La reazione di protesta della piazza
Daily Archives: 20. April 2013
Why does Boston celebrate Martial Law with chants of ‘USA, USA’?
Obama: ‘The people of Massachusetts now owe federal and local law enforcement a debt of gratitude’
Senator Graham: den Bombenverdächtigen als ‚feindlichen Kämpfer’ behandeln
Anhaltung nach dem NDAA-Ermächtigungsgesetz könnte hier zum Präzedenzfall werden
Italian Lawmakers, After Stalemate, Re-elect President to Second Term
The election of Mr. Napolitano, supported by both the main center-left and center-right parties, suggested that the two sides might be more willing to negotiate the formation of a government. B
Napolitano re-elected as Italy’s president to unprecedented second term after impasse
Italy has had a caretaker government for months, led by economist Mario Mont
VOLKSVERSAMMLUNG IN ROM: Proteste vor dem Parlament gegen zweite Amtszeit Napolitanos – Livestream
Nachdem zum ersten Mal in der Geschichte der Republik Italien, zum ersten Mal seit 1945 ein Präsident zum zweiten Mal für sieben Jahre gewählt wurde – der 87-jährige Giorgio Napolitano von der Partito Democratico, P.D. – haben die Italiener offensichtlich endgültig die Schnauze voll von der Kaste der etablierten Parteien.
Napolitano rielettoProteste in piazzaDiretta video in corso
In diretta da Piazza Montecitorio
Folla davanti alla Camera dopo la rielezione del Presidente Napolitano
Tutti a Roma!
Dear people,
It’s going down, right now, in Rome.
Seven years ago, the Berlusconi party cried wolf when Giorgio Napolitano was elected president without Berlusconi’s consent. I still remember the headline of his personal newspaper. “As from today, the hammer and the sickle are flying over the presidential palace”, in reference to Napolitano once having been a member of the Italian Communist Party.
Now, Berlusconi has been one of the architects of Napolitano’s re-election
Guarda Beppe Grillo Tv in diretta streaming
Da oggi sarà possibile visualizzare in diretta streaming le video rubriche di Beppe Grillo attraverso un unico canale televisivo ospitato dalla piattaforma online Streamit TV
Tension outside parliament, Grillo urges protest at ‚coup‘
There was tension outside Italy‘s Lower House of parliament on Saturday, where a big crowd gathered after 5-Star Movement (M5S) leader Beppe Grillo urged „millions“ to protest against President Giorgio Napolitano‘s re-election.
Barroso welcomes Napolitano‘s re-election: Italy will continue to contribute to ‚European ideal‘
„I‘m certain that under the new presidency Italy will continue in its European tradition to give a decisive contribution to our common European ideal,“ said Barroso.
Roma attende Beppe Grillo LIVE
Il leader del Movimento Cinque Stelle ha annunciato il proprio arrivo nella capitale per protestare contro la rielezione alla presidenza della Repubblica di Giorgio Napolitano. Il comico ha invitato i romani a scendere in piazza numerosi.
Seguite la diretta da Roma su:
Italy‘s Grillo calls for march on parliament over ‚coup d‘etat‘
„There are decisive moments in the history of a nation,“ the former comedian wrote in a blog post titled ‚call to Italians‘. „Tonight I will be in front of parliament. I will stay there as long as is necessary. There have to be millions of us.“
Italy‘s Grillo calls for march on parliament over „coup d‘etat“
Grillo, who drew hundreds of thousands to a rally in Rome before a February election in which his party of political newcomers claimed one in four votes, declared he was immediately abandoning a campaign in the north of Italy to drive 650 km (410 miles) to the Rome parliament.
Italy‘s Grillo calls for march on parliament over „coup d‘etat“
The anti-establishment 5-Star Movement‘s leader Beppe Grillo called on Italians to join him in protest outside parliament after President Giorgio Napolitano stood for a second term on Saturday in what Grillo called a „coup d‘etat“.
EXTRA: Italy‘s Grillo wants „millions“ to protest Napolitano
„A coup is taking place. For the sake of stopping change, they are ready to do anything,“ Beppe Grillo, a comedian turned political activist, said on his blog.
Italy‘s Grillo calls for march on parliament over „coup d‘etat“
The anti-establishment 5-Star Movement‘s leader Beppe Grillo called on Italians to join him in protest outside parliament after President Giorgio Napolitano stood for a second term on Saturday in what Grillo called a „coup d‘etat“.
Grillo urges millions to join protest against ‚coup‘
„I‘m going to Rome. I‘ll be outside the House,“ he tweeted.
Beppe Grillo: ‚È un colpo di Stato‘. Il Movimento 5 Stelle cala su Roma
Beppe Grillo, gridando al “colpo di Stato” contro la rielezione di Giorgio Napolitano al Quirinale, cala su Roma. Alle 19.30 arriverà nella Capitale per manifestare sotto il Parlamento e ha invitato i militanti del Movimento 5 Stelle a partecipare: “Non lasciatemi solo”. “Saremo a milioni”, promette (o minaccia) il leader di M5S, fino a ieri impegnato in Friuli per la campagna elettorale delle regionali.
