Die wählen doch jetzt schon CDU, krasser seinen eigenen Interessen entgegengesetzt kann man doch gar nicht mehr handeln.
Daily Archives: 27. August 2014
Habt ihr schon mal von Swatting gehört? Das ist, wenn jemand bei der Polizei anruft, und jemand anderen so denunziert, dass die mit einem Swat-Team anrücken.
Diese Tage hat es einen Counterstrike-Spieler erwischt, der gerade seine Partie mit Bild-im-Bild seiner Webcam live ins Internet gestreamt hat. Da kann man mal ganz gut sehen, wie sowas in der Praxis aussieht.
Progstravaganza: Selections II (Best Of) by Prog Sphere Promotions
Prog Sphere Promotions is a boutique agency providing bands representation and public relations in the music industry, with a tendency of supporting up-and-coming bands from all around the world.
Drones of Upstate New York
Mary Anne Grady Flores, a 58-year-old grandmother of three, was sentenced to a year in jail after photographing an anti-drone protest outside a military base near her home. While she waits on appeal, Grady Flores and her fellow protestors speak on the dangers of drone warfare, the right to dissent, and what she’ll do next.
Russian, South African Presidents to Discuss Cooperation on Thursday
The two presidents are also expected exchange views on a range of current international and regional issues.
Russian Attempts to Tackle Global Threats Hampered by US, EU Actions – Lavrov
“However our collective steps on the world arena on tackling all of these challenges and threats are being hampered by attempts by the United States and the West and are as a whole holding their dominating position in global life, a position to which they are accustomed to over several centuries and are artificially holding back the realization of a multi-polar and politically centralized world that reflects objective tendencies of world development,” Lavrov said at an all-Russian youth forum.
Leading Anti-Marijuana Academics Are Paid by Painkiller Drug Companies
VICE has found that many of the researchers who have advocated against legalizing pot have also been on the payroll of leading pharmaceutical firms with products that could be easily replaced by using marijuana. When these individuals have been quoted in the media, their drug-industry ties have not been revealed.
California Senate bans warrantless drone surveillance
On Tuesday, the Senate voted 25-8 in favor of the legislation, AB 1327, setting it on course to go before the State Assembly once more for final approval of new amendments tacked on since lawmakers in that chamber last saw the bill in late January and passed it by a margin of 59-5.
IMF chief confirms she faces ‚negligence‘ charges in multi-million euro fraud case
IMF chief Christine Lagarde has confirmed that she is being investigated for alleged „negligence“ in a corruption probe when she was French Finance Minister in 2008, she told AFP.
“The investigating commission of the Court of Justice of the French Republic has decided to place me under formal investigation,” Lagarde told AFP.
Lockdown in Cardiff: City turned into high security prison with 10 mile ring of steel ahead of Nato conference
Police have erected nine feet high security fencing around Celtic Manor resort in Newport and Cardiff city centre
150 world leaders including Barack Obama and David Cameron will meet in South Wales on September 4 and 5
Kim Howells, former foreign office minister, fears that home grown Islamic State terrorists could be planning to attack
More than 9,000 officers from across the UK have been drafted in to police event and traffic disruptions are likely
The total cost for security is not yet known and is expected to be published after the summit by the Government
Here‘s More Evidence That NSA Fears Are Chilling Online Discussions
French media theorist Jean Baudrillard hypothesized in a 1980 essay titled „The Implosion of Meaning in the Media and the Implosion of the Social in the Masses“ that modern communication technologies are set up to facilitate as much discussion and interaction among the populace as possible—this much is self-evident in the case of social media like Twitter and Facebook—but with an ulterior motive, or at least overriding side effect: widespread information collection and the eventual silencing of the masses.
Inside SS7, the Insecure Global Cell Network That‘s Used to Track Phones
“Understand that the probability that, with an SS7 link to operator-A, you will be able to locate operator-B is totally random, because it depends on how, contractually and technically, the operator-A and operator-B are interconnected,” Pietrosanti wrote in an email.
