and most of our intellectuals are only too happy to participed in the propaganda
Daily Archives: 3. Dezember 2014
Scrubbing the Data: How the NY Times Obscures Israeli Crimes
The New York Times takes up some unsavory topics concerning Israel in recent issues and in each instance leaves readers in the dark—omitting data, glossing over history and concealing the relevant context.
Wie die EU der US-Strategie aufsitzt
Auch in Reaktionen auf die Ankündigung Präsident Putins, den Bau der South Stream-Pipeline zu stoppen wird deutlich, dass manche die Konsequenzen ihres eigenen Handelns nicht recht begreifen wollen. Man vermutet gerne, dass Russland dies doch nicht ernstmeinen könne, weil man die EU als Absatzmarkt brauche, und blendet aus, dass man den USA mit ihrer Isolationsstrategie gegenüber Russland auf den Leim gegangen ist.
Und nun betet noch drei Ave Mutti und spielt weiter an irgendwas rum.
Wildhunde auf dem Sprung
Seit November befinden sich fünf geschützte Fahrzeuge vom Typ DINGO im Nordirak. Die Kraftfahrer der Peschmerga wurden bereits in Deutschland ausgebildet. Allerdings fehlte bisher noch die Einweisung der zukünftigen Bordschützen an der Waffenanlage. Diese soll nun im Irak durchgeführt werden.
Die Bundeswehr geht zum „Training“ in den Irak. Nato und neues Regime in Bagdad haben sich schon verständigt, nach Öl-Deal mit Barzani.
Na, ihr Schwachsinnigen? Hockt ihr euch gegenseitig mal wieder auf den Gesichtern rum?
Government to pay off WW1 debt
The government will repay the outstanding £1.9bn of debt from a 3.5% War Loan on 9 March 2015. (…)
More than 120,000 investors hold War Loan bonds.
Großbritannien wird demnächst ihre Schulden aus dem 1. Weltkrieg zurückgezahlt haben.
Der 9. März 2015 ist der Stichtag.
Anti-Defamation League creates blacklist of groups that link Ferguson to Palestine
File this under “You can’t make this up.”
Abe Foxman, whose $688,000 annual salary makes him one of the most over-paid pro-Israel lobbyists in the country, recently embarrassed himself (again) by actually releasing a press statement lecturing NFL star Reggie Bush on his Twitter feed— Bush had dared compared Ferguson and Gaza.
But it gets worse.
Hungary summons U.S. ambassador over McCain‘s ‚neofascist‘ comment
Hungary‘s Foreign Ministry summoned the U.S. envoy on Wednesday after U.S. Senator John McCain called Prime Minister Viktor Orban a „neo-fascist dictator“.
E-mails come and go and it looks as if the Troika will extend Greece’s bailout program
A couple of days ago, Greek sent to Troika a list of austerity proposals -among them Value Added Tax increasing from 6.5% to 13% for hotel accommodations, scrapping poverty allowances, lowering pensions etc -aiming to collect revenues of just 980 million euro in the first stage.
To make the long story short, many Greek media report that an agreement is most likely to be achieved by next Monday, December 8th, when the Eurogroup will meet in Brussels.
Judges reject Romanos’ request; clashes in Athens over hunger-striker
The Judicial Council rejected on Wednesday morning the request of hunger-striker Nikos Romanos to be granted educational furloughs while in prison. With Justice showing a relentless face towards a convict on hunger strike claiming his right to education as foreseen by the law, media reported last night, that coalition government partner PASOK was allegedly preparing a special aw to satisfy Romanos’ request.
Ukraine government is ready for talks with IMF: PM Yatseniuk
Ukrainian Prime Minister Arseny Yatseniuk said on Wednesday the new government was ready to hold discussions with the International Monetary Fund on the disbursement of the next tranche of financial aid under a $17 billion loan program.
