Daily Archives: 19. Oktober 2013

19.10.2013 - 23:25 [ CommonDreams ]

Borderless US Drone War an Affront to Intl Law: UN Expert

Emmerson‘s report offers a chilling account of drone strikes in Afghanistan, Yemen, Iraq, Libya, Somalia, Pakistan and Gaza, documenting numerous incidents of civilian deaths at the hands of U.S. attacks and other world powers.

Having just returned from Islamabad, Pakistan, he explains that the Pakistan ministry of foreign affairs has documented over 330 drone strikes since 2002 that have killed 2,200 people, 400 of them civilians.

19.10.2013 - 22:56 [ Russia Today ]

Exposed: Dutch internet providers retained metadata for illegal ads

Unauthorized global surveillance has had everyone’s outrage directed at the NSA. But a recent revelation by the Dutch sheds light on how Europe’s own otherwise forgotten data retention law was systematically abused by its telecom and internet providers.

19.10.2013 - 19:57 [ RIA Novosti ]

Nach Krawallen in Moskau: Russland empfiehlt Berlin, auf Menschenrechte im eigenen Land zu achten

„Wir möchten unsere Partner darauf aufmerksam machen, dass in Deutschland, aber auch in anderen Teilen des ‚demokratischen Europa‘ rechtsextremistische, neonazistische und xenophobische Stimmungen immer stärker werden“, fuhr Dolgow fort. Als Beispiel führte er Aktivitäten des sogenannten national-sozialistischen Untergrundes, dessen Mitglieder im Laufe von Jahren Ausländer unbestraft töten konnten. „Nach trägem Charakter des in diesem Fall in Deutschland eingeleiteten Strafprozesses zu urteilen, wird diese Gefahr von den deutschen Behörden nicht in vollem Maße erkannt“, schrieb der russische Diplomat.

Dolgow erinnerte ferner daran, dass unwürdige Aufenthaltsbedingungen für Flüchtlinge in Deutschland von Menschenrechtsorganisationen ernsthaft kritisiert werden. Flüchtlinge seien während der Prüfung ihrer Asylanträge (die mitunter Jahre dauert) in ihren Rechten eingeschränkt, sie dürften ihren Aufenthaltsort nicht verlassen. Zudem hätten die Flüchtlinge keine Erwerbs- und Bildungsrechte sowie erhielten keine adäquate medizinische Hilfe, hieß es in dem Kommentar.

19.10.2013 - 18:00 [ Natural Society ]

Despite Resistance, Uruguay Near Passing Landmark Marijuana Laws

Here in the U.S., we hold up Colorado and Washington as being models of future marijuana policy. Where they legalized recreational marijuana, creating regulated and taxed systems, the majority of states are still trying to determine how to implement medicinal pot. In Uruguay, however, lawmakers have taken one big step towards creating a nationwide regulated marijuana industry, and they’ve done it despite the resistance of the people.

19.10.2013 - 17:56 [ ACLU ]

Let’s Talk About The Way We Discipline Kids

While it‘s great news that Congress is seeking to address the problem of over-criminalization with a focus on undue sentencing and burdensome regulations, it must address where the majority of adult offenders begin: juvenile detention centers. It‘s time we restore every school‘s role as a sanctuary of learning.

19.10.2013 - 17:35 [ Boing Boing ]

Pole-climbing class for telephone electricians, 1914

his is a photo of telephone electricians learning to climb poles in 1914. There‘s a WWI pole/Pole joke to be made here, but I leave that as an exercise to the reader. In any event, these dudes are living the dream.

19.10.2013 - 17:11 [ Russia Today ]

‘Outrageous’ text program warns immigrants to leave UK or face arrest

A spokesman for British Prime Minister David Cameron said the PM “agrees with the principle” of sending such messages and acknowledged that the wording of the message has changed since the first texts were sent.

The campaign is ongoing and has cost the UK £40 million ($64 million). Hundreds of complaints have come in, partly because of messages that included smiley faces and wished immigrants a “pleasant journey.”