Unfassbares Versagen der “Linksfraktion” bei parlamentarischer Aufklärung über Schattenarmee “IS”
Waffenlieferungen in den Irak bzw nach Kurdistan: Versagt “Die Linke” im Bundestag bei der parlamentarischen Aufklärung über die Schattenarmeen unter dem Label “Islamischer Staat” bwz bei der Aufklärung und Kontrolle der Aktivitäten der Geheimdienste, vorneweg dem Bundesnachrichtendienst B.N.D.? Oder ist das bereits aktive Selbstsabotage und Kollaboration?
Urteilen Sie selbst.
The Latin Americanization of U.S. Police Forces
But militarized police are not the only problem. Since the 1980’s, government, from Washington D.C. to the states and cities, has been poisoned with inept and cynical politicians who play a racist card to keep Americans divided. And this is a necessary part of a militarized state equation. In fact, 21st century United States politics follows a developing path in place in much of Latin America for half a century. I call it the Latinamericanization of the United States.
Lies, Propaganda and “Political Brainwashing”. Remembering and Forgetting
I would suggest that the answer lies not just with the specific issues themselves and the lies and propaganda used to befuddle the American people, but with the cultural and social background that frames Americans’ thinking. The latter serves to cut to the root people’s belief in their own power to think freely and clearly about the former. Invade people’s minds over many years with an ongoing series of interconnected memes, occupy their minds with alleged facts that induce a frenzied depression, and then fooling them on specific issues — e.g. Ukraine, Iraq, Syria, etc. – becomes much easier.
Waffenlieferungen an den #Irak: Merkel: Entscheidung fällt spätestens am Sonntag
‘Azadi’ and ‘Inqilab’ taking their toll on rupee, stocks market
“Imran Khan is the reason,” the dealer was outright and asked to fix responsibility for the current market turmoil.
The more impediments placed along the way, the larger the crowds get at Azadi square. Yesterday‘s sea of ppl.
(25. August)
Pakistan‘s prime minister resolved to ride out protests crisis
Pakistani Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif told parliament on Wednesday he would not be cowed by thousands of demonstrators camped outside the assembly demanding his resignation.
Campbell Takes ISAF Command in Afghanistan
(26. August) Army Gen. John F. Campbell assumed command of the NATO International Security Assistance Force from Marine Corps Gen. Joseph F. Dunford Jr., during a change of command ceremony held here today.
The ceremony was attended by senior Afghan, NATO and U.S. officials, including Army Gen. Martin E. Dempsey, chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff; Gen. Hans-Lothar Domröse, Allied Joint Force Command Brunssum Commanding General; Air Force Gen. Philip M. Breedlove, Supreme Allied Commander Europe; Army Gen. Lloyd J. Austin III, commander of U.S. Central Command; Minister of National Defense of Afghanistan Gen. Besmillah Mohammadi, and many others.
Armenia‘s joining Eurasian Economic Union to be clarified in October
Armenia‘s joining the Eurasian Customs Union will be clarified in October 2014, Mediamax reported Aug. 27, Kazakh President Nursultan Nazarbayev said at a briefing following the meeting of the presidents of the Customs Union member-states in Minsk.
Sagte ich US-Botschafter…? ^^
Man stellle sich mal Raed #Saleh beim Empfang des US-Botschafters vor: „Und? Wie geht´s der Familie…?“
Gut, dürfen jetzt nicht alle mitmachen. Aber immerhin die Mitglieder der Sarrazin-Partei. Die tun sich ja schon mit EINGEBORENEN schwer.
Also: der Wahlkampf um den Posten des Berliner Oberbürgermeisters hat begonnen.
