The commander-in-chief of the allied NATO forces in Europe, General Philip Breedlove, has held meetings with Ukrainian President Petro Poroshenko and Prime Minister Arseniy Yatsenyuk in Kiev on Wednesday.
Daily Archives: 26. November 2014
Turkey, Russia agree to develop payments in national currencies
Turkey and Russia intend to develop the payments using national currencies by elimination of the existing barriers, according to the protocol of the Russian-Turkish intergovernmental commission meeting held in Moscow
Azerbaijan taking part in NATO naval exercises (PHOTO)
Azerbaijan and Turkey are taking part as observers in the ‘Nusret-2014’ naval drills held jointly by the NATO member countries, the Turkish news agency DHA reported Nov. 26. Reportedly, the naval exercises will last till Dec. 30. The drills are being held in the Aegean Sea. Along with Azerbaijan, some 17 more countries are also taking part in the drills as observers.
Kein Steuergeld für Grundrechtsbruch
Absurder geht es kaum: Statt aus dem NSA-Skandal zu lernen, will der BND insgesamt 300 Millionen Euro für neue Überwachungstechnologien bis zum Jahr 2020 ausgeben. Ein Teil davon soll Ende der Woche vom Bundestag beschlossen werden. Dabei haben vor der Wahl SPD- und selbst Unions-Politiker/innen die Spitzel-Praktiken der Geheimdienste scharf kritisiert. Jetzt geht es um die Glaubwürdigkeit der Abgeordneten – daran müssen wir sie erinnern!
Abrüsten statt Aufrüsten – keine Etaterhöhung für den BND!
Lasst uns gemeinsam verhindern, dass der BND in Zukunft für US-Kampfdrohnen auch noch die Zielkoordinaten einflussreicher ausländischer Blogger ermittelt!
Telefonaktion: Keine 300 Millionen für den BND! #BNDanruf
Wir haben die Telefonnummer der Mitglieder des Vertrauensgremium aufgelistet.
300 Millionen extra für den BND? Nein! Aktion am 27.11. in Berlin!
Datum: Donnerstag 27. November 2014
Zeit: 8:30 Uhr morgens, denn ab 9:00 Uhr beginnt das Plenum im Bundestag und die Vorbesprechung für den NSA-Untersuchungsausschuss
Ort: Platz der Republik 1, vor dem Reichstag
Die Gysi-Affäre und die Kanzlerwahl 2017
In “Mondo Weiss” ist ein Interview von Max Blumenthal erschienen, der am 9. November in Berlin zusammen mit David Sheen Gregor Gysi konfrontierte. Die Affäre schlägt mittlerweile derart Wellen, dass sie Einfluss auf die nächste Kanzlerwahl in 2017 haben könnte.
Auszüge und Vorgeschichte eines alten Leids.
The Minds of Others: An interview with Max Blumenthal
Max Blumenthal: I’ve met quite a few white Germans who are supportive of the idea of Palestinians having basic human rights and are actually willing to do something about it. But it seems to me that they have been medicalized in their society as lunatics. As Erich Fromm said, the sane man in the insane society is always portrayed as insane.
So, what do the German elites gain from using that anti-Semitism trope?
Max Blumenthal: Genuinely left-wing anti-racists tend to be supportive of Palestinian rights. And through the anti-Semitism meta-narrative, German elites are able to weaken and divide the left by painting its most devoted activists as Jew haters;
Putin und die EU-Rechtspopulisten
Der Kurier schreibt, das Timing einer Russland-Reise von FPÖ-Politikern sei nicht optimal: „Just einen Tag nachdem publik wurde, dass der befreundete „Front National“ von einer russischen Bank einen Neun-Millionen-Euro-Kredit bekommen hat, fütterten die Freiheitlichen die Sozialen Netzwerke mit Russland-Fotos. Auf ihnen zu sehen: Parteichef Heinz-Christian Strache in einem Hotel im kühlen Moskau. Gemeinsam mit den Mandataren Andreas Karlsböck und Johannes Hübner sowie dem Russland-affinen Wiener John Gudenus weilt der FPÖ-Boss derzeit im Osten.“
Saudi-Arabien, Venezuela, Russland und Mexiko vereinbaren Koordinierung in Ölbranche
Die Energieminister Saudi-Arabiens, Russlands, Mexikos und Venezuelas haben am Dienstag in Wien eine Koordinierung ihrer Handlungen in der Ölindustrie vereinbart. Das teilte der venezolanische Außenminister und Ex-Energieminister Rafael Ramirez Journalisten nach dem Treffen mit.
Die einseitige “Staatsräson”-Kanzlerin
Sie führte den Begriff der deutschen “Staatsräson” für Israels Sicherheit als “Teil meines Landes” als “Order von Mutti” ein, als sie am 18. März 2008 vor dem israelischen Parlament (Knesset) sprach. Damit stellte sich Merkel wie schon so oft, vor- und nachher gegen die israelkritische Haltung in “meinem Lande”! Denn was diese Kanzlerin immer wieder wiederholt – mit einem philosemitschen Sendungsbewußtsein – ist unverzeihlich und entspricht nicht der Meinung des größten Teils der deutschen Bürger.
