Daily Archives: 15. Juni 2014
Aha. „Islamist is coming home“. Was für ne Nummer. Es gibt genau einen Grund dazu ein paar Worte zu verschwenden..
Isis-Kämpfer in Berlin festgenommen: Bundespolizei geht „dicker Fisch“ ins Netz
Fifa investigating France’s claims that a drone spied on training
“Apparently drones are used more and more,” said Deschamps, who intimated that he had not been doing anything particularly secretive at the time. “It’s not up to me. Fifa handles this and has been carrying out an inquiry; we don’t want any intrusion into our privacy. It’s very hard to fight this these days.”
Französischer Banker muss wegen Kuba-Blockade abtreten
Die Aufrechterhaltung der Blockade gegen Kuba trifft indes auch innerhalb der USA zunehmend auf Kritik. Erst vor wenigen Wochen hatte eine Delegation der US-Handelskammer Havanna besucht und die Aufhebung des Embargos gefordert. Zuvor hatten bereits 44 Persönlichkeiten aus Politik und Wirtschaft, darunter der ehemalige Geheimdienstchef John Negroponte, in einem offenen Brief an Präsident Obama eine Lockerung der Blockade gegen das karibische Land verlangt.
Election candidate from Kosovo PM‘s party shot dead
It was not clear whether there was any political motive for the shooting of Elvis Pista, who was killed as he left a restaurant in the southern town of Rahovec with his wife and some friends, the police said.
Lavrov: attack on Kyiv embassy led by battalion set up by Kolomoisky
„That‘s good food for thought for our Western partners, who give all forms of support to any move by the Ukrainian government, – it‘s a good opportunity for them to see what that government does with the powers it acquired after Maidan,“ the minister said.
Secret state: Trevor Paglen documents the hidden world of governmental surveillance, from drone bases to „black sites“
As anyone who has worked there knows, Kabul is a tough place, redeemed by the charm of the people and the abundance of cheap taxis. But Trevor Paglen had trouble finding a taxi driver willing and able to take him where he wanted to go: north-east out of the city along an old back road reputed to be so dangerous – even by Afghan standards – that it had seen no regular traffic for more than 30 years.
How FBI Entrapment Is Inventing ‚Terrorists‘ – and Letting Bad Guys Off the Hook
In all these law enforcement schemes the alleged terrorists masterminds end up seeming, when the full story comes out, unable to terrorize their way out of a paper bag without law enforcement tutelage. („They teach you how to make all this stuff out of simple household items,“ one of the kids says on a recording quoted in the FBI affidavit about a book he has just discovered, The Anarchist Cookbook
Internment Camps in Donbass: History Repeats Itself
The Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine appointed Colonel-General of the State Border Service of Michael Koval as acting Defense Minister. He is the one to make others pale when it comes to the allegiance to Nazi ideals. After Petro Poroshenko was elected President, he went to the parliament to make it aware of the government plans. According to him, all the young people of the Donetsk and Lugansk republics, including women, will be held in «filtration camps» and then made go to different regions of Ukraine. According to him, people will get filtrated to check if they had not been connected to terrorists.
‘Inventing terrorists’: New study reveals FBI set up terrorism-related prosecutions
Nearly 95 per cent of terrorist arrests have been the result of FBI foiling its own entrapment plots as a part of the so-called post-9/11 War on Terror, a new study revealed.
Iran sets deadline for nuclear programme deal
Iran is seeking a deal with major world powers within weeks that would end years of dispute over the country‘s nuclear programme and economic sanctions imposed on it by western powers, President Hassan Rouhani has said.
This Machine Kills Artists
After a 31-year career in music with the Melvins, which has born over 30 albums of studio and live material, dozens of limited and highly limited 12-inch, 10-inch, and 7-inch records, and north of 2000 live performances why is he going acoustic now?
Because it actually makes sense.
Workers lynch jute mill CEO; Mamata Banerjee blames CPI(M), BJP
CEO of North Brook Jute Mill H K Maheswari was beaten up by workers of the factory at Bhadreswar when he rejected their demand for an increase in the weekly working hours to enable them to get paid more as payment is made according to hours of work, district SP Sunil Chowdhury said.
Irak ist ein Ort, an dem Amerikaner gelitten haben
Es ist mehr als pervers, die derzeitige Katastrophe im Irak nur durch die Brille des Leidens der Vereinigten Staaten von Amerika darzustellen, als wenn irakische Leben von zweitrangiger Bedeutung wären. Gemäß der höchst umfassenden Studie (PLOS Medicine, 10/15/13) haben etwa eine halbe Million Iraker ihr Leben verloren aufgrund des Irakkriegs – hundertmal mehr als getötete Amerikaner.
