Daily Archives: 14. Juli 2013

14.07.2013 - 17:24 [ Hohe Vertreterin der EU für Außen- und Sicherheitspolitik Catherine Ashton ]

Declaration by the High Representative Catherine Ashton, on behalf of the European Union, on the situation in Egypt

The EU is following the recent developments in Egypt with deep concern. The military must accept and respect the constitutional authority of the civilian power as a basic principle of democratic governance. It is of utmost importance that Egypt returns rapidly to a legitimate government and democratic structures responding to the democratic and socio-economic aspirations of the Egyptian people. The EU stresses in particular the importance of holding democratic
elections in the shortest possible time.

14.07.2013 - 17:16 [ Muslimbruderschaft ]

Muslim Brotherhood – Coup Commander Negotiation News Utter Lies, Baseless Rumors

The news circulated by a certain website claiming ongoing negotiations between Muslim Brotherhood leaders and military coup commanders is completely contrived, baseless rumors.

Our position is clear. We reject the coup and demand democratic legitimacy. This is not a private Brotherhood issue. It is the issue of the Egyptian people protecting their free choices. Any potential negotiations will be up to the National Alliance in Support of Electoral Legitimacy and the masses of the Egyptian people who reject the coup.

14.07.2013 - 17:15 [ Muslimbruderschaft ]

Muslim Brotherhood: Will Not Accept Political Role for Army Now, Nor in Future

„We turned out to liberty squares in order to restore democratic legitimacy. We do not accept the military coup. The army has no right, now – nor in the future, to any political role.“
Haddad further added, „We protect democratic legitimacy of the state, for Egyptian citizens. We call demonstrations on Monday in all Cairo squares and in all other governorates, in peaceful protest against the military coup. Tahrir Square is not part of our protest plan“.

14.07.2013 - 14:53 [ Trend ]

Kazakhstan to ban charter flights made by foreign companies

„The permissions will be given to foreign carriers to carry out charter flights in the territory of Kazakhstan up to July 21,“ Chairman of the Civil Aviation Committee under the ministry Beken Seidakhmetov said. „Nevertheless, they will be able to continue their activity by transferring current flights to the regular format. It is necessary to make amendments to the intergovernmental agreement, through which air communication is made between two countries.“

14.07.2013 - 14:31 [ The Daily Galaxy ]

Image of the Day: The Largest Galactic Mashup in the Universe

In a galactic replay of merging of the Earth‘s tectonic plates into a massive supercontinent known as Pangea 250 million years ago, the Spitzer Space Telescope caught images of four massive galaxies slamming into each other and kicking up billions of stars like grains of sand! As the largest galactic pileup in the known universe, it will produce a huge offspring.

14.07.2013 - 12:45 [ Counterpunch ]

The Struggle for Egypt

Ever since Muhammad Mursi was elected president of Egypt in democratic elections marred by his Mubarakist opponent Ahmad Shafiq’s electoral corruption and bribes, a coalition of Egyptian liberals, Nasserists, leftists — including socialists and communists of varying stripes –and even Salafist and repentant Muslim Brotherhood (MB) members began to form slowly but steadily, establishing an alliance with Mubarak’s ruling bourgeoisie and holdover politicians from his regime to oust him from power, fearing that he and his party were preparing a “Nazi-like” takeover of the country and destroying its fledgling democracy.

14.07.2013 - 10:22 [ Russia Today ]

Obama, Putin exchange letters amid troubled US-Russia relations

(23. Mai) “Ideas covering some of the directions have new elements, which our country will study carefully and respond to accordingly,” Russian presidential aide Yury Ushakov said, referring to the letter’s contents.

A day later, Russian presidential aide Yury Ushakov outlined key elements of Putin’s letter. According to Ushakov, Putin’s reply covered most of the burning issues in Russia-US bilateral relations, including missile defense, the civil war in Syria, Iran’s nuclear program, North Korea, and other topics.

14.07.2013 - 09:49 [ New York Times ]

Nations Buying as Hackers Sell Computer Flaws

Ten years ago, hackers would hand knowledge of such flaws to Microsoft and Google free, in exchange for a T-shirt or perhaps for an honorable mention on a company’s Web site. Even today, so-called patriotic hackers in China regularly hand over the information to the government.

Now, the market for information about computer vulnerabilities has turned into a gold rush.

