Zur Versüssung des Abends kommt nun eine kurze Video-Einlage der besonderen Art für Tierfreunde und Drohnen-Gegner. Manchmal hilft sich “Mutter Natur” mit einem kurzen Prozess. In Cambridge im U.S.-Bundesstaat Massachusetts verteidigt ein Vogel sein Revier gegen einen Eindringling in seinen Luftraum.
Daily Archives: 11. Oktober 2014
Megaskandal: EU-Kommission genehmigt Subventionen für britisches Atomkraftwerk
(8.10.2014) Ohne staatliche Beihilfe kommt Atomkraft nicht aus, und in England geht es aktuell um vermutlich 19 Milliarden Euro für den Bau eines neuen Meilers. Heute hat die EU-Kommission entgegen aller Kritik und Zweifel ihre Zustimmung gegeben, dass England den künftigen Betreiber und französischen Stromkonzern EDF mit Steuergeldern unterstützen darf. Atomkraftgegner nennen die Genehmigung “klar illegal” und einen “Kniefall vor der Atomlobby”.
Europe Provides State Support for Nuclear Power
The £16 billion plant planned for Hinkley Point in Somerset, south-west England, was approved by just one vote at a meeting yesterday of the EC. And the decision was made even more controversial by the fact that the current members of the Commission end their term of office this month.
The Ghost in the GMO Machine
The bodies and minds of children living on the Hawaiian island of Kaua‘i are being threatened by exposure to chlorpyrifos, a synthetic insecticide that is heavily sprayed on fields located near their homes and schools.
White House denies plan to close Guantánamo Bay with executive action
Obama administration spokesperson vehemently contradicts report that president seeks to override law and Congress
Obama Is Supposedly Getting Ready to Close Gitmo. Here Are 9 Other Times We‘ve Heard That.
Rejoice! President Barack Obama intends to close the prison at Guantanamo Bay…seven years after he initially promised to do so.
CNN Turns To Outbreak Fiction Writer For Ebola Coverage
CNN Tonight turned to ophthalmologist and fiction writer Dr. Robin Cook to hype unsubstantiated fears about the transmission of the Ebola Virus and the CDC‘s grasp on the situation.
Presenting Cook as „The Man Who Wrote The Book On Ebola,“ host Don Lemon called Cook‘s 1987 fiction thriller Outbreak, which details an Ebola outbreak in the U.S.,“ prophetic.“
S. Korea, U.S. hold last-minute talks on OPCON
South Korea handed over control of its forces to the United States during the 1950-53 Korean War to defend against invading troops from North Korea. Peacetime control of its forces was returned in 1994, and South Korea is scheduled to get back operational control in the event of war in December 2015.
But last year, Seoul asked for a delay in the OPCON transfer after North Korea conducted its third nuclear test, saying the security situation on the peninsula was markedly different from when the transfer was agreed upon a few years ago.
Day 169 In 4 days, they will appear before the „Court“. #FreeAsmamaw #FreeEdom #FreeTesfalem #FreeZone9Bloggers
Zone 9 blogger urges world to call for freedom in Ethiopia
(7. Juli) In April, the Ethiopian government imprisoned nine journalists, including six bloggers from Zone 9, in one of the worst crackdowns against free expression in the country. Ethiopia is the second worst jailer of journalists in Africa, trailing only Eritrea, according to CPJ research.
WAC MAAN Conference of Arab workers demands: stop deadly accidents in Israeli construction sites
An original play, ‘Red Shoes’, was the endnote to a conference organised by WAC-MAAN Workers Union in Kufr Qara in Northern Israel, attended by hundreds of Arab construction workers. The unprecedented conference gave voice to the union’s demands for change in safety procedures at construction sites. Speakers warned of a sharp rise in fatalities in the first half of 2014, as well as thousands of permanent disabilities as a result of preventable accidents.
Oil Politics, Asian Suitors, and Alternative Pipelines in South Sudan
According to South Sudanese officials, the Japanese Toyota Company has agreed to build a new oil pipeline that bypasses Sudan.
