EFF recently kicked off its second Tor Challenge, an initiative to strengthen the Tor network for online anonymity and improve one of the best free privacy tools in existence. The campaign—which launched with partners at the Freedom of the Press Foundation, the Tor Project, and the Free Software Foundation—is already off to a great start. In just the first few days, it‘s seen over 600 new or expanded Tor nodes—more than during the entire first Tor Challenge.
Daily Archives: 5. September 2014
Join the TOR Challenge
Tor is a powerful tool that helps you stay anonymous online. It can protect your privacy as you browse the Internet and circumvent government censorship of the webpages you visit.
We need your help to keep Tor strong. Run a Tor relay today.
U.S.-Imperium will “globale Koalition” für Terrorkrieg 2.0 und bastelt an “Nachrüstung” der Kriegsvollmacht aus 2001
(2. September) Auf dem Gipfel des Nordatlantikpakts in Wales wird es weniger um Russland als um die Frage gehen, mit welcher schwachsinnigen Ausrede nun die N.A.T.O. den am 4. Oktober 2001 ausgerufenen “kollektiven Verteidigungsfall” aufrechterhalten will.
Eine Option: Noch mehr Eroberungen islamischer Staaten, wegen dem “Islamischen Staat”.
Obama: „Werden IS jagen wie Al-Kaida“
Kerry sagte, IS müsse vernichtet werden. „Es mag ein Jahr dauern, zwei oder drei Jahre: Aber wir sind entschlossen“, betonte der Außenminister.
Fast eine Kriegserklärung
Die Gruppe soll zehn Länder umfassen: Neben den USA wären das Großbritannien, Deutschland, Dänemark, Italien, Frankreich, Polen, die Türkei, Kanada und Australien, das zwar nicht Mitglied der Nato ist, aber im Rang eines wichtigen strategischen Partners steht.
Isis: Obama announces ‚core coalition‘ to confront terrorist threat
Barack Obama hailed the formation of a „core coalition“ of 10 countries – led by the United States and including the UK, France and Australia – who were aim to destroy what he described as the savage and nihilistic Islamic State (Isis) in Syria and Iraq.
Speaking at the closing of the Nato summit in Wales, the US president said the grouping, which also included Germany and Canada, „stood ready to confront this terrorist threat with military, intelligence, law enforcement as well as diplomatic efforts“.
By the Sea I Will Stay Forever by Codex of Plant Responses
This set is a special surf music!
Thanks again to all listeners without who this mix, certainly not the worst in the genre, would have never come out! You know who you are.
Lobbying History: Timeline
The controversial act of lobbying the federal government on behalf of a company or other interest group has been a subject of debate for much of the 20th and 21st centuries in the U.S. — but it‘s been a part of our politics since shortly after the nation was founded. Like it or not, the right to petition our government is firmly ensconced in the First Amendment. But…there are limits. Here‘s a little background on the practice — and the government‘s attempts to regulate it and make it more transparent.
Wer hat wirklich das Sagen in der SPÖ?
Die SPÖ hält nicht einmal die eigene Frauenquote ein, weniger als 30% der Abgeordneten sind Frauen, obwohl es mindestens 40% sein sollten. Manche werfen Bundeskanzler und Parteichef Werner Faymann vor, „autoritär“ zu agieren, auch weil Diskussionen unerwünscht sind.
General a.D. Kujat warnt vor NATO-„Beweisen“ gegen Russland
Zum NATO-Gipfel fand eine Diskussion bei Maybrit Illner statt, bei der General a.D. Harald Kujat und der Philosoph Richard David Precht sagten, was Sache ist. Precht meinte bezogen auf den Wunsch der Ukraine, der NATO beizutreten, dass ein „korrupter Oligarchenstaat“ keines der dafür erforderlichen Kriterien erfüllt. Es ist zwar der breiten Masse nicht bekannt, doch der NATO-Vertrag sieht vor, dass nur funktionierende Demokratien beitreten können.
27. September – 4. Oktober 2014: Aktionswoche gegen Atomwaffen-Investitionen
Wir fordern: Schluss mit dem Geschäft mit Atomwaffen! Mit einer deutschlandweiten Aktionswoche setzen wir die Commerzbank und die anderen deutschen Investoren unter Druck.
Aktionswoche „Atomwaffen – ein Bombengeschäft“
Mach mit: http://www.atombombengeschaeft.de
Deutschlandweite Aktionswoche vom 26.09. bis 04.10. 2014
EU admits Putin’s comment on ‘storming Kiev’ taken out of context
“I can only add that the president of the Commission informed his colleagues in the European Council in a restricted session of the conversations he had with President Putin. Unfortunately part of his intervention was made public out of context,” Ahrenkilde-Hansen wrote to the WSJ.
The Guardian‘s @patrickwintour describes the Newport summit as a shambles and the worst-run he‘s ever attended.
Hundreds of foreign reporters left stranded in Nato summit site car park for 2 hours. Worst run summit ever attended. Well done Dave.
