Daily Archives: 13. September 2013

13.09.2013 - 23:55 [ Michael Moore ]

The American People Have Spoken: No More War Abroad, More Jobs at Home

Childhood poverty. We live in the richest country in the world, yet one out of five children in the U.S. is stuck in poverty. And the reality is that children living in poverty in America today are more likely to stay in poverty when they grow up than in any other advanced country on earth.

13.09.2013 - 23:38 [ contrAtom ]

Subventionen für Atomkraftwerke? Nein!

Die Europäische Kommission will der Atomindustrie wieder auf die Beine helfen und möchte über die Leitlinien für die Umweltbeihilfen 2014 bis 2020 Subventionen für den Bau neuer Atomkraftwerke ermöglichen. Für die Atomlobby geht es jetzt ums Ganze: Die derzeit geplanten Atomkraftwerke wie z.B. Temelin 3+4 sind in der EU ohne diese neuen Subventionen nicht realisierbar, weil sich keine Investoren finden. Eine europaweite Petition fordert: Keine Subventionen für Atomkraftwerke!

13.09.2013 - 21:01 [ Hassan Rouhani, Präsident der Islamischen Republik Iran ]

Dr.Rouhani confers with the special envoy of Japanese Prime Minister

“Iran and Japan are two countries that have suffered greatly from weapons of mass destruction,” Dr.Rouhani said in a meeting with Masahiko Komura, the special envoy of Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe to Iran on Sunday.

He reaffirmed the peaceful nature of Iran’s nuclear energy program and emphasized that it would remain peaceful.

13.09.2013 - 20:45 [ Foreign Policy ]

The Cowboy of the NSA

Alexander was the general in charge of the Army‘s Intelligence and Security Command (INSCOM) at Fort Belvoir, Virginia. He began insisting that the NSA give him raw, unanalyzed data about suspected terrorists from the agency‘s massive digital cache, according to three former intelligence officials. Alexander had been building advanced data-mining software and analytic tools, and now he wanted to run them against the NSA‘s intelligence caches to try to find terrorists who were in the United States or planning attacks on the homeland.

13.09.2013 - 20:24 [ March Forward! ]

Fear Not the Path of Truth: A Fallujah veteran‘s documentary

The following is an appeal from Iraq war veteran Ross Caputi, founder of the Justice for Fallujah Project. In his years of tireless work to expose the truth about U.S. crimes in Fallujah, he is now raising funds to finish and release a powerful documentary to help tell this history. We encourage our members and supporters to make a donation to his Kickstarter campaign by clicking here.

My name is Ross Caputi, and I‘m a veteran of the 2nd siege of Fallujah, which was one of the largest and bloodiest operations of the Occupation of Iraq. This documentary is about my life after my experience in Fallujah, and my struggle to learn the truth about what I participated in amidst all the propaganda. But it is also a documentary about Fallujah, the people who live there, and the human consequences of US foreign policy in their city.

13.09.2013 - 19:15 [ B92 ]

Russia to have up to 10 warships in Mediterranean

Admiral of the Fleet Viktor Chirkov made the announcement and was quoted by Russia Today as saying that „the task is crystal clear: to avoid a slightest threat to the security of the state,“ and adding:

„This is a general practice of all fleets around the world, to be there when a tension level increases. They are all going to act on operational command plan of the offshore maritime zone. Russia will be building up its Mediterranean fleet until it is deemed sufficient to perform the task set.“

13.09.2013 - 19:07 [ RIA Novosti ]

Organisation für Verbot chemischer Waffen erörtert kommende Woche Beitrittsantrag Syriens (Zusammenfassung)

„Das Exekutivorgan tritt in der nächsten Woche zusammen, um das Dokument unter die Lupe zu nehmen“, teilte ein Organisationssprecher am Freitag nach Angaben der Nachrichtenagentur AFP mit. „Im Moment wissen wir nicht, um welche ‚technische Hilfe‘ Damaskus ersucht hat. In der kommenden Woche werden wir mehr erfahren“, sagte er.

13.09.2013 - 17:59 [ Youtube ]

Greg Palast: A Memo that Confirmed Every Conspiracy Freak‘s Fantasy

In this video Luke Rudkowski interviews investigative journalist Greg Palast about the secret memo he uncovered. The End Game memo uncovered how top US Treasury officials secretly conspired with a small cabal of banker big-shots to benefit themselves. The memo indicates high level politicians like Larry Summers, who is most likely going to be appointed the next chairman of the Federal Reserve by Obama.

