Daily Archives: 15. Januar 2015

15.01.2015 - 17:47 [ ABC News ]

Dad Accuses FBI of Setting Up ‚Mommy‘s Boy‘ Son in Bomb Plot

The FBI first noticed Cornell several months ago, after an informant notified the agency that…

He later met an informant in Cincinnati over two days in October, and then another two days in November. During the last meeting, Cornell told an FBI informant that …

John Cornell Sr. says there’s no way his son could have thought up a terror plot on his own.

“He told me he had went to a mosque and now I know, in hindsight I know, he was meeting with an FBI agent,” he told ABC News.

15.01.2015 - 17:25 [ Jonathan Cook - the Blog from Nazareth ]

What Hebdo execution video really shows

So what points am I making?

The first one is more tentative. It seems – though I suppose there could be an explanation I have overlooked – that the authorities have lied about the cause of the policeman’s death. That could be for several probably unknowable reasons, including that his being executed was a simpler, neater story than that he bled to death on the pavement because of official incompetence (there already seems to have been plenty of that in this case).

The second point is even more troubling. Most of the senior editors of our mainstream media have watched the unedited video just as you now have. And either not one of them saw the problem raised here – that the video does not show what it is supposed to show – or some of them did see it but did not care. Either way, they simpy regurgitated an official story that does not seem to fit the available evidence.

That is a cause for deep concern.

15.01.2015 - 17:21 [ Techdirt ]

Net Neutrality Under Threat In India

We recently reported on extraordinarily wide-ranging censorship imposed on Internet users in India. That‘s rather obscured another story that‘s been playing out there: an attempt to undermine net neutrality in the country. Here‘s how it began (via Slashdot):

15.01.2015 - 17:18 [ Sicht vom Hochblauen ]

Das Schweigen der Blätter

Um die Berichterstattung von vornherein Israel-freundlich einzustimmen, lieben es die jeweiligen Botschafter, vorwiegend die Chefredakteure in exklusiven und vertrauten “Hintergrundgesprächen” aufzuklären und ihnen eine besonders “einfühlsame” Berichterstattung ans Herz zu legen. Und so sehen die Berichte dann häufig auch aus: So mancher Nahostkorrespondent mutiert unter dem Druck seiner Chefs vom Journalisten zum Propaganda-Sprachrohr, das die Vorgaben aus Tel Aviv ohne jeden kritischen Ansatz umsetzt.

15.01.2015 - 17:16 [ Washington Post ]

Eminem fulfilled a cancer-stricken fan’s final wish, just a day before the teen’s death

Gage Garmo was a 17-year-old Eminem fan suffering from a terminal illness, and he didn’t have much time left. On Sunday, Eminem surprised the cancer-stricken teen, visiting his Michigan home to grant Garmo’s dying wish, the Detroit Free Press reported.

15.01.2015 - 16:40 [ Bundestag ]

Kritik an Blockade der Telekom: 1. Untersuchungsausschuss (NSA) – 15.01.2015

Harte Kritik an der Auskunftsblockade der Telekom übten am Donnerstag Abgeordnete des Untersuchungsausschusses, der den Spähskandal um den US-Geheimdienst NSA durchleuchten soll. Bei der Befragung zu Details des zwischen 2004 und 2008 vom Bundesnachrichtendienst (BND) und von der NSA unter dem Codewort „Eikonal“ betriebenen Anzapfens eines Internetknotens in Frankfurt und der Rolle der Telekom bei diesem Projekt verweigerte der Zeuge Helfrich, ein Sicherheitstechniker des Unternehmens, in einem Umfang Auskünfte, wie es das Bundestagsgremium bislang noch nicht erlebt hat.

15.01.2015 - 16:21 [ Süddeutsche ]

Untersuchungsausschuss zu Edathy: Ex-BKA-Chef Ziercke wirft Edathy „Realitätsverlust“ vor

Der ehemalige BKA-Präsident Jörg Ziercke hat vor dem Untersuchungsausschuss des Bundestags zur Edathy-Affäre erneut erklärt, dass er in den Jahren 2013 und 2014 keine Informationen über die Ermittlungen gegen den damaligen SPD-Abgeordneten Sebastian Edathy weitergegeben hat. Die Aussagen Edathys zu seiner Person seien frei erfunden.

15.01.2015 - 16:16 [ Comedy Central / Youtube ]

The Daily Show: March of the Parisiens

World leaders march in solidarity with France at a rally for free expression following the Charlie Hebdo attack, but U.S. representatives are curiously absent.

