressed his support for the U.N. decision that the WikiLeaks founder‘s detention is arbitrary.
Ecuador wechselt Militärführung aus
Der Präsident erklärte, dass er in der nun entlassenen Führung der Streitkräfte gute persönliche Freunde gehabt habe. Dennoch stehe fest, dass keine Institution, so wichtig sie auch sei, über dem Gesetz stehe.
Angriffskrieg gegen Syrien: Merkel bei Erdogan, Konferenz in München
Ist aus Washington der Befehl an die „Willigen“ der internationalen Kriegskoalition zur offenen Invasion Syriens ergangen?
China voices ‘deep concern’ about possible deployment of US missile system
If the THAAD battery is deployed to South Korea, it would further raise tension on the Korean Peninsula, the statement said, adding that, “It is hoped that relevant countries would approach the issue with caution.”
Die USA können sich darauf verlassen, dass Saudi-Arabien die syrischen Rebellen finanziert
Als Präsident Obama die CIA 2013 insgeheim dazu ermächtigte, kampfbereite syrische Rebellen zu bewaffnen, dachte der US-Geheimdienst sofort an einen bewährten Partner, der auch diese verdeckte Operation finanzieren würde. Es war das Königreich Saudi-Arabien, das die CIA seit Jahrzehnten bei
(der Anzettelung von) Konflikten in diversen Ländern diskret mit Geld unterstützt.
Portugal unter Kuratel
Die EU übt massiven Druck auf die neue portugiesische Regierung aus, um eine Abkehr vom Austeritätskurs zu verhindern. Den Haushaltsentwurf, mit dem Premierminister António Costa ein Ende der Kürzungspolitik einleiten wollte, genehmigte die Europäische Kommission am vergangenen Freitag nur unter Auflagen. Bereits für das Frühjahr setzte Brüssel eine erneute Überprüfung an. Auch Bundeskanzlerin Angela Merkel drängte bei ihrem Treffen mit Costa am Tag der Kommissionsentscheidung auf eine Fortsetzung der Sparpolitik seines Vorgängers Pedro Passos Coelho. Mächtige Finanzmarkt-Akteure, darunter insbesondere die Commerzbank, stellen sich dem demokratisch gewählten Premierminister ebenfalls in den Weg. Der sozialistischen Minderheitsregierung, die sich im Parlament von kleineren linken Parteien stützen lässt, steht eine schwere Belastungsprobe bevor.
Syrian Army Razes Daesh Training Camp in Raqqa, Paves Way to Turkish Border
The terrorist groups operating in the region are fleeing in large numbers as more and more towns and villages are falling into the hands of the advancing government forces.
Syria’s Kurds to open first European office in Moscow
“Neither the PKK nor the PYD are considered terrorist organizations by either Russia or the United Nations Security Council,” Karlov told Russian News Agency Ria Novosti.
Pope urges political solution for Syria
Pope Francis prayed for the Syrian people affected by the violence in the war-torn country during his Sunday address.
Speaking to thousands of faithful gathered at St Peter‘s Square, he said he was concerned for the fate of Syrian refugees and called on the international community to find a political solution.
Erdogan Signals Turkey Prepared to Join Syria War If Asked
“We don’t want to fall into the same mistake in Syria as in Iraq,” Erdogan said, recounting how Turkey’s parliament denied a U.S. request to use its territory for the 2003 invasion of Iraq. “It’s important to see the horizon. What’s going on in Syria can only go on for so long. At some point it has to change,” he told journalists on the return flight from a tour of Latin America, according to Hurriyet newspaper.
Boots on the ground
Could Turkey be part of an invasion force? Could an operation inside Syria against any target without the consent of the Syrian government be considered a legitimate anti-terrorism push? If the Sunni coalition led by the Saudis with the supposed blessing of a lame-duck Obama administration enter Syria through Turkey – as has been speculated – would such an action be a demonstration of an anti-terrorism resolve or the trigger of a bigger proxy war if not a full-fledged regional war?
Vor Türkei-Reise – Merkel und Hollande reden – schweigen danach aber
Hollande, Merkel discussed issues surrounding #Brexit during talks Sun in Strasbourg. Have shared stance on UK (BBG)
North Korean patrol boat crosses to South, retreats after warning shots
Yonhap news agency said the patrol boat crossed despite warning communications from the South Korean navy, and retreated after five warning shots were fired by a naval gun, returning back across the Northern Limit Line at around 7:15 a.m.
Saudi, Venezuela Meeting Ends With No Oil-Production Agreement
Saudi Arabia’s Ali al-Naimi calls meeting ‘successful,’ despite lack of agreement needed by Venezuela
Saudi, Venezuela Oil Ministers Hold ‘Successful’ Talks on Market
The two ministers, who met on Sunday in Riyadh, discussed Venezuelan Oil Minister Eulogio Del Pino’s recent discussions with other crude producers and the results of those meetings that seek cooperation among suppliers to bring stability to the market, the Saudi ministry said in an e-mailed statement.