New documents from the FBI and U.S. Attorneys’ offices paint a troubling picture of the government’s email surveillance practices. Not only does the FBI claim it can read emails and other electronic communications without a warrant—even after a federal appeals court ruled that doing so violates the Fourth Amendment—but the documents strongly suggest that different U.S. Attorneys’ offices around the country are applying conflicting standards to access communications content (you can see the documents here).
Daily Archives: 11. Mai 2013
Pentagon Wants ‘Human Surrogate’ for Directed Energy Weapons Testing
If the pain ray just affects the skin, as the military has said for years, why do the “Human Surrogate” systems need simulated organs?
The spokesperson mentioned in the piece below said that the surrogate will be, “A common test target that can be used across the spectrum of non-lethal stimuli.”
That’s fine, nothing to see here, obviously. But don’t be surprised if the pain ray has some other modes that .mil hasn’t mentioned yet.
NYPD Sergeant Says ‚Guilty Until Proven Innocent‘ Is Just The Price We Pay For A ‚Free Society‘
We‘ve been dealing with the New York police department lately, thanks to the mayor and the police chief using the recent Boston bombing as an excuse to increase surveillance efforts and enact other policies to further encroach on New Yorkers‘ civil liberties.
Tech leaders leave Zuckerberg PAC over Keystone XL ads
Two major technology firm leaders have left Facebook founder Mark Zuckerberg’s political action group in protest of the committee’s decision to fund advertisements supporting the controversial Keystone XL pipeline and drilling in the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge.
Eric Margolis – Eine willkommene Pause im wahnsinnigen Gezerre um Syrien
Moskau hat zwei Jahre lang eine derartige Konferenz verlangt, aber Washington wies dieses Ansinnen zurück in der Hoffnung, dass die syrischen Rebellen, die es unterstützte, die Oberhand gewinnen würden.
US-trained Congolese battalion among units accused of rape
In 2010, AFRICOM deployed special operations forces to Congo to train a battalion of troops that was to function as a rapid reaction force, capable of responding quickly to a crisis in the volatile nation that’s been referred to as the rape capital of the world. AFRICOM and U.S. contractors continued that training mission into 2011.
Brzezinski: Syria Intervention Will Only Make it Worse
Leaving aside the media, which barely knows how to respond to foreign conflicts except to rally U.S. intervention, there exists only a small minority in Washington that advocates taking further action in Syria. Namely, the McCain-Graham faction and the part of the Republican party that follows their lead. Establishment voices in Washington, like the Obama administration, the Defense Department, the Aaron David Miller‘s and Zbigniew Brzezinski’s, are largely against it.
Hagel: US strategy is to reinforce Israel, allies
Israel has overcome some of its wariness of the new Muslim brotherhood leadership in Egypt, especially in the wake of Egypt‘s role last year in ending the war with Hamas in the Gaza Strip, but a number of lawmakers in Congress remain skeptical of maintaining assistance to Egypt.
Hagel also maintained the Obama administration‘s caution regarding intervention in Syria to help bring about an end to its civil war.
Rafsanjani‘s last-minute entry transforms Iranian race
Former president Akbar Hashemi Rafsanjani threw himself into Iran‘s election race on Saturday as a flurry of heavyweight candidates rushed to beat the registration deadline in the most unpredictable contest for decades.
Elections 2013
I also urge all voters regardless of their politicial inclination to overcome all obstacles and ensure their vote is cast today.
Pakistan is witnessing a historic turnout today. We demand from ECP that voting time be extended to allow all voters to exercise their vote.
Die sinnvollste Überwachungskamera Kanadas
Ein Vogelpärchen hatte sich auf der Suche nach einem geeigneten Quartier passenderweise ausgerechnet als Nistkasten die Überwachungskamera vor dem städtischen Obdachlosenheim auserkoren.
US keen to help ‘unfreeze’ Cyprus conflict
Foreign Minister Ioannis Kasoulides, in Washington to meet his American counterpart, countered that the three issues- economic crisis, gas and the Cyprus problem- were separate issues that could, however, be developed in parallel.
Von Clara Zetkin bis Günter Netzer
Was schreiben die anderen? Regelmäßig gibt die marx21-Redaktion an dieser Stelle Hinweise auf lesenswerte Artikel aus anderen linken Publikationen
Nato-Geheimarmeen: Bundesregierung überprüft Einleitung eines Ermittlungsverfahrens
(09.05.) Klaeden sagte außerdem zur Existenz der deutschen Gladio-Einheiten: „Infolge der weltpolitischen Veränderungen hat der Bundesnachrichtendienst in Abstimmung mit seinen alliierten Partnern zum Ende des 3. Quartals 1991 die Stay-behind-Organisation vollständig aufgelöst.“
BND und Gladio in Oktoberfestattentat verwickelt?
