Daily Archives: 13. Oktober 2015

13.10.2015 - 23:46 [ Youtube ]

It’s about creating homeland insecurity, to sell homeland security junk – investigative journalist

An Associated Press report claimed that the FBI foiled plans by Moldovan gangs in Russia to sell nuclear material to Islamic State insurgents. However, inconsistencies within the report have thrown its validity into question. So what exactly happened and why did the US press eat it up? Investigative journalist Greg Palast joins Simone Del Rosario to dissect the controversy.

13.10.2015 - 23:13 [ Electronic Frontier Foundation ]

EFF to ICANN: Privacy Must be Purposeful—Not an Afterthought

The working group at Internet Corporation for Assignment of Names and Number (ICANN) that has been tasked with designing a new domain registration database can’t seem to wrap its head around why privacy matters when it comes to domain registration services. ICANN’s Expert Working Group on gTLD Registration Directory Services (EWG) issued a Preliminary Issue Report on Next-Generation gTLD Registration Directory Services to Replace WHOIS in July, and EFF has submitted comments. Our bottom line is this:

13.10.2015 - 19:12 [ Ruptly ]

Dutch Safety Board MH17 final report (FULL VIDEO)

The Dutch Safety Board publishes MH17 final report after fifteen months of investigation at Gilze-Rijen air force base in the Netherlands. The report covers the cause of the crash, the issue of flying over conflict areas, the question why Dutch surviving relatives of the victims had to wait two to four days before receiving confirmation from the Dutch authorities and the question to what extent the occupants of flight MH17 were conscious of the crash.(…)

13.10.2015 - 18:51 [ New York Times ]

Saudis Back Syrian Rebels Despite Risks

(7.Januar 2014) the Saudis are also bent on ousting Syria’s president, Bashar al-Assad, and his patron, Iran, which they see as a mortal enemy. Their only real means of fighting them is through military and financial support to the Syrian rebels. And the most effective of those rebels are Islamists whose creed — rooted in the puritanical strain of Islam practiced in Saudi Arabia — is often scarcely separable from Al Qaeda’s.

13.10.2015 - 18:49 [ Washington Post ]

Al-Qaeda in Syria calls for revenge attacks on Russia

The head of al-Qaeda’s offshoot in Syria has called on followers to carry out retaliatory attacks in Russia, raising the specter of blowback on Russian soil over Moscow’s military intervention to aid Syria’s embattled government.

Just hours after the call from Abu Mohammed al-Jolani, the leader of Jabhat al-Nusra, two mortar shells landed in the perimeter of the Russian Embassy in the Syrian capital, Damascus. No casualties were reported.

13.10.2015 - 18:36 [ Japan Times ]

Japan, Iran ministers agree on bilateral investment pact during Tehran talks

Foreign Minister Fumio Kishida and his Iranian counterpart, Mohammad Javad Zarif, on Monday struck an agreement on a bilateral investment pact.

The two foreign ministers said in a joint news statement that they have agreed to set up a council for Japan-Iran cooperation to discuss a variety of issues ranging from economic cooperation to the environment and medical care.

13.10.2015 - 18:30 [ antikrieg.com ]

Zwei Minuten Hass für Belarus

Nachdem der belarussische Präsident Aleksander Lukashenko am Sonntag zum fünften Mal ins Amt gewählt wurde, schlägt das übliche westliche Hassritual gegen die ehemalige Sowjetrepublik wieder einmal hohe Wellen.

13.10.2015 - 17:52 [ Süddeutsche Zeitung ]

Der Widerstand des Herrn Onaga

Der Gouverneur von Okinawa, Takeshi Onaga, hat die Bewilligung für Vorarbeiten zum Bau des US-Stützpunkts Henoko widerrufen. Japans Premier Shinzo Abe hatte die Genehmigung dessen Vorgänger abgerungen. Von sofort an sind Bauarbeiten in der Bucht von Henoko illegal. Damit steckt die Verlegung der Marinebasis Futenma nach Henoko erneut fest. Das Vorhaben belastet das Verhältnis zwischen Washington und Tokio schon seit zwanzig Jahren.

13.10.2015 - 17:51 [ The New York Times ]

Okinawa Governor Revokes Permission for Construction of U.S. Base

A long-running political dispute in Japan over the proposed relocation of a United States Marine Corps air base entered new territory on Tuesday, after the governor of Okinawa revoked permission for construction work to take place at the site planned for the facility.