Special Report: How Exxon helped make Iraqi Kurdistan
Less than a year later, Exxon signed a deal with Kurdistan. The story of how that happened explains much about the would-be nation‘s growing power.
Interviews with key players in the secret 2011 negotiations – the talks involved not just Exxon but also fellow Western oil giant Royal Dutch Shell – show how Exxon‘s decision to invest infuriated both Washington and Baghdad, and helped propel Kurdistan closer to its long-held goal of independence.
Video: Police lied. Mike Brown was killed 148 feet away from Darren Wilson‘s SUV
For 104 days, the police have lied and said Michael Brown was killed 35 feet away from Darren Wilson‘s SUV. It was actually 148 feet.
This distance is essential to the defense and how Darren Wilson must demonstrate that he “ reasonably feared for his safety.“ At the point in which Brown ran half a football field away, how reasonable is it for an armed officer to fear anyone?
NATO reaffirms partnership with Iraq, will consider request for defence capacity building
Prime Minister al-Abadi informed the Secretary General that the Iraqi government is sending a request to NATO for defence capacity building support. As agreed by NATO Allies at the Wales Summit in September, this request will be reviewed by the North Atlantic Council once received.
Die Uno-Vollversammlung hat mit 165 zu 5 Stimmen eine Resolution verabschiedet, dass Israel seine Atomwaffen aufgeben soll.
Die fünf Gegenstimmen waren (neben Israel natürlich) die USA, Kanada, Palau und Mikronesien.
UN fact-finding panel allowed into Gaza
A fact-finding panel dispatched by the UN Human Rights Council (UNHRC) has entered the blockaded Gaza Strip through the Erez border terminal, a Palestinian official said Wednesday.
The panel‘s entry into Gaza – for the purpose of investigating human rights violations committed by Israel during this summer‘s military offensive on the Gaza Strip – was initially barred by Israeli authorities.
Roma, corteo contro Jobs act: scontri in centro tra manifestanti e polizia
Three injured at Rome Jobs Act demo
Three protesters were injured in a police charge Wednesday at a demonstration in Rome against the government‘s Jobs Act labour reform bill now on the floor of the Senate, where the administration of Premier Matteo Renzi looks set to call a confidence vote.
Putin bans weapons supplies to Ivory Coast
The ban has been imposed in connection with the adoption of the UN Security Council resolution of April 29, 2014, in view of a political crisis that broke out in the West African country
Ivory Coast army protests sow fears of return to unrest
When thousands of soldiers poured out of barracks and erected barricades in towns across the country this month, it was a stark reminder of the coups, mutinies and rebellions that have crippled the world‘s top cocoa grower.
Nach Abstimmungsniederlage: Schwedische Regierung kündigt Neuwahlen an
Die Sozialdemokraten hatten die Wahl im September zwar gewonnen. Aber selbst mit Unterstützung der Linkspartei verfügt ihre Koalition mit den Grünen nicht über eine Mehrheit im Reichstag.
Report: Israeli forces killed nine Palestinians, arrested 650, during month of November
Israeli Occupation Forces killed nine Palestinians and arrested 650 others in November, Ahrar Center for Detainees’ Studies and Human Rights, a Palestinian rights organization said in a report on Monday.
Faymanns Flucht vor der Verantwortung
Nachdem Werner Faymann am SPÖ-Parteitag nur 83,9% der abgegebenen Stimmen auf sich vereinen konnte, vermeidet der Noch-Parteichef Stellungnahmen zu seinem Resultat. Es ist an anderen in der SPÖ, sich live von Radio und Fernsehen interviewen zu lassen, wie man in den Tagen danach bemerken konnte.
Schettino says ‚only God‘ was above him on Concordia
Former captain Francesco Schettino told a trial into the January 2012 Costa Concordia disaster in which 32 died that only God was above him when he was at the helm of a ship. „I, as the commander, am the first after God,“ Schettino said when asked about his actions after the cruise ship hit rocks off the Tuscan island of Giglio.