(07.05.) Kramer, der immerhin unter Eid in Luxemburg ausgesagt hat, dass sein Vater, der Offizier der Bundeswehr, Mitarbeiter des Bundesnachrichtendienstes (BND) und dazu noch in in das Netzwerk der NATO-Geheimarmeen eingebunden war, für das Attentat auf das Münchner Oktoberfest verantwortlich sei, rückt nun auch in das Interesse größerer deutscher Medien.
Alles, was rechts ist
die Polizei sitzt in München nicht auf der Anklagebank; ebensowenig wie der Verfassungsschutz, der Militärische Abschirmdienst, die Landes- und Bundeskriminalämter, der Bundesnachrichtendienst. Sie alle haben ihre V-Leute ganz tief drin in dem Milieu, das den NSU gebar.
Schuldenkrise: Wer erpresst wen?
Aus diesem Grund können Banken fast alles machen was sie wollen, während der Steuerzahler emsig zahlen muss und der Staat dabei kuscht. Es bleibt ihm auch nichts anderes übrig. Ein Erklärungsversuch.
Greek gov’t to issue 86,000 ‘civil mobilization’ orders for teachers …before the strike
This has never happened before: that the state issues “civil mobilization orders” before the beginning of a strike.
The government apparently -and allegedly – invokes some state laws that allow the government to order civil mobilization in case of ‘extraordinary emergency situations’ like “earthquakes” and so on.
Internationales Syrien-Treffen vor Ende Mai kaum möglich – russischer Politiker
US-Präsident Barack Obama solle am Montag mit Kerry dieses Thema besprechen, so der Gesprächspartner der Agentur. Er bestätigte, dass bei dem Treffen von Putin und Cameron „mögliche vorbereitende konkrete Schritte auf dem Weg zur Einberufung eines Treffens erörtert wurden“. „Es wäre verfrüht, darüber zu sprechen, ob eine de
Russian official says Syria conference not possible in May
„By the end of May is impossible,“ the Russian official, who was at talks on Friday between President Vladimir Putin and British Prime Minister David Cameron, told reporters on condition of anonymity.
10 Judges, 135 Pages Of Ruling About Software Patents… And Zero Clarification
However, as Julie Samuels at the EFF notes, hopefully this will help make it clear to the Supreme Court that it finally needs to issue a clear ruling on software patents, after completely punting the last time it had a chance.
Bloomberg reporters accused of ‚spying‘ on Goldman Sachs trading terminals
The New York Post reported that journalists at Bloomberg had been caught using the financial news service‘s $20,000-a-year terminals to „spy“ on Goldman Sachs bankers.
The Guardian also understands that JP Morgan also has concerns about how Bloomberg used information from its terminals while pursuing stories about Bruno Iksil, the trader known as the London Whale, who was blamed for massive losses at the bank last year.
Vertrag über die Arbeitsweise der Europäischen Union (AEUV) nichtig und EU-Organe handlungsunfähig seit 01.05.2013 ? – Der Antrag ist gestellt !
(Presseerklärung der Beschwerdeführerin Sarah Luzia Hassel-Reusing zu 2 BvR 710/12 und 2 BvR 1445/12) zum Art. 136 Abs. 3
Am 02.05.2013 ist nun der Antrag der Bürger- und Menschenrechtlerin Sarah Luzia Hassel-Reusing auf Feststellung der Nichtigkeit des AEUV beim Bundesverfassungsgericht eingegangen, denn genau diese Verpflichtung auf eine Strenge wie in der „Praxis“ des IWF verstößt unheilbar gegen zwingendes Völkerrecht („ius cogens“) und hat dadurch nach der Rechtsauffassung der Bürger- und Menschenrechtlerin den AEUV gem. Art. 53 WVRK mit Nichtigkeit infiziert. Nach Art. 53 WVRK werden internationale Verträge, die gegen „ius cogens“ verstoßen, komplett nichtig und damit unwirksam. Eine Heilungsmöglichkeit dafür ist in der WVRK nicht vorgesehen.
Von Sarah Luzia Hassel-Reusing liegen dem 2. Senat des Bundesverfassungsgerichts Verfassungs- klagen zu allen 3 Fassungen des StabMechG, zum ESMFinG, zum Gesetz zur Änderung des BSchuWG sowie zu den Zustimmungsgesetzen zu ESM, Fiskalpakt und Art. 136 Abs. 3 AEUV vor, davon je eine vom 29.05.2010 und vom 06.04.2012 (beide heute unter 2 BvR 710/12) und sechs vom 30.06.2012 (unter 2 BvR 1445/12). Außerdem hat sie am 21.11.2012 Strafanzeige beim Internationalen Strafgerichtshof (IStGH) in Den Haag gegen unbekannt eingereicht wegen des Verdachts des Verbrechens gegen die Menschlichkeit durch Schädigung der Gesundheit der Griechen (Art. 7 Abs. 1 lit. k Römisches Statut).
