Nachdem die Debatte in Parlament und Öffentlichkeit in der letzten Woche bezüglich neuer “Antiterror”-Massnahmen angeheizt wurde, da laut den (auch in Kanada) ständig von Verarmung bedrohten antiterroristischen Behörden ein Mann aus Toronto und ein anderer Mann aus Montreal ein Attentat auf einen Personenzug geplant haben sollen, wird genau zu diesem Thema der Bericht des kanadischen Bundesrechnungshofs vorgelegt. Dessen Ergebnisse dürfte nun bei einigen in der Regierung echten Terror (lat.: Schrecken) hervorrufen – um es im Präsens zu formulieren.
Daily Archives: 30. April 2013
Fannie Mae Evicts Family in Foreclosure, Then Installs Armed Guards
A force of armed private security guards from McRoberts Security was immediately installed in Debbie Austin‘s home. The guards have been on 24-hour duty in the home ever since.
Typical cost for private security indicates that Fannie Mae is spending $480-$600 a day, or $15,000 a month on 24-hour armed guards. Since the Austins‘ January eviction, Fannie Mae has spent nearly $50,000 of essentially public money to keep one home empty.
Obama to Seek Closing Amid Hunger Strike at Guantánamo
President Obama on Tuesday recommitted to his years-old vow to close the Guantánamo Bay prison following the arrival of “medical reinforcements” of nearly 40 Navy nurses, corpsmen and specialists amid a mass hunger strike by inmates who have been held for over a decade without trial.
South African army deaths from Central African Republic rise to 14
One of 27 South African soldiers injured in March in fighting against rebels in Central African Republic has died, bringing to 14 the total killed in the clashes, a defense force spokesman said on Tuesday.
UK minister given UN Somalia envoy role
Appointment of a serving British foreign minister to the post raises fears that it could increase Britain’s leverage in Somalia.
The move follows the reopening of the British embassy in the African country on April 25 during a visit to Mogadishu by British Foreign Secretary William Hague.
Somalia‘s Puntland region executes suspected Islamist militants
Somalia‘s northern Puntland province executed 13 suspected al Qaeda-linked militants on Tuesday, a military court official said,
Somalia and Kenyan Presidents in bilateral meeting ahead of London Conference
(28.04.) “We have talked about the need to stand firmly together against the global problem of extremism and terrorism, and we are committed to removing the scourge of Al Shabaab, to defeating them and preventing any spread of their malignant ideology.“ Said President Hassan“
President Hassan visits Puntland ahead of London Conference
“The London Conference on 7th May will be focused on our plans for national unity, security sector reform, judicial development and the establishment of effective public finance management systems, and how the wider international community can support us.“
Somalia: Federal government, Puntland disagree some points during talks in Garowe
Mogadishu (RBC) The president of Somalia Federal Government Hassan Sheikh Mohamud has wrapped up his two days visit to the country’s northeastern region of Puntland with failing to reach consensus on some points during talks with the Puntland leader, sources tell RBC Radio.
Somaliland ‚won‘t attend‘ London Somali conference
Somaliland declared its „independence“ from the rest of Somalia in May 1991, following the collapse of the Siad Barre regime in Mogadishu.
However, the independence of the breakaway state is not recognised by the international community.
Merkel thanks Napolitano for new Italian govt
The chancellor also said all eurozone members must „do their homework“ to get out of the crisis and „Italy has already gone a stretch along (that) road“.
Cyprus parliament approves bailout
By a show of hands, 29 lawmakers approved ratification of the bailout bill and 27 opposed.
Bailout success key to future of Europe – Portugal PM
The success of Portugal and Ireland in ending their adjustment programs represents a decisive contribution to the future of both the Euro and Europe with the entire world looking on, said Portuguese Prime Minister Pedro Passos Coelho following a meeting with his Irish peer Enda Kenny on Monday.
Georgiades tells deputies: stop complaining
FINANCE Minister Haris Georgiades has urged parliament to ratify a bailout deal, despite the hardship it will bring, warning that the alternative would be economic collapse.
New Italian PM Letta to meet German leader Merkel
Enrico Letta made his first trip abroad as Italy‘s new premier on Tuesday, visiting Germany
Letta to visit Madrid after Berlin, Paris, Brussels
New Italian Premier Enrico Letta will visit Madrid next week after his tour of Berlin, Paris and Brussels starting Tuesday,
Almost four in 10 young Italians unemployed
New govt pledges to reduce labour costs to boost job creation
EU Task Force surprised, Greeks do not protest austerity…
Head of EU Task Force, Horst Reichenbach, expressed his surprise about the fact that Greeks do not demonstrate against austerity. He described the Greeks’ reaction as “very moderate”
Greece records four suicides in three days
Almost daily are the news in the media about people who who break down under the weight of unsolved problems : economical or health problems, or even worse the combination of both.
