Daily Archives: 7. März 2015

07.03.2015 - 22:44 [ Truthout ]

A Sea of People Fighting for Water in Sao Paulo

These sacred luxury consumer temples (where the water tanks are always full), lowered their doors before the the march that brought together 15 thousand men, women and children – a significant part dressing in MTST (Workers Homeless Movement)’s t-shirts – in addition to other left wing organizations protesting on Thursday (26/02) against the water crisis in São Paulo.

07.03.2015 - 21:49 [ Antikrieg ]

John Pilger – Warum der Aufstieg des Faschismus wieder Thema ist

Faschismus ist konserviert als Geschichte, als flimmernde Filmstreifen mit Schwarzhemden im Stechschritt, ihre Kriminalität furchtbar und offensichtlich. Jedoch, in denselben liberalen Gesellschaften, deren Krieg-führende Eliten uns drängen, nie zu vergessen, wird die sich beschleunigende Gefahr einer modernen Art des Faschismus unterdrückt; denn es ist ihr Faschismus.

07.03.2015 - 20:00 [ Gegen Hartz ]

„Angemessenheit der Unterkunftskosten“ im SGB II verfassungswidrig?

Das Bundesverfassungsgericht muss sich mit der Frage beschäftigen, ob § 22 Abs. 1 Satz 1 2. Halbsatz SGB II mit dem Grundrecht auf Gewährleistung eines menschenwürdigen Existenzminimums vereinbar ist. Die 3. Kammer des Sozialgerichts Mainz hat wegen zweier Beschlüsse vom 12. Dezember 2014 (Aktenzeichen: S 3 AS 130/14 und S 3 AS 370/14) um Klärung gebeten.

07.03.2015 - 18:53 [ ABC ]

Thousands Gather for 50th Anniversary of ‚Bloody Sunday‘

Thousands of people gathered in Selma, Alabama on Saturday morning ahead of a speech by President Barack Obama at the 50th anniversary of a landmark event of the civil rights movement. Obama, first lady Michelle Obama and about 100 members of Congress are converging on the town of roughly 20,000 to commemorate „Bloody Sunday,“ the day in 1965 when police attacked marchers demonstrating for voting rights.

07.03.2015 - 18:48 [ Global Research ]

War Criminal Tony Blair’s Save the Children Award: An Inadequate Apology.

Yet Save the Children honoured Blair – to immediate condemnation. In the UK a petition on site “38 Degrees” quickly garnered nearly 125,000 signatures in protest (UK only, world wide it would certainly have been in orders of magnitude more.) Judging by the uproar on blogs, Twitter, social media sites, it has been a spectacular own goal for Save the Children with countless supporters cancelling their subscriptions or donations.

07.03.2015 - 18:38 [ John Pilger / Counterpunch ]

Why the Rise of Fascism is Again the Issue

On May 2, 2014, in Odessa, 41 ethnic Russians were burned alive in the trade union headquarters with police standing by. The Right Sector leader Dmytro Yarosh hailed the massacre as “another bright day in our national history”. In the American and British media, this was reported as a “murky tragedy” resulting from “clashes” between “nationalists” (neo-Nazis) and “separatists” (people collecting signatures for a referendum on a federal Ukraine).

07.03.2015 - 18:33 [ LobeLog ]

The Jewish Billionaire Behind a New Christian Anti-Iran Group

A column published the day before Netanyahu’s speech before Congress by the group’s executive director, Robert Nicholson, warned that “Iran wants to take over the Middle East” because “they remember empire – and they want it back.” And “Iranian leaders see themselves as bringing about the end of history” because “Iran is prepared to kill and maim its way across the Middle East in order to achieve military hegemony over its foes.”

07.03.2015 - 18:32 [ Stephen Lendman / Global Research ]

Victoria Nuland Lied to US Congress about Phantom Russian Hoards in Ukraine

Obama wants war, not peace. He wants unchallenged control over America’s newest colony. He wants it pillaged for profit. He wants it as a stepping-stone toward long sought regime change in Russia – replacing its sovereign independence with pro-Western puppet governance.

07.03.2015 - 18:14 [ Global Research ]

Washington’s Central Asian Strategy: “Color Revolution Expert” Dispatched to Kyrgyzstan

Richard Miles has kept a relatively low profile throughout the years and hasn’t garnered the notoriety that his ideological protégé Nuland has, but this doesn’t mean that he’s any less dangerous for the countries he visits. In fact, since he’s the individual who spearheaded the Color Revolution tactic in the first place, he can even be referred to as a ‘proto Nuland’, owing to his ‘successes’ in Serbia and Georgia that helped make EuroMaidan possible in the first place. While he was no longer the American Ambassador to Yugoslavia when the 2000 Bulldozer Revolution overthrow Slobodan Milosevic, he certainly paved the way for its implementation during his work over the three years prior, including overseeing the NATO War on Serbia. As regards Georgia, he served as US Ambassador from 2002-2005 and repeated the Belgrade template in Tbilisi.

