Daily Archives: 28. September 2014

28.09.2014 - 23:14 [ PressTV ]

Iran foils BBC operation to steal Iranian documents

In line with efforts made to make up for its failures, the Western media network has used its agents inside the country to pilfer historical documents from the country’s official archives, the ministry said on Sunday.

28.09.2014 - 22:54 [ BBC ]

Ukraine nationalists tear down Kharkiv‘s Lenin statue

Ukrainian Interior Minister Arsen Avakov wrote on Facebook (in Russian) that he had given orders for police to ensure only the safety of people, „not the idol“.

„Lenin? Let him fall…“ he wrote. „As long as people don‘t get hurt. As long as this bloody communist idol does not take more victims with it when it goes.“

28.09.2014 - 22:45 [ Financial Times ]

Berlin rejects Moscow efforts to unpick EU-Ukraine trade pact

Mr Putin’s letter appeared part of a growing realisation in Moscow that despite a 15-month hiatus, the EU would press ahead with the treaty’s ratification. Karel De Gucht, the EU’s departing trade commissioner, told the FT last week that what was seen by Brussels as a “timeout” was for Moscow an opportunity to upset the deal.

28.09.2014 - 22:04 [ Lebanese Republic - Ministry of Information ]

Arabi denies meeting with any Israeli official

Arab League Secretary General, Dr. Nabil el-Arabi, categorically denied recent circulated news about his meeting with Israeli Labor Minister, Tzipi Livni, on the sidelines of the United Nations assembly.

28.09.2014 - 21:33 [ Wall Street OTC ]

Ancient stone artifacts suggest early humans, Stone Age People were innovative

The artifacts that the archaeologists have unearthed from a 325,000-year old location in Armenia strongly suggest that the human technological innovation occurred sporadically throughout the Old World, rather than previously believed that they spread from a single point.

28.09.2014 - 21:26 [ Boing Boing ]

Fed whistleblower secretly recorded 46 hours of regulatory capture inside Goldman Sachs

The Fed had vowed to reform this culture, and Segarra was supposed to be part of that mission. But once she reported for work at the Fed department at Goldman Sachs (Fed regulators actually work at desks inside the banks they‘re regulating), she discovered a culture rotten with cowardice and capture, where her boss‘s idea of a really stern rebuke for lying in official filings was to mildly mention that there appeared to be some irregularities in the compliance regime, then trailing off ineffectually.

28.09.2014 - 20:59 [ The Intercept ]

The Khorasan Group: Anatomy of a Fake Terror Threat to Justify Bombing Syria

As the Obama administration prepared to bomb Syria without Congressional or U.N. authorization, it faced two problems. The first was the difficulty of sustaining public support for a new years-long war against ISIS, a group that clearly posed no imminent threat to the “homeland.” A second was the lack of legal justification for launching a new bombing campaign with no viable claim of self-defense or U.N. approval.

28.09.2014 - 20:26 [ RIA Novosti ]

USA: Russlands Teilnahme an Koalition gegen IS wenig wahrscheinlich

Der Kampf gegen den „Islamischen Staat“ sei von Russland und den USA auf hoher diplomatischer Ebene in der Uno und bei inoffiziellen Verhandlungen zwischen Vertretern beider Länder in Moskau erörtert worden, so Reuters. Die Seiten konnten aber ihr gegenseitiges Misstrauen nicht überwinden und nicht zu substantiellen Vereinbarungen gelangen.

28.09.2014 - 18:56 [ Radio Utopie ]

56,5 Millionen Dollar Strafe für auch in Deutschland zugelassene A.D.H.S.-Pillen für Pharmakonzern

Shire Pharmaceuticals produziert und vertreibt neben vielen weiteren die Medikamente “Adderall XR” mit dem Wirkstoff Amphetamin und “Vyvanse” mit dem Wirkstoff Lisdexamfetamin (letzteres in Deutschland unter der Bezeichnung “Elvance”) zur Behandlung von A.D.H.S., vorrangig für Kinder.

28.09.2014 - 18:18 [ Marine Corps Times ]

Poll: 70% of troops say no more boots on the ground in Iraq

“It’s their country, it’s their business. I don’t think major ‘boots on the ground’ is the right answer,” said one Army infantry officer and prior-enlisted soldier who deployed to Iraq three times. He responded to the survey and an interview request but, like several other service members in this story, asked not to be named because he is not authorized to discuss high-level military policy.

28.09.2014 - 13:49 [ Radio Utopie ]

Syrien-Invasion und Terrorkrieg: Der Imperialismus versucht die Theorie der Verrückten

Am 21. August gab der seit Anfang des 20. Jahrhunderts “Weisses Haus” genannte Präsidentenpalast der Vereinigten Staaten von Amerika Einsätze des eigenen Militärs auf syrischem Territorium zu. Man erfand sich die dabei die übliche Opferrolle und das notwendige Zurückschießen gegen die eigenen Invasionskräfte und Schattenarmeen, der Möhre vor dem Esel des eigenen Militärs, Landes und Einflussbereichs. Vor dem Kongress saßen Pentagon-Leiter Chuck Hagel und Generalstäbe-Leite Martin Dempsey und hielten sich “alle Optionen” für Militäroperationen in Syrien offen. Danach wartete das Imperium auf die Reaktion der Weltöffentlichkeit und der geostrategischen Gegner. Als die Weltöffentlichkeit nichts und Russland und China noch weniger unternahmen, vollzog es den nächsten Schritt.