19.10.2013 - 16:14 [ France 24 ]

Italians stage anti-austerity rally in Rome

Thousands of people took to the streets of Rome on Saturday for an anti-austerity protest, with a massive security presence in place amid fears of clashes.

„We are laying siege to the city!“ a group of students chanted as they marched through Rome, while others waved rainbow peace flags and held up banners from a variety of leftist movements.

19.10.2013 - 14:06 [ Islamic News Daily ]

Chomsky on Egypt: No one can alienate the Muslim Brotherhood

The American professor of linguistics was speaking at a seminar organised by the Egyptian Students Association in New York when he made his comments. He said that a military regime cannot build a state and pointed out that it is inaccurate to refer to “Egyptians” as if everyone in Egypt is thinking the same way; they’re not, and it is misleading to suggest otherwise, he claimed. Professor Chomsky urged the army leaders to avoid using the term “the people” to give credibility to the action that they took in July.

19.10.2013 - 14:02 [ Electronic Intifada ]

Egypt coup regime hires Israel-linked Washington lobby firm

(17.10.) Last week, the Glover Park Group (GPG) filed lobbying registration forms with the US Department of Justice, stating that the firm will “provide public diplomacy, strategic communications counsel and government relations services” for the Egyptian regime headed by General Abdulfattah al-Sisi, The Hill reported.

As Middle East Monitor points out, a managing director of GPG is Arik Ben-Zvi.

“Ben-Zvi served in the Israeli Defense Forces and received his degree in History and Political Science from Tel Aviv University,” according to GPG’s website.

19.10.2013 - 14:00 [ Aviationist ]

For the first time in 34 years Egyptian Air Force fighter jets flew over Gaza-Israel Border

According to Israeli Channel 2, Egyptian Air Force F-16s were authorized to fly over the Gaza-Israel border area, as part of the military operations Cairo’s military is conducting against terrorist groups in the Sinai Peninsula.

It was the first time since Cairo and Tel Aviv signed the peace agreement in 1979.

19.10.2013 - 13:54 [ Wikileaks ]

BS3 Strategic – Biometric Speaker Spotting System: Strategic Edition

The BS‘ Family of products for speaker surveillance and management for Military and Intelligence organizations
consists of:
– BS3 Master Repository, designed to store and search
over a large number of Voice Targets;
– BS3 Strategic, designed for mass voice interception
and voice mining;
– BS3Tactical, designed for tactical voice surveillance;
– SIFT (Speaker ID Field Toolkit), designed for agents in
the field.
BS3 Family products are easy to integrate in all current
platforms both in the command and control center and
in the field.

19.10.2013 - 12:38 [ Postillon ]

Union bereit, Mindestlohn gegen Spende von mindestens 690.000 Euro zuzustimmen

CDU-Generalsekretär Hermann Gröhe sowie CSU-Chef Horst Seehofer erläuterten heute bei einer gemeinsamen Pressekonferenz das Angebot näher: „Ob jetzt alle Geringverdiener Deutschlands zusammenlegen oder ob die SPD selbst das Geld auf unsere Parteikonten überweist, ist uns vollkommen egal. Wichtig ist nur, dass der Betrag stimmt, der keinen Einfluss auf unsere Entscheidung haben wird“, so Gröhe.

19.10.2013 - 12:33 [ Euronews / Youtube ]

Bleibt Juncker? – Luxemburg vor spannender Parlamentswahl

Rund 238 000 Luxemburger sind an diesem Sonntag aufgerufen ein neues Parlament zu wählen. Die vorgezogene Neuwahl war notwendig geworden, nachdem der sozialdemokratische Koalitionspartner Ministerpräsident Jean-Claude Juncker das Vertrauen entzogen hatte. Juncker hatte sich geweigert, die Verantwortung für eine Geheimdienstaffäre zu übernehmen

19.10.2013 - 12:10 [ Wikipedia ]

Weimarer Nationalversammlung

Um Müttern bessere Möglichkeiten zur Erziehung ihrer Kinder zu geben, unterstützte sie die Forderung nach einem Erziehungsgeld oder auch nach einem Mindestlohn für die Väter, der das Existenzminimum der Familie decken müsse.

