Just as the U.S. supported Bin Laden and the precursor of Al Qaeda in order to fight the Soviets, the U.S. has supported Chechen terrorists in order to fight Russia.
Daily Archives: 28. April 2013
NATO’s Worldwide Expansion in the Post-Cold World Era
The North Atlantic Treaty Organization, its name now archaic as most of its members and all of its dozens of partners do not border the Atlantic Ocean, north or south, is well advanced in its U.S.-crafted mission to expand into history’s largest and first international military bloc and an unprecedented threat to world peace.
Iraq Said to Halt Al Jazeera’s License, Closes Jordanian Border
In another sign that unrest is gripping the nation, the Iraqi embassy in Amman informed the Jordanian interior ministry that Iraq will close borders with Jordan tomorrow for 48 hours, citing domestic issues, Jordan’s state-run news service Petra said. The report cited a statement issued by the interior ministry.
FM: Turkey first NATO country to set relations with SCO
Turkish Foreign Minister Ahmet Davutoglu said Turkey, which became „dialogue partner“ with Shanghai Cooperation Organization (SCO), was the first NATO member state establishing such a relation with SCO, Anadolu Agency reported.
Have they found Abraham‘s lost city? Huge building complex unearthed in Iraq near ancient civilisation of Ur
As the find is 4,000 years old, roughly the same age as Abraham himself, it raises the tantalising possibility of a direct link with one of history‘s most significant religious figures.
Lost city of Heracleion gives up its secrets
Now its life at the heart of trade routes in classical times are becoming clear, with researchers forming the view that the city was the main customs hub through which all trade from Greece and elsewhere in the Mediterranean entered Egypt.
Venezuela: US-Bürger soll Unruhen geschürt haben
Justizbehörden: Inhaftierter habe in Verbindung zur rechten Opposition gestanden. Behörden ermitteln wegen „Verschwörung“
Wahlprotest als Taktik
Die Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung bestätigt die Qualität des venezolanischen Wahlsystems. Die Nicht-Anerkennung der Opposition dient der Delegitimierung der Regierung
German defense, interior ministers to discuss terrorism with US officials
(26.04.) The German government announced here today that its defense and interior ministers, Thomas de Maiziere and Hans-Peter Friedrich, will visit the US beginning next Sunday to discuss with officials there a number of issues, paramount amongst which will be that of terrorism.
The Monster Club
It’s official. A banker in charge of the Economy, Saccomanni, so that he can save the banks. Alfano, a talking mannequin, with two positions, Under-secretary in the office of the President of the Council and Under-secretary in the Ministry of Home Affairs. Enrico Letta, Captain Findus, the defrosted stock-fish, the nephew of his uncle, the one that Goldman Sachs loves the most, in the role of President of the Council. Lupi, Fantozzi’s niece, gets the Ministry of Transport and the Ministry of Infrastructure where there are so many tenders flying around as well as the TAV in Val di Susa.
China will strategische Partnerschaft mit Europa intensivieren
China werde die europäische Integration sowie die Bemühungen Europas um Überwindung der Schuldenkrise unterstützen, so Yu Zhengsheng.
‘Dirty money’ claims were just an excuse for bail-in
However, this premise could fall flat on its face if the recently submitted reports by the Council of Europe’s Moneyval and private auditor Deloitte Financial Advisory show Cyprus to be no more or less guilty of AML violations than other EU member states.
In fact, according to Frank, all 27 member states are failing to comply with the EU’s third AML directive from 2005. The European Commission, meanwhile, is currently working on a fourth.
Greek clerics oppose law that eases restrictions on organ donations
Several bishoprics have joined the campaign, including that of Piraeus, the seat of the outspoken Serapheim, which had issued a statement in January claiming that the new law puts Greeks at risk of having their organs plundered against their will. “We are all at risk of being killed before we die,” the statement had read.