SPD-Landesvorstand dankt Klaus Wowereit
Der Landesvorstand der Berliner SPD sprach sich einstimmig für ein verbindliches Mitgliedervotum zur Bestimmung des Nachfolgers oder der Nachfolgerin von Klaus Wowereit aus. Dazu wird ein geordnetes und transparentes Verfahren festgelegt, über das auf der regulären Sitzung des SPD-Landesvorstands am 1. September entschieden werden soll. Ihre Kandidaturen erklärten in der Sitzung des Landesvorstands der SPD-Landesvorsitzende Jan Stöß und der SPD-Fraktionsvorsitzende Raed Saleh. Der Landesparteitag am 8. November 2014 wird dann auf Basis des Mitgliedervotums endgültig über die Kandidatin / den Kandidaten bestimmen
Iran, Saudi Arabia emphasize opening new page in mutual relations
Iran and Saudi Arabia have their differences over several regional issues such as the situations in Syria and Bahrain.
Libyan Chief of Staff: Sisi promised to support Libyan army
The US has recently accused Egypt, assisted by United Arab Emirates, of launching aerial strikes against sites controlled by Islamists in Libya, which Cairo denied.
New UN Special Rapporteur requests access to Israel and the Occupied Palestinian Territory
The new United Nations Special Rapporteur on the Palestinian territories occupied since 1967, Makarim Wibisono, has formally requested the Israeli Government to allow him access to Israel and the Occupied Palestinian Territory – to gather first-hand information on the impact of current hostilities on the human rights situation.
“As a newly appointed Special Rapporteur, it is my priority to see with my own eyes the situation on the ground, to listen and to speak face-to-face with victims and witnesses, and to discuss issues of concern with officials on both sides,” said the independent expert tasked by the UN Human Rights Council to monitor and report on the situation of human rights in the Palestinian territories occupied since 1967.
Blaue Linie (Libanon)
Am 15. März 1978 hat die libanesische Regierung den Vereinten Nationen einen scharfen Protest gegen die israelische Invasion übermittelt. Sie stellte darin fest, dass sie keine Verbindung zu den palästinensischen Operationen hatte. Am 19. März 1978 nahm der Sicherheitsrat die Resolution 425 an, in welcher er Israel aufrief, unverzüglich seine Militäraktion einzustellen und seine Truppen von libanesischem Gebiet abzuziehen. Der Rat entschied außerdem über die sofortige Bildung der United Nations Interim Force in Lebanon (UNIFIL). Die ersten UNIFIL-Truppen trafen in dem Gebiet am 23. März 1978 ein.
Die Blaue Linie basiert auf den Positionen der Tzahal (Israel Defence Forces, Israelische Armee) vor dem 14. März 1978. Sie stimmt überein mit der ‚Purpurnen Linie‘, das ist die Waffenstillstandslinie des Sechstagekrieges (1967) – als auch der ‚Grünen Linie‘ (1949 festgelegt), welche die Waffenstillstandslinie des Palästinakrieges von 1948 darstellt
Security Council, Unanimously Adopting Resolution 2172 (2014), Authorizes Operation of United Nations Interim Force in Lebanon for another Year
Determining that the situation in Lebanon continues to constitute a threat to international peace and security,
1. Decides to extend the present mandate of UNIFIL until 31 August 2015; (..)
5. Strongly calls upon all parties concerned to respect the cessation of hostilities, to prevent any violation of the Blue Line and to respect it in its entirety and to cooperate fully with the United Nations and UNIFIL;
What‘s in the Interim Gaza Peace Deal Between Israel and Hamas?