US hawks after another war in Iraq to achieve their goals
“There’s combination of two things: One to embarrass Obama … and secondly to actually get back and involve in another war so the US can dominate the Middle East and that’s been the long term goal of US foreign policy in that region,” he said on Sunday.
Iran, UN explore ways to bring security to Iraq
Iranian first vice president Eshaq Jahangiri and the UN secretary general Ban ki-Moon discussed the latest developments in Iraq and Syria during a meeting on the sideline of the Group-77 Summit in Bolivia‘s eastern city of Santa Cruz.
Foetus – Pratheism
Foetus – You have to obey
25Jahre nach dem Ende des Überwachungsstaates DDR schadet Merkels Schweigen zur #NSA dem Vertrauen in den Rechtsstaat
Einmarsch der Roboter
So nachvollziehbar der Wunsch nach dem Idealzustand des fehlerfreien Politikers ist: Er ist verrückt, wenn man ihn zu Ende denkt.
@MGrosseBroemer Irgendwas läuft da mächtig falsch, wenn man Völker belauscht und bewaffnete Armeen übersieht. @KonstantinNotz @ClausKleber
The Crimson Permanent Assurance
Justizminister Maas und das Kuckucksei beim Bundesgerichtshof
Ronald Reagan hat einmal gesagt: „Die Wahl eines richtigen Richters zum Obersten Gerichtshof ersetzt 20 Jahre Kongressarbeit.“ Das stimmt.
BGH-Richter a. D. Wolfgang Neskovic über die Arbeit des Generalbundesanwalts in Sachen #NSA: unbrauchbar.
(10. Juni)
Bundesinnenministerium erklärt Austausch biometrischer Daten zum Vorzeigeprojekt eines “transatlantischen Sicherheitsraums”
(15. Juni ) Der immer intensivere Datentausch mit den USA geht auf eine “Deutsch-Amerikanische Arbeitsgruppe zur Intensivierung des Informationsaustausches” zurück. Dies teilt die Bundesregierung in der Antwort auf eine Kleine Anfrage der Linksfraktion mit. Demnach habe sich der damalige US-Staatssekretär Stewart Baker schon 2006 in Berlin mit dem ehemaligen Staatssekretär August Hanning getroffen, um weitere entsprechende Maßnahmen auf den Weg zu bringen.
Pope prays for Iraq, calls for ‚coexistence
The Argentine pontiff said that he hoped Iraq could achieve peace, security and justice where everyone can live together regardless of their faith.
The decline of evangelical politics
In many statehouses, evangelical influence is alive and well. Even in red-state America, though, we see a defensive posture that spells retreat, if not outright defeat.
Climate Change Not a Top Worry in U.S.
the economy: 59 %
Unemployment: 49 %
The Social Security System: 46 %
Hunger and Homelessness: 43 %
Climate Change: 24 %
Pesticides Hurting and Killing Children
The world is using 50 times more pesticides than 60 years ago and the impact on children‘s health is devastating, according to the Pesticide Action Network North America (PAN).
South African FM visits Iran
South Africa‘s foreign minister Maite Nkoana-Mashabane arrived in Tehran on June 15 to discuss bilateral ties with Iranian officials, including foreign minister Mohammad Javad Zarif.
Palestinian boy, 7, dies of injuries from Israeli air strike: medics
A seven-year-old boy has died of wounds suffered in an Israeli air strike that killed his uncle, a Palestinian militant, as they were riding on a motorcycle in the Gaza Strip, relatives and hospital officials said on Sunday.
Johnny Cardona, NYPD Cop Who Punched OWS Protester,Will be defended by D.A,
NYPD DI Johnny Cardona and the moment prior to his punch (clip)
Endlich gab es mal eine Anhörung zu einem der Occupy-Wallstreet-Prügelcops. Ergebnis: steuerfreue Behindertenpension für den Cop.
Franziskus kritisiert Wirtschaftssystem als „unerträglich“
„Damit das System fortbestehen kann, müssen Kriege geführt werden, wie es die großen Imperien immer getan haben. Einen Dritten Weltkrieg kann man jedoch nicht führen, und so greift man eben zu regionalen Kriegen“, sagt Franziskus. Das ist im Kern eine ähnliche Grundthese wie in den Imperialismustheorien von Rosa Luxemburg und Wladimir Iljitsch Lenin Anfang des vergangenen Jahrhunderts oder von radikalen Linksintellektuellen heutzutage.