Nach lebhafter Debatte lehnte die Nationalversammlung die Anträge von SPD, USPD und DDP genauso ab, wie einen Antrag der USPD, das gesamte Gesundheitswesen zu verstaatlichen und einem Reichsgesundheitsministerium zu unterstellen.

19.10.2013 - 11:55 [ Euronews / Youtube ]

Schülerproteste in Frankreich: Freiheit für Leonarda!

Den zweiten Tag infolge gingen in Paris Hunderte Schüler auf die Straße. Sie protestieren gegen die Abschiebung ausländischer Mitschüler.

An zahlreichen Schulen errichteten die Demonstranten Blockaden. Einige forderten den Rücktritt des Innenministers.

Auslöser für die Wut der Schüler ist der Fall der 15-jährigen Leonarda, die vergangenen Mittwoch aus Frankreich ausgewiesen wurde.

19.10.2013 - 11:19 [ Youtube ]

Student deportations spark protests in Paris

Student protestors poured onto the streets of Paris to make sure the voices of Leonarda Dibrani and Khatchik are heard across France. Fifteen-year-old Leonarda was removed by police from a schoolbus and deported to Kosovo after her family had exhausted all their asylum claims. Khatchik is another student of Armenian descent, who was also removed.

19.10.2013 - 11:08 [ Independent ]

Furious row over how left-wing government in France should deal with illegal immigration after 15-year-old Roma schoolgirl deported

“Now, with my family, I am sleeping on a bench,” she said. “I have no right to go to school here because I am a Roma.”

Leonarda said that she hoped to return to school in France but spoke of her “shame” at being forced to leave the school outing last week. “My friends kept asking me what I had done, whether I had stolen something,” she said.

19.10.2013 - 11:06 [ Epoch Times ]

Leonarda Dibrani Expelled From France to Kosovo During Class Trip

“I was crying on my teacher’s lap and he was crying,” Dibrani said Wednesday, recounting her ordeal in an interview with The Associated Press. “My friends asked: ‘Did you kill someone that the police are looking for you?’ I was afraid. I felt bad and ashamed.

“My home is in France,” Dibrani said in French, dressed in jeans and a colorful paisley print tunic. “I don’t speak the language here and I don’t know anyone.“

19.10.2013 - 11:04 [ People´s World ]

French students rebel against deportations of classmates

In Leonarda‘s case, she has lived in France most of her life and speaks fluent French. She was doing well in school where she is popular with non-Roma fellow students.

In Kosovo, Leonarda and her family face a life of much greater instability, poverty and danger. Since the Kosovo War of 1998-1999 and under independent Kosovo, many Roma have been expelled and remaining families face bad treatment.

19.10.2013 - 10:34 [ Spiegel ]

Greenwald-Kritiker: Manche nennen es Journalismus

Paranoia ersetzt das Denken

Aber Paranoia ist eben keine verdrehte Wirklichkeit, Paranoia ist keine verbogene Weltsicht, Paranoia ist kein Symptom von Angst und Unsicherheit – Paranoia, das zeigte diese erste Episode der Einschüchterung, erzeugt selbst Angst und Unsicherheit, Paranoia erschafft sich eine eigene Welt, Paranoia ersetzt das Denken und wird so zum Agenten der Macht: Wenn man sich heute diesen kurzen, historischen Schlagabtausch auf YouTube anschaut, wirkt es wie eine Fahrt durch die Geisterbahn der Postdemokratie.

19.10.2013 - 10:31 [ Der Postillon ]

Eklat: Korrekt recherchierte Nachricht versehentlich in ‚Bild‘-Zeitung veröffentlicht

Die Story des Neulings habe man unverzüglich in den kostenpflichtigen „Plus“-Bereich auf Bild.de verfrachtet, damit sie auch garantiert niemand zu sehen bekommt.