„It was like a SWAT team,“ shelter employee Ray Schulze said.
Daily Archives: 1. August 2013
Russischer Ombudsmann über Fall Manning: USA wenden doppelte Standards an
Die USA würden Russland ständig wegen Verstößen gegen die Menschenrechte kritisieren, wenn es aber „um die Interessen der Staatsmacht in den USA geht, handeln die amerikanischen Behörden hart und entschieden und kümmern sich dabei oft nicht um die Menschenrechte“, so Dolgow.
Russland will Tadschikistan bei ISAF-Abzug aus benachbartem Afghanistan helfen
Der Verteidigungsminister äußerte die Hoffnung, dass es keine Risiken für die russische Militärbasis in Tadschikistan geben wird.
Bet Shemesh Engines wins $63m German contract
14.7.2013 MTU has been a Bet Shemesh Engines‘ customer for 12 years, supplying spare parts for a wide range of jet engines, including the V2500, PWC545, PWC306 and PWC307. The contract adds new items to the engines made by MTU for Mistubishi Heavy Industry Ltd.‘s (TSX: 7011) regional jet, Bombardier Inc.‘s (TSX: BBD) Series C jets, and other planes.
Ankle – The False Beards
N°20 WMCE August
»Geh heim, Dienst!«
Mit Transparenten und Schildern spazierten Überwachungsgegner am Neubau des Bundesnachrichtendienstes in Berlin vorbei
Exclusive: NSA pays £100m in secret funding for GCHQ
• Secret payments revealed in leaks by Edward Snowden
• GCHQ expected to ‚pull its weight‘ for Americans
• Weaker regulation of British spies ‚a selling point‘ for NSA
Wir haben in den letzten Jahren gehört, dass die USA ihr Foltern nach Ägypten, Osteuropa und die Türkei outsourcen, ihre Gefängnisse nach Kuba, … da liegt es nahe, wenn sie auch ihre Schnüffelei outsourcen.
Aktueller Guardian-Scoop: Die NSA hat GCHQ 100 Millionen Pfund gegeben, damit die mal ordentlich alles abschnorcheln.
Guardian account of NSA program XKeyScore misleading, officials say
XKeyScore, revealed in a Guardian newspaper story Wednesday, uses “markers to look at someone and say, `yes they are a suspect or no they are not a suspect,’” Sen. Dianne Feinstein (D-CA) said in a brief interview Thursday.
It is “primarily an analysis program, not a collection program that is focused outside the United States, not on Americans,” said David Grannis, staff director for the intelligence committee.
Grillo says Berlusconi ‚dead‘ after jail term upheld
„His conviction is like the fall of the Berlin Wall in 1989“.
PD leader says Berlusconi sentence must be ‚applied‘
Guglielmo Epifani, the secretary of the centre-left Democratic Party (PD), said ex-premier Silvio Berlusconi‘s four-year jail term for tax fraud should be „respected, carried out and applied“.
Napolitano calls for faith in judiciary, ‚serenity‘
President responds to Berlusconi fraud ruling
Italian firm to provide surveillance drone for U.N. in Congo
The United Nations said on Thursday it has procured an unarmed surveillance drone from Italian defense electronics firm Selex ES, a unit of Finmeccanica, that will be deployed in the Democratic Republic of Congo in the coming weeks.
President al-Assad to army soldiers: you carry on war of homeland, our motto now is victory
The president appreciated the heroism and sacrifices of the Syrian army soldiers which preserved the homeland, saying „Without you, there were no universities, schools, bread or water… without you, Syria was a matter of refugees, perhaps abroad… without you, we all were slaves for the states which want us to bow.“
Committing War Crimes is a Duty; Reporting Them is a Felony
Bradley Manning is the only combat veteran of the Iraq war whose service is worth honoring. Like hundreds of thousands of servicemen, Manning carried out unlawful orders to participate in an illegal war. Unlike any of the rest, he took necessary action to expose discrete criminal acts committed in the larger context of that illegal enterprise.
Repräsentantenhaus beschliesst weitere Sanktionen gegen den Iran vor der Inauguration Rohanis
Der Zeitpunkt des Gesetzes scheint absichtlich gewählt zu sein, da er nur wenige Tage vor der Inauguration des iranischen Präsidenten Rohani am Wochenende liegt. Viele Analysten sagen, dass dieser Beschluss ein Versuch ist, jegliche möglichen Gespräche mit der Regierung Rohani zu sabotieren.
