Earlier this month, as part of the $585 billion defense bill for 2015, Congress passed a measure that would give lands sacred to American Indians in Arizona to a foreign company. The deal gives the Australian-English mining firm Rio Tinto 2,400 acres of the Tonto National Forest in exchange for several other parcels so it can mine a massive copper deposit.
Daily Archives: 26. Dezember 2014
Losing Crimea Could Sink Ukraine‘s Offshore Oil and Gas Hopes
Italian energy group Eni (ENI:IM), which last year reached an agreement to explore off Crimea’s eastern coastline, says it doesn’t know how the crisis might affect its plans. “We wait to see if the situation gets normal, and then I would certainly get back in touch with the new authority there,” Eni Chief Executive Officer Paolo Scaroni told CNN in an interview last week. “We have been living through changing of governments in many countries in our life.”
Aserbaidschan schaltet Radio Free Europe ab
Der Direktor von RFE/RL’s Azerbaijani Service verurteilte die Massnahme als eine fortwährende Kampagne gegen unabhängige Medien in Aserbaidschan. Auch vom U.S.-Aussenministerium hagelten sofort Proteste.
Neue Risiken für Spitzel – Keine Zukunft bei digitaler Vergangenheit?
Für das Ausstellen falscher Papiere existieren bei Polizeien und Geheimdiensten jeweils eigene Strukturen. Das BKA hat den derzeitigen Vorsitz einer Arbeitsgruppe von “mit Legendierungsaufgaben befassten Experten des Bundes und der Länder”, die der Innenministerkonferenz angegliedert ist. Auch das Zollkriminalamt ist dort vertreten.
Mobilfunkstandard UMTS: Ultimativer Abhöralbtraum
Der als sicher geltende Mobilfunkstandard UMTS ist knackbar – und zwar auch aus der Ferne, wie der Hacker Tobias Engel zeigt.
Das Gerät ist ab diesem Moment sowohl zu orten als auch zu steuern – SMS können abgeschaltet, mitgelesen und Telefonate abgehört werden.
Alles, was ein einigermaßen versierter Hacker dazu braucht, ist eine Handynummer.
Lieberman: ‚Mysterious forces‘ trying to hurt us ahead of elections
Writing on his Facebook page, Lieberman accused „mysterious forces“ of intentionally stirring up the scandal at this timing. „When it comes to Yisrael Beiteinu – there are no elections without investigations,“ he noted.
„I‘m sure of the innocence of all of our friends, and remind (everyone) once again not to be quick to sentence people because in a democratic society, a person is innocent unless otherwise proven,“ he went on to say.
Israel should pay 1.4 million Palestinians to leave Gaza, Moshe Feiglin says
„We’re not defending ourself, we’re fighting for justice. It’s ours. This is the first thing we should understand. And we should take it over, and we should take it over, capture the whole Gaza Strip – as we did in 1967 and I’m talking about the right goal, the right goal should be victory, nothing less than that. Victory means destroying your enemy, and take over the place.“
‘Go to Auschwitz!: Extremist settler confronts injured ISM volunteer in Hebron
Hebron, Palestine, December 24th. As we made our way to ‘checkpoint watch’ we were discussing what it would be like that morning, would there be tear gas? Stun grenades? Child arrests? Every day children are forced to walk through military checkpoints, manned with armed border police officers, in order to reach their schools.
I have seen the Israeli military firing tear gas canisters, throwing stun grenades, and detaining and arresting schoolchildren and their teachers. Sometimes the children throw stones towards the checkpoint, sometimes not. Either way the military violence the children of Hebron face is as unbelievable as it is disgraceful.
Sun sizzles in high-energy X-rays
For the first time, a mission designed to set its eyes on black holes and other objects far from our solar system has turned its gaze back closer to home, capturing images of our Sun. NASA’s Nuclear Spectroscopic Telescope Array, or NuSTAR, has taken its first picture of the Sun, producing the most sensitive solar portrait ever taken in high-energy X-rays.
Worse than the dictators: Egypt’s leaders bring pillars of freedom crashing down
Egypt is enacting authoritarian laws at a rate unmatched by any regime for 60 years, legal specialists from four institutions have told the Guardian.
Video: Amazon Indigenous Tribe Protests Hydroelectric Dam Construction
Indigenous people from the Munduruku ethnic group are fighting against the construction of the São Luiz do Tapajós dam in the state of Pará, Brazil. The dam will mean the flooding of 700,000 km2 in their homeland.