Indien: Umfangreiche Überwachung von Onlineaktivitäten, Telefonanrufen und Textnachrichten
Zwei Jahre lang sei das System entwickelt worden und habe insgesamt 4 Milliarden Indische Rupien (ca. 56 Millionen Euro) gekostet. Es wird laut Indian Times direkt bei den Telekommunikationsanbietern installiert, staatliche Behörden haben somit einen direkten Zugang. Dazu gehören laut dem Centre for Internet and Society Bundespolizei, Anti-Terror-Behörde, Anti-Drogen-Behörde und die Steuerbehörde.
Homepageüberwachung: Polizei NRW hat mindestens 34 mal Webseiten-Besucher gerastert
Polizeibehörden des Landes Nordrhein-Westfalen haben seit 2001 mindestens 34 mal die Besucher ihrer Webseiten überwacht. Das berichtet der Innenminister auf eine kleine Anfrage, die wir veröffentlichen
Aufruf zum Thema Filesharing/Störerhaftung
Am kommenden Montag findet im Unterausschusses Neue Medien des Bundestages eine Sachverständigenanhörung zur WLAN-Störerhaftung statt. In der parlamentarischen/politischen Diskussion wird nun offenbar verstärkt die Behauptung aufgestellt, Filesharing-Abmahnungen beträfen nur Privathaushalte, Gewerbetreibende, insbesondere Gastwirte und Hoteliers würden gar nicht abgemahnt.
Dass das nicht zutreffend ist, weiß ich schon aus meiner eigenen Sachbearbeitung.
Maos Enkelin hat ein Vermögen von über eine halbe Milliarde Euro,
Kommunismus ist schon was feines
Lawrow, Sikorski und Westerwelle planen weiteres Treffen für 2014 in Sankt Petersburg
„Bei den Verhandlungen der Minister hat ein eingehender Meinungsaustausch zu aktuellen internationalen Problemen, darunter zur Situation um Syrien und andere Länder der Region, sowie zu etlichen regionalen Konflikten stattgefunden. Es wurde vereinbart, das nächste dreiseitige Ministertreffen im Jahr 2014 in Sankt Petersburg durchzuführen“, heißt es in der Mitteilung.
Russia Says It Will Ship Missiles to Syria
Moscow plans to deliver already contracted ground-to-air missile systems to Syria, Russian officials said Friday, pressing ahead with an arms transfer that U.S. officials say could significantly strengthen Damascus‘s ability to ward off an attack.
Russia FM: No ‘New’ Deals, But Existing Syria Arms Sales Will Continue
We‘ll Complete Existing Contracts, Lavrov Insists
Netanyahu to meet Putin over Syria missiles: report
Netanyahu „will travel to Moscow in the next two weeks and meet with President Vladimir Putin, “ Haaretz posted on its website late on Friday, citing a senior Israeli official.
„Netanyahu and Putin will discuss the Russian arms sales to Syria, in particular the sale of advanced S-300 anti-aircraft missile systems,“ it said, adding that the premier would also seek to raise the Iranian nuclear issue.
Montecitorio, we have a problem!
No one will make any allowances for us. The country is watching us. They will reward us for our coherence and they will punish us for our errors. “Be the change that you want to see in the world“ is what Mahatma Gandhi said. We will change Italy only by setting an example. We can’t ask others to make sacrifices if we don’t do that ourselves. They will forgive us nothing. We cannot forgive ourselves anything. It’s in our nature. It’s our strength.
Grillo calls premier ‚kept man of politics‘
The leader of Italy‘s anti-establishment 5-Star Movement (M5S) struck back at Premier Enrico Letta Friday, calling him „a kept man of politics“ for being the nephew Silvio Berlusconi‘s long-time right-hand man, Gianni Letta.
Letta calls Grillo‘s coup accusation ‚totally unacceptable‘
“They put us in a corner. Four of them met up one night to decide. This is the continuation of the Monti agenda,“ Grillo said, referring to Letta‘s predecessor Mario Monti.
ANSAmed: diary for the week of May 13-19
MONDAY May 13 – BRUSSELS – Eurogroup meeting. BEIRUT – Visit by EU Commissioner Georgieva PARIS – Hearing in appeals trial of Ilich Ramirez Sanchez, alias Carlos, convicted to life for a series of 1980 attacks. MADRID – Visit by EU Labor Commissioner Laszlo Andor. TUESDAY May 14 – BRUSSELS – Meeting of EU economy and finance ministers (Ecofin).
French support for Hollande falls to 25%, report says
The survey shows that the 1,875 participants believed that Hollande and his government put a focus on non-priority subjects such as the legalization of same-sex marriage.
