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Daily Archives: 26. Juli 2015
How the U.S. is training China’s military – while inching toward conflict
Despite tensions between the United States and China over the South China Sea, the two nations’ militaries train together at a very high level. Current “mil-mil” engagements are robust, with China participating in the world’s largest international maritime exercise, RIMPAC 2014, which is hosted biannually by the U.S. Pacific Command. The drills allowed China to learn a great deal about U.S. tactics, techniques and procedures (in military shorthand, “TTPs”).
US arms sales to Manama concern Bahrain Center for Human Rights
The Bahrain Center for Human Rights (BCHR) has expressed concern about a decision by Washington to remove a ban on arms sales to Manama, which continues crackdown on pro-democracy protests.
Police say gunmen kill local US Embassy employee in Pakistan
Pakistani mourners carry the casket of Iqbal Baig, a local employee of the U.S. Embassy after his funeral prayers in Islamabad, Pakistan, Sunday, July 26, 2015. Police say gunmen have killed Baig, though a motive for the attack is still unclear. Baig was killed early Sunday morning at his home.
The Passage – tattoo [from enflame 1983/2003]
from the 2003 reissue of ‚enflame‘, the fourth/final lp by manchester band the passage.
joe mckechnie, andy wilson, dick witts
with the horns & harp of geoffrey snowden, ian daykin, rachel barrett whiting, paul mundle & eira jones.
all of the passage lp‘s were reissued by ltm records in 2003.
The Passage – Troops Out (45 version)
Troops Out [single version]
Released 1981 / Night & Day ampm 22:00
US Authorities Seize `Narco Sub´ with 8 Tons of Cocaine
(24.Juli) Reports show that smugglers have made increasing use of home-made submarines or semi-submersibles to evade radar and sonar detection.
Krise! Südeuropa verliert das Vertrauen ins System
Was klingt wie eine Absage an Demokratie und sozial einigermaßen ausbalancierte Marktwirtschaft dürfte freilich eher eine zunehmende Abwendung von den Versprechungen der real existierenden Politik und von einem Krisenkapitalismus sein, in dem autoritär gegen gewählte Regierungen durchgesetzte und (…)dem neoliberalen Austeritätsdogma unterworfene »Anpassungsprogramme« die Lebenschancen von immer mehr Menschen untergraben.
Creditors expected in Greece by Sunday night: government source
Representatives from Greece´s international creditors are expected to arrive in Athens by Sunday night to start talks on a huge new international bailout for the crisis-hit country, a Greek government source said Saturday.
Dark Pion Particles May Explain Universe´s Invisible Matter
Dark matter is the mysterious stuff that cosmologists think makes up some 85 percent of all the matter in the universe. A new theory says dark matter might resemble a known particle. If true, that would open up a window onto an invisible, dark matter version of physics.
What happens when policy is made by corporations? Your privacy is seen as a barrier to economic growth
(12.Juli) One overlooked aspect of the emerging legal architecture that they enact is that, barring a Greece-like rebellion from the citizens, Europe will eventually sacrifice its strong and much-cherished commitment to data protection. This protectionist stance – aimed, above all, at protecting citizens from excessive corporate and state intrusion – is increasingly at odds with the “grab everything” mentality of contemporary capitalism.
Emerging market currencies crash on Fed fears and China slump
(24.Juli) The currencies of Brazil, Mexico, South Africa and Turkey have all crashed to multi-year lows as investors flee emerging markets and commodity prices crumble.
Is Capitalism A Good Thing?
`Those who made the laws have apparently supposed, that every deficiency of payment is the crime of the debtor. But the truth is, that the creditor always shares the act, and often more than shares the guilt, of improper trust. It seldom happens that any man imprisons another but for debts which he suffered to be contracted in hope of advantage for himself, and for bargains in which he proportioned his profit to his own opinion of the hazard; and there is no reason why one should punish the other for a contract in which both concurred.´
Greece crisis: The wider lesson is that it´s time to abandon this failed experiment in currencies
It is time for the euro to be basically broken up, with the Dutch and Finns sticking with the Germans and everyone else devaluing and restructuring. Maybe we could all have a vote on that?
(10.April 2015) Im zweiten Teil unserer Artikelserie beleuchten wir die Kriegslogik des „war on terror“. Diese ist im Kontext der Militärbewegungen, Interventionen, Spannungsfälle und Attentate im weltweiten Krieg seit 2001 insgesamt zu sehen, ist also als Blaupause einer Analyse der „Kriege im Krieg“ in diversen Staaten und Regionen vielfältig anwendbar. Verweise auf Quellen dienen lediglich als exemplarische Beispiele eines weltweit registrierbaren Musters.
