The plane was a Boeing 777 operated by Asiana Airlines flying in from Seoul, South Korea. People are reportedly trapped inside the aircraft according to a police scanner after the „whole tale came off.“
Daily Archives: 6. Juli 2013
71 Prozent der U.S.-Amerikaner meinen: Unterzeichner der Unabhängigkeitserklärung wären heute enttäuscht
Dieser zweite Teil wurde vom 20. bis 24.Juni erhoben, inmitten der Aufdeckung des N.S.A.-Abhörskandals und der Snowden-Affäre, nachdem Anfang Juni durch den ersten Artikel von Glenn Greenwald im Guardian das Thema bis heute nicht mehr aus den Schlagzeilen der Medien weicht.
Eric Margolis – Apropos Demokratie im Mitteren Osten
Weit entfernt von einer spontanen Erhebung der Ägypter – auch bekannt als „Volksrevolution“ – war das, was wirklich passierte, ein Putsch, orchestriert von Ägyptens „Regierung im Hintergrund“ und Mächten von aussen – die letzte Phase der Konterrevolution gegen den so genannten Arabischen Frühling.
Controversial EU Data Protection Regulation May Be Negotiated In Secret In Breach Of Parliamentary Process
In other words, nobody really knows what will happen here. Call it the Snowden Effect: anything relating even indirectly to his case seems to become more complex and unpredictable….
Pazifistische Verfassung ade: Japan will Angriffsraketen
„Wenn die Japaner kein Geld für die Umsetzung einer Idee haben oder wenn die Amerikaner etwas tun, was Tokio missfällt, dann verweisen die Japaner auf ihre Verfassung, die ihnen dieses und jenes verbietet. Wenn aber gewisse Schritte nötig sind, dann wird die Verfassung umgangen“, äußerte Pawljatenko.
Internet sites join July 4 protest against surveillance
The online protest was launched by the Internet Defense League, a network of more than 30,000 websites and internet users whose goal is to protest attempts to curtail the freedom of the Web.
Wall Street Journal says Egypt needs a Pinochet
On Friday, the Wall Street Journal published an editorial entitled “After the Coup in Cairo”. Its final paragraph contained these words:
Egyptians would be lucky if their new ruling generals turn out to be in the mold of Chile’s Augusto Pinochet, who took over power amid chaos but hired free-market reformers and midwifed a transition to democracy.
Anyone seen Snowden? Moscow transit fliers hope for a glimpse
„The wireless Internet is appalling, the prices are awful, and people never smile. So I commend him for making it 24 hours, let alone two weeks. I might rather face trial,“ Parry said, sitting with his family at a Burger King outlet in Terminal E.
Obama and Cameron could act on Guantánamo if they really wanted to
Our PM is not as powerless about Guantánamo‘s future as he claims. He could start by insisting on Shaker Aamer‘s release
Wenn Sparen tötet
Was ist der Unterschied zwischen dem IWF und einem Vampir? Der Vampir hört auf, einem das Blut auszusaugen, wenn man tot ist. Kein subtiler Witz? Gudjun Magnusson stand der Sinn auch nicht nach subtilem Humor, als er ihn 2009 beim Europäischen Gesundheitsforum in Bad Gastein zum Besten gab.
Brazil, Egypt, Turkey unrest a wake up call – World Bank
„You‘ve got to get serious about investments in human capital: health, education, social protection. These are really critical,“ he said
Egypt’s today is the Turkey of yesterday… hopefully
Many of my Arab friends and those interested in Middle East politics will remember Necmettin Erbakan, the first Islamist prime minister in the secular Turkey. In 28th February 1997, a coalition government led by a conservative party leader, Erbakan, was overthrown by the military. Today, we can cite many reasons leading to this intervention, but the real reason was purely his IMAGE.
Ägypten: Ex-Präsident Mursi und Muslimbrüder wegen Hochverrats verklagt
Die Islamisten hätten die Hamas, die palästinensische Bruderorganisation der Muslimbrüder, mit Waffen versorgt und Hamas-Milizen zur ägyptischen Staatsbürgerschaft verholfen, so Hamza.
Turkish immune-to-coups investors to stay in Egypt
‚We, as Turkish people, are immune to coups as we experienced many, and we will stay in Egypt,‘ the head of the Turkish-Egyptian Business Council says
Leiberman: Situation in Egypt ‚not over yet‘
Regarding the possibility that such a scenario would take place in Turkey he said: „The massive protests have already begun there, that is a fact. The Turkish media has already starting making the comparison between what is happening in Egypt and that which is happening in Turkey.“
Wall Street Journal says Egypt needs a Pinochet – can it get away with that?
The Chilean dictator presided over the torture and murder of thousands, yet still the free-market right revers his name
Nigeria to Sign Off on $3 Billion in Chinese Loans
U.S. President Barack Obama launched a $7 billion initiative on Sunday to help Africa with electricity shortages but this is dwarfed by the $20 million in loans China has promised the continent. Obama did not visit Nigeria.