Aufregung um “Chemiewaffeneinsatz” in Venezuela, Entschuldigung aus USA
Die Produktionsfirma der US-amerikanischen Agentenserie “Legends”, Fox 21, hat sich “aufrichtig” bei dem venezolanischen Präsidenten Nicolás Maduro für seine Darstellung in der Sendung entschuldigt. In der dritten Folge der Sendereihe unterstellte Fox 21 dem venezolanischen Staatschef einen Chemiewaffenangriff auf die eigene Bevölkerung.
Nato Summit 2014: Hundreds of protesters reach steel barriers protecting world leaders at Celtic Manor
Anti-Nato protesters in Newport arrived at the steel cordon protecting world leaders meeting at the Celtic Manor Resort for the Nato Summit.
Protesters let through the protective steel cordon at the resort to present messages of peace to world leaders immediately arrested two civil servants for war crimes.
Obama is a Liar. Fake NATO Evidence. OSCE Confirms that No Russian Troops, No Tanks, have Crossed the Russia-Ukraine Border
The following report is a slap in the face to president Obama and his NATO partners meeting today in Newport Wales. Obama confirmed on September 3 that “Russian combat forces with Russian weapons in Russian tanks” had been deployed in Eastern Ukraine. That’s not only a Lie, it is Lie which could potentially precipitate humanity into a Third World War.
More Lies from NATO: “Russia’s Aggression against Ukraine” Threatens “Our Freedom, Security and Prosperity”. Anders Fogh Rasmussen
by NATO Secretary General Anders Fogh Rasmussen at the Atlantic Council of the United States’ Future Leaders Summit in Newport, Wales
Nato-Chef Rasmussen verschärft Ton gegenüber Russland zu hysterischem Kreischen
Experten äußern bereits erste Befürchtungen, Rasmussen könnte bei Fortsetzung seiner Strategie in spätestens zwei Wochen platzen. “Wenn sich die Lage in der Ukraine nicht bald entspannt, besteht die Gefahr einer schrecklichen Katastrophe”, so ein enger Mitarbeiter ängstlich. „Ich hoffe, die involvierten Parteien begreifen, dass wir hier alle auf einem Pulverfass sitzen.“
Ungarns Parlamentspräsident bezeichnete Ukraine-Krise als „Zirkus“
Daniele Ganser: Die Nato dehnt sich aus und nicht Russland
2.September 2014:Daniele Ganser im Interview mit Stimme Russlands
Die Nato ist dabei, Russland einzuzingeln. Die Ukraine ist dafür ein wichtiger strategischer Baustein. Welche Rolle die EU dabei spielt, hat die US-Diplomatin Victoria Nuland bereits im Februar äußerst markig auf den Punkt gebracht. Der Historiker, Nato-Kenner, Friedensforscher und Experte für verdeckte Kriegsführung und Geostrategie Dr. Daniele Ganser aus der Schweiz analysiert für die STIMME RUSSLANDS die globale Bedeutung der Ukraine-Krise.
Richard David Precht: Die „Knalltüte“ Rasmussen – Maybrit Illner 04.09.2014 – die Bananenrepublik
@dieLinke Einmal sagen „Wählt uns weil Krieg ist und wir im Urlaub“, rumjammern, Abgang, dankeeeee…
Ja. Und jetzt soll die #Nato aka #Bundeswehr in den Irak… @dielinke auf die Bühne bitte, @dielinke auf die Bühne…
NATO to help coordinate security assistance for Iraq
NATO leaders are set to agree at a summit on Friday to help organize security assistance for Iraq in its fight against Islamic State militants, including coordinating the airlift of supplies, a Western official said.
EFF to PCLOB: Inform the Public About the President‘s Executive Order 12333 Spying
EFF, joined by Access, filed public comments last week urging the Privacy and Civil Liberties Oversight Board (PCLOB) to tackle the unknown spying activities occurring under Executive Order 12333 (EO 12333). The Executive Order is supposed to protect Americans from presidentially-directed spying; however, despite the protections, EO 12333 is being used for mass spying that collects Americans‘ communications, address books, and other information.
The letter urges the PCLOB to expand its investigation into EO 12333 and
„explore the entire scope of surveillance conducted thereunder, the entire gamut of policies overseeing such collection, and what reforms could be implemented to narrow this authority.“
Drohnen-Kampagne unterstützt Globalen Aktionstag gegen Drohnen
Zahlreiche lokale Aktionen sind in Deutschland zum Globalen Aktionstag gegen Drohnen am 4. Oktober 2014 geplant
Russische Diplomaten verspotten die N.A.T.O. mit Foto von Spielzeug-Panzern
Auf dem Twitter-Kanal der Russischen Botschaft in den Vereinigten Arabischen Emiraten wurde am 3. September 2014 ein Eintrag geschrieben, der für Furore sorgt:
U.S. air strikes on Syria would face formidable obstacles
(28. August) While it is unclear how soon strikes might be launched, Obama’s go-ahead for aerial reconnaissance over Syria has raised expectations he will approve the attacks rather than back off as he did last year after threatening to strike Syrian President Bashar al-Assad‘s forces.