Jährliche Inflationsrate im Euroraum auf 1,2% gesunken
Die jährliche Inflationsrate des Euroraums im April 2013 wird auf 1,2% vorausgeschätzt, ein Rückgang
gegenüber 1,7% im März.
Arbeitslosenquote des Euroraums bei 12,1%, Quote der EU27 bei 10,9%
Von den Mitgliedstaaten verzeichneten Österreich (4,7%), Deutschland (5,4%) und Luxemburg (5,7%) die niedrigsten Arbeitslosenquoten, und die höchsten Quoten meldeten Griechenland (27,2% im Januar), Spanien (26,7%) und Portugal (17,5%).
Barroso confident Letta will help stoke growth, create jobs
‚Sure I can count on his commitment to reform‘ says EC chief
Letta wins Senate confidence too: Right-left govt ready to rule
Enrico Letta‘s new government won a Senate confidence vote Tuesday, the second of two parliamentary OKs to start implementing an ambitious reform programme.
Egypt Leaders Found ‘Off’ Switch for Internet
(15.02.2011) The engineers say that a focal point of the attack was an imposing building at 26 Ramses Street in Cairo, just two and a half miles from the epicenter of the protests, Tahrir Square. At one time purely a telephone network switching center, the building now houses the crucial Internet exchange that serves as the connection point for fiber-optic links provided by five major network companies that provide the bulk of the Internet connectivity going into and out of the country.
Der Große Diktator über Libyen
(25.02.2011) Dabei hatte nach dem (angeblich unmöglichen) Kill Switch des Internets im benachbarten Ägypten durch Diktator Husni Mubarak am 25.Januar die “New York Times” (10) vor einer Woche ausführlich geschildert, wie der Polizeistaat Ägyptens in Kollaboration mit den internationalen Providern und mit entsprechender Technologie aus den Industrie-Mächten in einer geheimen Operation einen zentralen Aus-Knopf für den gesamten Internetzugang Ägyptens in der Ramses Street 26 in Kairo installieren liess. Die Server blieben oben – aber sie bekamen keine Verbindung mehr. Auch dazu: nichts. Von niemandem. Auch nicht von den “Experten” der Nobelblogger-Gemeinde.
Kein Wunder. Schliesslich installiert nun auch die Merkel-Regierung ihr “Nationales Cyber-Abwehrzentrum” und einen “Nationalen Cyber-Sicherheitsrat”. Bei zdnet (8), einem repräsentablen Fallbeispiel des unmittelbaren Zusammenhangs von Demenz und Dekadenz, fragte man sich in Zeitlupe:
“Bundesinnenminister Thomas de Maizière hat gestern eine “Cyber-Sicherheitsstrategie für Deutschland” vorgestellt. Doch bei genauerer Betrachtung stellt sich heraus, dass sie zur Bekämpfung von Gefahren völlig ungeeignet ist.”
Dass ein Cyber-Abwehrzentrum auch eine Abwehr vor dem Cyberspace bedeuten könnte, darauf scheint offensichtlich niemand zu kommen.
Ägypten: Kapitalisten weiter im Internet
(28.01.2011) Das Regime Ägyptens unter Militärdiktator Husni Mubarak hat vor den heutigen Freitagsgebeten und Großdemonstrationen der Bevölkerung ganz Ägypten vom Weltinformations- und Kommunikationsnetz Internet getrennt.
Ganz Ägypten? Nein. Eine von beugsamen Ägyptern bevölkerte Börse hört nicht auf, der eindringenden Bevölkerung Widerstand zu leisten.
Neil Macdonald: The ‚monarchs of money‘ and the war on savers
Asked whether central bankers are not in fact enabling irresponsible behaviour by speculators enamoured of cheap money, not to mention politicians who can‘t curb their borrowing and spending, Carney merely remarks that voters in a democracy get the governments they choose.
‚Reaktionäre Polizeieinsätze‘ in Disneyland
Durch einen Aktionstag will die Polizei am Samstag „Gefühle und Emotionen“ der Bürger ansprechen, während beim „Projekt sichere Altstadt“ die Innenstadt aufgeräumt wird. Derweil stinken die angekündigten Maßnahmen so manchem Akteur, der die Probleme der Drogenszene in den Griff bekommen möchte, gewaltig.
Kleine Anfrage des Abgeordneten Andrej Hunko u. a. und der Fraktion DIE LINKE. Ausbildung in Ländern des Arabischen Frühlings zu „neuen Ermittlungstechniken“ zur Internetüberwachung und zum Abhören von Telekommunikation BT-Drucksache 17/12981
Mehrere von der Europäischen Union geförderte Projekte sind an Polizeibehörden arabischer und nordafrikanischer Länder zur Nutzung von „neuen Technologien und Ermittlungstechniken“ adressiert. Entsprechende Maßnahmen der EU werden innerhalb des Programms „Europäische Nachbarschaft und Partnerschaft“ (ENPI) abgewickelt. Zur ENPI gehören Algerien, Ägypten, Israel, Jordanien, der Libanon, Marokko, Syrien, Tunesien und die palästinensische Autonomiebehörde.