Direct Overt U.S. Aid Appropriations for and Military Reimbursements to Pakistan, FY2002-FY2015
(rounded to the nearest millions of dollars) …
Grand Total: 12,140
Reliance on foreign assistance continues
The Khyber Pakhtunkhwa government continues its reliance on foreign assistance in its Annual Development Programme (ADP) for fiscal year 2014-15 as it has projected Rs39.75 billion as foreign assistance, which is 28 per cent of its 139.80 billion proposed ADP.
Pakistan air strikes in North Waziristan ‚kill 80 militants‘
„Fighter jets targeted militant hideouts in the village of Dagan near the Pakistani-Afghan border,“ said a source in the regional capital of Miranshah.
Pakistan raid kills 80 suspected insurgents
Pakistani fighter jets and ground forces pummeled suspected militant hideouts Sunday, killing 80 people in the biggest military response yet to last week’s terrorist attack on the Karachi airport, officials said.
Mikdad: The West‘s policies were uncovered during crisis in Syria
„Following September 11 attacks in the US, the whole world was consensus on the priority of combating terrorism, but we have found a number of western leaders and their foreign ministers support the armed terrorist groups in Syria where the killers became armed opposition and terrorists turned into angels,“ Mikdad said in his weekly article on Lebanese al-Binaa newspaper.
Syrian government retakes border town in Assad coastal heartland
Rebel forces took Kasab in March.
Lebanon’s FM says would never allow formal camps for Syrians
Lebanon‘s Foreign Minister Gebran Bassil said Sunday that he is against the establishment of formal camps for Syrian refugees in Lebanon, and that Hezbollah‘s involvement in Syria saved Lebanon from terrorism, The Daily Star reported.
Das Fußball-Tier möchte leben!
Das Dreibindengürteltier ist das Maskottchen der Fußball-WM. Das Tier ist extrem bedroht. Die Regierung muss handeln und seinen Lebensraum schützen. Bitte schreiben Sie an die Umweltministerin
Though Flawed, Senate Intelligence Authorization Bill Contains Protections for Intelligence Agency Whistleblowers
According to Government Accountability Project National Security and Human Rights Director Jesselyn Radack, who serves as one of Snowden‘s attorneys, „The best way for the government to stop leaks is to enact meaningful and effective whistleblower protection.“
Cohen on Ukraine civil war: ‘Lincoln didn’t call Confederates terrorists’
This assessment came from Professor Stephen Cohen, prominent US scholar of Russian studies and author, who advised George H.W. Bush in the late 1980s. He spoke to RT about the mistakes of the consecutive American administrations in their Russia policies, the worst crisis in decades that they led to and the deterioration of political discourse in America that prevents things from changing in Washington.
Disarmament-Related Events Calendar
NSA-Affäre und Überwachung in Deutschland. Eine Analyse
Die Zurückhaltung des Generalbundesanwalts hat wohl mehr die Interessen des BND im Blick, als dass er Rücksicht auf die NSA nimmt.
Lieber Generalstaatsanwalt, hier sind Ihre Scheuklappen. Und hier ist Ihr Ohrstöpsel. Klar, kein Problem. Wir melden uns, wenn das vorbeigezogen ist.
Spionage: 200 US-Geheimdienstler spionieren offiziell in Deutschland
Wie der SPIEGEL bei der Auswertung der Unterlagen von Edward Snowden feststellte, wusste die Bundesregierung davon – und half aktiv bei der Ausspähung.
Uganda: Kommandeur der Sonderkommandos und Mitarbeiterstab lösen sich in Luft auf
Der Chef der Spezialeinheiten des Militärs von Uganda und sechzehn seiner engsten Vertrauten sind wie vom Erdboden verschluckt. Niemand weiss etwas über ihren Aufenthalt, weder ob sie sich im Inland oder ausserhalb der Grenzen von Uganda befinden. Die Militärpolizei fahndet nach den Abtrünnigen im ganzen Land.
Israel, Hamas in war of words over abducted settlers
Three teenage Jewish settlers went missing late Thursday in the southern West Bank.
Israeli PM Netanyahu says Hamas abducted 3 teenagers
„This morning I can say what I was unable to say yesterday before the extensive wave of arrests of Hamas members in Judea and Samaria,“ he said at the start of the weekly Cabinet meeting.
#Echtheit des Dokuments nicht geklärt: Bekennerschreiben: Isil hat israelische … – FOCUS Online
Die Steinigung (JEHOVA! JEHOVA!) – Das Leben des Brian (Monty Python‘s Life of Brian)
„Kann es sein, daß Weibsvolk anwesend ist?“