Whistleblower Bradley Manning has been nominated for the Nobel Peace Prize, and he should receive it.
No individual has done more to push back against what Martin Luther King Jr. called „the madness of militarism“ than Bradley Manning. And right now, remaining in prison and facing relentless prosecution by the U.S. government, no one is more in need of the Nobel Peace Prize.
Ägyptens Junta begann noch am Tag der Machtergreifung mit einer Razzia gegen Sinai und behauptete, seit damals mindestens 60 „Terroristen” in der Region getötet zu haben. Die Offensive wurde offiziell von Israel unterstützt, was viele dazu brachte, sich über die von Anfang an kuschelige Beziehung der neuen Junta zu ihrem Nachbarn zu beschweren.
Wie hört sich Musik jenseits von Macht und Kontrolle an? Wie lässt sich Derartiges kippen, wenn sich praktisch alles zu Musik organisieren lässt? Hier nochmals der Verweis auf SPK, deren semantische Verwirrtaktiken vor allem der Lesart «Sozialistisches Patientenkollektiv» zusprachen und sich so – zumindest gedanklich – in RAF-Nähe positionierten: Die Krankheit als Symptom der (faschistischen) Gesellschaft, exemplifiziert an der 1979er-Nummer «Germanik», in der es heisst: «Die Unschuld ist keine Verteidigung».
Basque rockers Willis Drummond have woven together a substantial thicket of loud, heavy, and exciting rock music. It is injected with a feisty energy, miffed attitude, and above all, balls.
With every new story revealing that the government monitors more and more of our supposedly private information, the idea that the authorities will essentially ban encryption is extremely disturbing. This is, quite clearly, not a positive direction for an allegedly free society to be taking.
Einführungsvortrag von Prof. Klaus Dörre, Friedrich-Schiller-Universität Jena, bei der Präsentation des Buches „Bewährungsproben für die Unterschicht?“ am 30. Juli 2013 im Berliner Pfefferberg
„Washington muss begreifen, dass Russland schon aufgehört hat, eine politische Kolonie der USA zu sein“, twitterte Puschkow am Samstag. Auch die jetzige Krise in den bilateralen Beziehungen sei nicht von Russland ausgelöst worden.
Executive Order 12333 is the foundational authority by which NSA collects, retains, analyzes,
and disseminates foreign signals intelligence information. The principal application of this
authority is the collection of communications by foreign persons that occur wholly outside the
United States. To the extent a person located outside the United States communicates with
someone inside the United States or someone inside the United States communicates with a
person located outside the United States those communications could also be collected.
Collection pursuant to EO 12333 is conducted through various means around the globe, largely
from outside the United States, which is not otherwise regulated by FISA. Intelligence activities
conducted under this authority are carried out in accordance with minimization procedures
established by the Secretary of Defense and approved by the Attorney General.
If you don‘t recall, about a year ago, under pressure from Senator Wyden, the US government admitted (late on a Friday evening) that, indeed, the FISA court had „on one occasion“ ruled that certain activities concerning Section 702 „minimization“ (i.e., trying to avoid searches on US persons) were „unreasonable under the Fourth Amendment.“ And yet, that very same day, the NSA announced that the rules had changed and it could do searches on US persons, following a certain (undisclosed) „oversight process.
In einer siebenseitigen Stellungnahme, die die NSA am 9. August 2013 auf ihrer Internetseite veröffentlichte, heißt es: „Nach Angaben eines großen Netzbetreibers werden im Internet täglich 1.826 Petabyte an Daten übertragen. Bei ihrer Auslandsaufklärung kommt die NSA mit 1,6 Prozent davon in Berührung.“ Das entspricht einem täglichen Datenvolumen von 29.126 Terabyte.
Allerdings werden nach NSA-Angaben davon nur 0,025 Prozent für eine Überprüfung bestimmt.
B: You have said that this Europe of ours is being dominated by Germany. Do you think that the creation of Eurobonds guaranteed by the BCE could make Europe more equitable and economically stable?
F: „I don’t believe that the European Union was a plan that was set up by Germany in order to dominate Europe. I don’t believe that the Germans want that, but what has happened since the crisis hit in 2008 is largely due to the lack of legitimacy of Van Rompuy and Brussels. This vacuum has been filled by an individual who is arguably the most capable leader of any European Country, namely Angela Merkel. The Germans are the treasurers and now they are making the decisions, so we are now living in a Europe that is dominated by Germany, which is absolutely bizarre since the thinking in the 1950s was that by tying Germany into a tighter Union, that Country would no longer be the dominant regional power.