President Obama: NSA Surveillance Was Necessary To Make Sure Boston Bombings Werent Part Of Bigger Plot
So, after there was a bombing which no intelligence agency spotted beforehand, he‘s now claiming that the NSA got to jump into action to find out that there wouldn‘t be any more bombings because there was no bigger plot.
My family‘s Google searching got us a visit from counterterrorism police
Officers showed up at our door suspecting we were terrorists because we looked up info on pressure cookers and backpacks
Es stellt sich heraus, dass Rucksäcke und Druckkochtöpfe recherchieren im Internet keine gute Idee ist.
Berlusconi tax-fraud conviction upheld
Three years of the sentence are not effective because of a 2006 amnesty. It is the first time Berlusconi has received a definitive conviction after many criminal cases.
Syria‘s Assad anticipates rebel defeat in defiant speech
„If we were not sure that we were going to win in Syria, we would not have the ability to resist and the ability to continue fighting for more than two years against the enemy“
ANU switches on supercomputer
Supported by partner agencies including the CSIRO, the Australian Bureau of Meteorology, Geoscience Australia, Intersect Australia and the Queensland Cyber Infrastructure Foundation, the NCI is a space for collaboration and a centre of supercomputing excellence that attracts scientists from around the world and the best and brightest in Australia
In Mali war das KSK nur bei Flintlock-Übungen aktiv
Die Schriftliche Frage einer Abgeordneten, warum die Bundesregierung zu wesentlichen Details der deutschen Beteiligung an der US-Übungsreihe „Flintlock“ in Mali durch das Kommando Spezialkräfte (KSK) nur unzureichende Angaben machen kann, beantwortet der Parlamentarische Staatssekretär Christian Schmidt im Juli 2013 wie folgt: „Die Erhebung der exakten Anzahl und Truppenzugehörigkeit der afrikanischen Übungsteilnehmer war nicht Bestandteil der Übungsauswertung. Daher liegen diese Informationen nicht vor.“
NSA-Skandal: Wie der DE-CIX abgehört wird
Die NSA gelangt offenbar über Level 3 an die Daten am deutschen Internetknoten DE-CIX. Das hat der Betreiber indirekt bestätig
In letzter Zeit hört man gehäuft die Ansage, hey, das mit der Massenüberwachung, das geht ja gar nicht, so viele Leute haben die doch gar nicht, dass sie die ganzen Mails lesen könnten.
Ich lese das in dem selben Kontext wie „Dafür gibt es keine Rechtsgrundlage“ beim Bundestrojaner. Damit meinten die ja nicht „das geht halt nicht“ sondern „wir brauchen dringend eine Rechtsgrundlage, lasst uns schnell ein Gesetz machen“.
NSA-Überwachung: Sieben Fragen an die Bundesregierung
Der BND nutzt seit 2007 XKeyscore, ein System zur umfassenden Auswertung des gesamten Internettraffics. Der BND untersteht dem Bundeskanzleramt und muss die Aufsicht informieren.
Hat der Geheimdienst dem Kanzleramt verschwiegen, dass die NSA eine solche Software nutzt?
Hat das Bundeskanzleramt das parlamentarische Kontrollgremium informiert?
Wenn nicht: warum nicht?
Trade Agreements With Mexico And South Korea Turned Out To Be Disasters For US: So Why Pursue TPP And TAFTA/TTIP?
Two massive trade agreements currently being negotiated — TPP and TAFTA/TTIP — could potentially affect most people on this planet, either directly or indirectly through the knock-on effects. Like all such agreements, they have been justified on the grounds that everyone wins: trade is boosted, prices drop, profits rise and jobs are created. That‘s why it‘s been hard to argue against TPP or TAFTA — after all, who doesn‘t want all those things?
Canada-U.S. Border: American Police Want Legal Exemptions, RCMP Says
The debate over whose laws would apply to U.S. officers working in Canada raises important questions of sovereignty and police accountability, says the briefing note prepared for RCMP Commissioner Bob Paulson.
Leistungsschutzrecht: Springers Druckmittel gegenüber kleinen Digitalen tritt in Kraft
Die eigentliche Stoßrichtung des Leistungsschutzrechtes für Presseverleger dagegen war von Anfang an klar: Es soll kleine, innovative Internetdienstleister und Aggregatoren in Schach halten. Für sie stellt das Leistungsschutzrecht ein kaum zu kalkulierendes Risiko dar.
