The leader of the leftwing Greek party Syriza, Alexis Tsipras, left, with the leader of the Spanish Podemos party, Pablo Iglesias, at Podemos’s general assembly in Madrid.
Daily Archives: 31. Dezember 2014
CDU: Griechenland »nicht systemrelevant« für den Euro
Unionspolitiker drohen Richtung Athen: »Es gibt keine Alternative zum Konsolidierungskurs« / Wenn neue Regierung nicht spart, »müssen Kredite zurückgefahren werden«
Italien: Präsident Napolitano bestätigt Rücktrittspläne
„Ich habe die Pflicht, die Signale der Müdigkeit nicht zu unterschätzen“, sagte Napolitano bei der Ansprache, die vom Fernsehen live übertragen wurde.
„Ich kann nicht mehr das Mandat ausüben, zu dem ich 2006 aufgerufen und im April 2013 verlängert wurde“, sagte der 89-jährige Napolitano.
Pope condemns alleged corruption in Rome, says city needs ‚moral renewal‘
Pope Francis condemned on Wednesday administrators and criminals in Rome who allegedly pocketed public funds meant to help poor migrants, saying the eternal city needed a „spiritual and moral renewal“.
Our top ten viewed posts in 2014 — and five most prolific commenters, too!
In 2014 we had just under 17 million visits to the site. For comparison, last year we had 8.3 million visits. In the last year we published 2,400 stories; here are our ten most viewed posts of the last year:
Römisches Statut des Internationalen Strafgerichtshofs
Das Römische Statut des Internationalen Strafgerichtshofs (in der Schweiz und Liechtenstein Römer Statut des Internationalen Strafgerichtshofs, oft auch nur als Rom-Statut bezeichnet) ist die vertragliche Grundlage des Internationalen Strafgerichtshofs (IStGH) mit Sitz in Den Haag. (…)
Die US-Regierung unterzeichnete im Jahr 2000 das Statut des IStGH. 2002 erklärte sie die völkerrechtlich unübliche, aber zulässige Rücknahme der Unterzeichnung. Präsident Bill Clinton argumentierte, dass er das Rom-Statut nicht ratifizieren wolle, solange den USA keine ausreichende Möglichkeit geboten werde, den Internationalen Strafgerichtshof und dessen Funktionsweise über einen längeren Zeitraum zu überprüfen. Israel schloss sich dem Verhalten der USA an und nahm seine Unterzeichnung ebenfalls nachträglich zurück.
Von den 193 Mitgliedstaaten der Vereinten Nationen sind damit 121 dem Statut beigetreten (die Cookinseln sind kein UN-Mitgliedstaat), 31 haben es unterzeichnet aber nicht ratifiziert, und 41 haben das Statut nicht unterzeichnet.
Palestinian president signs up to join international criminal court
The Palestinian president, Mahmoud Abbas, has moved dramatically to join the international criminal court, setting Palestinians on a diplomatic collision course with Israel and the US.
Fireworks in Ramallah, as Abbas signs treaty to join International Criminal Court
Fireworks are exploding throughout Ramallah in celebration of Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas’s surprise move to sign the Rome Statute along with 21 other international treaties, one day after his draft resolution seeking to end Israel’s occupation through negotiations failed to pass the United Nations Security Council.
Abbas unterzeichnet internationale Verträge
Palästinenserpräsident Mahmud Abbas hat die notwendigen Papiere für einen Beitritt zum internationalen Strafgerichtshof (IStGH) unterzeichnet. Er unterschrieb nach einer Dringlichkeitssitzung in Ramallah das Rom-Statut und 19 weitere internationale Verträge.
Abbas unterzeichnet Beitrittsgesuch für Haager Strafgerichtshof
Wie im palästinensischen Fernsehen zu sehen war, unterzeichnete Abbas ein entsprechendes Gesuch während einer Sitzung der Palästinenserführung.
17-year-old killed at checkpoint is 50th Palestinian killed in West Bank this year
The youth who was killed in the incident was identified by Nablus TV as Imam Jamil Ahmad Dweikat, 17, a resident of Beita. The other victim was identified as Nael Thiab, 17, and he was reportedly evacuated to a hospital in Nablus with moderate to serious gunshot wounds following the incident.
Our Reply To A Totally Bogus Monkey Selfie Cease & Desist
This past August, the US Copyright Office released a draft of its Compendium of Copyright Practices, which notes, rather directly, that a photograph taken by a monkey is not subject to copyright, but rather would be in the public domain.