Slideshow: Journalists killed in 2014
In 2014, at least 60 journalists and 11 media workers were killed in relation to their work, according to CPJ research. Local and international journalists died covering conflicts, including in Syria, Iraq, and Ukraine, while many others were murdered reporting on corruption and organized crime in their own countries.
Here, CPJ remembers some of the journalists who gave their lives to bring us this year‘s headlines.
In Memoriam: Journalists Killed in 2014
Honoring our colleagues killed in the line of duty.
Facebook vor Gericht: Private Nachrichten gescannt
Facebook must face lawsuit over scanning of users‘ messages: judge
Facebook Inc must face a class action lawsuit accusing it of violating its users‘ privacy by scanning the content of messages they send to other users for advertising purposes, a U.S. judge has ruled.
Third priest killed in dangerous southern Mexico
Rev. Gregorio Lopez Gorostieta is the third Catholic priest to have been killed in the region this year, and the first to die since the federal government launched a special, stepped-up security operation in the area following the disappearance of 43 teachers‘ college students three months ago.
Mike Gravel to Senator Mark Udall: Make Full Torture Probe Public Like I Did with Pentagon Papers
On the Senate floor last week, outgoing Democratic Sen. Mark Udall called for a purge of top CIA officials implicated in the torture program and cover-up, including current Director John Brennan.
Azerbaijan, Bahrain sign military co-op plan
A military cooperation plan was signed during the visit of Azerbaijani Defense Minister Colonel General Zakir Hasanov to Bahrain, Azerbaijani Defense Ministry said on Dec.26.
#Angouleme: Jeanne & Saco,14‘s french‘s #kids #occupy bench, like #humanzoo to protest against #cage- #box anti- #NFA
Proteststurm in Frankreich – Mit Käfigen gegen Obdachlose
Der Mensch kann doch Infrarotlicht sehen – wenn die Umstände passen
Der Grund dafür ist, dass zwei kurz hintereinander auf das selbe Sehpigement treffende Infrarot-Photon etwa die selbe Energie abgibt wie ein einzelnes Photon des sichtbaren Lichts.
People protest housing crisis in French capital
During the Thursday gathering, the protesters also called on the government of President Francois Hollande to come up with concrete plans to solve the housing crisis.
“Our public funds have been mismanaged and that has led to the housing crisis,” Fabrice Charleuf, an activist, said.
France, which is facing economic hardship, has imposed austerity policies that have put its citizens under more financial pressure than ever.
State Duma chief suggests trying US for WWII nuke attacks
The Russian parliamentary chief recalled that the nuclear attacks on Hiroshima and Nagasaki were hardly justifiable from the pure military position, as the defeat of Japan was practically decided after the Soviet Army’s victories in Manchuria.
Europe must stop warmongering, propaganda to avoid WWII repeat
Liberalism and secularism are considered to be cornerstones of Western civilization, though many feel that their overemphasis has led away from traditional values and ethics into exceptionalism, intolerance and aggression. How have these factors influenced Western political thought, and can history‘s lessons help us avoid major confrontation in such a turbulent geopolitical environment? Oksana is joined by Hanne Nabintu Herland, author and historian of religions, to reflect on these issues.
America’s “Deep State”: Unaccountable Shadow Government
The Deep State that he describes is a type of largely unaccountable shadow or parallel government that operates at the international and domestic levels as a driver for policies in our so-called democracies. It functions outside the reach of constitutional law, and it requires top-down forces of public repression. Today, the Deep State arguably supersedes the public government in power and importance.
Venezuela gegen Resolution des Europaparlaments
Man habe die Sorge, dass das Europaparlament mit den Angriffen von der „schweren Wirtschaftskrise, die die Mitgliedstaaten der Europäischen Union durch Kürzungen im Sozialbereich und der daraus folgenden strukturellen Armut“ heimsuche, ablenken wolle. Die Protestnote macht das EP darauf aufmerksam, dass dessen Meinung über die Lage in Venezuela der Anerkennung enormer Fortschritte des Landes durch die internationalen Organisationen widerspreche.
Nach „Piratenjagd“ nun Kampf gegen „Anti-Piraten“
Warnung vor schwimmenden, ungesicherten Waffenkammern der privaten Militärsicherheitsfirmen auf den internationalen Meeren als Bedrohung für Frieden und Stabilität. Forderung nach Einführung von gesetzlichen Mindeststandards bedeutet Legalisierung der Söldnertrupps und fördert illegalen Waffenhandel in Krisenregionen.
