Daily Archives: 23. Juli 2015

23.07.2015 - 22:52 [ Tasnim News Agency ]

Spokeswoman Raps Canada‘s „Irrational“ Stances on Iran

Iranian Foreign Ministry Spokeswoman Marziyeh Afkham deplored a recent anti-Iran statement by Canada‘s administration, saying that Ottawa has been adhering to the Zionist regime of Israel‘s stances in its war-mongering rhetoric.

23.07.2015 - 21:51 [ Xinhuanet ]

Commentary: „China threat“ hyped in Japan‘s defense white paper merely excuse for rightist agenda

The Japanese cabinet on Tuesday released a defense white paper for 2015, which gave a significant portion to hyping up „China‘s military threat.“

This is nothing new for the Abe administration that has time and again tried all sorts of tricks to deceive the public to serve its rightist agenda.

23.07.2015 - 21:19 [ Iran German Radio ]

Letzter Ministerpräsident der Mubarak-Ära zu fünf Jahren Haft verurteilt

Ahmed Nasif, der 2011 wegen Machtmissbrauch und der Veruntreuung von 8 Millionen Dollar seines Amtes enthoben wurde, ist zu 5 Jahren Haft verurteilt worden. Hinzu kommen eine Geldstrafe in Höhe von 53.6 Millionen ägyptischen Pfund (6,3 Mio. Euro) und die Auflage zur Rückzahlung von 48,3 Millionen Pfund. Falls das Revisionsgericht zustimmt, ist Berufung gegen dieses Urteil möglich. Nasif nahm an der Urteilsverkündung nicht teil.

23.07.2015 - 19:14 [ AP / Youtube ]

AP hat ihr gesamtes Videoarchiv bei Youtube hochgeladen, eine halbe Million Clips

und sie fügen dann täglich neue Clips dazu, sagen sie. Das ist ein monumentaler Schritt, denn sie erlauben auch embedding. Durchsuchen kann man das Archiv hier.

23.07.2015 - 18:56 [ RT ]

A 2nd totally different mountain range discovered on Pluto, scientists baffled (PHOTOS)

NASA astronomers have found a second mountain range on Pluto. Scientists are puzzled over the distinctive difference with the first mountainous region discovered on the distant planet. The New Horizons mission said the mountains had been found on the lower-left ledge of Pluto’s heart-shaped Tombaugh Regio area.

23.07.2015 - 18:20 [ Portal amerika21.de ]

Argentinien ehrt Befreiungskämpferin Azurduy und beseitigt Kolumbus-Statue

Azurduy wurde 1780 im heutigen Bolivien geboren und gilt als eine der bekanntesten lateinamerikanischen Freiheitskämpferinnen in den Unabhängigkeitskriegen gegen die spanischen Konquistadoren. Sie und ihr Ehemann Manuel Ascencio Padilla schlossen sich 1809 der Revolution von Chuquisaca an. 1816 starb ihr Mann im Kampf. Sie ging 1818 an der Seite von General Martín Miguel de Güemes nach Argentinien. Erst 1825 kehrte sie in ihren Geburtsort zurück. Sie sprach Spanisch, Quechua und Aymara.

23.07.2015 - 17:27 [ Guardian ]

Kerry Kennedy: Morocco has pressured UN to ignore Western Sahara

Part of the reason for this complete impunity is that there is no credible third party on the ground doing anything about the human rights abuses taking place there on a regular basis. The mandate for UN’s peacekeeping mission in Western Sahara, known as Minurso, does not include human rights monitoring. This is despite vocal calls from the Sahrawi people for international observation.

23.07.2015 - 16:10 [ The Hill ]

White House acknowledges ‘side’ deals between Iran, IAEA

Rice said the deals involve Iran accounting for past military uses of its nuclear program, but rejected GOP assertions that this represented “secret” side deals to the Iranian nuclear agreement. Rice said the documents between Iran and the IAEA are not public, but that the administration has been informed of their contents and will share details with members of Congress in a classified briefing on Capitol Hill.

23.07.2015 - 12:21 [ Maskenfall ]

Die griechische Krise in Bildern

Im Gegensatz zu dem späteren Nachfolger Draghi (`Werden innerhalb des Mandats alles Erforderliche tun, um Euro zu erhalten.´ – OMT-Programm 9/2012). Das von Trichet aufgelegte Ankaufprogramm (SMP) für Staatsanleihen (Sekundärmarkt), das sowohl in seinem Finanzvolumen, als auch zeitlich begrenzt war, das sowohl in seinem Finanzvolumen, als auch zeitlich begrenzt war, vergrößerte möglicherweise Unsicherheiten sogar, da der griechische Zinssatz in der Hochphase des Programms auf astronomische 25,9% stieg, während der deutsche Zinssatz auf 1,8% fiel.
Durch letzteren „Sichere Hafen“-Effekt sparte Deutschland von 2009-2015 übrigens 80 Mrd. Euro an Zinszahlungen ein.