Far-left protesters reject austerity on Hollande anniversary
The far-leftist party Front de Gauche called for a demonstration on Sunday against austerity and for a „sixth republic“, which includes diminishing the power of the president and increasing the parliament‘s authority
France: Hollande acknowledges slave trade ‚debt‘ to Africa
Written in 1946, Article 1 of the national charter says that “France is an indivisible, secular, democratic and social Republic. It guarantees equal rights under the law to all citizens regardless of origin, race, or religion“. The president will seek to strike the word “race“ by this summer, Radio France Inter reported.
Mission Statement
As Women of the Wall, our central mission is to achieve the social and legal recognition of our right, as women, to wear prayer shawls, pray and read from the Torah collectively and out loud at the Western Wall.
Politik: Protest an der Klagemauer
Hunderte ultraorthodoxe Juden, unter ihnen viele Frauen, protestierten am Freitag an der heute heiligsten Stätte des Judentums, wie die Polizei bestätigte. Sie wollten Jüdinnen von einer liberalen Strömung daran hindern, mit einem Gebetsschal für Männer zu beten
Jerusalem´s Western Wall protests over equality – video
Police clash with Orthodox Jews protesting at the Western Wall in Jerusalem. Demonstrators are angry that a group called Women of the Wall is practising traditionally men-only customs following the reinterpretation of religious laws at the site.
Von der Macht- zur Masswirtschaft
Im folgenden ein älterer Artikel aus dem Journal Franz Weber, der sich mehr als nur lohnt, erneut hervorgehoben zu werden, zumal das darin Gesagte über die ‘Machtwirtschaft’ heute noch umso akuter ist
Exclusive: Benghazi Talking Points Underwent 12 Revisions, Scrubbed of Terror Reference
ABC News has obtained 12 different versions of the talking points that show they were extensively edited as they evolved from the drafts first written entirely by the CIA to the final version distributed to Congress and to U.S. Ambassador to the U.N. Susan Rice before she appeared on five talk shows the Sunday after that attack.
Benghazi E-Mails Put White House on the Defensive
A long-simmering dispute over the White House’s account of the deadly assault on the American diplomatic compound in Benghazi, Libya, flared up on Friday, with a disclosure of e-mails that show the White House was more deeply involved in revising talking points about the attack than officials have previously acknowledged.
Obama administration e-mails raise new questions on Benghazi
The unclassified talking points have become a political flashpoint in a long-running battle between the administration and Republicans, who say that officials knew the attack last September 11 was a planned terror operation while they were telling the public it was an act of violence that grew out of a demonstration over a video produced in the United States that insulted Islam.
Republicans look for cover-up as Benghazi debate revived
(09.05.) The top Republican in Congress demanded on Thursday that the Obama administration release emails about its handling of last year‘s deadly attack in Libya, after a dramatic congressional hearing breathed life into the party‘s accusations of negligence and cover-up.
Uruguayan general found guilty of junta‘s 1974 murder of communist
Dalmao was a 23-year-old lieutenant in 1974, and was in charge of the jail where Nibia Sabalsagaray, a 24-year-old literature professor and communist activist, was taken from her Montevideo flat. Hours later, she was dead.
As Rios Montt Trial Nears End, a Look Back at U.S. Role in Guatemala‘s Civil War
We also found this MacNeil/Lehrer Report piece from Nov. 30, 1983, on the debate over the U.S. role in Guatemala. It was filmed just after the Reagan administration announced the end of a five-year embargo on military shipments to Guatemala, citing human rights progress and claiming that Ríos Montt had been given a „bum rap.“
Guatemala: Ex-Diktator Montt nie wieder in Freiheit
“Rios Montt war sich der Massaker bewusst, welche die Streitkräfte unter seinem Kommando verübten”, so Barrios. Montt erhielt 50 Jahre Gefängnis für begangenen Völkermord und 30 Jahre für Verbrechen gegen die Menschlichkeit.
Guatemala‘s former dictator Efraín Ríos Montt battles genocide charges
n estimated 200,000 people died during the 36-year conflict, while 45,000 others „disappeared“. The targeting of the Mayan population – in an attempt to undermine support for the insurgents – was one of the grimmest episodes of the battle for control of the country that finally ended in 1996 with a peace accord.
U.S. sends Japan currency warning as G7 meets
The United States told Japan it would be watching for any sign it was manipulating its currency downward, but Tokyo said it met no resistance to its policies at a meeting of Group of Seven finance ministers which will conclude on Saturday.
Syria: Lavrov meets with Judeh, talks to Brahimi
Ahead of international conference decided by US and Russia
F.B.I.-Training für Sondereinsatzkommandos in Griechenland
Zum ersten Mal befinden sich Beamte des Inlandgeheimdienstes Federal Bureau of Investigation auf Druck der Vereinigten Staaten von Amerika auf offizieller Trainingsmission für Polizisten in Griechenland.