Rechtsanwalt Eisenberg gibt sich gar nicht erst die Mühe, seinen Unmut zu verhehlen. „Sie sind vielleicht ein Zeuge“, blafft er den Polizeibeamten an. „Haben Sie einen Knick in der Optik?“ Eisenberg fordert die Vereidigung des Zeugen, doch der Vorsitzende Richter Stein lehnt ab. „Sie werden noch von mir hören“, wendet sich Eisenberg an den Polizisten. „Vor Gericht muss man nämlich die Wahrheit sagen. Gerade als Bundespolizist hat man eine Vorbildfunktion.“
”Der Kern der kommunalen Selbstverwaltung ist die Daseinsvorsorge und -fürsorge für die Bürger. Die Kommune hat sich darum zu kümmern, das Bürger mit Wohnraum, Energie, Wasser oder auch einer vernünftigen Infrastruktur versorgt werden. Die Stadtverwaltung existiert nur, damit dieses Gemeinwesen zum Wohle der Bürger in einer Stadt funktioniert.” So äußert sich der Jenaer Rechtsanwalt für Sozialrecht in Jena Kai-Uwe Haase im Gespräch mit Jenapolis.
Wenn der Bürger zum Bittsteller bei der Verwaltung wird, läuft einfach was schief.
„Schulbücher machen Unternehmer schlecht“ und schreibt „Deutsche Schüler lernen nicht viel Gutes über die Marktwirtschaft. In ihren Schulbüchern werden nur die Exzesse des Systems und Fehlentscheidungen von Managern gelehrt.“
Ugandan police fired tear gas at journalists in the capital Kampala on Tuesday who were protesting against a media crackdown after press reports sparked a rare public debate on who will succeed aging President Yoweri Museveni.
Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon and World Bank Group President Jim Yong Kim on Friday ended a three-day historic mission to the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC), Rwanda, and Uganda,pledging that both of their global organizations will work closely together to bring peace, security, and economic development for the Great Lakes region
Household banking names such as HSBC, BNP Paribas, Deutsche Bank and Rabobank have offered over €1 billion of financial assistance worth to Wilmar International, a Singapore-based agribusiness company, according to the research commissioned by Friends of the Earth (FoE).
An uneasy six-month peace in eastern Congo collapsed last week when clashes erupted between government troops and M23 rebels near the region‘s largest city Goma, days before a visit by Ban and World Bank president Jim Yong Kim.
Russia will deliver an advanced air defense system to the Syrian government despite Western opposition because it will help deter „hotheads“ who back foreign intervention, a senior Russian official said on Tuesday.
French Foreign Minister Laurent Fabius, speaking on a visit to Niger where suicide bombers attacked a French-run uranium mine last week, said there were signs that Libya‘s lawless south was becoming a safe haven for Islamist groups in the Sahara.
The Nigerian-flagged MT Matrix was boarded by gunmen in the early hours of Saturday about 40 nautical miles off the coast of oil-producing Bayelsa state,
Kenya‘s power grid failed on Tuesday, plunging east Africa‘s biggest economy into a nationwide power blackout, sole power distributor Kenya Power said.
Pressemitteilung des Bundesgerichtshofs vom 28.05.13
„Das Landgericht hat seine Entscheidung dabei auf mehrere Indiztatsachen gestützt. So sei das Risikomanagement der Fonds mehrfach interner oder externer Überprüfung unterzogen worden, wobei keiner der Prüfer auf eine Existenzbedrohung der IBG hingewiesen hätte. Ebenso habe das Bankkonsortium zweimal eine Kapitalerhöhung durchgeführt und sich ab 1998 intensiv bemüht, das Risikocontrolling der Fonds weiter zu verbessern. Aus diesen Umständen konnte das Landgericht ohne Rechtsverstoß den Schluss ziehen, dass die Angeklagten nicht vorsätzlich gehandelt haben, weil sie weder die Dimension der Vermögensgefährdung erkannt noch einen möglichen Schadenseintritt billigend in Kauf genommen haben“.
Music isn’t the only room LFD houses. Its official website is devised into three separate sections: Music. Art. Skate. In speaking exclusively with Collver, he diverged into what inspired him into branching out from what his imprint is most known for and working through different mediums.
The founders hatched the idea for Infragram after shooting images of the damage caused to Texan wetlands and coastlines by BP‘s Deepwater Horizon oil spill in July 2010. The principle relies on the fact that red light is absorbed by plants during photosynthesis but infrared is not – so healthy plant life should reflect a lot of near infrared light. But if pollution has caused a die back, that won‘t be the case.