Osama Morsi: In Egypt, No Logic, Justice Or Respect for Human Rights
Osama Morsi, son of Egypt‘s legitimate President Mohamed Morsi, said the coup regime is unable to face a confrontation between supporters of the January 25 Revolution and supporters of the military coup.
Regierungsparteien bei Senatswahl in Tschechien voran
Nach Auszählung von einem Drittel der Stimmen deutete sich an, dass die Sozialdemokraten (CSSD) 16 Kandidaten in die Stichwahl in einer Woche schicken könnten. Um ihre knappe Mehrheit im Prager Oberhaus zu halten, würde das aber nicht reichen.
Morales confident he will win Sunday‘s election in all nine Bolivian districts
Polls show Morales taking close to 60% of the votes nationwide and even managing to win in the departments of Santa Cruz, Beni, Tarija and Pando, traditionally the rightist opposition’s strongholds.
Cuba Denounces U.S. Manipulation of Terrorism
On April 30th, the State Department published its report of 2013, reiterating the absurd designation of Cuba as „a State Sponsor of Terrorism“ for the 32nd occasion, said an official of the Cuban mission to the UN, Tanieris Dieguez.
In a forum of the Sixth Committee of the General Assembly, she said that Washington keeps Cuba on its list to justify the economic, commercial and financial blockade imposed on the Island for over half a century.
Wie Sie sehen, sehen Sie nix …
Polizei überwacht Presse, Presse überwacht Bundestag, Bundestag überwacht die Überwacher, Regierung ist auch da. Doch wer schickt die Polizei zum überwachen der Presse?
Ban Ki-moon arrives for talks in Libya‘s capital
U.N. Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon arrived in Libya‘s capital Tripoli on Saturday for talks with the country‘s warring factions fighting over control of the oil producer, in the highest-level visit of a foreign visitor for three months.
The Counter-Terrorism Implementation Task Force (CTITF)
The Counter-Terrorism Implementation Task Force (CTITF) was established by the Secretary-General in 2005 and endorsed by the General Assembly through the United Nations Global Counter-Terrorism Strategy PDF, which was adopted by consensus in 2006. The mandate of the CTITF is to enhance coordination and coherence of counter-terrorism efforts of the United Nations system. The Task Force consists of 34 international entities which by virtue of their work have, have a stake in multilateral counter-terrorism efforts. Each entity makes contributions consistent with its own mandate.
Internet-Task Force der Computer-Giganten unter UNO-Schirmherrschaft
(23.2.2010) Verschwörung gegen das freie Weltinformationsnetz – Google, Microsoft, CISCO, Symantec und andere Computerfirmen arbeiten mit der UNO zusammen, um Massnahmen gegen die Informationsfreiheit auszuarbeiten – Treffen in Seattle
Telekom gab Millionen Kundendaten an BKA
(2. April 2009) Dabei sei es nicht um die Suche nach bestimmten Straftätern oder konkrete Gefahren gegangen, sondern um eine Durchrasterung von nahezu allen Kunden-Datenbeständen der Telekom ohne ersichtliche Rechtsgrundlage, berichte die „Frankfurter Rundschau“ unter Berufung auf gut informierte Konzernkreise. In den Kundendaten sei nach den Terroranschlägen von New York 2001 anhand bestimmter Kriterien nach potentiellen „Schläfern“ gesucht worden.
Datenschutz offenbar Auslegungssache Telekom wertet Telefondaten aus – BND gibt Mobilfunknummern weiter
(12. August 2013) Mit einer eigenen Einsatzgruppe spürt die Telekom Telefonbetrüger und Hacker auf. Das Überwachungssystem wertet alle Verbindungsdaten der Kunden aus und meldet verdächtiges Verhalten. Der BND rechtfertigt unterdessen die Weitergabe von Mobilfunknummern an ausländische Geheimdienste.