Nigeria: As U.S. Gradually Closes Door, Nigeria Turns to China to Boost Economy
According to Mr. Abati, the delegation would, during the visit, hold high level talks with Chinese leaders and captains of industry on the prospects of increasing China‘s direct investment in the Nigerian economy.
Nigerian president to visit China next week
Jonathan will during the state visit, which will run from July 9 to 12, meet President Xi Jinping, premier Li Keqiang, some Chinese leaders and businessmen, a statement from his Abuja office said.
Dozens of students killed in Nigeria attack
He complained there was no protection for students despite the deployment of thousands of troops since the government declared a state of emergency mid-May in three northeastern states.
Muslim Brotherhood: Will Continue Protests Until President Morsi Reinstated
Muslim Brotherhood Chairman Badie urges Egypt’s army to stay away from politics, vowing to continue sit-in and peaceful demonstration activities until power is restored to the elected President Morsi.
Kriegs- und Spionage-Gewinnler hüpfen Ägypten-Krise auf den Schoß
Das durch den sterbenden Krieg “gegen den Terror” von Arbeitslosigkeit bedrohte “SITE Institute” von Rita Katz, neben “IntelCenter” von Ben Venzke (ex-Funktionär beim idefense Konzern) eine der berüchtigsten Rammschläden für Videos des terroristischen Allerlei (und bereits 2006 vor deren Erscheinen auf irgendwelchen “islamistischen Webseiten” über diese informiert), hat gestern ein neues Produkt auf den Markt geworfen: die “Ansar al-Scharia”.
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No Ships For Northern Aegean Islands This Summer
The Northeastern Aegean islands have received a crucial economic and social blow with the beginning of the summer, as the last 20 days Lesvos has been totally cut off from ship routing with Southern Greece (Lemnos-Kavala-Thessaloniki) as well as with the islands Samos and Ikaria, while Lemnos has no connection with Piraeus.
Britain blocks talks on security, intelligence
Britain blocked the working group plan in Brussels yesterday after concerns that it would lead to a loss of sovereignty over intelligence operations.
The row means talks between the EU and US over security and intelligence operations will not take place in Washington on Monday, as announced by Angela Merkel, the German chancellor.
„Total überwacht zu sein, verändert das Verhalten von Grund auf.“ Joah, aber nicht den Grund. ^^
Justizministerin Leutheusser-Schnarrenberger: „Vertrauen in digitale Kommunikation ist beeinträchtigt“
„Was sich mir als Bild eingeprägt hat, das war Orwells Beschreibung dieser Räume voller Kameras, in denen alles aufgenommen wurde. Jedes Zucken, jede Bewegung der Augenlider wurde erfasst. Es gab nur einen Winkel, in dem man nicht komplett im Licht von Kameras war. Total überwacht zu sein, verändert das Verhalten von Grund auf.“
Snowden Affair: Spain had tip-off that whistleblower was on Bolivian leader’s plane
Speaking on Spanish television on Friday morning, Margallo declined to say who tipped off the Spanish authorities, saying that it was “classified information.”
“They told us he was inside [the plane],” Margallo said in an interview with state broadcaster TVE.
ARD Monitor: Grenzenlose Überwachung durch NSA – Was wusste die Bundesregierung?
(04.07.) Das ARD-Nachrichtenmagazin Monitor hat heute über “Grenzenlose Überwachung durch NSA – Was wusste die Bundesregierung?” berichtet.
Sleepless in Hollywood: Tales from the New Abnormal in the Movie Business by Lynda Obst – review
In the rugged way of a veteran, she wants to say Hollywood is a great place, and that its community is one big family of entertainers. That has always been a Hollywood fallacy. Louis B Mayer spoke of the family as he enforced the blacklist, because some family members had a brain and a conscience.
NSA-Überwachung: Venezuela und Nicaragua bieten Snowden Asyl
Zwei Staaten in Lateinamerika haben dem US-Geheimdienstexperten jetzt Asyl angeboten. Venezuelas Staatschef Nicolás Maduro und Nicaraguas Präsident Daniel Ortega stellten dem Enthüller am Freitag zeitgleich ihre Länder als Unterschlupf zur Verfügung.
Und dann. Täterä. Erklärung vom EinsFüKdoBw in Potsdam: „DAS CHRISTENTUM GEHÖRT NICHT ZU DEUTSCHLAND!“
..weil daran einfach zu viele Christdemokraten beteiligt waren. Aber alles natürlich nur, um das Land vor den Religiösen zu retten.
Man stelle sich mal vor, die Bundeswehr würde die „Christlich-Demokratische“ Kanzlerin gefangen nehmen u. das Grundgesetz außer Kraft setzen
Afrikanische Union schließt Ägypten vorerst aus
In der Mitteilung der AU hieß es, die Absetzung Mursis verletze die Verfassung des Landes. Die Mitgliedschaft des bevölkerungsreichsten arabischen Staates werde erst dann reaktiviert, wenn die verfassungsmäßige Ordnung wiederhergestellt sei.