13.09.2013 - 17:10 [ California Institute of Technology ]

The Feynman Lectures on Physics

Caltech and The Feynman Lectures Website are pleased to present this online edition of The Feynman Lectures on Physics. Now, anyone with internet access and a web browser can enjoy reading a high-quality up-to-date copy of Feynman‘s legendary lectures. This edition has been designed for ease of reading on devices of any size or shape; text, figures and equations can all be zoomed without degradation.1

13.09.2013 - 15:46 [ Riot Season England Label ]

Revelation Space by Kawabata Makoto‘s Mainliner

One of the most celebrated Japanese Underground bands have returned! It may
have taken over 12 years, but Kawabata Makoto, guitar guru and head honcho in Acid Mothers Temple, has finally decided to get his celebrated ‚psychedelic solid free attack group‘ back together. Joining original
Mainliner members Kawabata Makoto (motorpsycho guitar) and Koji Shimura (drums) is new recruit Kawabe Taigen (bass/vocals) and the trio still kick up one hell of a sonic racket.

13.09.2013 - 15:26 [ Bandcamp ]

Cube by Plasma Expander

Emerging from a successful tour that took them along the US East Coast, Plasma Expander are back with a brand new killer album. Cube – out on 9 march 2013 for a joint ventures of independent labels – is a complete and mature work that perfectly conveys the power of a band that finds its best expression in live performances where all the tracks gets crushed and transfigured by wild improvisations.

13.09.2013 - 15:20 [ Supernatural Cat ]

Supernatural Cat

Supernatural Cat is interested mainly in finding out new and original bands, very inspired music, considering the record like an handicraft piece, a way totally opposed to the serial logic of today.
The intention is to find music that is not closed in any genre, music has to be filled with the breath of originality, something special, something unique.

13.09.2013 - 15:04 [ Dethscalator ]

Racial Golf Course No Bitches by Dethscalator

„Road hardened and tightened the band have shrugged off their looser, sludge-blasted origins to reconnect with their American 80s post hardcore, pig fuck roots, with riffs n’ hooks worthy of Killdozer, Jesus Lizard, Unsane, Butthole Surfers and Fudge Tunnel but have mixed this up with giant slabs of monolithic doom, coruscating beams of white noise and whirling vortices of space rock.“

13.09.2013 - 13:43 [ Economy Watch ]

Libya Losing $130 Million Per Day From Oil Protests

Libya’s prime minister Ali Zeidan has promised to act “in a timely manner” to break up protests at several large export terminals and oil fields across the country, after he claimed on Wednesday that the strikes had been costing nearly $130 million a day in lost oil revenue over the past month. – See more at: http://www.economywatch.com/news/libya-losing-millions-oil-protest.13-09.html#sthash.ap23a2Vs.dpuf

13.09.2013 - 13:42 [ New York Times ]

In Libya, Unrest Brings Oil Industry to Standstill

Two years after local militias overthrew the Libyan dictator Col. Muammar el-Qaddafi, many of those same fighters have brought Libya’s critical oil industry to a halt, as a challenge to the latest in a series of that country’s interim governments.

13.09.2013 - 13:29 [ Ria Novosti ]

Indien begrüßt russischen Vorschlag zu syrischen Chemiewaffen

„Wir begrüßen den jüngsten Vorschlag Russlands zur internationalen Kontrolle über die syrischen C-Waffen-Vorräte. Diese Anregung entspricht der Position Indiens, das sich für die völlige Vernichtung aller chemischen Waffen in der Welt einsetzt“, sagte der indische Außenminister Salman Kurshid am Freitag beim Gipfel der Schanghaier Organisation für Zusammenarbeit (SOZ) in Kirgistan.

13.09.2013 - 13:22 [ Xinhua ]

Xi says China supports Russian proposal on Syrian chemical disarmament

Chinese President Xi Jinping said here Friday that Beijing supports Russia‘s proposal that Syria surrender its chemical weapons to international control for their eventual destruction.

China pays high attention to the Syrian situation, the Chinese leader said while addressing the 13th summit of the Shanghai Cooperation Organization.

13.09.2013 - 13:18 [ Ria Novosti ]

SOZ-Deklaration: Drohungen der Anwendung von Gewalt gegen Iran unannehmbar

Die Schanghaier Organisation für Zusammenarbeit (SOZ) hält die Drohungen der Anwendung von militärischer Gewalt und die einseitigen Sanktionen einzelner Staaten gegen den Iran für unannehmbar, heißt es in der Bischkeker Deklaration, die heute im Ergebnis einer Sitzung des Rates der SOZ-Staatschefs verabschiedet wurde.