US deploying jets around Asia to keep China surrounded
The United States Air Force will dramatically expand its military presence across the Pacific this year, sending jets to Thailand, India, Singapore and Australia, according to the service‘s top general in the region.
Fail im EU-Parlament: Abstimmung über die Vorratsdatenspeicherung von Reisedaten vertagt
(10.06.) In einer geheimen Sitzung der Konferenz der Präsidenten, dem Treffen der Fraktionsvorsitzenden, wurde die Rücküberweisung an den Ausschuss bereits im Vorfeld faktisch durchgesetzt. (…)
Damit ist offensichtlich, was hinter diesem politischen Spiel steckt: Es soll solange abgestimmt werden, bis das Ergebnis passt
EU-US counter-terrorism pacts at risk over snooping affair
(05.07.) Both the EU-US passenger name record (PNR) and the terrorist financial tracking programme (TFTP) agreements are currently up for annual review.
Syrien: EU lockert Öl-Embargo für Rebellengebiete
Syrische Opposition rechnet mit EU-Waffenlieferungen nach Aufhebung von Embargo
(29.05.) Die Nationale Koalition der syrischen Oppositions- und Revolutionskräfte hat sich bei der Europäischen Union für die Aufhebung des Embargos über die Waffenlieferungen bedankt und die Hoffnung auf die baldigste Umsetzung der Entscheidung zum Ausdruck gebracht.
Terrorism: 9 EU countries want to share passenger data
During the June 7 Internal Affairs Council session in Luxembourg, a meeting was held on the initiative of the French and Belgian interior ministers to share information and actions to counter the trend of “foreign fighters“. The letter was signed by ministers from Germany, Belgium, France, Luxembourg, the Netherlands, Poland, the United Kingdom, and Sweden.
EU lawmakers urged to back data list to track fighters to Syria
Nine European Union nations urged the European Parliament on Thursday to set aside privacy concerns and back plans for an EU-wide passenger data list aimed at thwarting suspected militants travelling from Europe to fight in Syria.
NSA ‚Leaks‘ Own Documents Before Senate Committee Grilling; Inadvertently Reveals Its Previous Lies To Congress
Third: the released documents reinforce the NSA‘s expansive definition of the word „relevant.“ In its dictionary, „relevant“ means pretty much anything it can collect, store and „interrogate“ at its convenience. This is certainly not limited to metadata.
Japans Finanzminister lobt NSDAP: Von den Nazis lernen
„Ich will nicht, dass das (die Änderung der Verfassung) inmitten eines Aufschreis passiert“, sagte Aso demnach. „Es leise zu machen, so wie einst die Weimarer Verfassung zur Nazi-Verfassung geändert wurde, ohne dass es jemand gemerkt hat; warum lernen wir nicht aus dieser Art von Taktik?“
#StoppESM Karlsruhe 08.09.12, Rede Daniel Neun, Radio Utopie
Karlsruhe 08.09.12
Hmm. Also von WELCHEM Berlin zu lernen, heisst nun Siegen lernen…?
Vize-Premier Aso lobt Hitler-Taktik
„Die deutsche Weimarer Verfassung wurde unbemerkt, ohne dass es jemandem auffiel, durch die Verfassung der Nazis ersetzt. Warum lernen wir nicht von dieser Taktik?“.
Japan Minister’s ‘Weimar Constitution’ Comment Draws Fire
“Germany’s Weimar Constitution was changed before anyone noticed. It was changed before anyone was aware. Why don’t we learn from that technique,” Japanese media quoted Mr. Aso as saying. The comments were confirmed by his office.
Rishi Goyal
Rishi Goyal is Deputy Chief of the Advanced Economies Unit in the IMF‘s European Department.
Transcript of a Conference Call on Greece
QUESTIONER: Yes. Thank you very much. You mean that the debt is sustainable—correct?
MR. GOYAL: Well, yes.
QUESTIONER: Very good.
Greece May Face Gap of 11 Billion Euros, I.M.F. Says
The International Monetary Fund warned in a report that a persistent recession and the government’s failure to accelerate overhauls may create an 11 billion-euro hole in Greece’s finances over the next two years. (…)
That set off alarm bells in some corners of the I.M.F.