Immediate steps:
– Both sides to end military action
– Israel agrees to open more border crossings with Gaza to allow the easier flow of goods
– Egypt to open its border with Gaza at Rafah
– The Palestinian Authority (PA), which is headed by President Mahmoud Abbas, will take over operation of Gaza‘s borders from Hamas – a bid to reduce weapons smuggling
– The PA will lead the internationally funded reconstruction effort in Gaza
– Israel to narrow the security buffer along the inside of the Gaza border, to allow Palestinians more access to farm land
– Israel will extend fishing limits off Gaza‘s coast
Waffenstillstandsabkommen von 1949
Waffenstillstandsabkommen von 1949 werden die im Jahre 1949 geschlossenen Abkommen zwischen Israel und seinen Nachbarn Ägypten, Jordanien, Libanon und Syrien genannt. Die Abkommen beendeten den Palästinakrieg und umreißen die De-facto-Grenzen des Staates Israels, wie sie bis zum Sechstagekrieg von 1967 bestanden (auch bekannt als die Grüne Linie)
Das Abkommen mit Ägypten wurde am 24. Februar unterzeichnet. Die wichtigsten Punkte waren:
Die Waffenstillstandslinie wurde entlang der internationalen Grenzen (von 1906) gezogen. Davon abweichend blieb Ägypten im Besitz eines Streifen entlang der Küste zum Mittelmeer, der als Gazastreifen bekannt wurde.
(23. February 1949) For the President of the Security Council:
“I have the honour to inform you that an armistice agreement
between Egypt and Israel has been signed this morning, 24 February at Rhodes.
The text of the agreement is as follows: (…)
Article VI
1. In the GAZA-RAFAH area the Armistice Demarcation Line shall be as delineated in paragraph 2.B (i) of the Memorandum of 13 November 1948 on the implementation of the Security Council resolution of 4 November 1948, namely by a line from the coast at the mouth of Wadi Hasi in an easterly direction through Deir Suneid and across the Gaza-Al-Majdal Highway to a point of 3 kilometres east of the Highway, then in a southerly direction parallel to the Gaza-Al Majdal Highway, and continuing thus to the Egyptian frontier.
Hmmm. Na gut, einigen wir uns auf die Mitte.
[Annex A to resolution 181 (II) of the General Assembly,
dated 29 November 1947]
Click on map for larger picture
Resolution 181 (II). Future government of Palestine
Future constitution and government of Palestine
1. The Mandate for Palestine shall terminate as soon as possible but in any case not later than 1 August 1948.
2. The armed forces of the mandatory Power shall be progressively withdrawn from Palestine, the withdrawal to be completed as soon as possible but in any case not later than 1 August 1948.
The mandatory Power shall advise the Commission, as far in advance as possible, of its intention to terminate the Mandate and to evacuate each area.
The mandatory Power shall use its best endeavours to ensure than an area situated in the territory of the Jewish State, including a seaport and hinterland adequate to provide facilities for a substantial immigration, shall be evacuated at the earliest possible date and in any event not later than 1 February 1948.
3. Independent Arab and Jewish States and the Special International Regime for the City of Jerusalem, set forth in part III of this plan, shall come into existence in Palestine two months after the evacuation of the armed forces of the mandatory Power has been completed but in any case not later than 1 October 1948. The boundaries of the Arab State, the Jewish State, and the City of Jerusalem shall be as described in parts II and III below.
@Daniel_Neun (und jetzt das Über-Ich:) Aber, aaaber.. wer wird sich denn nach 67 Jahren gleich echauffieren?
Mr. Mahmoud Abbas, I´m fed up with reading this kind of bullshit. GO! GO! GO, MOTHERFUCKER!! #ICC
Abbas Is Seen as Ready to Seek Pact on His Own
Instead he will call for an international conference or United Nations resolution demanding a deadline to end Israel’s occupation of Palestinian territory. As leverage, Mr. Abbas would finally join the International Criminal Court and other institutions where he has long threatened to pursue Israeli violations, these people said.
Rep Lee Discusses Ongoing Crisis in Iraq with MSNBC‘s Ed Scultz
Veröffentlicht am 22.08.2014
Congresswoman Lee‘s Statement on U.S. Airstrikes in Iraq
(08. August) I am pleased President Obama recognized this in his statement last night, when he said: ‘there’s no American military solution to the larger crisis in Iraq. The only lasting solution is reconciliation among Iraqi communities and stronger Iraqi security forces.’