Tulsi Plant (Holy Basil) Found to Remove Flouride from Water & Support Pineal Gland Health
With the recent admittance by Harvard University that fluoride was bad for health, and the continuing news that points to fluoride being responsible for depleting brain capacity to causing ADD and ADHD, or even calcifying the pineal gland, (which inhibits important hormonal secretions like Melatonin and Seratonin, and DMT), it is wonderful news that such a simple remedy has been found.
Goldmangel in Asien
„Die Investmentbanker der Wallstreet hofften eigentlich, dass die kleinen Anleger, eine unorganisierte Menschenmenge in ihren Augen, aufgrund des plötzlichen Preiseinbruchs ihre Goldbestände in Panik verkaufen. Tatsächlich haben die Menschen eine größere Angst vor den flüssigen Geldmitteln als vor dem Einbruch des Goldpreises.“
Chinas Werbeindustrie wird zur zweitgrößten der Welt
Ende letzten Jahres hat die Anzahl der zugelassenen Werbeagenturen in China 377.800 erreicht. 2,18 Millionen Menschen arbeiten in dieser Industrie und die Geschäftseinnahmen belaufen sich auf insgesamt 469,8 Milliarden
China: Mars residency hopefuls sign up for emigration project – video
More than 600 Chinese nationals have already registered as volunteers, for an $11 fee
Greece calls ISS: European Spaceport to open in Kalamata
What does a spaceport do? It launches rockets to the space. Most known spaceports: Cape Canaveral (NASA/USA), Guiana Spaceport (European Space Agency/French Guiana).
MSNBC guest Dave Zirin: Why is Bush not on trial for war crimes?
“I’m a sports writer by trade,” he explained. “That means one of the things I’ve done in the last ten years is get to know the family of Pat Tillman, the story of Pat Tillman, the NFL player turned army ranger who died in an instance of friendly firing in Afghanistan. Pat Tillman who thought the war in Iraq was illegal and I agree with Pat Tillman about that. His family was lied to by the Bush administration about the circumstances surrounding his death, and George W. Bush gave speeches about Pat Tillman and his heroism that were lies.”
Gov‘t marks Japan‘s 1952 recovery of sovereignty amid opposition
The Japanese government on Sunday commemorated the day the country recovered its sovereignty in 1952 after its defeat in World War II, amid opposition from Okinawa, which remained under U.S. control for another 20 years.
Let a Thousand Militias Bloom
On April 23, Matthew Goldstein, Chancellor of the City University of New York, announced that former CIA Director and ret. four-star Gen. David Petraeus was named Visiting Professor of Public Policy at CUNY‘s Macaulay Honors College starting August 1, 2013. Goldstein gushed that Petraeus is a „distinguished leader with extraordinary experience and expertise in international security issues, intelligence matters, and nation-building.“
Mister mit Tourette-Syndrom sagt `Bombe` – Pilot dreht durch
Weitere Opfer dieser systematischen Terrorpolitik waren nun ein nervöser Passagier mit Tic sowie ein Pilot, der zu ticken anfängt.
Supreme Court Makes the Right Call: ‚Social Sharing‘ of Marijuana Not an Aggravated Felony Under Immigration Laws
In a 7-2 decision this week, the U.S. Supreme Court held that the „social sharing of a small amount of marijuana“ does not constitute an „aggravated felony“ under our immigration laws. Although this sounds like a technical issue, the practical impact of this decision is huge. And although the term sounds ominous, this broad category covers crimes that are neither „aggravated“ nor a „felony“ under our criminal laws, including many misdemeanors.
Boston terror suspects uncle was married to CIA officer‘s daughter and even shared a home with the agent
Ruslan Tsarni, who publicly denounced his two terrorist nephews‘ actions and called them ‚Losers‘, even lived with his father-in-law agent Graham Fuller in his Maryland home for a year.