07.03.2015 - 18:07 [ Xinhuanet ]

Indian Home Minister hospitalized

„Singh was rushed to the super-speciality hospital in Gurgaon on the outskirts of the Indian capital around 9.30 a.m. (local time) from his official residence, after he complained of a heart problem. He is currently undergoing treatment at the private hospital,“ the sources said.

07.03.2015 - 17:54 [ Telesur TV ]

Ecuador Leaves US-Backed Military Organization

The government of Ecuador announced that it will instead focus on cooperation with the UNASUR affiliated South American Defense Council.

Ecuador has decided to voluntarily leave the Inter-American Defense Board (IDB), affiliated with the Organization of American States (OAS), in order to prioritize cooperation with the South American Defense Council.

07.03.2015 - 17:49 [ Telesur TV ]

Gazans Remember Victims of War with Art

Over 2000 Palestinians were killed during the Israeli offensive against Gaza from July to August 2014. Almost all were civilians.

07.03.2015 - 17:35 [ Gegen Hartz ]

Hartz IV: Bosheit oder dümmliche Arroganz

Hartz IV Hilfsbedürftige, die lieber mit einer Begleitperson ihres Vertrauens zu “ihrer” Behörde gehen, haben eindeutig das Recht dazu: im Paragraphen 13, Sozialgesetzbuch X, ist das eindeutig geregelt, so in den Absätzen 1 und 4 des betreffenden Paragraphen. Es steht den Sachbearbeitern in den sogenannten „Jobcentern“ nicht zu, diese Tatsache irgendwie abfällig zu kommentieren oder sogar dieses Recht in Zweifel zu ziehen.

07.03.2015 - 17:04 [ Agência Brasil ]

Agência Brasil interviews former Guantánamo prisoners

Over the next two weeks, the six ex-inmates—four of whom from Syria, one from Tunisia, and one from Palestine—will undergo health examinations at the Military Hospital, where they had been taken after arriving in Montevideo. The next step will be lodging: up to now, the refugees were being under the guidance of the Uruguayan trade union center PIT-CNT, which has provided them with an old mansion for housing.

07.03.2015 - 17:01 [ Histadrut.org.il ]

Press Release on Operation Protective Edge – 22.7.14

This forces Israel to make the tragic choice between allowing the rockets to endanger its civilians or destroying the rocket launchers, thereby risking civilian casualties among Hamas‘ human shields.

In contrast to Hamas and their supporters, Israel seeks to protect innocent Gaza residents by warning them of impending attacks by leafleting, calling, and other methods.

07.03.2015 - 16:40 [ soundcloud/modernlove ]

Andy Stott – Faith In Strangers

Faith In Strangers’ was written and produced between January 2013 and June 2014, and was edited and sequenced in late July this year. Making use of on an array of instruments, field recordings, found sounds and vocal treatments, it’s a largely analogue variant of hi-tech production styles arcing from the dissonant to the sublime. The first two tracks recorded during these early sessions bookend the release, the opener ‘Time Away’ featuring Euphonium played by Kim Holly Thorpe and last track ‘Missing’ a contribution by Stott’s occasional vocal collaborator Alison Skidmore who also appeared on 2012’s ‘Luxury Problems’.

07.03.2015 - 16:38 [ Arabische Organisation für Menschenrechte im Vereinigten Königreich ]

Egypt Spate of detainee deaths points to rampant abuse at Cairo’s Mattareya Police Station

“As Egypt stands before the Human Rights Council again this March and pledges to make human rights reforms, it can no longer deny the appalling abuses that are taking place in its police stations,” said Hassiba Hadj Sahraoui.

“By failing to tackle such abuses the Egyptian authorities are making a mockery of the absolute prohibition of torture and other ill-treatment.”

Egypt is a state party to the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights as well as the Convention Against Torture and Other Cruel, Inhuman or Degrading Treatment or Punishment.

07.03.2015 - 16:35 [ RT ]

Austerity Ireland: Thousands to protest national broadcaster´s `biased reporting´

Thousands of anti-austerity campaigners are expected to gather outside the headquarters of RTE, Ireland‘s national broadcaster, on Saturday to protest against what they say is biased reporting that represents the interests of a marginal elite.

07.03.2015 - 16:31 [ WSWS ]

WChUTEMAS – Wiederentdeckung einer revolutionären russischen Kunstschule

Im Berliner Martin-Gropius-Bau ist zurzeit eine bemerkenswerte Ausstellung über die legendäre Kunst- und Architekturschule WChUTEMAS der frühen Sowjetunion zu sehen. Gezeigt werden erstmals 250 Arbeiten – Zeichnungen, Skizzen, Gemälde, Fotos und Modelle hauptsächlich aus dem Bereich Architektur – von Studierenden und Lehrern dieser Moskauer Werkstätten, die von 1920 bis 1930 bestanden.