Internes Protokoll: BND-Präsident und Kanzleramts-Chef hatten “große Sorge” vor Aufklärung zu BND-Aktivität
Kanzleramts-Chef Pofalla und BND-Präsident Schindler hatten “große Sorge”, dass ein Untersuchungsausschuss die Tätigkeit der Abteilung Technische Aufklärung des BND untersucht. Das geht aus einem BND-internen Protokoll hervor, das wir veröffentlichen. Damit meinen sie unter anderen zwei riesige Überwachungs-Datenbanken, die sie sogar der Datenschutzbeauftragten verschwiegen haben.
In der gestrigen Sitzung des Geheimdienst-Untersuchungsausschusses drehte sich die Diskussion vor allem über die “Abteilung Technische Aufklärung” (TA) des BND.
@the_intercept If someone somewhere goes to hell, he will definitely surpass your work speed.
Core Secrets: NSA Saboteurs in China and Germany
The National Security Agency has had agents in China, Germany, and South Korea working on programs that use “physical subversion” to infiltrate and compromise networks and devices, according to documents obtained by The Intercept.
The documents, leaked by NSA whistleblower Edward Snowden, also indicate that the agency has used “under cover” operatives to gain access to sensitive data and systems in the global communications industry, and that these secret agents may have even dealt with American firms.
Es gibt neue Snowden-Dokumente, diesmal wie die NSA Saboteure in fremden Länder (u.a. Deutschland) unterhält.
Das Highlight daran ist für mich, dass das mit einer Geheimhaltungsstufe versehen ist, die ich noch gar nicht kannte: ECI.
London mayor says UK spies monitoring thousands of terrorism suspects
Britain‘s security services are monitoring thousands of terrorism suspects in London and are involved in operations on a daily basis, the capital‘s mayor Boris Johnson said in an interview published on Saturday.
Jewish groups stand up against media lies about Muslims and police surveillance of Muslims
Donna Nevel of Jews Against Islamophobia coalition sent along a new video that is quite effective in its simple concern: justice and dignity for all communities.
Adobe‘s Half-Assed Response To Spying On All Your eBooks
Yesterday, we mentioned the reports kicked off by Nate Hoffelder‘s research that Adobe was spying on your ebook reading efforts and (even worse) sending the details as unencrypted plaintext. Adobe took its sweet time, but finally responded late last night (obnoxiously, Adobe refused to respond directly to Hoffelder at all, despite the fact that he broke the story). Here‘s Adobe‘s mealy-mouthed response that was clearly worked over by a (poorly trained) crisis PR team:
Moral Panics Of 1878: NY Times Warns People About The Evils Of Thomas Edison‘s Aerophone
We discuss moral panics, past and present, pretty frequently to make a key point: for all the fears you hear about today‘s technologies, there were similar (almost always unfounded) fears for new technologies in the past. And, in retrospect, almost all of them look silly. Among my favorites were when chess or the waltz were going to undermine society. However, the NY Times‘ archivist, Evan Sandhaus has an amusing example (via Mathew Ingram) concerning that time, back in 1878, when the NY Times editorialized against Thomas Edison‘s phonograph and aereophone, for the fact that they could destroy everyone‘s privacy.
Armenien tritt Eurasischer Wirtschaftsunion bei
Der Vertrag über die Gründung der Eurasischen Wirtschaftsunion war im vergangenen Mai von den Präsidenten Russlands, Weißrusslands und Kasachstans, Wladimir Putin, Alexander Lukaschenko und Nursultan Nasarbajew, unterschrieben worden und soll zum 1. Januar 2015 in Kraft treten.
Renzi gets Napolitano‘s nod on Jobs Act
The act passed its first reading in the Senate earlier in the week, thanks to a confidence vote, and Premier Matteo Renzi has said he may resort to a confidence test in the Lower House as well to ensure final approval for his labour-market reforms.
After South African Jewish leader compared Tutu to Hitler, new Jewish group leaped into action
I just got back from an astounding trip to South Africa where, among other things, I was privileged to meet Archbishop Desmond Tutu. I also spent quite a bit of time with members of the nascent group South African Jewish Voices for a Just Peace in Cape Town and Johannesburg–really fabulous people. Lately, for instance, they read out the names of children killed in Gaza at an action at Constitution Hill, an iconic historical site that symbolizes the destruction of apartheid and the rule of law.