Boston bombers’ uncle married daughter of top CIA official
(26.04.) The uncle of the two suspected Boston bombers in last week’s attack, Ruslan Tsarni, was married to the daughter of former top CIA official Graham Fuller
The discovery that Uncle Ruslan Tsarni had spy connections that go far deeper than had been previously known is ironic, especially since the mainstrean media‘s focus yesterday was on a feverish search to find who might have recruited the Tsarnaev brothers.
Boston bombers ‘Uncle Ruslan’ was Halliburton contractor
(24.04.) Out on the ragged bleeding edge of the former Soviet Union, Ruslan Tsarni had a decade-long business relationship with Halliburton, the multinational juggernaut run by Dick Cheney before he became Vice President of the United States.
Grillo says new govt like ‚resurrection of Barabbas‘
Beppe Grillo, the leader of the anti-establishment 5-Star Movement (M5S), said premier designate Enrico Letta‘s announcement that he is ready to form a broad coalition government was like Barabbas being resurrected instead of Jesus.
Rome: Letta‘s executive given largely warm reception
„Confindustria appreciates the speed with which premier designate Enrico Letta composed a government of quality,“ read a statement.
French minister says Merkel‘s austerity drive has failed
Benoit Hamon says the German leader is the only one still backing the policy
Algeria‘s Bouteflika in Paris after ‚having mini-stroke‘
The agency said Mr Bouteflika, who makes few public appearances – was undergoing tests in Paris.
He is reported to be at the Val de Grace military hospital, commonly used by high-profile patients from France and beyond.
Bradley Manning is off limits at SF Gay Pride parade, but corporate sleaze is embraced
A seemingly trivial controversy reveals quite a bit about pervasive political values
Doku-Trailer: EUPOLY – Ein europäischer Alptraum
Für die bisher unveröffentlichten Interviews bin ich in Deutschland und Europa umhergereist und habe Fachleute, Politiker und Journalisten befragt. Unter Anderem:
Hans-Olaf Henkel
Dirk Müller
Daniel Neun
Günther Lachmann
Jim Rogers
Marc Friedrich
Richard Sulik
Matthias Weik
Marc Faber
Iceland’s likely future PM says country’s bank debt write down is inevitable
Sigmundur said to Reuters that Iceland could not begin lifting the controls prohibiting foreign creditors from taking money out of the country until hedge funds and other creditors agree to write off the majority of the debt.
Independence Party Increases Lead in Iceland Election
The Pirate Party, however, has dropped below the five percent mark, now at 4.7 percent with no MPs.
Schäuble will Staaten doppelt für Banken zahlen lassen
(13.04.) Auf dem informellen Treffen der EU-Finanzminister in Dublin forderte er, bevor bei der Schieflage einer Bank der Euro-Rettungsfonds ESM in Anspruch genommen werden könne, müsse nach den Aktionären, Gläubigern, großen Sparern und nationalen Abwicklungsfonds auch der betreffende Staat einspringen. Schäuble will, dass der betreffende Staat 4,5 % des Kapitalbedarfs übernimmt, bevor er überhaupt einen Hilfsantrag für die marode Bank beim ESM stellen darf.
Bankenpleite: Isländer wollen nicht für Bankschulden geradestehen
(10.04.2011) Islands Ministerpräsidentin zeigt sich entsetzt: Das Volk hat es erneut abgelehnt, dass die Regierung Schulden der Pleitebank Icesave gegenüber London und Den Haag tilgt.
Aber mit ANLAUF, Genösschen. MIT ANLAUF!
Parlamentswahl in Island Zum Dank ein Tritt
„Ich war Finanzminister während drei Horrorjahren, ich musste ständig Ausgaben kürzen und Steuern erhöhen. Es war klar, dass das nicht sehr populär ist, aber ich dachte, die Leute würden das besser verstehen. Eigentlich tun sie es auch, und trotzdem sind sie unzufrieden.“
Export von Bundeswehrgerät: Regierung will Hubschrauber nach Pakistan liefern
Nach Informationen des SPIEGEL erwägt die Bundesregierung, Pakistan „demilitarisierte“ Helikopter zu liefern. Das Verteidigungsministerium sieht darin kein Problem, doch die Fluggeräte könnten trotzdem für militärische Zwecke verwendet werden.