Putsch in Ägypten: Westerwelle hat ein Problem
Westerwelle war damals als Pendeldiplomat zwischen Israel, der palästinensischen Autonomiebehörde und Ägypten unterwegs – seitdem weiß der FDP-Politiker aus persönlicher Erfahrung die herausragende Rolle Mursis beim Zustandekommen der Waffenruhe zu schätzen. Klar ist: Ohne Mursi wäre es nicht dazu gekommen.
Statement from Pro-Democracy Masses of Egyptian People in All Liberty Squares Across Egypt
The masses of the Egyptian people in all liberty squares of Egypt demand the following:
1 – Reinstatement of the legitimate elected President in accordance to the Constitution and the law.
2 – Cancelation of all unconstitutional coup-related decisions, decrees and actions announced by the military council with which it usurped power.
3 – Reinstatement of the Constitution approved by the people, and starting a dialogue for consensus on amendments thereof.
4 – Holding accountable all officials responsible for oppressive tactics used, including the killing of demonstrators, the arrest of political leaders and the closure of satellite TV channels.
Update: Security forces shoot three dead in front of Republican Guard headquarters
(05.07., 16.24 Uhr Ortszeit) Dozens were injured in the chest and the face during confrontations with the armed forces, as ambulances were nowhere to be seen.
The number of protesters at Rabaa al-Adaweya has increased significantly.
Millions of Egyptians Rise Up Against Coup; Republican Guard Massacre Peaceful Protesters
Signaling the return to the era of persecution and state-sponsored massacres Friday, the Republican Guard opened fire at thousands of peaceful pro-democracy demonstrators demanding the return of President Morsi.
Egypt Crisis Finds Washington Largely Ambivalent and Aloof
While the violence distressed American leaders, the unspoken truth is that many of them are at least conflicted and in some cases not all that unhappy about the ouster of President Mohamed Morsi.
Egypt left leader backs military role, sees short transition
„We have agreed on a roadmap that has a new constitution that will be drafted by a committee …“
Egypt Brotherhood deputy leader Shater arrested
Mursi was propelled into the presidential campaign last year when Shater was disqualified on the grounds of a past criminal conviction.
Egypt protests and demonstrations continue for third day – in pictures
Morsi‘s supporters carry a man shot near the Republican Guard building in Cairo
VIDEO: Pro and anti Morsi protesters clash in Tahrir
Clashes ensued for several hours until the army and the police intervened.
Egypt gripped by deadly clashes
The death of three Morsi supporters – reportedly killed by gunfire as they tried to march towards the military barracks where Morsi is believed to be held – triggered the ongoing mayhem.
Morsi supporters blamed the military for the incident, a claim rejected by the army.
Egypt army denies curfew in two North Sinai towns
„Nothing has been issued,“ an army spokesman told Reuters when asked about the report on state television that a curfew had been imposed in the towns of Sheikh Zuweid and Rafah.
Egypt authorities impose curfew in two North Sinai towns: state TV
Egyptian authorities have imposed a curfew in two North Sinai towns on the border with Israel and the Gaza Strip, state television reported on Friday.
Egypt: on the brink of disaster
It is, to say the least, ironic that the African Union called the coup for what it was and, notably, the European Union did not
Portugal coalition partners reach deal on internal crisis: government
The spokesman did not provide any details on the deal, but said the two parties will hold a meeting on Saturday to be followed by a statement.
Accord with Air: Tjentiste. from Kusum Normoyle
This is the Spomenik at Tjentiste, commemorating the battle of Sutjeska (1943, WWII) in Bosnia-Herzegovina. Representing fists from the ground and the wings of freedom, this Spomenik is the work of land artist and sculptor Miodrag Zivkovic constructed in 1972.
Kusum Normoyle / Liberez / Krube │ Saturday July 6 2013 22:00 h
Missile-killer misses the mark in test at Vandenberg Air Force Base
The Missile Defense Agency says a ground-based interceptor missile was launched Friday. Its target: a missile launched 4,000 miles away from the Kwajalein Atoll in the Pacific Ocean.
Ambassador Michael Oren to resign post
In interviews, Oren has stressed improvements in the defense relationship between the two countries during the two leaders’ tenure while acknowledging differences in some areas, particularly regarding the intensity of pressure on Iran to make its nuclear program more transparent.
Ägyptens Interimspräsident verfügt Parlamentsauflösung
Das Oberste Verfassungsgericht Ägyptens hatte Anfang Juni das Gesetz über die Wahlen zum Konsultativrat als verfassungswidrig qualifiziert.
China and Russia send joint force of 19 warships to Sea of Japan in largest ever naval exercise
China and Russia have launched what Beijing described as its „largest ever joint naval exercise“ as an armada of military hardware descended on the Sea of Japan.