Pro-Kurdish party leader may be arrested in Turkey
The leader of the pro-Kurdish Peoples’ Democratic Party (HDP) Selahattin Demirtas can be arrested, the Turkish channel Kanal7 said Oct. 11.
Reportedly, Demirtas is being accused of calling on the population in Turkey’s southern provinces to mass unrests.
Selahattİn Demirtaş, leader of the pro-Kurdish Peoples‘ Democratic Party (HDP), has condemned protestors burning the Turkish flag during anti-ISIS protests which claimed 12 lives across Turkey, deeming the offence as an act of provocation aiming to block aid from western Turkey reaching the east of the country. A group of masked protesters raided a high school located in Ağrı province and took down a Turkish flag flying from a pole and burned it, an offensive that was slammed by HDP leader Demirtaş.
Could an Allende lead Chile again? Ex-president‘s daughter in prime position
Isabel Allende, the daughter of deposed Chilean president Salvador Allende, is „heading towards“ running for leadership of the country‘s socialist party, she said, a role that would put her in prime position for an eventual shot at the presidency.
Azerbaijani, Russian defense ministries sign cooperation plan
Russian Defense Minister Gen. Sergei Shoigu will pay an official visit to Azerbaijan Oct. 13, the press service of the defense ministry of Azerbaijan told Trend Oct.11.
Neither base nor training center of alliance to exist in Georgia – NATO rep
“The issue that is being discussed concerns the training center of the partners,” he said. “NATO will provide help to the Ministry of Defence of Georgia in setting up this center. It belongs to the Georgian Defence Ministry and is being created by a group of our advisers.”
Iranian official dies from injuries sustained in terror attack
An Iranian official succumbed to his injuries a few hours later he was attacked by gunmen, Iranian IRNA news agency reported Oct. 11.
Unknown gunmen attack governor official in south east Iran
On Sept. 9 Iran‘s Islamic Revolution Guards Corps (IRGC) thwarted armed Baluchi rebel‘s attack on a border base in Saravan.
The rebels were trying to seize the border base, however, the IRGC forces alongside with Baluchi Basijis (volunteer militia) repelled the attack, the IRGC said.
„Die Grenzen des Erlaubten werden verschoben“
Widerspricht diese Praxis nicht dem Grundgesetz?
Aus meiner Sicht, ja. Es verstößt auch gegen das G-10-Gesetz. Mit diesem Gesetz regelt der BND die Eingriffe in das Fernmeldegeheimnis, also auch in die Datenleitungen des Internets. Doch der BND höhlt dieses Gesetz immer weiter aus und verletzt damit das Datenschutzgesetz.
Wie ist das rechtlich überhaupt möglich?
Die bestehenden Gesetze sind zu schwammig formuliert, daher können die Geheimdienste machen, was sie wollen. Die Operation „Eikonal“ ist nur die Spitze des Eisberges.
BND-Untersuchungsausschuss: Schüchtert der Bundestag Medien ein?
Und das bestätigt Friedhelm Greis, ein weiterer Journalist auf der Tribüne, der das Gespräch mitangehört hatte. Auf Meisters Frage, ob der Polizist ihm auch folgen würde, wenn Meister seinen Sitzplatz auf der Tribüne ändern würde, war dessen Antwort demnach: „Ja.“
Der Bundestag hat eine eigene Polizei, ihr Chef ist der Bundestagspräsident.
NARU Android App Version 1.4 im Google Play Store
Letzten Sonntag veröffentlichten wir die Android App der interaktiven Nachrichtenagentur Radio Utopie NARU. Im Google Play Store steht nun Version 1.4. Entwickelt wurde NARU von Cietec alias dem Kölner Künstler Cie.
Nobel Peace Prize winners Kailash Satyarthi, Malala Yousafzai invite PM Narendra Modi, Pakistan PM Nawaz Sharif for award ceremony
Indian Nobel Peace Prize winner Kailash Satyarthi and Pakistan‘s Malala Yousafzai on Firday agreed to work jointly to build „strong relations“ between their countries, amid growing tensions along the border.