Polizei kriminalisiert Treffen in Thüringer Flüchtlingsheimen und belagert das Grünowski
Der Solidaritätsbesuch in Waltershausen wurde den Flüchtlingsaktivisten vom Hausmeister im Blaumann (der sich selbst als „Heimleiter” darstellte!) „verboten” und ein Haus- und Landfriedensbruch konstruiert. Begründet wurde das Verbot mit dem Umstand, dass der Betreiber des Lagers ein privates Unternehmen sei, welches bestimmen dürfe, welcher Besuch erlaubt sei und welcher nicht. Die Foto- und Videodokumentation des Besuches sei unzulässig belehrte der Hausmeister und wurde gegen unseren Kameramann übergriffig.
Wird im Bundestag erneut die Legalisierung “privaten”, kommerziellen Krieges vorbereitet?
Deutsche Soldaten und Polizisten im “Urlaub”: Kommerzielle Söldner in Kriegsgebieten. Das ist nichts Neues. Nur ist es immer noch illegal. Das Parlament wollte dies schon einmal ändern – mit mehr als fragwürdigen Methoden.
Boycott the Brands that Blocked Your Right to Know!
$45 Million in Lies and Dirty Tricks Killed Prop 37 – It‘s Payback Time!
India Hopes for Peaceful Solution to China Row
Singh’s statement came a day after Indian Defense Secretary Shashi Kant Sharma told parliament that Chinese soldiers had put up tents some 12 miles into the disputed Himalayan border zone on April 15.
Quebec protesters argue EI reforms unfairly target seasonal workers
Labour unions, community groups and students are among those taking part in a march against the federal government‘s EI reforms today in Montreal.
Beirut bans award-winning Lebanese film shot in Israel
Charbel told AFP the interior ministry had granted Doueiri a permit to film the movie but revoked it after receiving a letter of protest from the Israel Boycott Office of the Cairo-based Arab League.
Tsarnaevs’ mother ‘on terror watch list’, accuses police of murdering son
The mother of the Boston Marathon bombing suspects, Zubeidat Tsarnaev, had been added to a federal terrorism database about 18 months before the attack, according to US officials. The news comes after she accused US police of murdering her son.
The CIA reportedly put Zubeidat on the classified Terrorist Identities Datamart Environment database (TIDE) at the same time that her 26-year-old son Tamerlan was added.
The Pirate Bay relocates to Iceland after Greenland rejection
Under pressure from international copyright enforcers, The Pirate Bay has relocated to Iceland. The world’s largest file-sharing site moved its servers to Greenland last month but now employs an Icelandic .is domain, which will be harder to take offline.
NYT: ‚Nowhere in Rebel-Controlled Syria is There a Secular Fighting Force to Speak Of‘
In an astounding admission, the New York Times confirms that the so-called „Syrian opposition“ is entirely run by Al Qaeda and literally states:
Nowhere in rebel-controlled Syria is there a secular fighting force to speak of.
From the beginning, it was clear to geopolitical analysts that the conflict in Syria was not „pro-democracy“ protesters rising up, but rather the fruition of a well-documented conspiracy between the US, Israel, and Saudi Arabia to arm and direct sectarian extremists affiliated with Al Qaeda against the Syrian government.
Fire put out at Marathon refinery in Detroit
A fire that broke out at the Marathon Petroleum refinery in Detroit Saturday evening left no one injured but prompted widespread evacuations and raised concerns about safety and environmental hazzards in the area.
Everything Is Rigged: The Biggest Price-Fixing Scandal Ever
The Illuminati were amateurs. The second huge financial scandal of the year reveals the real international conspiracy: There‘s no price the big banks can‘t fix