Türkei: Tote durch Bombenanschlag in Diyarbakır
Zu dem Anschlag bekannte sich zunächst niemand. Die türkischen Behörden teilten mit, „Terroristen“ seien für die Tat verantwortlich. Der Begriff wird in der Türkei üblicherweise für kurdische Rebellen benutzt.
Türkei geht in den Zweifrontenkrieg
War der Krieg in Syrien und im Irak mit all seinen Verflechtungen nicht bisher schon kompliziert genug, so ist er seit der Nacht auf Samstag um eine Nuance festgefahrener.
Turkish PM had a phone talk with the Prime Minister of Great Britain
Turkish Prime Minister Ahmet Davutolgu had a phone talk with the Prime Minister of Great Britain David Cameron, Anadolu reported.
The Prime Ministers discussed current situation in Turkey.
Defense Ministry internal report: Land at village slated for demolition privately owned by Palestinians
Sussia, the Palestinian village in which structures are slated for demolition, sits on private Palestinian land owned by local people, according to a document of the Defense Ministry’s Civil Administration obtained by Haaretz.
Hundreds Protest Forced Transfer and Destruction of Palestinian Village of Susiya
Over 500 Palestinian, Israeli and international activists descended on the Palestinian village of Susiya on Friday, July 24, to protest its imminent demolition and the forced transfer of its residents. Among the demonstrators: members of “Combatants for Peace,” “Rabbis for Human Rights,” and Hadash-Communist Party of Israel.
Israeli forces kill West Bank man, 53, when he rushes to aid of sons during night raid
Israeli forces shot and killed a 53-year-old Palestinian and injured his two sons during an arrest raid in the town of Beit Ummar in northern Hebron early Thursday, witnesses said. Falah Hammad Abu Maria is the 17th Palestinian to be killed by Israeli forces this year, three of whom have been killed since the beginning of this month.
Tempelberg in Jerusalem: Israelische Polizei dringt in Al-Aksa-Moschee ein
Auf dem Tempelberg, den die Araber Al-Haram Al-Scharif (Edles Heiligtum) nennen, stehen der islamische Felsendom und die Al-Aksa-Moschee, das drittwichtigste islamische Heiligtum nach Mekka und Medina. Die bloße Anwesenheit von Israelis auf dem Tempelberg wird von den Palästinensern als Provokation betrachtet.
Ärger über „Invasion“ von Saudi-König: Auch Bürgermeisterin protestiert
Weit über 100.000 Menschen sprachen sich bereits gegen das gelinde gesagt selbstbewusste Auftreten der Saudis in der Gegend zwischen Nizza und Cannes aus. So wurden etwa ohne Genehmigung in einen öffentlichen Strand Betonfundamente eingegossen, damit Salman und seine Entourage per – gerade in Bau befindlichem – Aufzug ohne Stufensteigen bis ans Meer kommen. Ohnehin wurde der Strand für die Dauer des Aufenthaltes für „Normalsterbliche“ gesperrt.
Egypt extends state of emergency in North Sinai by three months
The measure was first introduced after 33 security personnel were killed in an attack in late October at a checkpoint in northern Sinai. It was extended three months in January and again in April.
Bailout talks in Athens: Greek Govt puzzled about where to hide 100 Troikans & Legionaries
Greece has submitted an official request to the International Monetary Fund for a new loan as it seeks a huge third bailout from its creditors, the finance ministry said.
“We would like to inform you that we are seeking a new loan facility from the International Monetary Fund,” Finance Minister Euclid Tsakalotos wrote in a letter to Christine Lagarde, the managing director of the IMF.
Story to Watch: The Brits Eye the BRICS
But the more interesting question is why Cameron wants to leave the EU: according to this news source, in broad strokes, he believes Great Britain never should have had to leave India, which it used to run. Updated to 2015 that means he thinks it should have close economic ties with the BRICS (Brazil, Russia, India, China, South Africa) and the SCO (The Shanghai Cooperation Agreement, that includes most of the countries of Central and East Asia), which held a joint summit last week in a town in southern Russia that no one outside of Eurasia had ever heard of, Ufa. („Uffa“, with the accent on the ‚u‘ is Italian for fed up“.)
Ambient Jazz & Modern Classical by Adam Kvasnica
This is very special mix. Ambient, Deep Jazz and Modern Classical. Enjoy and feel free to leave a comment!