Malala invites Sharif and Modi to Nobel ceremony
„I myself requested that honorable prime minister Narendra Modi and honorable Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif both join us,“ she said while mentioning that she had already spoken to Satyarthi on inviting Modi and Sharif to join them in the Norwegian capital of Oslo for the award ceremony in December.
Nobel Peace prize for Malala and Satyarthi binds India, Pakistan
Child rights activists Malala Yousafzai of Pakistan and Kailash Satyarthi of India were awarded the Nobel Peace Prize on Friday, in what is being seen as a highly symbolic push to end a decades-old rivalry between the nuclear-armed nations that have been locked in a deadly standoff along their disputed border over the past week.
Pakistan says war with India ‚not an option‘
(10. Oktober) Fighting between India and Pakistan paused on Friday after days of heavy shelling and gun battles across their disputed Himalayan border in Kashmir, the worst skirmishes between the nuclear-armed rivals in more than a decade.
Israeli General Threatens Lebanon With War
(5. Oktober) The Israeli regime’s top commander has threatened to stage a military operation in Lebanon similar to the regime’s recent onslaught on the Gaza Strip, which killed over 2,000 people.
Ukrainische Botschaft in Madrid schickt Nazi-Trupp an Uni – Botschafter fordert Konferenz-Verbot vom Rektor
Spanische Studenten werfen angeheuerte ukrainische Faschisten aus ihrer Universität – ungestrafte Lynchjustiz in der Ukraine
Exclusive: Somalia army weapons sold on open market – U.N. monitors
The 15-nation Security Council‘s decision to ease Somalia‘s decades-old arms embargo in March 2013 was a controversial one, although Washington supported the Somali government‘s appeals for restrictions to be relaxed to enable it to better arm its security forces to fight al Shabaab.
US-Militär attackiert Al-Shabaab-Miliz
(2. September) In Nairobi sollten am Dienstag die Staats- und Regierungschef der AU zusammenkommen, um die Bekämpfung extremistischer, vornehmlich islamistischer Gruppierungen zu diskutieren. Neben Kenia werden unter anderem Nigeria, Mali, Tschad und eine Reihe von Maghreb-Staaten von Islamisten bedroht.
Somalia diverting arms to al-Shabab, UN report claims
(14. Februar 2014) A UN report has warned that „systematic abuses“ by Somalia‘s government have allowed weapons to be diverted to warlords and al-Shabab militants.
The report for the UN‘s sanctions committee calls for the restoration of an arms embargo on Somalia that was relaxed last year.
US-Regierung hilft der bedrängten Regierung in Somalia mit Waffen
(27. Juni 2009) Auch Äthiopien hält sich dieses Mal zurück, nachdem man 2006 dem Ruf der Bush-Regierung gefolgt ist und Soldaten hat einmarschieren lassen, um die damals noch gemäßigte Union Islamische Gerichte zu zerschlagen. Deren Führer Sharif Sheikh Ahmed ist nun seit Beginn des Jahres auch unter Billigung der Obama-Regierung zum Präsidenten geworden und hat versucht, mit der Einführung der Scharia und dem Abzug der äthiopischen Soldaten, einen Friedensprozess einzuleiten. Die einst mit der Union der Islamischen Gerichte verbundene Miliz al-Shabab hat sich aufgrund der Kämpfe mit Äthiopien seit 2006 selbständig gemacht, sich radikalisiert und al-Qaida zugewandt.
Somalia: Waffen für Warlords
(16. Juni 2002) Der Ausbruch eines offenen Krieges in Somalia steht bald bevor, glauben Beobachter. Aus dem Nachbarland Äthiopien wurden eine Reihe von Warlords, die gegen die somalische Übergangsregierung kämpfen, jüngst mit frischen Waffen versorgt.
Six employees of late Deputy Robert Serra allegedly involved in his murder
(7. Oktober) Since Monday night, two officers of Policaracas and four other people have been held in custody in the headquarters of the Bolivarian Intelligence Service (Sebin) for their alleged involvement in the homicide of the parliamentary and his assistant María Herrera