Mitsubishi Electric‘s new smart meters will incorporate grid-sensing and communication technologies based on Echelon‘s OGSP and its Networked Energy Services (NES) software as well as Mitsubishi Electric‘s proprietary sensing and metering technologies.
Um dennoch einen Eindruck vom tatsächlichen Einsatz von moderner Chemie und Biotechnologie zu erlauben, wurden neben den E-Nummern beispielhaft auch eine Reihe von Substanzen in die Liste aufgenommen, die nur selten oder nie deklariert werden.
Für alle, die diese Gelegenheit verpasst haben, gibt es eine zweite Chance:
Arte, Donnerstag (30.05.) 23:30 Uhr: “Betongold. Wie die Finanzkrise in mein Wohnzimmer kam“
Was sich zunächst anlässt wie das Selbstporträt einer räumungsbedrohten Mieterin, entwickelt sich zu einer eindrucksvollen Dokumentation des Geschäftsmodells der Umwandlung in Eigentumswohnungen und der Strategien der Entmietung.
Opposition street protests began in March over the plan to proceed with the June 30 vote. Police have killed 12 protesters since Thursday and more than 50 overall in turmoil testing investor confidence in the world‘s largest bauxite exporter.
Als die Südkontinente auseinander drifteten, brach die tasmanische Landbrücke auseinander. Mit weit reichenden Folgen: Bis dahin war der Austausch von Wassermassen zwischen südwestlichem Pazifik und dem Indischem Ozean unterbunden gewesen. Jetzt hatten die Meeresströmungen, zumindest im obersten Ozeanstockwerk freie Bahn. Der antarktische Zirkumpolarstrom war geboren, der noch heute den sechsten Kontinent in einem breiten Strömungsband umschließt.
The nominal contraction of Italian gross domestic product (GDP) in Italy in the 2009-2013 period totalled more than 230 billion euros, according to comments made by Luigi Giampaolino, president of the Rome-based Audit Court on Tuesday.
Share prices across Europe are soaring to near record highs, after central bankers around the world confirmed they would continue to support the recovery.
Economy Minister Fabrizio Saccomanni said on Tuesday following meetings in Brussels with the European Commission that the excessive-deficit procedure against Italy could end as „early as tomorrow“.
Increasing piracy in the Gulf of Guinea region, which includes Africa‘s No. 1 oil producer Nigeria and is a significant source of cocoa and metals for world markets, is jacking up costs for shipping firms operating there.
(02.05.) Their detention raised the prospect of high-level divisions in the oil-producing nation that is an ally for the West against al Qaeda-linked militants in Africa‘s arid Sahel region.
Since France invaded Mali on January 11, Mali has been occupied by 4,500 French troops leading some 7,000 soldiers sent by the puppet governments of the neigbouring ECOWAS (Economic Community West African States) countries, as well as Chad.
The Chiefs of Defence Staff and Inspector Generals of Police of troop/police contributing countries to the ECOWAS Mission in Guinea Bissau (ECOMIB), are to meet in Bissau, on Monday, 27th May, 2013 for the official hoisting of the mission‘s flag.
(1. Januar 2011) Die Währungen der westafrikanischen Staaten sollen nach glänzendem Vorbild des Euro zum “Eco” verschmolzen werden. Der schon 1993 durch die Ecowas gefällte Beschluss – ein Jahr nach der Gründung der EU in Europa – wurde 2004 auf unbestimmte Zeit verschoben. Nigeria ist allerdings bereit Mitglied im Vorläufer der geplanten Eco-Zone Westafrika: der “Westafrikanischen Währungszone” (WAMZ).
Der Tschadsee ist ein abflussloser Binnensee in Westafrika. Er liegt am Südrand der Sahara im Tschadbecken und ist aufgeteilt unter den Staaten Tschad, Kamerun, Nigeria und Niger.
THE Senate has warned that the eventual drying up of the Lake Chad will displace over 30 million people in four countries sharing border, including Nigeria, Chad and Cameroon.
It also warned that such an occurence, if not prevented, would plunge the West African sub-region into unprecedented ecological and humanitarian crises, with far-reaching global consequences.
The lake is also envisaged to recede to less than 1, 000 square kilometres and be a colossal ecological disaster by 2025.With such frighteningly figures the recent Baga incident is actually well beyond a security challenge gone awry. It is rather a deeply socio-economic crisis situation finding an outlet as religious extremism affecting 30 million people across multiple borders of people from the same main ethnic stock all formerly integral of the Kanem-Borno empire which no multi-national joint security force no matter how well trained or equipped can contain but rather will continue to compound in a cyclic phenomenon of endless reprisals and counter reprisals.