What a friend Nigeria has in US
The United States government helped Boko Haram immensely by refusing to classify them as a terrorist organisation until 2014 and by refusing to sell us arms to fight them. Worst still, they imposed an international arms embargo on us so that we could not buy arms from anyone else in the international community. When asked why they are doing this to us they tell us that it is because of the Leahy Act which prohibits them from selling arms to governments that violate the human rights of their own citizens.(…)
However in this matter of arms supply to our country it appears to me that a double standard is being applied. It is almost as if they want Nigeria to be brought to her knees and that they want us to be humiliated and destroyed. All the territory that was recovered from Boko Haram by the Goodluck Jonathan administration is now being threatened again or has been retaken by Boko Haram in the last few weeks.
70 years after the Potsdam Declaration
Seventy years ago, on July 26, 1945, the United States, China and Britain issued the Potsdam Declaration, which set the terms of Japanese surrender at the end of World War II. It warned Japan of the imminent and total destruction of their country if the terms of capitulation were not accepted. It explained the need to oust Japan‘s „self-willed militaristic advisers“ and demanded the permanent eradication of „the authority and influence of those who have deceived and misled the people of Japan into embarking on world conquest.“ It required unconditional surrender and explained that Japan would be occupied, de-militarized and purged of „all war criminals.“
Wind farm project must accommodate Navy radar system
The Navy agreed last year to let Spain-based Iberdrola build the largest wind farm in the southeastern United States close to a radar system in Chesapeake that monitors potential threats to national security.(…)
The radar system is part of Naval Support Activity Northwest Annex in southern Chesapeake. It monitors more than 10 million square miles of air space for the military and law enforcement agencies that track drug trafficking as far away as South America.
UK government spent 13 times more bombing Libya than on rebuilding post war
Official figures show that the eight-month military intervention unleashed by David Cameron in support of rebels fighting Colonel Gadaffi’s regime cost £320 million. But efforts to stabilise the country following Gaddafi’s death and the collapse of his government have amounted to just £25m, which has failed to prevent Libya from sliding into chaos as feuding militias battle for control.
Hillary Clinton denies sending classified emails from her personal account
US presidential candidate Hillary Clinton said on Saturday that she did not use a private email account to send or receive classified information while she was secretary of state, in response to a government inspector‘s letter this week. (…)
At least four emails from the private email account that Mrs Clinton used while secretary of state contained classified information, Inspector General Charles McCullough, who oversees US intelligence agencies, told members of Congress in a letter on Thursday.
Council conclusions on the Central African Republic
(20.Juli) 2. The EU acknowledges the role played in the stabilisation of the CAR by all the international troops on the ground, the MINUSCA peacekeepers and the French troops involved in Operation Sangaris. The work begun by EUMAM RCA should help launch security sector reform, which is crucial for the country‘s recovery. This work must be continued, in coordination with other actions by the international community.
U.N. official resigns after claims she ignored child abuse
(23.Juli)Pansieri, the Deputy High Commissioner for Human Rights, a U.N. agency based in Geneva, Switzerland, was informed of testimony in August 2014 alleging several boys, ages 9 to 15, were sexually abused by French soldiers who patrolled Bangui, Central African Republic, in a peacekeeping mission.
Picked Out a Coffin Yet? Take Ibuprofen and Die
“Today we know that the risk of heart attack and stroke may occur early in treatment, even in the first weeks … “There is no period of use shown to be without risk,” says Judy Racoosin, M.D., M.P.H., deputy director of FDA’s Division of Anesthesia, Analgesia, and Addiction Products.”
‘Big surprise’: Pluto’s hazy atmosphere, flowing nitrogen ice glaciers stun scientists (PHOTOS)
The new set of high-resolution images of the planet’s surface reveal ice made of nitrogen, carbon monoxide and methane, flowing on Sputnik Planum, the flat plains on the western hemisphere of Pluto‘s Tombaugh Regio.
UN criticizes ‘excessive’ French spy law as it goes into effect
The UN Committee for Human Rights has slammed France for adopting a new surveillance law saying it grants “excessively broad surveillance powers” to intelligence services. The country’s Constitutional Council upheld the controversial law.
Thousands march in Honduras to oppose govt reluctance for social change (VIDEO)
Thousands of people took to the streets of Tegucigalpa on Friday evening, protesting against US interference and calling for the resignation of Honduran President Juan Orlando Hernandez. Regular rallies have been staged in the Honduran capital for the past two months, triggered by the country‘s recent fraud scandals.
State Of Georgia Sues Carl Malamud For Copyright Infringement For Publishing The State‘s Own Laws
Two years ago, we wrote about the state of Georgia ridiculously threatening to sue Carl Malamud and his site Public.Resource.org for copyright infringement… for publishing an official annotated copy of the state‘s laws.