14.07.2013 - 08:02 [ Radio Utopie ]

Bundesbeauftragter für Stasi-Unterlagen Roland Jahn sollte Bundespräsident werden

Zum heutigen 60. Geburtstag gratuliert die unabhängige Medienstation Radio Utopie Roland Jahn besonders herzlich und wünscht für die Zukunft alles Gute. Wir bewundern und bedanken uns für die Geradlinigkeit, für den unbestechlichen Einsatz für die Bürgerrechte – in der D.D.R. und gerade auch jetzt, wo diese Stück für Stück durch die Regierung und das Berliner Parlament in immer schnelleren Ausmass untergraben werden.

14.07.2013 - 07:58 [ Heise ]

Nazis bei der Stasi und rechtsterroristische Doppelagenten

Bis 1989 waren 14 Mitglieder des ZK der SED frühere NSDAP-Mitglieder. (..)
Die gemeinsame Basis zwischen Rechtsradikalen und Stasi war der Anti-Amerikanismus und Anti-Imperialismus beider Seiten und die Parteinahme für die Palästinenser und gegen Israel im Nahost-Konflikt. Die Welt vom 19.2.82 weiß aus BKA-Quellen sogar, dass „Ostdienste Nazi-Gruppen gründen“.

14.07.2013 - 07:47 [ Guardian ]

How selfies became a global phenomenon

Reality TV star Kim Kardashian overshares to the extent that, in March, she posted a picture of her own face covered in blood after undergoing a so-called „vampire facial“. In the same month, the selfie-obsessed model and actress Kelly Brook banned herself from posting any more of them (her willpower lasted two hours).

14.07.2013 - 07:44 [ Wikipedia ]

Trayvon Martin

George Zimmerman, Mitglied einer Nachbarschaftswache in einer Gated Community von Sanford, sah Trayvon Martin, als dieser auf dem Weg von einer Tankstelle, wo er sich eine Packung Skittles und eine Dose Eistee gekauft hatte, zum Haus der Freundin seines Vaters war. Zimmerman rief die Polizei an und berichtete über verdächtiges Verhalten des Jugendlichen: This guy looks like he is up to no good. He is on drugs or something. („Dieser Junge führt nichts Gutes im Schilde. Er ist auf Drogen oder so etwas.“) Die Polizei wies ihn daraufhin an, zunächst nichts weiter zu unternehmen. Kurz darauf gab Zimmerman der Polizei durch, dass der Verdächtige zu laufen angefangen habe, und er ihn verfolge. Die Polizei wies ihn darauf hin, dass er dies nicht tun müsse: We don’t need you to do that („Das ist nicht notwendig“), worauf dieser mit „OK“ antwortete. In einem Telefonat mit seiner Freundin beklagte sich Trayvon Martin darüber, dass ihn ein ihm unbekannter Mann verfolge, wenig später erschoss Zimmerman den unbewaffneten Jugendlichen. (…)

Das Video der Überwachungskamera auf der Polizeistation, das kurz nach der Tat aufgenommen wurde, wurde am 28. März 2012 der Öffentlichkeit zugänglich gemacht. Es zeigt keine Verletzungen und keine Blutspuren an Zimmermans Nase, Hinterkopf oder Kleidung.

14.07.2013 - 07:42 [ New York Times ]

Zimmerman Is Acquitted in Killing of Trayvon Martin

Mr. Zimmerman said he shot Mr. Martin on Feb. 26, 2012, in self-defense after the teenager knocked him to the ground, punched him and slammed his head repeatedly against the sidewalk. In finding him not guilty of murder or manslaughter, the jury agreed that Mr. Zimmerman could have been justified in shooting Mr. Martin because he feared great bodily harm or death.

14.07.2013 - 06:01 [ Resonance104.4FM ]

The art of listening

Mission Statement
Imagine a radio station like no other. A radio station that makes public those artworks that have no place in traditional broadcasting. A radio station that is an archive of the new, the undiscovered, the forgotten, the impossible.

14.07.2013 - 04:38 [ Political Blind Spot ]

Bizarre MSNBC “Open Letter” to Edward Snowden: Turn Yourself In, Obama Will Treat You Well in Prison

This is perhaps the most pathetic example of White House puppetry in the media to date. You’ve got to see it to believe it.

14.07.2013 - 00:41 [ Press TV ]

Iran against war, bloodshed among Muslims: Rohani

“We are against war and bloodshed among Muslims in any place in the world, [be it] in the holy month of Ramadan or any other month,” Rohani told Tunisian President Moncef Marzouki over the phone on Saturday.