23.07.2015 - 12:13 [ Philippe Legrain /CapX ]

Europe needs Britain in the EU to curb German dominance

An insolvent Greece is thus condemned to being a depressed vassal state, with Berlin’s writ enforced on the ground by the Troika, which has the right to rewrite and veto Greek legislation at will. Greece would be better off leaving the euro, as I argued in CapX. But because Greeks are terrified of Grexit and remain attached to the euro as a badge of European modernity, they still want to stay – for now.(…)
More positively, fear of German dominance is a reason why other countries, including France, are keener than before to keep Britain in. Just don’t demand treaty change. European governments aren’t just wary of consulting disenchanted voters: they don’t want legal changes that entrench German hegemony.

23.07.2015 - 12:10 [ Salon ]

How the media missed the Donald Trump surge

But is Trump’s run really that surprising? It shouldn’t be if you’ve been paying attention to the radical, obstructionist turn both Republican politics and the right-wing media have taken over the last six-plus years. Yet during most of that span, the D.C. media stoically pretended the GOP hadn’t taken an ugly, radical turn. And that’s why so many seem baffled by Trump’s rise.

Increasingly, Trump represents Fox News’ Republican Party. He’s holding up a mirror. But many journalists seem slow, or unwilling, to acknowledge that.

23.07.2015 - 11:57 [ Zeit ]

Donald Trump: Der Alleinunterhalter

Denn vielleicht wird Trump den ein oder anderen gestandenen Politiker verbal aus der Reserve locken können, schlussendlich gewinnen wird er die Nominierung aber auf keinen Fall. (ZEIT ONLINE Redaktionseinschätzung: Daumen runter).

23.07.2015 - 11:52 [ Media Matters ]

„Obama Republican“: Right-Wing Media Denounce Rand Paul For Criticizing Republicans On ISIS

(28.Mai) PAUL: ISIS exists and grew stronger because of the hawks in our party who gave arms indiscriminately and most of those arms were snatched up by ISIS. These hawks also wanted to bomb Assad, which would have made ISIS‘ job even easier. They created these people. ISIS is all over Libya because these same hawks in my party loved — they loved Hillary Clinton‘s war in Libya. They just wanted more of it. But Libya is a failed state. It‘s a disaster. Iraq really is a failed state or a vassal state now of Iran. So everything that they have talked about in foreign policy they have been wrong about for 20 years and yet they have somehow the gall to keep saying and pointing fingers otherwise. [MSNBC, Morning Joe, 5/27/15]

23.07.2015 - 11:51 [ Lower Class Magazin ]

Kolonie Griechenland? – Ein historischer Vergleich

Vergleicht man die Geschichte der Koloniewerdung Ägyptens mit den aktuellen Entwicklungen in Griechenland, so ist man in Athen derzeit eifrig mit dem Verkauf der Suezkanalaktien angelangt. Die europäischen „Berater“ und Beamten packen bereits ihre Koffer mit Reiseziel Athen. Wie es weitergeht kann man freilich nicht mehr in den Geschichtsbüchern nachlesen. Doch wie die Herrschenden auf entschlossenen Widerstand reagieren, blieb im Verlauf der Geschichte auch immer gleich.

23.07.2015 - 11:50 [ Media Matters ]

Fox‘s Hannity Helps Kasich Walk Back „War On The Poor“ Comments

Fox host Sean Hannity allowed Republican presidential candidate and Ohio Gov. John Kasich to walk back comments he made during a 2013 New York Times interview in which Kasich expressed his concern „about the fact there seems to be a war on the poor“ emanating from his own party.

23.07.2015 - 11:35 [ Einar Schlereth ]

Die Diktatur der Europäischen Union und ihrer Komplizen von rechts bis zur „Linken der Linken“ wird offensichtlich

Abermals wurde der Beweis geliefert, dass es nicht möglich ist, die Europäische Union von innen her zu verbessern, nicht einmal mit ihr „zu verhandeln“, womit ihre tyrannische Natur bestätigt wird. Manche mögen noch zweifeln, jetzt, wo die Welt es weiß und jeder daraus die Konsequenzen ziehen muss: man muss raus aus dem Euro und der EU.