Mit 5 Mio. Euro wird bis 2014 ein Projekt „Euromed Police III“ unterstützt, das die Polizeibehörden der ENPI-Staaten an die Strukturen der EU und ihrer Mitgliedstaaten heranführen soll. Abgedeckt werden „Cyberkriminalität und neue kriminelle Bedrohungen“.
Zu den 18 Seminaren von „Euromed Police III“ gehören Einheiten zur „Finanzierung terroristischer Organisationen“ oder das „Sammeln, Speichern, Sortieren, Bewerten“ von ermittlungsrelevanten Inhalten. Hierzu gehört das Auswerten von Computern, Mobiltelefonen und USB-Speichern.
Thema sind auch eine „elektronische Überwachung“, das Erkennen gefälschter Dokumente und DNA-Analysen. Weitere Trainings drehen sich um „Cyberterrorismus“ und die Nutzung des Internet zur „Radikalisierung“, zur Vorbereitung „terroristischer Akte“, „Rekrutierung“ oder „terroristischer Trainings“. Im Workshop geht es laut einer früheren Ankü hilfreiche digitale Spionagewerkzeuge („investigation techniques, with a main focus an new technologies, internet investigation, investigation concerning file sharing websites (such as Youtube), investigation and interception of electronic communications (such as those
trough mobile phones or Skype-like communications), scientific and forensic evidence“).
BKA perfektionierte die Geheimpolizei Tunesiens und Ägyptens zur Überwachung des Internet
(28.04.) Die Maßnahmen richteten sich offiziell gegen ‚Terrorismus‘. Bekanntlich ist dies aber ein politischer, dehnbarer Begriff. Die durch das BKA erlangten Kenntnisse dürften auch zur Niederschlagung von digitalem Dissens genutzt worden sein.
In Ägypten waren digitale Aktivistinnen und Aktivisten einem hohen Risiko ausgesetzt. Die Repression von Militär und Polizei gipfelte im Mord an Chaled Mohammed Said, der nach schweren Folterungen starb. Die Bundesregierung muss erklären, inwiefern ihr Lehrgang ‚Open Source Internetauswertung‘ dem mittlerweile aufgelösten Staatssicherheitsdienst bei der Verhaftung des bekannten Bloggers geholfen hat. Er wurde nach seinem Tod zu einer Symbolfigur der Revolution.
Wer hat eigentlich Mubarak-Ägypten und Tunesien beigebracht, wie man das Internet ordentlich überwacht? Na? Kommt ihr NIE drauf!
Das BKA natürlich!
Principle Religion: Jewish
Freedom of Marriage/Divorce: 0 Severe restrictions
Only recognized religious marriage ceremonies are allowed. For Jews, only weddings that are held according to strict Orthodox standards are accepted.
Spain Is Beyond Doomed: The 2 Scariest Unemployment Charts Eve
This is what a permanent underclass looks like.
The document that officially put the World Wide Web into the public domain on 30 April 1993.
„Webs can be independent, subsets or supersets of each other. They can be local, regional or worldwide. The documents available on a web may reside on any computer by that web.“
Twenty years of a free, open web
On 30 April 1993 CERN published a statement that made World Wide Web technology available on a royalty free basis, allowing the web to flourish
On 30 April 1993 CERN published a statement that made World Wide Web („W3“, or simply „the web“) technology available on a royalty-free basis. By making the software required to run a web server freely available, along with a basic browser and a library of code, the web was allowed to flourish.
“Oder hat jemand davon in der Zeitung gelesen?”
Die Rede von Dipl.-Ing. Hans Heydemann, Ingenieure22 für den Kopfbahnhof, auf der gestrigen 170. Montagsdemo der Bürgerbewegung gegen “Stuttgart 21″ (S21).
In Google we trust (just as much as we do in God): Search engine ranked at same level as church in survey of organisations putting public interests at heart
For public trust the church only ranked on a par with Google
Contrasting fortunes for Germany‘s news magazines
Der Spiegel‘s circulation fell to 883,000 in the first quarter of this year, down from more than 1m in 2009. Stern, once a million-plus seller, is down to about 800,000. And sales of Focus have fallen away too.
What links the MMR scare and austerity?
Both sagas have their roots in dodgy academic papers, the agenda-pushing press and politicians – and willing believers
ANSAmed – Today‘s events in the Mediterranean
ESTORIL (PORTUGAL) – Conference cycle with, among others, European Council President Herman Van Rompuy and former Soviet leader Mikhail Gorbachev (through 5/3).