I will continue to call for the President to seek congressional authorization before any combat operations. For too long, Congress has abdicated its Constitutional role in matters of war and peace. The President should come to Congress for authorization of any further military action in Iraq.”
Obama, Iraq and the Coming War Powers Fight With Congress
“The AUMF is now nearly 12 years old,” Obama said at National Defense University in May 2013. “Unless we discipline our thinking, our definitions, our actions, we may be drawn into more wars we don’t need to fight, or continue to grant presidents unbound powers more suited for traditional armed conflicts between nation states. So I look forward to engaging Congress and the American people in efforts to refine, and ultimately repeal, the AUMF’s mandate.”
Today, gone is the talk of curbing unbound presidential powers to wage war.
Telefongespräch des Außenministers Russlands, Sergej Lawrow, mit dem stellvertretenden Vorsitzenden des Ministerrats und Minister für auswärtige Angelegenheiten und Emigration Syriens, Walid Muallem
(25. August) Lawrow und Muallem bestätigten die solidarische Position Russlands und Syriens hinsichtlich der Notwendigkeit eines kompromisslosen Kampfes mit dem Extremismus in allen seinen Erscheinungsformen. In diesem Zusammenhang wurde die Hoffnung zum Ausdruck gebracht, dass die einstimmig angenommene UNO-Sicherheitsratsresolution 2170 zu einem wichtigen Schritt im kollektiven Kampf gegen den Terrorismus wird, darunter auch im Kontext der Unterstützung der internationalen Staatengemeinschaft für die Regierungen Syriens und des Irak in ihren Bemühungen zur Bekämpfung dieses universellen Übels. Dabei wurde betont, dass jegliche Handlungen gegen terroristische und extremistische Elemente unter strikter Einhaltung der Prinzipien und Normen des Völkerrechts erfolgen müssen, inklusive der Achtung der Souveränität der Staaten in der Region.
New York, 26 August 2014 – Statement attributable to the Spokesman for the Secretary-General on Gaza
The Secretary-General welcomes today‘s announcement of an open-ended ceasefire for Gaza, brokered under Egyptian auspices. A brighter future for Gaza and for Israel depends on a sustainable ceasefire. It is up to the parties to live up to this responsibility. After this latest round of killing and the further widespread destruction of Palestinian homes, civilians on both sides need a reprieve in order to resume their daily lives, and to allow for humanitarian and early recovery efforts to address the desperate needs of the people in Gaza. The children of Gaza and Israel must be able to start the school year without the sound of rocket alarms and airstrikes. After 50 days of profound human suffering and devastating physical destruction, any violations of the cease-fire would be utterly irresponsible.
Gaza live: Israel accepts ‚unlimited‘ truce, confirms government
A senior Hamas official says a ceasefire has been reached with Israel to end a seven-week war that has killed more than 2,000 people.
The official said the deal calls for an „open-ended“ cease-fire, and an Israeli agreement to ease its blockade of Gaza to allow relief supplies and construction materials into the war-battered territory.
U.S. backs off statement that Egypt, UAE were behind Libya air strikes
However, late on Tuesday the State Department issued a statement saying the comment on Libya was „intended to refer to countries reportedly involved, not speak for them.“
Pentagon says Egypt, UAE responsible for Libya strikes
Rear Admiral John Kirby, speaking to reporters at the Pentagon, declined to give details of why the Obama administration believed those two countries conducted the mysterious strikes.
Iran FM due in Turkey
Foreign Minister Mohammad Javad Zarif will take part in swearing-in ceremony of Turkish President-elect Recep Tayyip Erdogan, said a spokesman for Iranˈs Embassy in Ankara, IRNA reported.
Zarif will travel to Ankara on Thursday to participate in the event salted for August 28.
Iran, Saudi Diplomats Hold Rare Talks
Saudi Arabia‘s foreign minister met Tuesday with an Iranian deputy foreign minister in the highest-level bilateral talks between the two Mideast powers since moderate Iranian President Hassan Rouhani‘s election last year.