Francesco Schettino, der Kapitän der Costa Concordia, vergreift sich vor Gericht ein bisschen im Ton.
Georgia, NATO discuss situation in Abkhazia
Minister of Foreign Affairs of Georgia Tamar Beruchashvili met with NATO Secretary General‘s Special Representative for the South Caucasus and Central Asia James Appathurai within the NATO ministerial, held in Brussels Dec.2, the Georgian Foreign Ministry said.
Iraks Geisterarmee
Zurückließen sie Waffen und Ausrüstung für 50.000 Mann, Geschütze und gepanzerte Fahrzeuge, die den Gotteskriegern in die Hände fielen. (…) Demnach existierten mindestens 50.000 der 200.000 Rekruten lediglich auf dem Papier, wahrscheinlich sogar deutlich mehr.
Afkahm: Two parties have agreed to resolve nuclear dispute by negotiations
There is no doubt Iran will proceed based on the action plan signed in Geneva on November 24, 2013 and will not heed the speculation spread by the western media.
She acknowledged that the western propaganda machine has become active spreading baseless assumptions and said that Iran and the western governments have come closer to an agreement but in some area differences still persist.
Libya: Live Free And Die
In the end, it’s the oil money that will bring peace, or abject poverty for all. The government is running out of cash and credit. Another year or two of this and life gets very miserable for Libyans. The UN speaks of Libya of sliding into a state of anarchy. No one is willing to intervene militarily and the UN has constant problems with gangsters and Islamic terrorists attacking aid efforts. This could end very badly.
NASA Prepares To Test New Spacecraft (That You‘ve Likely Never Heard Of)
On Thursday, the unmanned Orion test vehicle is set to be launched into space aboard a commercial rocket. It will orbit Earth twice, traveling 3,600 miles away from the planet on its second lap. Then it will re-enter the atmosphere and splash into the Pacific Ocean.
Raytheon discounts political considerations undermining Polish Patriot bid
Speaking at the Berlin Security Conference 2014, James Monroe, Vice President at Raytheon International, largely discounted concerns raised earlier in the year that Poland might be pressured into opting for the Eurosam (Thales/MBDA) Sol-Air Moyenne Portée/Terrestre (SAMP/T) system for its Wisla ‚Shield of Poland‘ requirement, rather than choosing Raytheon‘s Patriot PAC-3 instead.
Campaign group calls for boycott of Hewlett Packard over Israeli military links
Hewlett Packard provides technology for a biometric identity system used at Israeli military checkpoints within the West Bank to control the movement of Palestinians.
It is also thought the company supplies IT infrastructure to the Israeli Navy enforcing a blockade of Gaza.
UN urges Israel to renounce nuclear arms, join non-proliferation treaty
The resolution, initiated by Egypt, was approved by 161 nations with only five voting against it and 18 abstentions.
The United States and Canada were among the minority opposing the measure.
It‘s official: Israel‘s Knesset votes to disband, elections on March 17
Edelstein, a Likud MK who holds the position of Knesset speark, said: „We cannot abuse the public, that is my position as an MK not as Knesset speaker.“ Hours later, the Meretz-backed bill to dissolve the Knesset passed a preliminary reading, with eighty four MKs voting in favor of the bill. Another version of the bill, led by Opposition Chairman Isaac Herzog, then passed its first reading.
Sweden government close to collapse
Mr Lofven told reporters late on Tuesday: „We may call snap elections later, when the constitution allows. We could also resign and there are other alternatives.“
An election would have to take place within three months of being called.
Livni: Netanyahu is afraid, must be replaced
MK Tzipi Livni slammed Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu at a party faction meeting Wednesday, calling his speech to announce new elections the night before the words of a coward.
„The truth that lies behind the hysterical words is that we have a prime minister who is afraid – afraid of his ministers, and of the outside world,“ she said.