15.01.2015 - 16:13 [ Mondo Weiss ]

Daily Show references Palestinian cartoonist Mohammad Saba’aneh in story on free speech hypocrisy

Jon Stewart’s coverage of “March of the Parisians” on the Daily Show the other night was fantastic. His guest was Jimmy Carter, who was his fabulous self, but for an episode packed with multiple hysterically executed clips (Hassan, the ‘denounciest’ Muslim ever! – see below ), for me at least – Mohammad Saba’aneh‘s flash appearance stole the show. Did you recognize him?

After a brief introduction a mini montage of the crowd pencil-photos appeared with Stewart claiming “the march gave Parisians a chance to introduce a new icon of liberty”, that pencils were “the new symbol of freedom of expression was everywhere.”
„Bow before new Graphite King, be not afraid“ Screenshot (2:41)

“Bow before new Graphite King, be not afraid” Screenshot (2:41)

Immediately I thought of Saba’aneh’s timeless 2011 Freedom of Expression cartoon we featured in our first article about Saba’aneh when he was detained by Israel back in February 2013.

Stewart emphasized the flagrant hypocrisy of world leaders attending the march, whose regimes are complicit in gross violations of human rights pertaining to the suppression of free speech. Ticking off the names countries — Russia, Egypt, Turkey, blogger-flogging Saudi Arabia, he referenced Israel (renowned for the arrests, imprisonment, and murder of journalists) with a quote “Palestinian cartoonist…work landed him in an Israeli Prison for five months” .. all of the sudden the image jumped off my screen, of the very person on my mind just seconds before; Mohammad Saba’aneh.

15.01.2015 - 15:52 [ Techdirt ]

France Celebrates Its New Reverence For Free Speech By Arresting Comedian For His Speech

Over the weekend in Paris there was a so-called „Unity March“ in response to last week‘s Charlie Hebdo attack. The photographs from the march were striking — even if the famed photo of many world leaders holding hands and marching together turned out to a photo op on a closed street, rather than with the rest of the marchers. And, of course, this was all a facade. Many of the leaders who were there oversee governments that don‘t believe in free speech or a free press at all. Here, for example, is Jillian York trying to figure out if any of the leaders truly support freedom of expression.

15.01.2015 - 15:52 [ Trend.az ]

Egypt says gas imports from Israel possible

Answering to a question about the prospects of the country resorting to gas imports from Israel, Egyptian Oil Minister Sharif Ismail said on Wednesday, “Anything can happen.”

He added, “Whatever achieves the best interests of Egypt, and of the Egyptian economy and the role of Egypt in the region… will determine the decision to import gas from Israel.”

15.01.2015 - 15:45 [ DiePresse.com ]

Eurokrise: EuGH läutet Ende der Troika ein

Die Schlussanträge des EuGH-Generalanwalts lassen folglich nur einen Schluss zu: In dem Moment, in dem die EZB das OMT-Programm aktiviert, muss sie sich auch aus der Troika zurückziehen. Ob die deutschen Verfassungsrichter in Karlsruhe mit dieser Conclusio zufrieden sein werden, bleibt abzuwarten – zunächst muss der EuGH sein Urteil fällen.

15.01.2015 - 15:39 [ Keep Talking Greece ]

Greek elections: much too many wannabe “King-Makers”

Ten days before the elections in Greece and at least four political parties struggle for the third position in voters’ preference. A position that could grant them the title of “King-maker” should SYRIZA be unable to form a majority government. With left-wing SYRIZA securing the lead in all public opinion polls and conservative Nea Dimokratia to follow, all other political parties that will succeed the threshold of 3% could theoretically arise in the third position after the elections and become King-Makers should SYRIZA be unable to form a majority government.

15.01.2015 - 11:37 [ Bundestag ]

79. Sitzung, Donnerstag, 15.01.2015, 09.00 – ca. 21.10 Uhr

Tagesordnungspunkt 7

Beratung des Antrags der Bundesregierung
Fortsetzung der Entsendung bewaffneter deutscher Streitkräfte zur Verstärkung der integrierten Luftverteidigung der NATO auf Ersuchen der Türkei und auf Grundlage des Rechts auf kollektive Selbstverteidigung (Artikel 51 der Charta der Vereinten Nationen) sowie des Beschlusses des Nordatlantikrates vom 4. Dezember 2012
Drucksache 18/3698