EU foreign policy chief Mogherini to visit Moscow in early 2015
„We do not have the exact dates but I think it (the visit) will take place in the end of winter,“ Vladimir Chizhov said.
According to him, Moscow is ready to cooperate with the EU leadership and is hopeful that the dialogue will start working at all levels. Brussels has begun to understand that the sanctions have no prospect, he said.
China to launch yuan-ruble swaps from Dec 29
China is launching trading in forward contracts and swaps between the yuan and three more currencies, including the Russian ruble, from December 29, the China Foreign Exchange Trade System managed by the People’s Bank of China reported on Friday.
Israel approves construction of 380 housing units in East Jerusalem
Meretz members says local officials taking advantage of elections to expand settlements, compromising any chance of reaching agreement with Palestinians.
Israel Empowers Islamic State (ISIS) Terrorists in Syria
(24.12.) While Israel is willing and getting ready to “interfere” in Jordan , it is already deeply interfering in Syria , where the real battle has been raging for less than four years now against terrorists led by the IS.
A few weeks ago The Associated Press reported that the IS and the al-Nusra had concluded an agreement to stop fighting each other and cooperate on destroying the U.S. – trained and supported rebels (The Syrian Revolutionaries Front and the Hazm movement) as well as the Syrian government forces in northern Syria.
But in southern Syria all these and other terrorist organizations are coordinating among themselves and have what Lt. Col. Peter Lerner, a spokesman for the Israeli Occupation Forces (IOF) called “a gentleman’s agreement” with Israel across the border, according to Colum Lynch in Foreign Policy on June 11.
Jordan says ISIL didn‘t down plane in Syria
In a statement that was published by the website of the Jordanian army, the general added that early indications had showed that the plane was not shot down by ISIL, which controls the Syrian city.
Nevertheless, the general went on to say that it was difficult to determine the reason why the plane fell down.
Die Bundesregierung startet dann mal eine Aufklärungskampagne für TTIP.
Denn, völlig klar, dass die Bevölkerung so großflächig gegen TTIP ist, das liegt bloß daran, dass die alle Opfer von Vorurteilen, Propaganda und Fehlinformationen geworden sind.
Turkish, Iraqi PMs discuss oil, ISIL threat
Turkey‘s state-run Petroleum Refineries Corporation bought 520,000 barrels of oil from the Kurdish Regional Government in Iraq, Turkey‘s energy minister announced two week ago.
Iraq‘s crude oil distribution keeps flowing via Turkey despite threats from ISIL.
Japan says close to deal with South Korea and U.S. on North Korea defense
„Ever since defense ministers of Japan, the United States and South Korea agreed on the importance of information sharing in May, discussion has taken place at various levels,“ a Japanese Defence Ministry official told a media briefing.
„And now we are in the final stages toward signing.“
Next U.S. elections threaten Israel’s ‘total isolation’ — and the Israeli public is worried
Last summer an Obama foreign policy aide, Philip Gordon, shocked Israel supporters by warning that Israel faces a “tsunami” of international pressure if it fails to participate in the peace process. Now that warning seems to be coming true. Here are three items from the last day or so that speak to Israel’s growing isolation from world opinion, and the west.
First, Israel has not responded to a request to endorse the U.S. policy shift on Cuba. The word is that Israel’s nose is out of joint: It wasn’t notified of the change ahead of time, (just like everybody else wasn’t notified);
Can Russia‘s Vladimir Putin help deliver a Palestinian state?
Russia has finally found a lever with which to gain revenge on the United States and the West for its support for Ukraine.
Christmas At Bethlehem 2014
Hall of Nativity Christmas Tree Decorated with Teargas Grenades, Missile Leftovers and Child Photos
The Popular Struggle Coordination Committee, this year, in the Hall of the Nativity, Bethlehem, lit up a Christmas tree decorated with teargas grenades, sound bombs, pictures of injured and murdered children, and the missile leftovers used by Israeli occupation forces against the Palestinian people.
Mexicans rap Germany for provision of arms to corrupt police
In 2010, the German government demanded that weapons manufacturer Heckler & Koch GmbH stop exporting arms to Mexico over concerns that the weapons might get into the hands of individuals living in parts of the country to which Berlin has banned weapons exports over human rights issues.