Accident at Ukraine nuclear plant forces reactor shutdown
Zaporizhia nuclear plant reactor shut down on November 28 after incident, says Ukrainian prime minister Arseniy Yatsenyuk
German loophole allows BND spy agency to snoop on own people
The German government confirmed on Saturday that work-related calls or emails were attributed to the employer. As a result, if the employer is foreign, the BND could legally intercept them.
Like The NSA And GCHQ, Germany‘s Foreign Intelligence Agency Uses A Legal Loophole To Spy On Its Own Citizens
One of the striking features of the responses to Edward Snowden‘s leaks about the snooping being carried out by the NSA and GCHQ is the insistence that everything is, of course, quite „legal.“ But gradually, it has emerged that this „legality“ is achieved through the use of loophole after loophole after loophole after loophole. Now it has been revealed that Germany‘s intelligence agency, the BND, has also been using this trick to enable it to spy on its own citizens — something that was assumed to be off-limits for it:
No Iranian diplomat dead in Yemen bomb suicide
The Spokeswoman of Iran‘s Foreign Ministry Marzieh Afkham told ISNA on Dec.3 that all of Iranian diplomats are healthy according to obtained latest information from Iran‘s embassy in Yemen.
Previously Reuters quoted security officials and paramedics as saying that three people were killed when a suicide attacker drove a car laden with explosives at the residence of the Iranian ambassador in the Yemeni capital Sanaa.
Iraq says woman detained in Lebanon is not Baghdadi wife
Maan said Saja Dulaimi had fled to Syria where she was detainees by authorities. She was part of a group of female detainees freed in exchange for the release of a group of nuns captured by Islamist rebels in Syria, he said.
Security officials in Lebanon said on Tuesday the Lebanese army had detained a wife and daughter of Baghdadi‘s as they crossed from Syria late last month.
What if the USA was the state of Anglo-Saxon Protestants round the world?
You’re surely been reading about the controversy over the Israeli government’s new initiative to declare the country the nation state of the Jewish people. The Israeli government might fall over the issue. American Zionists are up in arms over the proposal, because it would end their beloved Jewish democracy. But here are two important voices saying that there is already no democracy for non-Jews in Israel.
Egyptian court sentences 185 to death for attack on police
The ruling is preliminary and subject to a lengthy appeals process. It also goes to the country‘s top religious authority for approval although his opinion is not binding.
The sentence comes days after another court dropped charges against Hosni Mubarak over the killing of protesters during the 2011 uprising that ended his 30-year rule.
Die Akte Carsten Szczepanski, Deckname “Piato”, V-Mann des Verfassungsschutzes
Der Neonazi und V-Mann Carsten Szczepanski, Deckname „Piato“, sollte am 4. November 2014 im NSU-Prozess in München als Zeuge vernommen werden. Dazu kam es nicht, weil sich Beate Zschäpe zum 3. Jahrestag der NSU-Selbstenttarnung nicht imstande sah, vor Gericht zu erscheinen. Doch bereits im Vorfeld dieser Ladung wurde alles in Bewegung gesetzt, um das Erscheinen von „Piato“ zu verhindern. Es waren keine Neonazis, die dies taten, sondern staatliche Stellen, in diesem Fall das SPD-geführte Innenministerium Brandenburgs. Schlagartig machten sie sich Sorgen um einen V-Mann:
News conference following state visit to Turkey
(1. Dezember) PRESIDENT OF RUSSIA VLADIMIR PUTIN: ..Now, a few words about the major South Stream project on the bottom of the Black Sea. We are grateful to our Turkish friends that although Turkey did not benefit directly from this project, it nevertheless gave all the permits necessary to build this pipeline system through Turkey’s exclusive economic zone in a timely manner.
At the same time, taking into account the European Commission’s position, which is not conducive to implementing this project, taking into account the fact that we have only recently received permission from relevant authorities in the Netherlands – granted, it was a positive decision, and taking into account that we still have not received permission from Bulgaria, we feel Russia cannot continue implementing this project under the existing circumstances.