Iraqi Kurdistan is ready to defend Kurds living in Syria if it is found that they are being threatened by al Qaeda-linked fighters involved in the Syrian civil war, the president of the well-armed autonomous region said.
Following our post on the NSA‘s document defending its surveillance programs, let‘s look more closely at the Justice Department‘s „white paper“ explaining the legal rationale for scooping up all of the metadata on every phone call under Section 215 of the Patriot Act, also known as the „business records“ or „tangible things“ section.
As President Obama was laying out his „plan“ in response to the public‘s concerns over NSA spying, both the DOJ and the NSA released some documents defending the various programs. I would imagine it will surprise none of you that these documents are chock full of hilarious and misleading claims. Let‘s highlight a few, starting with the NSA‘s document, which is shorter, more general and covers all the various programs more broadly. It‘s also a complete joke. We‘ll get to the DOJ one in another post.
Wenn Zeitungen heute also sterben, wenn Medien immer mehr misstraut wird, wenn Journalisten ihrer Deutungsmacht beraubt werden, dann hat das auch damit zu tun, dass sie hundefutterartigen „Content for people“ produzieren, aber keine Geschichten und Wahrheiten mehr.
„Gezielte Tötungen sind außerhalb von bewaffneten Konflikten völkerrechtswidrig“, erklärte Oppermann, der im Wahlkampfteam von SPD-Kanzlerkandidat Peer Steinbrück für die Innenpolitik zuständig ist. Die Regierung werde das in der Sitzung des Kontrollgremiums klären müssen, das am Montag tagt.
Da gibt es National Security Letters, die zwingen einen zur Herausgabe von Daten, und man darf niemandem darüber was sagen, und nicht mal die Existenz erwähnen. Was tut man da also?
Erstens ist es unglaublich, dass die bisher noch kein STARTTLS hatten. Das RFC dazu ist 14 Jahre alt! Soll das ein Witz sein?! JETZT rollen die das aus? Und tun auch noch so, als sei das ein bewerbenswertes Feature?!? Das ist wie wenn VW damit Werbung machen würde, dass sie jetzt auch Sicherheitsgurte mitliefern. WTF?
Der Chaos Computer Club (CCC) begrüßt die Absicht dieser Unternehmen, den E-Mailverkehr ihrer Kunden auf dem Transportweg künftig zu verschlüsseln. Warum die zugrundeliegende Technologie, die immerhin seit Ende der 1990er Jahre existiert, nicht schon seit Jahren Anwendung findet, verraten die Anbieter allerdings nicht. Was bei Konkurrenten schon seit Jahren zum Standard gehört – eine erzwungene Verschlüsselung beim Zugriff auf das eigene E-Mail-Konto –, wird nun werbewirksam als technologischer Vorstoß und Novum verkauft.
Am Freitag, den 9.August 2013 fand die Mobilisierung statt, zu der Tausende von Bürgern kamen, darunter viele Familien mit Kindern und auch mehrere Bürgermeister sizilianischer Städte, so die Bürgermeister von Messina und Palagonia. Im Gegensatz zu ihren deutschen Kollegen schützen diese Lokalpolitiker nicht den Verlust von Arbeitsplätzen und Verarmung der Region vor, sondern fordern die Schliessung des unwillkommenen Stützpunkts der U.S. Navy.
The President also stated that he would support reforms to section 215 of the USA PATRIOT Act, which is the provision of the law that has been secretly interpreted to allow the government to engage in the bulk collection of Americans‘ records. I have seen absolutely zero evidence that the bulk collection of Americans‘ phone records under Section 215 of the PATRIOT Act has provided any unique value to intelligence gathering or actually made Americans any safer, so I believe that these reforms should ensure that bulk collection is ended.
This white paper explains the Government’s legal basis for an intelligence collection program under which the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) obtains court orders directing certain telecommunications service providers to produce telephony metadata in bulk. The bulk metadata is stored, queried and analyzed by the National Security Agency (NSA) for counterterrorism purposes. The Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court (“the FISC” or “the Court”) authorizes this program under the “business records” provision of the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act (FISA), 50 U.S.C. § 1861, enacted as section 215 of the USA PATRIOT Act (Section 215). The Court first authorized the program in 2006, and it has since been renewed thirty-four times under orders issued by fourteen different FISC judges. This paper explains why the telephony metadata collection program, subject to the restrictions imposed by the Court, is consistent with the Constitution and the standards set forth by Congress in Section 215. Because aspects of this program remain classified, there are limits to what can be said publicly about the facts underlying its legal authorization. This paper is an effort to provide as much information as possible to the public concerning the legal authority for this program, consistent with the need to protect national security, including intelligence sources and methods. While this paper summarizes the legal basis for the program, it is not intended to be an exhaustive analysis of the program or the legal arguments or authorities in support of it.