23.07.2015 - 11:34 [ ROAR Magazine ]

#TalkReal: is it time for the left to abandon the EU?

n the past weeks, the masks have really fallen: the structures and legitimacy of the Eurozone are now thoroughly broken. Has the time come for the left to abandon the single currency, or even the EU? And what role are grassroots movements to play in the reconstruction of a radical transnational project against austerity and for a democratic and socially just Europe?

23.07.2015 - 08:57 [ Wikipedia ]

Eduard VIII.

Während der deutschen Besetzung Frankreichs von 1940 bis 1944 wurden Eduards Wohnsitze in Paris und in Südfrankreich auf Wunsch des Dukes durch die Wehrmacht bewacht.[25] Eduard selbst floh nach der Besetzung zunächst nach Biarritz, dann nach Spanien, um schließlich in Portugal bei einem Bankier mit deutschen Kontakten in Lissabon unterzukommen.[26]

Folgende Zitate sind von ihm aus dieser Zeit überliefert: „After the war is over and Hitler will crush the Americans … We‘ll take over … They (the British) don‘t want me as their King, but I‘ll be back as their leader.“ (Wenn der Krieg vorbei ist und Hitler die Amerikaner zerquetscht hat … übernehmen wir … Sie [der Commonwealth] wollen mich nicht als ihren König, aber ich komme bald als ihr Führer zurück.)[27] Er sagte einem Journalisten, „it would be a tragic thing for the world if Hitler was overthrown.“ (es wäre eine Tragödie für die Welt, wenn Hitler gestürzt würde.)[27]

23.07.2015 - 08:53 [ Express.co.uk ]

Truth about Royal ‚Nazi salute‘: Queen was just waving

An expert lip reader has examined the footage and has been able to recount the exact words used, which completely vindicate the Royals.

“This film is definitely not about Nazi salutes,” said Jessica Rees.

“The Queen Mother and Prince Edward are encouraging the children to wave – the Queen then encourages her sister, Margaret, to wave.”

23.07.2015 - 08:50 [ Daily Mail ]

Now the Royal family faces TV ‚Nazi‘ exposé: As Palace considers legal action over ‚Hitler salute‘ photos, Channel 4 documentary is set to reopen a painful chapter of Duke‘s family history

– Buckingham Palace bracing for new revelations in Channel 4 documentary
– Comes amid furore over footage showing Queen performing Nazi salute
– It has emerged footage may have been accidentally leaked by the Palace
– Channel 4 programme will reveal details of Prince Philip‘s sister‘s marriage
– Three of his sisters, including Sophie, were married to senior Nazi officers

23.07.2015 - 08:03 [ Electronic Frontier Foundation ]

German Authorities Investigate Surveillance Leaks

The German domestic security service has urged the Federal Public Prosecutor to consider charges of treason as a result of two articles posted earlier this year by Netzpolitik.org, one of Germany’s most influential digital rights blogs. The articles reported on leaked documents regarding the German government’s mass surveillance plans. The German criminal code considers the leaking of state secrets to a foreign power, or to anyone else with the intention of damaging the Republic to be treason: the crime can be punished with up to five year‘s imprisonment.

23.07.2015 - 07:58 [ teleSUR ]

Latin America Develops Its Own Media: International Conference

The conference also comes as left-wing governments in Latin America, together with alternative media around the continent, are developing laws, institutions, and organizations to create a Latin American discourse about its history, culture, and current affairs. Such discourse was previously dominated by Western media corporations. Speakers also pointed out that the conference comes as Latin America is creating and strengthening its own regional organizations that aren‘t dominated by the United States, such as Mercosur, ALBA, and UNASUR.

23.07.2015 - 07:52 [ Portal amerika21.de ]

Soldaten in Mexiko eröffnen das Feuer auf protestierende Indigene

Der Angriff geschah in Ixtapilla, unweit der Gemeinde Santa María Ostula an der Pazifikküste des Bundesstaates Michoacán. Stunden vor den tödlichen Schüssen hatten Soldaten den Anführer der Selbstverteidigungseinheit der Küstendörfer von Michoacán, Semeí Verdía Zepeda, festgenommen.