The assault in the remote semi-deserts along the borders with Cameroon, Chad and Niger is Jonathan‘s biggest effort yet to end fighting in which thousands have died. Security sources say soldiers from Niger and Cameroon are also involved.
Why only Greece and not the rest of the world? I can’t really tell you. Neither can’t I tell you exactly, how this news started to circulate as there is no clear source reference. I think it was a Greek scientist who brought out the news.
Publishing today in the journal Science (see abstract), astronomers describe their study of volcanic glass inside moon rocks that were brought back to Earth by NASA’s Apollo 15 and 17 missions.
Roughly four decades after mysteriously disappearing, vials of Moon dust collected by Apollo 11 astronauts Neil Armstrong and Buzz Aldrin have been discovered at the Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory in California.
On behalf of Matterhorn Asset Management / GoldSwitzerland, independent financial journalist Lars Schall interviewed financial markets publisher Tekoa Da Silva about, inter alia, opportunities and risks in the precious metals field, the lack of enforcement of regulatory rules, what he interprets as “upside-down hyperinflation,” the commodities market in Brazil, and the unknown factors related to both China’s and Germany’s gold reserves.
Der Verlust des Fighters ist nicht nur ein materieller Schaden für das Pentagon und das Weisse Haus. Viel schwerer wiegt dieser herbe Rückschlag auf die innenpolitischen Debatten um die Anwesenheit der Amerikaner seit Beendigung des Zweiten Weltkriegs auf japanischem Boden und der neuen Asienstrategie mit ihrem uferlosen Expansionsansprüchen.
In reality the coup d’état already took place many, many years ago when the political parties, which are essentially private associations, occupied everything, namely the institutions, the government, the State Presidency, the Regional administrations, the municipalities, the municipal companies, the parastatals the RAI and to a certain extent even the newspapers, the spas, the conservatories and the theatres.
So, in a way they are the true leaders of the coup d’état although these days it is taking on more evident features because this political class that is being besieged by social problems, the 5-Star MoVement and abstention has become more united.
The latest grand projet of the French rational mind, the EU, is now coming apart at the seams. Rather like the 18th-century „enlightened despotisms“ inspired by the French philosophes, our contemporary bureaucratic autocracy now faces revolution. The peasants of Greece, Spain, Italy and elsewhere are revolting. Even the French peasants are displaying a worrying restlessness.
Ignazio Marino of the center-left Democratic Party (PD) led projections Tuesday after last ballot counts adjusted the numbers of Rome‘s mayoral elections.
Europe‘s grand plan for a gas pipeline from the Caspian Sea that would make its eastern states less reliant on Russia may have been fatally undermined by Russia‘s even bigger project.
The parties undertook to promote the development, financing and implementation of projects for the construction of gas pipelines, as well as domestic markets preparing to receive gas from Azerbaijan and the Caspian region.
Im Mai 1974 wurden acht Teilnehmer einer antifaschistischen Demonstration in Brescia durch einen Anschlag mit Handgranaten umgebracht. Am 4. August 1974 kamen im Bahnhof San Benedetto Sambro-Castiglione Pepoli bei einem Bombenanschlag auf den Italicus Express, den Nachtschnellzug Rom–München, 12 Menschen ums Leben, 48 wurden darüber hinaus verletzt.
Die Anschläge wurden von den ermittelnden Behörden stets fälschlicherweise linksextremen Terroristen (vor allem den Roten Brigaden) zugeordnet, erst in den 90er Jahren wurden die wahren Attentäter überführt und vor Gericht gestellt. Ausgehend von einem Prozess gegen Vinciguerra wegen der Peteano-Morde stellte sich in mehreren Gerichtsverfahren und parlamentarischen Untersuchungen heraus, dass die treibenden Kräfte hinter den Attentaten Teile der Geheimdienstorganisation Gladio sowie die Geheimloge Propaganda Due waren.
Gunmen killed three Lebanese soldiers at an army checkpoint in the eastern Bekaa Valley on Tuesday before fleeing towards the Syrian border, Lebanese officials said.
A former Irish Times editor, Conor Brady, has called on Dublin‘s government to negotiate a deal with Google to help Ireland‘s ailing newspaper industry.
28.05.2013 - 08:39 [ Außenministerium Österreich / Twitter ]
South Korea was forced to turn off two nuclear power reactors on Tuesday and delay the scheduled start of operation at another two, after its inspectors discovered that the reactors used components whose safety certificates had been fabricated.