When The FISA Court Rejects A Surveillance Request, The FBI Just Issues A National Security Letter Instead
We‘ve talked quite a bit about National Security Letters (NSLs) and how the FBI/DOJ regularly abused them to get just about any information the government wanted with no oversight. As a form of an administrative subpoena — with a built in gag-order — NSLs are a great tool for the government to abuse the 4th Amendment. Recipients can‘t talk about them, and no court has to review/approve them. Yet they certainly look scary to most recipients who don‘t dare fight an NSL. That‘s part of the reason why at least one court found them unconstitutional.
Police In Scotland Tweet Out Plans To ‚Investigate‘ Any ‚Offensive Comments‘ On Social Media
If you can‘t read it, it says:
„Please be aware that we will continue to monitor comments on social media & any offensive comments will be investigated.“
UNSC, failing the test of Palestine
Once again, Palestinian gullibility, American cynicism and Israeli bullying, have degraded the role of the UN in putting an end to the longest case of illegal occupation in memory.
The Palestinian leadership has once again demonstrated its capacity to blow lots of smoke with no fire. Its lack of a strategic vision has rendered its diplomatic steps random or ad-hoc.
Its attempt to frame its effort this week is part of a strategic plan seemed wobbly at best.
AIPAC Applauds Administration Efforts to Prevent Adoption of U.N. Resolution
AIPAC commends the Obama administration for its successful efforts to prevent adoption of a resolution by the United Nations Security Council which would have represented a severe setback to the prospect of a resumption of the Israel-Palestinian peace process.
Saeb Erekat: the Palestinians intend to ask the UNSC again to support their statehood bid
How Will PA Respond to UN Rejection of Palestine Bid?
„The UN Security Council vote is outrageously shameful. It is ironic that while the United Nations designated 2014 as the International Year of Solidarity with the Palestinian People, the resolution failed to pass as an indication of a failure of will by some members of the international community. Furthermore, all the articles of the resolution are consistent with declared American policy, international law, UN resolutions, and the requirements of peace. The extent to which the U.S. has gone to protect Israeli impunity and lawlessness and to enable its criminal behavior is disgraceful and dangerous.“
Zu Jahresende bleiben die Vereinigten Staaten von Amerika im Krieg, aber nicht so öffentlich
Seit 2001 waren die Vereinigten Staaten von Amerika an jedem Jahresende ein Land im Krieg, mit militärischen Kräften, die Territorium im Ausland okkupierten. Das ist heuer genauso der Fall, ungeachtet der gegenteiligen Rhetorik.
Willy Wimmers Ausblick auf 2015
Jemand schaut in die berühmte Kristallkugel und glaubt etwas zu erkennen, das dem an seinem Anfang stehende neue Jahr eine gewisse Perspektive verleihen könnte. Nach den Erfahrungen, die von den Menschen im Lande in dem gerade vergangenen Jahr gemacht werden konnte, stimmt an diesem Jahreswechsel schon das Bild mit der Kristallkugel nicht. Es scheint sich um eine übergroße Handgranate zu handeln, die uns allen in die Hand gedrückt worden ist.
US exerted „unprecedented pressure“ on Nigeria and Rwanda not to back Palestine resolution at UNSC – envoy Saeb Erekat to Palestinian radio
Statement by PLO Executive Committee Member Dr. Saeb Erekat regarding the Security Council Vote
The Palestinian leadership will hold an emergency meeting on the evening of Wednesday the 31 December, 2014 to discuss the next steps. We strongly believe that diplomacy, including accession to treaties and international organizations is a right for the Palestinian people. Proceeding the meeting, we will announce our immediate future steps.
Ja, sehr bedauerlich. Aber vorher mal für 5 Rubel nachdenken? Neeee…!!
Uno: Palästina-Resolution scheitert an Veto-Recht der USA – Russland bedauert
Im Namen der Russischen Föderation hat Russlands Uno-Botschafter Vitali Tschurkin Bedauern darüber geäußert, dass der Resolutionsentwurf über die Unabhängigkeit des palästinensischen Staates im Uno-Sicherheitsrat gescheitert ist.
China appelliert in Palästina-Frage an die Vereinten Nationen
Auf einer Konferenz über die Lage im Nahen Osten wurde der von Jordanien vorgelegte Entwurf über die Palästina-Frage abgelehnt. Liu Jieyi drückte darüber Chinas Bedauern aus. China stimme dem Entwurf zu und hoffe auf größere Anstrengungen der internationalen Gemeinschaft, um den Teufelkreis der Gewalt zwischen Palästina und Israel zu beeden und beide Seiten wieder an den Verhandlungtisch zu bringen, so Liu.
Palestinian statehood resolution fails at UNSC
The draft outlined a solution which fulfilled the vision of two independent, democratic and prosperous states — Israel and a sovereign, contiguous and viable State of Palestine — living side by side in peace and security in mutually and internationally recognised borders.