13.10.2015 - 16:58 [ Tech Dirt ]

Just About Everything About Twitter Suspending Deadspin And SBNation Accounts Is Ridiculous

Yesterday on Twitter, there was a big discussion over the fact that Twitter had disabled two well-known sports media Twitter feeds, both for supposedly infringing on copyrights by posting GIFs of sports highlights. Almost everything about this story is ridiculous and highlights just how screwed up copyright law is today. Let‘s count the ways:

13.10.2015 - 16:52 [ Der Standard ]

Mexiko: Rappen gegen den Tod des Zapotekischen

Einst war Juchitán der Nabel des Zapoteken-Volks, seine Kultur eine der wichtigsten des prähispanischen Mexiko. Heute spricht kaum einer Zapotekisch. Wie die Burschen von Juchirap ist auch Francisco Ramos in Juchitán aufgewachsen, doch Zapotekisch spricht er erst seit kurzem. Ramos wollte verstehen, wovon Juchirap in ihren Liedern singen. Also schnappte er sich ein Wörterbuch und begann Texte zu übersetzen.

13.10.2015 - 15:54 [ The Times of Israel ]

Joint (Arab) List leader seeks to indict PM for ‘incitement’

Joint (Arab) List Chairman MK Ayman Odeh on Tuesday demanded that Attorney General Yehuda Weinstein indict Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu on charges of “inciting racial hatred and defamation” against the Arab leadership in Israel.

13.10.2015 - 15:51 [ Ynet ]

General strike, protests in Arab towns

Arab sector goes on general strike, including schools, public institutions and businesses in Arab municipalities; right-wing rally planned for Tuesday evening in Jerusalem cancelled after two terror attacks in the capital.

13.10.2015 - 15:47 [ Global Research ]

Indonesia: 50 Years After the Coup and the CIA Sponsored Terrorist Massacre. The Ruin of Indonesian Society

After the 1965 coup backed by the US, Australia and Europe, some 2-3 million Indonesians died, in fact were slaughtered mercilessly in an unbridled orgy of terror: teachers, intellectuals, artists, unionists, and Communists vanished. The US Embassy in Jakarta provided a detailed list of those who were supposed to be liquidated. The army, which was generously paid by the West and backed by the countless brainwashed religious cadres of all faiths, showed unprecedented zeal, killing and imprisoning almost everyone capable of thinking. Books were burned and film studios and theatres closed down.

Women from the left-wing organizations, after being savagely raped, had their breasts amputated. They were labeled as witches, atheists, sexual maniacs and perverts.

13.10.2015 - 15:43 [ Golem ]

Mozilla holt sich Verstärkung aus dem Medienbetrieb

Die Geschäftsführerin von Spiegel Online, Katharina Borchert, wechselt zu Mozilla und soll dort die Innovationen vorantreiben. Diese Wahl passt zum Firefox-Hersteller, der sich für bestimmte Werbung im Netz sowie gegen einige Adblock-Anbieter ausspricht – und damit der Presse entgegenkommen will.

13.10.2015 - 15:41 [ Golem ]

Bild.de sperrt Nutzer von Werbeblockern aus

Betroffen sind neben Werbeblockern wie Adblock Plus und Ublock auch die Mozilla-Erweiterung Noscript… Damit zieht der Verlag eine drastische Konsequenz aus der juristischen Niederlage, die er im September 2015 vor dem Landgericht Köln gegen den Werbeblocker Adblock Plus erlitten hatte. Nach Verfahren in München und Hamburg hatten auch die Kölner Richter festgestellt, dass der Adblocker und das damit verbundene Geschäftsmodell der Kölner Eyeo GmbH legal sei. Axel Springer hält sowohl das Unterdrücken von Werbung als auch das Angebot des Whitelisting, bei dem sich große Verlage von der Werbeblockade freikaufen können, für rechtswidrig.

13.10.2015 - 15:32 [ Netzpolitik ]

Ganz großes Kino – nur live: Warum es sich lohnt, den NSA-Untersuchungsausschuss vor Ort mitzuerleben

NSA-Untersuchungsausschuss. Das heißt zum Teil 13-Stunden-Sitzungen, Rückenschmerzen, Zeugen mit Gedächtnisschwund und Aussagen, bei denen es schonmal schwerfallen kann, ruhig zu bleiben. Das heißt auch, mal an einem Tag fast 90 „Normseiten“ Live-Blog produzieren und danach die letzte Bahn verpassen, weil man noch bis um halb zwei mit den großartigen Kollegen von Technische Aufklärung podcastet. Und so kam es nach einem der Podcasts, dass mir in grenzerschöpftem Affekt der Satz entrutschte: „Warum tun wir uns das eigentlich an?“

13.10.2015 - 12:58 [ Press TV ]

Syrian army posts hit in Golan Heights: Israeli military

According to the UK-based Syrian Observatory for Human Rights, the strikes hit a town in Syria’s southwestern province of Quneitra on the Syrian side of the plateau, near the border with the Israeli-occupied part of the strategic region.

The Israeli military confirmed that the strikes hit two Syrian military posts near the provincial capital of Baath City.