28.09.2014 - 13:48 [ James Petras ]

US Global Power in the 21st Century: Military or Economic Imperialism?

This new configuration of power, the conflicting and complementary nature of 21st century US imperialism, requires that we anchor our analysis in the real, existing behavior of imperial state and extractive capitalist policymakers. The basic premise informing this essay is that there are two increasingly divergent forms of imperialism: military driven intervention, occupation and domination; and economic expansion and exploitation of resources, markets and labor by invitation of the ‘host country’.

We will proceed by examining the choices of imperial strategy, in a historical–comparative framework and the alternatives which were selected or rejected. Through an analysis of the practical decisions taken regarding ‘imperial expansion’ we can obtain insights into the real nature of US imperialism. The study of imperial strategic choices, past and present, state and corporate, requires three levels of analysis: global, national and sectoral.

28.09.2014 - 13:45 [ James Petras ]

ISIS and the USA: Expansion and Resistance by Decapitation

During August 2014, when ISIS decapitated two American captives, Riyadh beheaded fourteen prisoners. Since the beginning of the year the Saudi monarchy has decapitated more than 46 prisoners and chopped off the arms and limbs of many more. During Obama and Kerry’s recent visit to Saudi Arabia, horrendous decapitations were displayed in public. These atrocities did not dim the bright smile on Barak Obama’s face as he strolled with his genial royal Saudi executioners, in stark contrast to the US President’s stern and angry countenance as he presented the ISIS killing of two Americans as his pretext for bombing Syria.

28.09.2014 - 13:45 [ Ria Novosti ]

Lawrow: Russisch-amerikanische Beziehungen brauchen einen Neustart

„Jetzt ist das erforderlich, was die Amerikaner möglicherweise ‚Reset‘ nennen würden – ein Begriff, der unter der Administration von US-Präsident Barack Obama nach einer ernsthaften negativen Entwicklung während der Präsidentschaft von Georges Bush erfunden wurde“, führte er aus.

Nun zerstöre die jetzige US-Administration in vielem die gemeinsam mit Russland errichteten Kooperationsstrukturen. Es werde wohl noch etwas ausgedacht – wie etwa „Reset Nr.2“ oder „Reset 2.0“, fügte er an.

28.09.2014 - 07:24 [ defenceWeb ]

Own air command for Africom

Many of you may already have been involved with our partners in Africa, in various military to military activities, such as ‘Safe Skies for Africa’ and you know about the need for assistance in the development of professional militaries,” Ward said.(..)
The new air component of Africom will be responsible for every increasing levels of air domain safety and security on the continent as well as meeting mobility requirements with the command and for Africom partners. Search and rescue is also part of its work.

28.09.2014 - 06:55 [ RT ]

Volcano erupts in central Japan, dozens injured

Medics confirmed the death of at least one person, while 70 more were reported to be injured, NHK reported. Thirty of the injured have been sent to hospital in critical condition, health officials added

28.09.2014 - 06:22 [ Aydinlik Daily ]

Memorandum Trap for Turkish Armed Forces

For this reason, Pentagon spokesman Brigadier General John Kirby claimed that Turkey is an obligatory partner and State Secretary John Kerry stated: “Turkey will be in the first front.”
The US plan is a whirlpool for the Turkish armed forces!
No to the memorandum
Turkey has to say no to both memorandums on 2 October. These memorandums are introduced as a part of the US plan.

28.09.2014 - 05:15 [ New Eastern Outlook ]

The GMO Labeling Conundrum

The question of why GMO proponents are so desperately trying to hide this “super-food” on the shelves next to ordinary, “subpar” products needs to be answered, and in the minds of many rational adults, the conspiracy to cover up an unsafe, unwanted product produced by unsafe, unwanted corporations is already as clear as day.(..)
Big-ag monopolies are a threat to both national food security and subsequently, national sovereignty.

28.09.2014 - 04:51 [ Intercept ]

Anatomy of a Non-Denial Denial

The reason you so infrequently see the word “lie” in elite media news stories is that the editors generally take the position that even when someone has said something clearly not true, a reporter’s use of the word “lie” — rather than, say, “misspoke” or “was incorrect” — requires knowledge of the subject’s intent to deceive. And a fair-minded journalist, they argue, can’t be sure what’s going on in someone else’s head.

28.09.2014 - 02:34 [ HNA ]

Behörde gibt Internet auf Flügen in Europa frei

Das generelle Verbot einer Nutzung von Handys und Internet-Verbindungen auf Flugreisen in Europa ist aufgehoben. Die Europäische Aufsichtsbehörde für Flugsicherheit (EASA) hat eine neue Richtlinie erlassen, die das Benutzen der Geräte auch ohne Flugmodus erlaubt. Jedoch müssten die einzelnen Airlines ihre Flugzeuge noch selbst auf bestimmte Sicherheitsstandards hin prüfen, heißt es in einer Mitteilung der Behörde mit Sitz in Köln.

28.09.2014 - 02:26 [ Uranium Network ]

Current reclamation of historical tailings dams and sand dumps – exacerbating the mess or minimising the mining footprint? Case Studies within the Witwatersrand goldfields.

We were impressed with Mrs. Mariette Liefferink of FSE, who gave a presentation on the situation in South Africa. The country has to deal with numerous issues that can be directly attributed to uranium mining. Among their number are dozens of unreclaimed mines, some 200 unrehablitated tailings dams, acid mine drainage wich is polluting the rivers and creeks, informal settlements right on the radioactive tailings, sinkholes from former mines and so forth.