Sicuramente basteranno alcune migliaia di grillini per mettere in difficoltà la gestione dell’ordine pubblico nella zona di piazza Montecitorio, che non può accogliere grandi masse come San Giovanni o Piazza del Popolo. Questo è l’appello lanciato sul blog, “#TuttiaRoma – appello agli italiani“:
Napolitano bis, Grillo: ‚È colpo di Stato E parte in camper per Roma
La mobilitazione a Montecitorio. La polizia chiude la piazza. Fico: «Alzare l‘ascia di guerra». Rodotà prende le distanze
Beppe Grillo und die Fünf Sterne Bewegung rufen zum Marsch nach Rom auf.
#TuttiaRoma #M5S
Twitterers mistake Czech Republic for Chechnya in Boston bombings
The confusion caught fire in Czech Republic, with at least one newspaper suggesting intensified geography lessons for American students.
The Czech ambassador to the United States decided that the accussations had become so intense it was time to issue a statement.
Ambassador Petr Gandalovic said:
As more information on the origin of the alleged perpetrators is coming to light, I am concerned to note in the social media a most unfortunate misunderstanding in this respect. The Czech Republic and Chechnya are two very different entities – the Czech Republic is a Central European country; Chechnya is a part of the Russian Federation.
Bundesrat: Innenausschuss empfiehlt Zustimmung zu Bestandsdatenauskunft
Der Innenausschuss habe der Länderkammer auf seiner gestrigen Sitzung empfohlen, ohne Einschränkung dem Gesetz zuzustimmen, sagte eine Mitarbeiterin des Ausschussbüros am Freitag auf Anfrage von
Bestandsdatenauskunft: Bundesrat-Innenausschuss empfiehlt Zustimmung zu Vorratsdatenspeicherung durch die Hintertür
Polizei und Geheimdienste sollen zukünftig noch einfacher Anschluss-Inhaber von Telefonnummern und IP-Adressen ermitteln dürfen. Gestern hat der Innenausschuss des Bundesrates mit überwältigender Mehrheit empfohlen, das umstrittene Gesetz ohne Änderungen anzunehmen.
Erdbeben: Russlands Zivilschutz bereit zu Lieferung von Hilfsgütern nach China
„Die Kräfte und Mittel von MTschS sind, sollte es notwendig sein, zum operativen Reagieren auf die Situation in der chinesischen Provinz Sichuan, zur Hilfe für die Betroffenen und zum Transport von Hilfsgütern bereit“, heißt es in der Mitteilung.
Napolitano will help Italy out of impasse, says EP Speaker: Schulz thanks president for agreeing to stand for re-election
„I trust him as an institutional figure and his experience will help the country emerge from the impasse and regain stability and cohesion, which is necessary for Italy and Europe“.
Italy‘s Napolitano: A veteran political operator
Napolitano engineered former European commissioner Mario Monti‘s rise to power after premier Silvio Berlusconi‘s ouster in 2011 and has tried to unite bickering politicians in the current impasse.
Votes for porn stars and footballers in farcical Italian presidential election
In the second ballot, most members of the centre-right and centre-left blocs appeared to have cast blank votes, with the candidate of the Five Star Movement, academic Stefano Rodotà, receiving the only significant support.
The tense atmosphere in the lower house of parliament, where the election took place, was alleviated only by the occasional vote for an Italian celebrity such as Maurizio Merli, an actor from the 1970s, and footballing legend Giovanni Trapattoni.
Bersani says broad agreement over Napolitano
He added that during talks overnight with other parties „an evident impasse emerged“ and that asking Napolitano to serve a second term was the only way out.
Berlusconi‘s party to vote for Napolitano
Ex-premier Silvio Berlusconi‘s People of Freedom (PdL) party decided it would vote for President Giorgio Napolitano in the sixth ballot
Inside the mind of Eric Schmidt
On open versus closed – who‘s winning?
The technical optimists would say the following: the power of the internet and the power of individual empowerment is so strong that it will be impossible for governments to resist that connectivity.
20 April, 14:29
Chaos-hit centre left asks Napolitano to remain president
Napolitano, 87, has repeatedly said he does not want to serve another term.
Dark Side of the Moon Artist Storm Thorgerson Dead at 69
Storm Thorgerson, the British artist and graphic designer who created iconic album covers for such bands as Pink Floyd, Led Zeppelin, Genesis, and Phish, has died after a lengthy battle with cancer. He was 69.
Boston bombings: Social media spirals out of control
Web sleuths cast suspicion on innocent people and spread bad tips and paranoia.
Hat der Uhl eigentlich schon die Vorratsdatenspeicherung gefordert wegen der Gauck-Briefbomben?
Wieso gibt es da eigentlich keinen nützlichen Webservice für? oder so. 🙂
Ok, ihr Wohlständer. Welcher von euch Schwachköpfen glaubt diesem Dr. Seltsam im Finanzministerium immer noch?
Dead Boston Bomb Suspect Was Under FBI Surveillance, Mother Says
The older of the two top suspects in the Boston bombings this week had been under FBI surveillance for at least three years, his mother said in an interview with Russian state television broadcaster RT.