Italy‘s big three unions to hold joint jobs demonstration: CGIL, CISL, UIL to unite forces in Rome protest on June 22
Italy three big trade-union confederations, CGIL, CISL and UIL, are set to hold a huge demonstration in Rome on June 22
Italian youth unemployment climbs to 38.4%
Youth employment in recession-hit Italy reached 38.4% in March, 3.2% higher than the same month in 2012 and 0.6% higher than February, Istat said Tuesday according to seasonally adjusted provisional data.
Eurozone inflation fall, record jobless point to ECB rate cut
Inflation in the euro zone has fallen to a three-year low and unemployment hit a new record, cementing expectations of an interest rate cut by the European Central Bank later this week.
Spain‘s economy shrinks for seventh straight quarter
Spain fell deeper into recession in the first three months of the year, the seventh straight quarter it has seen its economy shrink, data showed on Tuesday.
Rajoy defiant on economy despite record jobless rate
PM rules out ministerial changes and claims reforms will begin to take effect toward end of government’s term
DOJ Wants To Be Able To Fine Tech Companies Who Don‘t Let It Wiretap Your Communications
We‘ve talked a lot about how the Justice Department (DOJ), mainly via the FBI, has been pushing for years to change the laws in order to require tech companies to build wiretapping backdoors into any and every form of communication online. As we‘ve explained over and over again, this is a really silly proposal, that won‘t make us any safer. Instead, it‘s likely to make us a lot less secure, because those backdoors will be abused, not just by law enforcement, but by those with malicious intent who will work hard to find the backdoors and make use of them.
Constitutional Lawyer Lodges First Injunction Against Judicial Reforms
The case, presented to judge Cecilia Gilardi Madariaga de Negre of the Administrative litigation tribunal number 8, was presented in the form of a class action, and was filed in the name of “everyone in the nation who sees his or her right to judicial protection under threat”.
Sendeschluss für Herschel
Nach mehr als drei Jahren bahnbrechender Beobachtungen des kalten Universums hat das ESA-Weltraumteleskop Herschel nun wie erwartet seinen Kühlmittelvorrat aufgebraucht.
Global stocks, euro rise on progress in Italy; S&P 500 at record
World stock indexes and the euro advanced on Monday as the formation of a new government in Italy eased uncertainty about the political future of the country, the third-largest economy in the euro zone, while the S&P 500 closed at a record high.
The last stand of Italy‘s bankrupt political class
On Sunday a new government was formed in Italy. Led by Enrico Letta, a moderate member of the Partito Democratico (PD), it is the first „grand coalition“ the country has seen since the signing of the postwar constitution in 1947.
Passaparola – the power of knowledge – Michel Serres
The old fashioned kind of media like the press, radio and television could be defined as “few people send, many people receive”. On the Web, as many people send as those that receive. When you have the kind of media where few people send and many people receive, the media in question is at risk of being appropriated by just a few people. Where there are many people sending and many receiving, the risk of appropriation diminishes.
Insight: Why did Cypriot banks keep buying Greek bonds?
One day last October, a memory stick containing special software for deleting data was placed into a desktop computer at Bank of Cyprus. Within minutes, 28,000 files were erased, according to investigators who had wanted to copy the data for an official report into the collapse of the Cypriot banking system.
China commits billions in aid to Africa as part of charm offensive – interactive
Database reveals government has backed 1,700 projects on continent since 2000 in apparent attempt to win favour. The country‘s financial commitments are significantly larger than previous estimates
Münchhausen-Check: Schäuble, Excel und die Sparpolitik
(27.04.) Fazit: Wie Rogoff erfolgreich Tobin ignoriert hat, wird auch Schäuble seine Sparpolitik nicht ändern, nur weil ein paar Rechen-Fehler die Aussagekraft einer Studie schwächen.
Does High Public Debt Consistently Stifle Economic Growth? A Critique of Reinhart and Rogoff
We replicate Reinhart and Rogoff (2010a and 2010b) and find that coding errors, selective exclusion of available data, and unconventional weighting of summary statistics lead to serious errors that inaccurately represent the relationship between public debt and GDP growth among 20 advanced economies in the post-war period. Our finding is that when properly calculated, the average real GDP growth rate for countries carrying a public-debt-to-GDP ratio of over 90 percent is actually 2.2 percent, not −0.1 percent as published in Reinhart and Rogoff. That is, contrary to RR, average GDP growth at public debt/GDP ratios over 90 percent is not dramatically different than when debt/GDP ratios are lower.
We also show how the relationship between public debt and GDP growth varies significantly by time period and country. Overall, the evidence we review contradicts Reinhart and Rogoff’s claim to have identified an important stylized fact, that public debt loads greater than 90 percent of GDP consistently reduce GDP growth.