China says hopes Japan stays on ‚path of peace‘ with new minister
„We believe that no matter who leads the Japanese defense ministry, the Japanese side ought to uphold walking down the path of peace … and make efforts to promote the development and improvement in bilateral ties,“ ministry spokesman Yang Yujun told a monthly news briefing.
Russia offers support to North Korea amid Sony hack controversy
Russia on Thursday offered sympathy to North Korea amid the Sony hacking scandal, saying the movie that sparked the dispute was so scandalous that Pyongyang‘s anger was „quite understandable.“
Washington failed to offer any proof to back its claims of Pyongyang‘s involvement in the hacking, Russian Foreign Ministry spokesman Alexander Lukashevich said at a briefing, adding that the U.S. threats of retaliation were „counterproductive.“
Swindle – Walter`s Call
With ‘Walter’s Call’, Swindle dives straight in at the deep end with sirens and footwork inspired drums, gradually building themes of energetic brass brilliance into the mix.
No, North Korea didn’t hack Sony
While it’s (just) plausible that a North Korean elite cyber unit could have built up this knowledge over time and then used it to make the malware, Occam’s razor suggests the simpler explanation of a pissed-off insider. Combine that with the details of several layoffs that Sony was planning and you don’t have to stretch the imagination too far to consider that a disgruntled Sony employee might be at the heart of it all.
Gnučči – Work!
Director Roxy Farhat
Editor/Animation Roxy Farhat
Produced By: Cristian Dinamarca & Marcus Price
Remembering Leonard Beerman: Activist, Pacifist, Rebel and Rabbi
But Beerman never lectured the world about the great issues of the day without first addressing his own congregation and his own co-religionists. In 1982, he and other Jewish leaders called on Jews as a whole to oppose the nuclear arms race as a matter of faith.
No cause was more controversial than his ardent support for Palestinian rights. Never flinching in the face of withering criticism from his own congregants as well as from Jews from across the United States and Israel, his support was rooted in his firm conviction that peace was the only path to security for Israel and to justice for the Palestinians.
Floh de Cologne – Ich will aber nicht immer nur….
(Fließbandbabys Beat Show)
Floh de Cologne `Wir werden immer mehr´
Dec. 25, 1951: Bombing of the Moore Family Home in Florida
“On Christmas Day in 1951, Harry T. Moore and his wife, Harriette, had just finished celebrating their silver anniversary when a bomb blew up their home in Mims, Fla. The explosion killed the couple,” explains investigative reporter Jerry Mitchell in an article in the Clarion Ledger. Both had been teachers and civil rights activists.
Dec. 25, 1837: Christmas Day Freedom Fighters: Hidden History of the Seminole Anticolonial Struggle
On Christmas day in 1837, the Africans and Native Americans who formed Florida’s Seminole Nation defeated a vastly superior U.S. invading army bent on cracking this early rainbow coalition and returning the Africans to slavery. The Seminole victory stands as a milestone in the march of American liberty. Though it reads like a Hollywood thriller, this amazing story has yet to capture public attention. It is absent from most school textbooks, social studies courses, Hollywood movies, and TV.
Engineering Chestnut Trees? Biotechnology Takes a Walk in the Woods
Vermont, where I live, recently passed the nation‘s first GMO labeling law. Monsanto is now suing the state (via the Grocery Manufacturers Association). Several other states – Oregon, California, Washington and Colorado – have similarly tried to pass legislation and faced intimidation by Monsanto and their ilk, which have spent more than $100 million fighting these state labeling initiatives. But our tiny rural state, with only just over half a million residents, is not backing down (and by the way, Merry Christmas, you can contribute to support the fight here).
Israeli serviceman shoots 5yo Palestinian in the face
The incident happened when Muhammad Jamal Ubeid and his 14-year-old sister stepped out of the school bus and started walking home in al-Issawiya, an Arab village and neighborhood in East Jerusalem, on Wednesday.
Public won’t let Washington sweep CIA torture under the rug – Russian diplomat
The Obama administration won’t be able to throw the torture issue under the table, as the US Senate report on the CIA’s detention and interrogation program has sparked a global public outcry, the Russian Foreign Ministry‘s human rights ombudsman told RT.
“It’s to be continued. If you wish, this report is to be continued against the will of those who would like to hush it down,” Konstantin Dolgov stressed.
Anti-driving-ban activists in Saudi Arabia ‚to face terrorism tribunal‘
Two women’s rights campaigners detained in Saudi Arabia will face a tribunal on charges of “terrorism”, following their campaigning activities, which led to one being arrested for trying to drive over the border from the UAE.