13.10.2015 - 12:55 [ RT Deutsch ]

Programmbeschwerde wegen kritikloser Übernahme von „US-Kriegspropaganda“ auf tagesschau.de

Friedhelm Klinkhammer, langjähriger Vorsitzender des ver.di-Betriebsverbandes NDR und der ehemalige TAGESSCHAU-Redakteur Volker Bräutigam haben erneut Programmbeschwerde gegen den NDR eingereicht. Der Vorwurf lautet auf kontextlose Übernahme von „US-

13.10.2015 - 12:53 [ RT Deutsch ]

Russischer Außenminister Lawrow: Aktuelle US-Waffenlieferungen landen bei IS, wie zuvor die Toyota-Trucks

Außenminister Sergej Lawrow hat die USA für ihre Waffenabwürfe über syrischem Territorium kritisiert und hinterfragt, wie die US-Administration sicherstellen will, dass diese Waffen nur an „gemäßigte Rebellen“ gelangen. Dabei verwies er auf die legendären Toyota-Trucks, die auf dem Bestellzettel der „Freien Syrischen Armee“ standen und mittlerweile von IS-Kämpfern gefahren werden.

13.10.2015 - 07:51 [ CNN ]

Syrian civil war morphs into proxy war between U.S., Russia

The Syrian civil war is now a proxy war between Russia and the United States, with each side fueling the conflict with more firepower.

In the latest maneuver, the U.S. sent 50 tons of ammunition to rebels trying to topple President Bashar al-Assad and four decades of his family‘s rule.

That came after Russia went to the aid of Assad, saying it‘s targeting ISIS but launching airstrikes on rebel-controlled areas.

13.10.2015 - 07:38 [ Keep Talking Greece ]

1:2 Greece’s children doesn’t know if there will be a meal on the table

According to data collected during the school year 2014-2015 by Institute Prolepsis one in three families live in poverty or social exclusion. From the children enrolled into the school nutritional program, 53% of them experienced “food insecurity”, while 21% experienced “hunger”.

In 64% of the families one parent was without income, while 15% of the families had no source of income at all.

13.10.2015 - 07:35 [ Iraq Oil Report ]

KRG ruling party ejects rivals, escalating political crisis

Security forces loyal to the KDP dominate its political strongholds in the western provinces of Dohuk and Erbil, while PUK forces predominate in Kirkuk and the eastern province of Sulaimaniya.
Gorran, which was founded by disaffected PUK leaders, has attracted supporters throughout Kurdistan but enjoys the most popularity in Sulaimaniya.

13.10.2015 - 07:24 [ RT ]

Exklusiv: RT-Reporter Gazdiev berichtet von der Frontlinie der syrischen Offensive in Hama

RT-Korrespondent Murad Gazdiev berichtet von der Bodenoffensive der syrischen Streitkräfte im Norden der Hama-Provinz. Mittels der russischen Luftunterstützung gelangen der zuvor stark gebeutelten Syrisch Arabischen Armee signifikante Bodengewinne gegen die Dschihadisten von der Al-Nusra Front. Doch der Preis ist hoch. „Dank“ US-amerikanischer Lieferung von hochmoderner Panzerabwehrlenkwaffen wie dem TOW, erleiden gerade die Panzereinheiten hohe Verluste.

13.10.2015 - 07:23 [ Trend.az ]

Iranian parliament ratifies nuclear deal

The Iranian parliament approved details of a disputed bill on implementing the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (JCPOA).

The bill called “Iranian government‘s reciprocal and proportional action in implementing the JCPOA” voted in favor by 161 MPs, 59 voted against and 13 more abstained. The ratification took place in an open session Oct. 13, Iran’s State IRINN TV reported.

13.10.2015 - 07:22 [ Sputnik ]

„Ihr bekommt eure Scheißnachrichten“ – Britischer Reporter dreht durch

Alles scheint halbwegs in Ordnung zu sein, plötzlich kriegt der junge Mann jedoch einen Wutanfall: „Hast du gehört, was der gesagt hat?“, schreit Pie zu seinem Kameramann. „Mach doch einmal in deinem Leben einfach nur die Scheißnachrichten, das hat er gesagt! Na gut. Ihr bekommt eure Scheißnachrichten.“

13.10.2015 - 01:00 [ Scroll.in ]

Here‘s why India made it yet again to a global index for unpunished murders of journalists

The Press Council of India has called for a blackout of newsrooms on November 2 in solidarity with these victims.

13.10.2015 - 00:15 [ Electronic Frontier Foundation ]

One Year Later, Hundreds of Tor Challenge Relays Still Active

The 2014 Tor Challenge campaigned to strengthen the Tor network by encouraging people to set up new Tor nodes. We joined forces with the Free Software Foundation, Freedom of the Press Foundation, and the Tor Project, ultimately inspiring the creation of more than 1,600 new relays over a period of three months.