23.07.2015 - 07:51 [ Portal amerika21.de ]

Hilfsprogramm aus Kuba für Nobelpreis nominiert

Bereits im Januar 2014 hatte der Generalsekretär der Vereinten Nationen, Ban Ki-moon, über den Beitrag der kubanischen Ärzte gesagt: „Sie sind immer die Ersten, die ankommen, und die Letzten, die abziehen – und bleiben immer auch nach der Krise im Einsatz. Kuba hat der ganzen Welt eine Menge zu zeigen.“

23.07.2015 - 07:13 [ Haaretz ]

Netanyahu lost his Iran bet, but his next gamble may be disastrous

Netanyahu’s spokespeople said he plans to “kill himself” pursuing the last remaining option for scuttling the deal – preventing its ratification by the U.S. House of Representatives – by persuading Democratic congressmen to defect to the Republican camp and vote against their president. The destruction and devastation he avoided inflicting on the nuclear facilities scattered throughout Iran, he now wants to wreck on what’s left of U.S.-Israel relations. Here we again see his compulsive gambler syndrome: After losing his pants, he’s now putting his underwear on the roulette wheel in a move that experts on American politics say hasn’t much of a chance.

23.07.2015 - 07:07 [ Neues Deutschland ]

Erneut über 30 SYRIZA-Abgeordnete gegen Tsipras

Update 7.45 Uhr: Treffen von Konstantopoulou und Tsipras
Am Vormittag soll es offenbar ein Treffen der Parlamentspräsidentin Zoe Konstantopoulou, die dem linken SYRIZA-Flügel angehört, und Premier Alexis Tsipras geben. Am Mittwochabend hatte es im Parlament erneut heftige Debatten zwischen SYRIZA-Politikern gegeben, nachdem Konstantopoulou das parlamentarische Procedere als undemokratisch kritisiert hatte. Schon in der vergangenen Woche hatte es Berichte gegeben, wonach Konstantopoulou mit ihrer Absetzung rechnen müsse, auch von einem möglichen Misstrauensvotum gegen sie war die Rede.

23.07.2015 - 07:02 [ Guardian ]

Greek parliament approves next phase in bailout reforms

Yanis Varoufakis, the high-profile former finance minister, supported the measures. Last week he had voted against the first set of bailout conditions, including VAT rises and pension cuts, after resigning his post. But in this case, Varoufakis said, the specific measures being voted on included reforms he had previously put forward himself.

23.07.2015 - 06:57 [ Global Research ]

Nο to Ultimatums, Nο to the Memoranda of Servitude: Speech By the President of the Greek Parliament

The speech delivered early in the morning of July 11 by Zoe Konstantopoulou, president of the Greek parliament, on the question of the government’s proposal to the creditor institutions.

„Ladies and gentlemen,

At times like these we must act and speak with binding sincerity and political boldness. We must assume the responsibility that falls to each and every one of us.

We must defend, according to the dictates of our consciences, those things that are sacred, timeless, and non-negotiable, the laws and rights of the people and of society. We must guard the legacy of those who gave their lives and their freedom so that we may live as free people today. We must preserve the inheritance of the young and of future generations, of human civilization. [We must preserve], furthermore, the inalienable values that define and animate our personal and our collective existences.“

23.07.2015 - 06:47 [ Yanis Varoufakis / Project Syndicate ]

Europe’s Vindictive Privatization Plan for Greece

On July 12, the summit of eurozone leaders dictated its terms of surrender to Greek Prime Minister Alexis Tsipras, who, terrified by the alternatives, accepted all of them. One of those terms concerned the disposition of Greece’s remaining public assets.

Eurozone leaders demanded that Greek public assets be transferred to a Treuhand-like fund – a fire-sale vehicle similar to the one used after the fall of the Berlin Wall to privatize quickly, at great financial loss, and with devastating effects on employment all of the vanishing East German state’s public property.

This Greek Treuhand would be based in – wait for it – Luxembourg, and would be run by an outfit overseen by Germany’s finance minister, Wolfgang Schäuble, the author of the scheme.

23.07.2015 - 06:41 [ Hurriyet ]

ISIL’s magazine slams Erdoğan, Turkey for first time

A Turkish online magazine that supports the Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant (ISIL) has slammed Turkey and President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan for the first time.

“Konstantiniyye” (the Ottoman word for Istanbul) published its second issue on July 17. The magazine, which did not criticize or threaten Turkey in its first issue earlier this year, changed its tone dramatically as Ankara toughened its stance against ISIL.

23.07.2015 - 06:34 [ Techdirt ]

Judge Orders CIA To Pay $400,000 In Legal Fees To FOIA Requester It Jerked Around For More Than A Decade

So, what is the CIA‘s problem? It admits fault but only wants to pay a small fraction of what Hall is seeking. Hall claims a decade‘s-worth of the CIA‘s admittedly „unnecessarily protracted“ litigation has cost him more than $400,000. The CIA thinks $75,000 is more than fair for screwing him around for 10+ years.