Tsarnaev brothers‘ mother: My sons are innocent, this is a setup
Boston bombings suspects are 19-year-old Dzhokhar Tsarnaev, who remains at large. His brother, 26-year-old Tamerlan Tsarnayev, was killed after a police car chase. Their family originates from Russia‘s North Caucasus – but settled in the United States more than a decade ago. RT talks to the mother of the two suspects Zubeidat Tsarnaeva
Suspects‘ mother: ‚This is a setup‘
Listen to the Boston bombings suspects‘ mother, Zubeidat Tsarnaeva, defend her sons.
Boston Marathon bombing suspects’ mother says sons ‘set up’
“He was counseled by FBI for three, five years. They knew what my son was doing. They knew what actions and what sites on the Internet he was going. How could this happen? How could they — they were following every step of him and they’re telling today this is a terrorist act.”
Italy Presidential election set for fifth round of voting
PD members were expected to cast blank votes in the fifth round of voting, due to start at 10 am (0900 GMT), because the party has not yet decided who to support next.
TAGUNG/189: Frankfurt – Die Normativität der Europäischen Union, 22.-23.4.2013
Die Europäische Union befindet sich aktuell in der größten Krise seit ihrer Gründung. „Angesichts dessen ist es wichtig, die normativen Grundlagen und Perspektiven dieser transnationalen politischen Organisation erneut zu bestimmen“, so Prof. Matthias Lutz-Bachmann, der gemeinsam mit Prof. Andreas Niederberger und Dr. Philipp Schink das 1. Kosmopolis-Symposium am Institut für Philosophie der Goethe-Universität veranstaltet. Zum Thema „Die Normativität der Europäischen Union“ diskutiert eine Reihe namhafter politischer Philosophen am 22. und 23. April (Montag und Dienstag) im IG-Farben-Haus auf dem Campus Westend.
Mediterranean: Winds of Change (I)
Cooperating with Cyprus risks antagonizing Turkey. The neighboring Egypt and Jordan might provide opportunity, but there is some political risk. Europe is a potentially larger and more stable market, but reaching the continent is a logistical challenge. The most obvious route to Europe would be through Cyprus, then to Turkey. Cyprus fears that in case the alliance is renewed, Israel may instead opt to pipe its excess gas to Turkey directly to reach European markets. It would open the door to co-operation with Turkey, a large market and rising player on the global stage. A pipeline to Greece, connecting with Europe’s distribution system, would be longer, costlier and riskier.
ABNORMALITY – Monarch Omega
from the album ‚CONTAMINATING THE HIVE MIND‘ Sevared Records (2012)
Directed by – Corey Gomes
Edited by – Nicholas Jon Beaubien
Suspect in U.S. ricin letters described as bipolar patient off medication
Jim Waide, a lawyer for the Curtis family, said Curtis was prescribed medication three years ago. “When he is on his medication, he is terrific, he’s nice, he’s functional,” Waide said. “When he’s off his medication, that’s when there’s a problem.”
Wollte Rosemarie Fliess “sich nicht helfen lassen”?
Diese “Hilfs”angebote tragen ganz wesentlich zur Legitimierung von allen möglichen staatlichen Zwangsmaßnahmen bei. Ihr Zweck ist es, scheinbar eine Alternative zu diesen Zwangsmaßnahmen zu schaffen, so daß man anschließend den Betroffenen selbst die Verantwortung zuschieben kann, falls diese “Alternative” den Betroffenen genausowenig gefällt wie die Zwangsmaßnahme.
Keine unbezahlte Mehrarbeit
„Ab 2018 verdient eine Feuerwehrfrau oder ein Feuerwehrmann der Bundeswehr nach jetzigem Stand für 48 Stunden Wochenarbeitszeit nur noch so viel, wie für 41 Stunden. Das kann und darf nicht sein.“
Auch dem Plan, dass den Feuerwehrbeamten der Ausgleich für besondere familiäre Pflichten, den sie bisher wie alle anderen Beamte des Bundes bekommen haben, gestrichen werden soll, werde man weiterhin entschieden entgegen treten.
Scrutins locaux : ce qui va changer
Mercredi 17 avril 2013, les députés ont adopté définitivement la réforme des scrutins aux élections locales (texte intégral ici), en particulier cantonales, régionales et municipales. Le vote s’est fait avec une majorité très faible, seulement 273 voix favorables (sur 577) contre 247 voix défavorables (un rassemblement hétéroclite de l’UMP, de l’UDI, du PRG et du PCF) et 20 abstentions (les écologistes).
Les élections régionales de mars 2010 et les élections cantonales de mars 2011 étaient destinées à être les dernières avec les scrutins „habituels“.
Fünfter Wahlgang in Rom. Prodi als Kandidat zurückgetreten. Bersani tritt als P.D.-Vorsitzender zurück. Tag 3 der Wahl des Präsidenten von Italien. Aktualisierter Liveticker mit Livestream aus der Wahlversammlung.
Adana Twins – Strange (Acid Pauli & NU Remix) | Exploited
Label: Exploited
Artist: Adana Twins
Video by Johannes Förster (
A Broken Bloke Production 2013 (
Starring Komet (