Congresswoman Lee Sends Letter to President Obama Calling for Executive Action on Poverty
Congresswoman Barbara Lee (D-CA13), chair of the Democratic Whip Task Force on Poverty, Income Inequality, Opportunity, and 29 other Members of Congress sent a letter to President Obama applauding the administration’s efforts to address economic inequality and providing the administration with “a series of strategic agency directives, in the absence of coordinated legislative action by Congress to address poverty in America.”
Also SO einen klaren Fall von Selbstmord hatten wir ja wirklich lange nicht mehr! Schießt sich in die Brust, während er mit hinter seinem Rücken gefesselten Händen in einem Polizeiauto sitzt! Diese Selbstmörder werden aber auch immer raffinierter!1!!
„According to a coroner’s report just recently obtained by NBC News, however, White died from a gunshot wound that entered his body in the chest.“
As Police Get More Militarized, Bill In Congress Would Make Owning Body Armor Punishable By Up To 10 Years In Prison
We‘ve been writing an awful lot lately about the militarization of police, but apparently some in Congress want to make sure that the American public can‘t protect themselves from a militarized police. Rep. Mike Honda (currently facing a reasonably strong challenger for election this fall) has introduced a bizarre bill that would make it a crime for civilians to buy or own body armor. The bill HR 5344 is unlikely to go anywhere, but violating the bill, if it did become law, would be punishable with up to ten years in prison. Yes, TEN years. For merely owning body armor.
DB-Angebot ist Schmierenkomödie
„Was die DB den Fahrgästen für ein Wechselbad an Gefühlen zumutet, ist schier unerträglich und dient allein dem Ziel, das Zugpersonal in unserem Lande zu diskreditieren.“ Mit diesen Worten kommentierte der Bundesvorsitzende der Gewerkschaft Deutscher Lokomotivführer (GDL) Claus Weselsky das angebliche Angebot der DB von Samstagnacht.
Nicht zufällig wurde das Angebot am Abend zugesandt und sofort die Medien darüber informiert. Der Witz ist dabei, dass es gar kein Angebot ist. Die DB versucht vielmehr erneut, der GDL den Schwarzen Peter zuzuschieben und die Öffentlichkeit mit der Aufführung dieser Schmierenkomödie über die wahren Begebenheiten hinwegzutäuschen.
Um den vorsätzlich missverständlichen Sprachgebrauch der DB zu korrigieren und die damit einhergehende Irreführung zu beenden, nehmen wir im Folgenden eine korrekte Definition der Begriffe „Tarifeinheit“, „Tarifkonkurrenz“ und „Tarifpluralität“ vor.
FAQs zur Tarifauseinandersetzung mit der Deutschen Lufthansa
Nachdem das Lufthansa-Management in den letzten Jahren und nur mit dem Ziel der Gewinnmaximierung immer mehr profitable Arbeitsplätze von Deutschland ins Ausland verschoben hat, wurde im letzten Jahr der Angriff auf die Versorgungssysteme aller Lufthansa Mitarbeiter begonnen. Als erstes möchte man bei den Cockpitmitarbeitern anfangen.
Für jeden Piloten werden während seiner Firmenzugehörigkeit Gehaltsbestandteile rückgestellt, die es ermöglichen, die berufliche Tätigkeit vorzeitig beenden zu können. Menschen altern unterschiedlich schnell und die Belastungen im Beruf des Piloten sind nicht zuletzt aufgrund der ständigen Zeitverschiebungen, der Nachtflüge, des Extremschichtdienstes, der Klimaverschiebungen, der Strahlenbelastung etc. sehr hoch. Deshalb muss es den Piloten möglich sein, individuell entscheiden zu können, ob sie sich den Belastungen noch gewachsen fühlen. Das ist vor allem auch im Interesse der Sicherheit der Passagiere. Oder möchten Sie mit Piloten fliegen, die sich nicht mehr fit fühlen, aber aus finanziellen Gründen weiterfliegen müssen?