Left turn could cost UK‘s Labour the 2015 election, says ex-PM Blair
Asked if he meant that the Conservatives would win, he said: „Yes, that is what happens.“
Blair later said on Twitter that his remarks had been misinterpreted, that he supported Miliband and was expecting Labour to win.
Man hat´s nur mit Schwachsinnigen zu tun. Unfassbar.
Iran says new U.S. sanctions violate spirit of nuclear talks
„At a time negotiations are underway with P5+1, such a move raises doubts about America‘s intentions and violates the good will principles,“ foreign ministry spokeswoman Marzieh Afkham was quoted as saying by state news agency IRNA.
US and Israeli intervention led UN to reject Palestinian resolution
One Palestinian source involved in the negotiations told the Guardian: “Even half an hour before the vote, Nigeria indicated it was committed to voting for the resolution. We knew that Rwanda, South Korea and Australia would not back it, but we believed Nigeria was on board.”
The apparent change by Nigeria, which is a rotating member of the council, came after both the Israeli prime minister, Binyamin Netanyahu, and the US secretary of state, John Kerry, phoned the country’s president, Goodluck Jonathan, to ask him not to support the resolution.
Analyse: Vereinigte Staaten verfolgen das Konzept eines Kolonialreiches “Groß-Israel”, als Triebkraft des Terrorkrieges
Nach der Ablehnung der Unabhängigkeits-Resolution Palästinas im Sicherheitsrat der Vereinten Nationen heute Nacht ist nun unleugbar und vor der Welt offensichtlich, dass die Vereinigten Staaten von Amerika am Mittelmeer keine Zwei-Staaten-Lösung, sondern die Ein-Staaten-Apartheid anstreben und damit das Konzept “Groß-Israel” verfolgen. Dass viele Unterstützer Palästinas, nach 47 Jahren Kolonialherrschaft durch ein sich mehr und mehr entdemokratisierendes und transformierendes Israel, die Zwei-Staaten-Lösung ebenfalls aufgegeben haben und im Vorfeld die Resolution der P.L.O. nicht einmal mehr unterstützten, halte ich für einen schweren Fehler.
Palestinian U.N. Bid Fails by 1 Vote. Was That the Plan?
There was some speculation, in fact, that the Palestinians wanted to submit the resolution in order to present a tough public posture in the face of growing Hamas pressure, but wanted it to fail in order to avoid tensions with Washington and to leave the door open to renewed negotiations in the event that a more moderate Israeli government is elected in March. Today’s events do nothing to negate that speculation.
@NathanThrall let‘s see what Abbas will do after the SC rotation. If he does not present the proposal again then probably yes
Is Abbas trying to save the US from an embarrassing veto? Why else push for a vote before having 9 yeas on Jan 1?
Der Diplomat, der aus dem Besatzer-Staat kam
Wenn der Botschafter des “Jüdischen Staates“, Hadas-Handelsman, erneut seine Hasstiraden und Ablenkungen von eigenen Kriegsverbrechen in deutschen Medien verbreitet, frage ich mich, wann wird dieser “Hassman” endlich abberufen? Er, der den Zeigefinger gegen friedliche Demonstrationen gegen den Gaza-Krieg erhebt, vergisst dabei, dass sein mahnender Zeigefinger, der auf uns Deutsche zeigt, mit Blut verschmiert ist, sprichwörtlich gesprochen.
Palestinian resolution fails at the Security Council, U.S. votes against ‘staged confrontation’ at the UN
Just hours before the Security Council convened, a Chief Palestinian negotiator said to Al Jazeera in New York, Palestine had nine confirmed votes.
„Griechenland ist nicht systemrelevant“ – Eine Euro-Mitgliedschaft des Landes gilt in DE nicht mehr als alternativlos
„Geht das schon wieder los?“ über die griechischen Neuwahlen
Italy presidential choice poses problem for PM Renzi
After dropping hints for months, 89-year-old Giorgio Napolitano, is likely to indicate in an end-of-year address on Wednesday evening that he will leave his post early next year, although he may not name an exact date.
Iran, Germany in talks to boost trade relations
The issue was discussed during a meeting between Iran’s Deputy Minister of Finance & Economic Affair Mohammad Khazaei and Germany’s Ambassador to Iran Michael Freiherr von Ungern, Iran’s SHADA News Agency reported on Dec. 30.
According to Khazaei, the two countries’ bilateral trade is currently around $2 billion.
Iran, Iraq discuss trade, security ties
Secretary of the Supreme National Security Council (SNSC) Ali Shamkhani said here on Wednesday that economic cooperation is considered as the most important priority in relations between Tehran and Baghdad, IRNA reported.