07.03.2015 - 16:28 [ CBS Washington DC ]

Rand Paul: I Blame Hillary Clinton For Rise Of ISIS

“I think Hillary’s war in Libya, and then Hillary’s admonition, and the president’s admonition, and frankly some Republicans’ admonition to get involved in the Syrian civil war has actually now created a bigger problem which is ISIS,” the Kentucky senator told Fox News.

Under Obama’s proposal, the use of military force against Islamic State fighters would be authorized for three years, unbounded by national borders.

07.03.2015 - 16:24 [ Techdirt ]

The White House Has Gone Full Doublespeak On Fast Track And The TPP

Sen. Ron Wyden and Sen. Orrin Hatch are now in a stand-off over a bill that would put secretive trade deals like the Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP) agreement on the Fast Track to passage through Congress. The White House meanwhile, has intensified their propaganda campaign, going so far as to mislead the public about how trade deals—like the TPP and its counterpart, the Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership (TTIP)—will effect the Internet and users‘ rights. They are creating videos, writing several blog posts, and then this week, even sent out a letter from an „online small business owner“ to everyone on the White House‘s massive email list, to further misinform the public about Fast Track.

07.03.2015 - 16:22 [ Addicting Info ]

Petition Calls For John Boehner To Be Prosecuted For Colluding With Netanyahu To Hijack US Foreign Policy (PETITION)

The petition, which can be found on MoveOn.org, correctly points out that by secretly inviting Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu to speak to a joint session of Congress to undermine President Obama, Boehner is guilty of violating the Logan Act, which forbids unauthorized government officials from interfering in relations between the United States and foreign nations.

07.03.2015 - 16:18 [ Fefe ]

Gestern hat wohl der de Maiziere bei Maybrit Illner gesagt, wäre hätten 1000 Gefährder in Deutschland. Daraufhin ist Tilo Jung mal in die Bundespressekonferenz gelaufen und hat nachgefragt.

(6.März) Q: „Wie viele Gefährder gibt es in Deutschland und welche?“

IM: „270 Personen Stand Januar 2015, die dem islamistisch-terroristischen Spektrum zuzuordnen sind, sind als Gefährder eingestuft. Vergleichsweise sei genannt: Aus dem rechtsextrem Spektrum werden 12 Personen als Gefährder eingestuft, aus dem linksextrem Spektrum momentan 6 Personen.“

Ich bin jetzt kein Diplom-Mathematiker, aber das summiert sich bei mir nicht auf 1000.

07.03.2015 - 16:12 [ Bandcamp ]

Drü EP by Unalike Music

The second release on Unalike Music is a collaboration of three musicians, dedicated to the unexpected. MRZ, Michal Ho and Ander all play live, allowing randomness to spice up their performances. Each track originates from the recordings of a collaborative live performance by two of the artists.

07.03.2015 - 16:10 [ Ander ]

Ander – sound/videos

Ander: Live Act, Produzent, Lötmeister vor dem Herrn. Predigt von der über Jahre selbst entworfenen und gebauten Kanzel, dirigiert den komplexesten Controller der bekannten Clubwelt.
Enorm viele Knöpfe und Regler, dynamisch, bunt — doch wie weiss der Kerl, wo er jetzt drücken muss?

07.03.2015 - 15:55 [ archive.org ]

Bryan Lewis Saunders – `87 Dreams of a Sociopath´ (2010)

‘87 Dreams Of A Sociopath’ a giant leap in time!
wearing microphones as pillow smiles, Bryan Lewis Saunders appears to be to most valuable sleeper
of the 87 shattered dream chambers attached to blankets of stellar quality,- we suffer jaw cramps!

07.03.2015 - 15:18 [ Machtdose ]

Podcast February 2015

We´re back very soon after the last show, but it was enough we’ve found in the meantime. It’s going from Swing to your typical Singer/Songwriter stuff to experimental, but pleasant electronica and some dance monsters at the end. In other words: lotsa fun.

07.03.2015 - 15:14 [ Broque ]

103 | pasture – the future of past 3

Auf dem dritten Pasture-Release treffen mal wieder einige langjährige Broque-Wegbegleiter aufeinander und erweisen ihren Lieblings-Broque-Tracks der letzten Jahre die Ehre einer liebevollen Überarbeitung. Broque mixt Broque

07.03.2015 - 15:11 [ Russia Insider ]

Yatsenyuk: `Why Are You Asking Me about the Economy? I´m Just the PM´

`Why do you ask me?´ – quoted the Prime Minister Obozrevatel. Ua. `Read the constitution. It says who carries all responsibility for the national currency. It is a National Bank.´
Naturally such indifferent and at the same time very cynical response from the head of the government, shocked and angered many Ukrainians. The citizens of the state began to discuss, since when the cabinet of ministers refuses to take responsibility for the economic crisis in the country. „Now we realized that with this government Ukraine is done,“ – Ukrainians posted in social networks en masse.