Specifically, he laid out four steps his Administration will take:
(1) The Administration will work with Congress to pursue appropriate reforms to Section 215 of the PATRIOT Act. (..)
(2) The Administration will work with Congress to improve the public’s confidence in the oversight conducted by the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court (FISC). (..)
(3) The President directed the Intelligence Community to make public as much information about these programs as possible. (..)
(4) The President called for a high-level group of outside experts to review our intelligence and communications technologies. (..)
(17.07.) Section 215 requires the government to certify that its information requests are relevant to an ongoing terrorist investigation. But Sensenbrenner notes that the government claims that records of every phone call in America is relevant to a terrorism investigation. He asked: “Doesn’t that make a mockery of the legal standard, because you’re trying to have it both ways?”
Hundreds of Native Americans and their allies arrive in New York City today after paddling more than a hundred miles down the Hudson River to commemorate the 400th anniversary of the first treaty between Native Americans and the Europeans who traveled here.
Tenenti clarified that Turkey shall only withdraw its engineering and construction experts unit while maintaining its presence within UNIFIL‘s naval forces.
The armed forces still comb the site of explosion to find out the evidences and hold investigations and the forces only found till now a motor cycle near the dead body.
„It is illogic that there is coordination between Egypt and Israel to hold attacks in regard to preserving security on the Egyptian lands,“ he added.
Ali also urged the media channels to stick to accuracy when circulating news that could have dangerous impact over its national security.
Die Präsidenten Russlands und des Iran, Wladimir Putin und Hassan Rouhani, sollen sich am 13. September in Bischkek am Rande eines Gipfels der Shanghaier Organisation für Zusammenarbeit (SOZ) treffen, wie Putins Berater Juri Uschakow am Freitag in Moskau mitteilte.
Speaking at the Russian embassy in Washington after the talks, Lavrov agreed. „It‘s clear there is no Cold War that we should expect. We shouldn‘t expect any aggravation.“
“They had an encounter,” Martinez said to WSVN-TV on Friday regarding the death of Israel Hernández-Llach Tuesday morning. “They were gonna place someone under arrest for a crime. Even though it was only graffiti, it’s still a crime. The subject ran from them. Now he’s eluding police. It’s resisting arrest, if you will.”
Pressekonferenz am 9. August um 11:45 Uhr vor dem Haupttor; Bild- Und Fernsehtermin zum Auftakt am 11. August um 11:55 Uhr am Haupttor. [Pressinfos]
11./12. August: 24-stündige Musikblockade und Happening an den Zufahrtstoren des „Fliegerhorstes Büchel“
11.8. um 5 vor 12 Uhr: Auftaktkonzert von LEBENSLAUTE
11.8. um 14 Uhr: Aufbruch vom Haupttor zu den anderen Toren;
weitere Aktionstrainings an den Toren
12.8. um 6 vor 12 Uhr: Ende der Blockade, Gruppen machen sich zum Haupttor auf
12.8. ca. 12:45 Uhr Abschluss am Haupttor mit Mittagessen
In Wednesday’s Stuttgarter Zeitung, Netanyahu is seen sitting on a park bench, pouring poison from a bottle labeled “settlement construction” over a piece of bread which he apparently intends to feed to a peace dove. The cartoon caption references a song by the Jewish Austrian-American composer and performer Georg Kreisler called “Pigeon Poisoner.” …
Last month, German daily Sueddeutscher Zeitung published a cartoon that depicted Israel as a monster with Germany as its handmaiden.
If, as we believe, the supranational global power elites are embedded deep inside the public and private power structures of key nations – notably the United States and the United Kingdom – then clearly their Achilles Heel is any and all disclosure of their crimes, their meddling in the internal affairs of other countries, their direct or indirect involvement in false-flag attacks, their support of genocidal regimes when it serves their purpose, their murderous invasions and occupations in Iraq, Afghanistan, Palestine and Libya, and their obscene funding and support of terrorists, guerrillas and mafias in Syria and elsewhere, under the PsyOps cover of ‘Arab Spring’.