Prosecutor Lays The Blame For The Ferguson Debacle At The Feet Of ‚Social Media‘
When prosecutor Robert McCulloch began his announcement of the grand jury‘s decision in Officer Darren Wilson‘s shooting of an unarmed Ferguson resident, he expressed his displeasure with a very familiar scapegoat:
Iran confirms receiving two new payments of its frozen assets
Central Bank of Iran announced that has received the 5th and 6th parts of its $2.8 billion worth of blocked assets, which were agreed upon following the extended nuclear deal with P5+1 group (the US, UK, France, Russia, China plus Germany, Iran’s Mehr news agency reported Nov. 26.
Russia, Saudi Arabia, Venezuela, Mexico to monitor oil prices with quarterly consultations
Participants in an oil conference in Vienna have decided to monitor oil prices for a term of one year with possible quarterly consultations, Russia’s oil major Rosneft said after four-party talks involving Russia, Saudi Arabia, Venezuela and Mexico, TASS reported.
Iran‘s ambassador confers with Turkish FM
Cavusoglu welcomed the invitation and confirmed importance of the proposal by President Hassan Rouhani in the 68th session of the UN General Assembly and called holding such conferences as an important need of current period of time.
Romania‘s next president eyes power shift within weeks
The presidency gives Iohannis the power to select a new prime minister if Ponta falls in a no-confidence vote, but that would require dozens of lawmakers to abandon the ruling coalition ahead of a general election due in 2016. Ponta‘s Social Democrats rely on two medium sized parties and several smaller groups for their large majority.
T-Mobile Still Doesn‘t Understand (Or Simply Doesn‘t Care) That Their ‚Music Freedom‘ Plan Tramples Net Neutrality
Back in June we noted how T-Mobile had unveiled a new „Music Freedom“ program that exempts the biggest music streaming companies from T-Mobile‘s usage caps. When introduced at the time, T-Mobile pitched the idea as a huge win for consumers, as you could listen to say — Spotify — without worrying about eroding your usage allotments. T-Mobile also insisted that if your favorite service isn‘t included, you can just Tweet T-Mobile to have it whitelisted for cap exemption. Sounds like a great deal for everybody, right?
Well, no.
#italy Lower House approves Renzi‘s Jobs Act: Forty Democratic Party MPs walk out rather than vote
The British establishment: demonising Muslims, attacking civil liberties
Dealing with the political roots of terrorism would however mean acknowledging our government’s role in helping to create and sustain it: through funding certain groups in Afghanistan, Libya and Syria, for example, through passing restrictive laws, and – most importantly – by waging wars and occupying countries which have helped lead to terrorism.(…)
The present wave of Islamophobia is a direct consequence of those wars and the policies associated with them. Muslims in Britain could be forgiven for thinking that even when they do the right thing, it’s wrong.
Alluvial EP by Northcape
Sun Sea Sky Productions is an independent music label founded in 1999 with the expressed purpose of releasing original and quality recordings from a host of artists and genres worldwide.
バン!!! by Andrew Liles
(Transporter) Andrew Liles is a prolific solo artist, producer, remixer & sometime member of Nurse With Wound and Current 93. He has been recording since the mid 80‘s & has appeared on well over 150 releases.
Exclusive: U.S. to leave more troops in Afghanistan than first planned – sources
The move to increase the U.S. presence left in Afghanistan comes shortly after Obama approved plans to give the U.S. military a wider role to fight the hardline Islamist Taliban movement alongside Afghan forces after the current mission expires.
Putin calls Russia-Norway relations promising
He recalled that much had been done when the Norwegian government was led by Jens Stoltenberg, who is now NATO‘s secretary general.
Russian, Syrian foreign ministers to meet
Against the background of U.S attempts to monopolize the right to determine goals and methods of counterterrorist operations, Lavrov and Muallem will discuss the contribution of Russia and Syria in the fight against terrorism in accordance with United Nations Resolutions 2170 and 2178, the Russian Foreign Ministry said.
Tschechiens Präsident befürwortet neutralen Status für Ukraine
„Was die Ukraine betrifft, so bin ich weiterhin der Meinung, dass es um ihre Neutralität – die so genannte Finnlandisierung gehen muss“, so Zeman.
Putin reist am 1. Dezember in die Türkei – Treffen mit Erdogan geplant
Putin werde an der 5. Sitzung des Kooperationsrates auf hoher Ebene teilnehmen. Geplant sei auch sein Treffen mit dem Präsidenten der Türkei, Recep Tayyip Erdogan, hieß es.
Belgian trade unions, workers strike over austerity
The strikes began on Monday and left the port of Antwerp paralyzed.
Strike in 4 provinces severely affects travel in Belgium
Belgian workers from several sectors walk out on their jobs in four of Belgium’s 10 provinces, severely affecting travel across the country.
Thousands of protesters take to streets in Lisbon over austerity
Thousands of people have taken to the streets in the Portuguese capital city of Lisbon to protest against continuation of the government‘s austerity measures.
Another strike hits France education system
Another strike has hit France’s education system, this time by assistants for disabled students, Press TV reports.