Greece: Fourth Review Under the Extended Arrangement Under the Extended Fund Facility, and Request for Waivers of Applicability and Modification of Performance Criterion
(31.07.) The continued commitment of euro area member states to support Greece,
including by providing additional official financing to fill future financing gaps and through further
debt relief as necessary, is an essential part of meeting the criteria. (..)
The commitment of
Greece’s European partners to provide debt relief as needed to keep debt on the programmed path
remains, therefore, a critical part of the program. But the programmed path entails still very high
debt well into the next decade, leaving Greece accident prone for an extended period. Should debt
sustainability concerns prove to be weighing on investor sentiments even with the framework for
debt relief now in place, European partners should consider providing relief that would entail a
faster reduction in debt than currently programmed. (..)
Financing. The financing relief measures committed by the Eurogroup in December have broadly taken hold: the interest margin on GLF loans was cut from 100 bps to 50 bps, the administrative fee on EFSF loans was eliminated, the interest on EFSF loans has been deferred, and income on SMP profits is expected to be transferred in July. However, the Eurogroup agreed to provide further financing of almost €4 billion through 2014 and €5.6 billion through 2016. (..)
Howlin‘ Wolf – How Many More Years
Pentagon: We‘re not crying wolf over budget cuts
He said that if Congress doesn‘t act to avoid the cuts, the Pentagon may be forced to mothball up to three Navy aircraft carriers and order additional sharp reductions in the size of the Army and Marine Corps — shortfalls the military hasn‘t seen since World War II.
Pentagon Review Reveals Best, Worst Case, Hagel Says
“If sequester-level cuts persist, DOD would experience nearly $1
trillion in defense spending reductions over the next 10 years,” Hagel said. (..)
The secretary said senior leaders and staff members from his office, the Joint Staff, the services, the combatant commands and defense field activities all participated in the review, and all options were examined with four priorities in mind:
— Prioritizing DOD’s missions and capabilities around its core responsibility of defending the nation;
— Maximizing the military’s combat power by looking to reduce every other category of spending first;
— Preserving and strengthening military readiness; and,
— Honoring the service and sacrifice of DOD’s people. (..)
New efficiencies pointed up during the review, he said, “should be pursued regardless of fiscal circumstances.” These include:
— Reducing intelligence analysis and production at combatant command intelligence and operations centers, which also will foster closer integration and reduce duplication across the defense enterprise.
War die deutsche Gladio ein Baphomet? Teil IV
Der Schlüssel zur Aufklärung des Oktoberfestanschlages dürfte der Fall Heinz Lembke sein. Nur die Spuren seines Falles müssen richtig gelesen und gewertet werden. Der Schlüssel zum Verständnis der damaligen Vorgänge ist der faschistische Terror in Italien, welcher im Gegensatz zu dem in Deutschland – auch bezüglich seiner Strukturen – (teilweise) aufgehellt wurde.
DNI Clapper Declassifies and Releases Telephone Metadata Collection Documents
In the interest of increased transparency, the Director of National Intelligence has authorized the declassification and public release of the attached documents pertaining to the collection of telephone metadata pursuant to Section 215 of the PATRIOT Act. DNI Clapper has determined that the release of these documents is in the public interest.
Documents show NSA violated court orders on collection of phone records
Several senior members of the Senate Intelligence Committee, when approached about the breaches, said they were aware of them but declined to answer questions about their nature.
“I don’t know why you need to ask me,” said the panel’s chairwoman, Sen. Dianne Feinstein, D-Calif.
With 3 ‚hops,‘ NSA gets millions of phone records
Sensing a looming shift in the privacy-versus-security cultural calculus, the White House responded: It has ordered the director of national intelligence to recommend changes that could be made to the phone-surveillance program, and President Barack Obama invited a bipartisan group of lawmakers to the White House on Thursday to discuss their concerns about the National Security Agency‘s surveillance programs.
NSA acknowledges its ‘3 hops’ get millions of Americans’ phone records, not just terrorists
President Barack Obama’s national security team acknowledged for the first time Wednesday that, when investigating one suspected terrorist, it can read and store the phone records of millions of Americans.
Ägypten-Reise: Westerwelle mahnt Kairos Machthaber zu Mäßigung
„Wir wollen, dass auf Gewalt verzichtet wird und dass ein demokratischer Neuanfang mit Wahlen in Ägypten möglich wird, bei dem alle politischen Kräfte mitwirken können“, sagte Westerwelle bei seinem Besuch in Kairo.