I mean that we now need to start the construction of this pipeline in the Black Sea, but we cannot do that until we have Bulgaria’s permission. I think it’s clear to everyone that it would be ridiculous to start the construction in the sea, reach the Bulgarian shore and stop. So we are forced to reconsider our participation in this project. But given Turkey’s growing demand, we are ready to not only expand the Blue Stream pipeline, as I just said, but also build another pipeline system in order to cover the growing needs of the Turkish economy. And if it is deemed expedient, we can build an additional gas hub for the South European consumers on Turkish territory, near the border with Greece.
Weißes Haus: Flugsperrzone zwischen Türkei und Syrien ist keine Lösung
Die USA stünden für Erörterung verschiedener Varianten mit der türkischen Seite offen und respektiere deren Meinung, sagte der Sprecher des Weißen Hauses, Josh Earnest. „Aber wir denken, dass eine Flugsperrzone zu diesem Zeitpunkt nicht den Interessen der Lösung in Syrien dienen wird.“
Turkish FM Çavuşoğlu raises concerns on Aleppo at NATO meeting
Foreign Minister Mevlüt Çavuşoğlu has reiterated Turkey’s concerns about the Syrian province of Aleppo, which is under pressure after having been split roughly in half between opposition groups and government troops that have slowly encircled rebel positions, trying to cut supply routes.
Meeting with his British and Canadian counterparts late Dec. 2 on the sidelines of the NATO foreign ministers’ meeting, Çavuşoğlu discussed the situation in Aleppo and urged for an „integrated strategy“ to solve the Syrian crisis, according to Turkish diplomatic sources.
Turkey: Egypt’s statement on Erdogan ‘unacceptable’
„However, it is observed that Egypt‘s pro-coup executives have been asserting unacceptable claims against our country as an indication to their guilty conscience and incapability,“ the Turkish ministry’s statement said.
The statement also said the Egyptian regime should not get the idea that their inhumane actions in Tahrir Square in 2012, which left thousands of protesters dead and the recent release of former President Hosni Mubarak, who was said to be responsible for the killings, had gone unnoticed.
US welcomes oil deal between Iraqi and Kurds
“This agreement will further strengthen both Iraq’s federal government and the Kurdistan Regional Government as they work together to defeat ISIL,“ Harf said while congratulating the sides on the agreement.
“It was also agreed that the central government will also allocate a portion of the federal land forces‘ budget to the peshmerga forces in proportion to the population ratio of the region,” she added, “for the sake of Iraq‘s security.”
Whew! Likely DefSec nominee said U.S.-Israel relationship has never been stronger
You will recall that Hagel was nominated just early last year for the job. But he had a lot of trouble with the Israel lobby, because he’d called it the “Jewish lobby” and said it had unrivalled power on the Hill. His tortuous hearing in Feb. 2013 — a “disaster”– is said to have damaged him throughout his short stint at the Pentagon. Though the hearing was famously parodied in an SNL skit that never aired, in which senators called on Hagel to fellate a donkey for Israel. Even the Anti-Defamation League got het up over that one.
Ashton Carter doesn’t have donkey issues.
US defense official confirms Iran battling IS in Iraq
The official said that the U.S. has its eyes on Iranian activity in the region but is not necessarily concerned with it, reported The Huffington Post. He added that the attacks are taking place near the Iranian border, in a different part of Iraq than most U.S.-led coalition activity.
The official said that he believed that the Iranian bombing is unlikely to stop as long as the Shiite-dominated nation felt threatened by the IS. He also remarked that the activity will not call for a response from the U.S. unless the nation presents an immediate threat to the forces in the air.
Ukraine pays $14 billion on foreign debts – PM
Ukraine has paid $14 billion on its foreign debts, including the debt of its oil and gas company Naftogaz to Russia, Prime Minister Arseny Yatsenyuk said Tuesday.