France says Libya needs ‚exceptional‘ U.N. support
(28. August) „My main concern today is Libya,“ Hollande told an annual address to French diplomats. „If we do not do anything internationally, terrorism will spread across the entire region.
After ‘Operation Protective Edge’: Self-healing in Gaza
This is the third war I have witnessed in the last five years of my life. I wish I had never had to experience this, but it just happened, and all I can do now is to deal with the pain…once again.
Israel Injustice Minister posts pic of herself in Greece tearing down „Free Palestine“ poster
President Ilham Aliyev is attending NATO summit in Wales (PHOTO)
The NATO summit has started in the city of Newport, Wales. President of the Republic of Azerbaijan Ilham Aliyev is attending the Summit.
Georgian PM discusses military cooperation with U.S. Marine Corps commandant
Gen. Amos‘ visit to Georgia precedes the U.S. Secretary of Defense Chuck Hagel‘s visit to this country. Hagel will visit Georgia on Sept. 4-5 following the NATO Wales Summit.
Get Ready for the ‘Internet Slowdown’
Next Wednesday, Sept. 10, if your favorite website seems to load slowly, take a closer look: You might be experiencing the Battle for the Net’s “Internet Slowdown,” a global day of grass-roots action. Protesters won’t actually slow the Internet down, but will place on their websites animated “Loading” graphics (which organizers call “the proverbial ‘spinning wheel of death’”) to symbolize what the Internet might soon look like. As that wheel spins, the rules about how the internet works are being redrawn. Large Internet service providers, or ISPs, like Comcast, Time Warner, AT&T and Verizon are trying to change the rules that govern your online life.
National security reporter shared drafts with CIA press office, emails reveal
Ken Silverstein wrote for The Intercept that the emails show that Ken Dilanian — a former Los Angeles Times security reporter who began working for the Associated Press in May — provided drafts of his articles concerning the CIA with the agency ahead of publication, and at times wrote the spy office to present officials with opportunities to be represented in a positive light.
Christian Science Monitor Explores Nestle Issue in Salida (CO), Nestle Can’t Be Happy
Still, attention from national and international media (like the famous BusinessWeek article on Nestle’s battle in McCloud) are the very thing that Nestle would like to avoid. After all, the company is one the most-boycotted corporations on the planet, and they’re still facing an international baby formula boycott for their predatory tactics aimed at third world mothers. –
Nestle Has Expanded Its Water Empire to Include Colorado
It‘s not just Colorado that is affected. With 65 million gallons a year being pumped out of the river, there will be long term impacts to Colorado and downstream. The Arkansas River also flows through Kansas, Oklahoma and Arkansas, areas that have also suffered major droughts recently.
Highway in the sky: NASA building robot-controlled drone traffic network
In a tender published on Wednesday, the agency’s Silicon Valley-based Ames Research Center encouraged “public, private, and academic organizations to collaborate with NASA to conduct Unmanned Aerial System (UAS) and UAS Traffic Management (UTM) research and development with the collective goal of safely enabling these operations at lower altitudes by UTM system.”
Millions Struggle To Get Enough To Eat Despite Jobs Returning
The number of households experiencing what the government calls „very low food security“ — which means people actually miss meals or cut back their intake because they don‘t have enough money for food — was also essentially unchanged last year at 6.8 million households.
HC – At Home With Home Normal
No words today… just music…
To download a higher bitrate MP3 stop by headphonecommute.com and subscribe to our podcast!
Mutation of breast cancer gene can be patented, says Federal Court
Cancer survivors and advocates are devastated at a decision by the full bench of the Federal Court on Friday morning that private companies have the right to control human genes.
‘Did he mean Alaska?’ Obama wrongly blames Russia for ‘trying to return lands lost in 19th century’
As a matter of fact, Russia did not “lose” any lands on the Eurasian continent in the 19th century. A side-by-side comparison of maps of the Russian Empire showing 19th and early 20th century borders would easily confirm this.
What the Russian Empire did do, however, was sell its overseas territories in North America to the US. The Russian Fort Ross settlement in California went to the US in 1842, while in 1867 Alaska was sold for a paltry $7.2 million (just over $100 million in today’s money).
MAMA – DMT Champagne Kisses Mixtape
Global Action Day Against the Use of Drones for Surveillance & Killing
Post your Action (Details in About Global Action Day page)
Peteris Vasks – Credo
Working as a composer since the late ‘70s, Vasks has forged an original musical style, which commentators have described as spiritual, powerfully evocative, and richly expressive. Vasks‘ entire oeuvre is informed by the tragic dichotomy between humanistic ideals, symbolized by the vastness of nature and the historical realities of violence and despair.