Oberstleutnant gibt vier Medaillen an “kriminelle Vereinigung” N.A.T.O. zurück
Offener Brief an den Verteidigungsminister und die Regierung der Tschechischen Republik – Antrag auf Widerruf der Auszeichnungen in militärischen Operationen der AČR unter der Schirmherrschaft der N.A.T.O.
Oliver Stone on Ukraine Protests: „The Truth Is Not Being Aired in the West“
Stone believes the CIA contributed to violence at February protests in Ukraine that left more than 100 dead. „It seems clear that the so-called ‚shooters‘ who killed 14 police men, wounded some 85, and killed 45 protesting civilians, were outside third-party agitators,“ he wrote.
A dirty story through and through
Interviewed Viktor Yanukovych 4 hours in Moscow for new English language documentary produced by Ukrainians. He was the legitimate President of Ukraine until he suddenly wasn’t on February 22 of this year. Details to follow in the documentary, but it seems clear that the so-called ‘shooters’ who killed 14 police men, wounded some 85, and killed 45 protesting civilians, were outside third party agitators. Many witnesses, including Yanukovych and police officials, believe these foreign elements were introduced by pro-Western factions– with CIA fingerprints on it.
Oliver Stone to make documentary about Ukraine‘s ousted president Yanukovych
The famed director says it seems clear to him foreign elements were introduced by pro-Western factions, including the CIA in the February ousting of the legitimate president.
Meine ruhmreichen Brüder
ALS ICH 15 und Mitglied der Untergrundorganisation Irgun (nach heutigen Kriterien einer waschechten Terroristenorganisation) war, sangen wir “(In der Vergangenheit) hatten wir die Helden Bar Kochba und die Makkabäer / Jetzt haben wir neue Helden / Die nationale Jugend” nach der Melodie eines deutschen Marschliedes.
From Above – Astronaut Photography with Don Pettit
You‘ve never seen space like this. This short film gives an inside look at how NASA Astronaut Don Pettit captures breathtaking images of Earth‘s most famous phenomena – aurora, star trails, city lights, and more – from the inside the International Space Station.
Amazing! NASA Astronaut Captures Stunning Time-Lapse Video of ‚Polar Aurora‘
NASA flight engineer Reid Wiseman has published jaw-dropping time-lapse videos of the polar aurora, as seen from the International Space Station (ISS).
Nature‘s amazing light show gives New Year‘s Eve fireworks a run for the money
Gun powder and chemicals may create a momentarily beautiful sight in the sky. But when you ponder the light that is created from wind traveling from the sun to our atmosphere where particles dance with each other to create a colorful, glimmering night sky, fireworks simply don‘t hold a candle to an aurora.
Polarlichter / Auroras Doku 1
Eine Dokumentation über Polarlichter auf Deutsch.
Solar Wind Workhorse Marks 20 Years of Science Discoveries
One big mystery is the question of what keeps the solar wind heated. One would think that the solar wind would cool down as it expands and travels away from the sun, but it remains hotter than expected. Some intrinsic activity within the wind must continue to generate heat. It is known that magnetic reconnection – a process in which magnetic energy is converted into heat and acceleration of particles – is part of the process. In sync with this endeavor, Wind has searched for the signatures of magnetic reconnection closer to home.
BREAKING: President Jonathan relocates children abroad based on security advice
Militant elements from Jonathan’s Ijaw ethnic group have been threatening war if he loses the election. For the first time, Nigeria’s opposition has come together to forge a strong alliance through the All Progressives Congress (APC), whose presidential candidate, Muhammadu Buhari, is currently making waves across the country.
Jonathan’s Special Adviser (Media & Publicity) Reuben Abati had on Sunday issued a statement that his boss “left Abuja this afternoon for a brief private visit to the United Kingdom.”
Nigerian general election, 2015
Jonathan ran unopposed in the People‘s Democratic Party (PDP) primaries on 10 December, receiving the nomination of the party. However, this was against an unwritten rule that the PDP‘s presidential candidacy should alternate between Muslim northerners and Christian southerners, and opposition to Jonathan‘s candidacy had led to the defection of „dozens“ of PDP MPs in the House of Representatives.[4]
Nigeria’s Corruption Machine Fights Back As Cabal Donates 21 Billion To Battle “Integrity” Candidates of Poor Masses
Other tools like rigged machines and “disappearing ink” are also reliably expected to be deployed. Nigeria’s President has made several emergency visits to Israel where the company which has been reported to have been involved in electronic rigging in African nations like Zimbabwe is reportedly being engaged towards ensuring a successful manipulation of Nigeria’s valentine’s day election process.
70 prophets storm Jerusalem to pray for Nigeria
“So, it is a self-sponsored programme. The government has no kobo in it. Captains of industry sponsored it and they are here with their products to support us. They sponsored the ministers of the gospel to go and cry for mercy for Nigeria,” Epunam said.