Anstatt für Aufklärung zu sorgen, läuft Christian von Stetten davon.
Update 18. April 2013: Nach einem Bericht des Magazins STERN soll Bushido dem Anführer des Berliner Unterwelt-Clans im Dezember 2010 eine Generalvollmacht erteilt haben – und damit den Zugriff auf sein Geld, Immobilien und Firmen. Laut Oberstaatsanwaltschaft agieren “die männlichen Mitglieder dieser Großfamilie im Milieu der organisierten Kriminalität. Mafiöse Strukturen sind hier eindeutig vorhanden und gerichtlich festgestellt worden.” Der STERN schreibt in seiner aktuellen Ausgabe, die Schnittmenge zwischen dem Bundestagsabgeordneten Christian von Stetten und Bushido sei ein Geschäftsmann aus Berlin – der vermeintliche Getränkelieferant. Der STERN weiter: “Nun haben die Jungs aus dem Flüchtlingscamp Wavel Zugang zum Freiherrn von Stetten…”.
We all remember German finance minister Woflgang Schaeuble claiming that Cyprus was not systemically relevant for the euro zone. His slogan was more or less that the collapse of Cyrpus’s banking sector would not affect the eurozone as the impact could not be systemically.
Today, Wolfgang Schaueble claimed exactly the opposite
Der ehemalige Generalstabschef und Diktator Pervez Musharraf, gefallener Liebling Washingtons, versucht in Pakistan Pakistan zu entfliehen. Dabei wollte er doch nur wieder mal zu dessen “Präsidenten” ernannt werden. Doch das dürfte für den alten Diener ohne Herren schwierig werden.
18.04.2013 - 19:52 [ United Nations - International Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Racial Discrimination ]
The facts as submitted by the petitioner
2.1 The German cultural journal Lettre International (2009 fall edition, number 86)
published an interview with Mr. Thilo Sarrazin, the former Finance Senator of the Berlin Senate (from 2002 to April 2009, Social Democratic Party) and member of the Board of
Directors of the German Central Bank (from May 2009), entitled “Class instead of Mass: from the Capital City of Social Services to the Metropolis of the Elite”. In this interview, Mr. Sarrazin expressed himself in a derogatory and discriminatory way about social “lower classes”, which are “not productive” and would have to “ disappear over time” in order to create a city of the “elite”. In this context, he stated, inter alia:
The porn star Rocco Siffredi, actor Sophia Loren and the Manchester City manager, Roberto Mancini, all received a vote in Italy‘s presidential election on Thursday night, as black humour and blank votes dominated the second ballot of a contest that plunged the beleaguered centre-left into crisis.
The vote breakdown did not go fully along party lines, though it was clearly Republican driven. 196 Republicans voted for it, while just 29 voted against it (despite numerous conservative groups coming out against the bill). The Democrats split down the middle. 92 Dems voted for it and 98 against.
„Zirkushunde springen, wenn der Trainer mit seiner Peitsche knallt,“ beobachtete Orwell, „aber der wirklich gut erzogene Hund ist der, der seinen Salto macht, wenn keine Peitsche da ist.“
Help a delegation of First Nations and Alaska Natives to attend Shell AGM in the Hague, Netherlands to stop extreme energy development on their homelands.
CryptoParty has received early messages of support from the Electronic Frontier Foundation and (purportedly) AnonyOps, as well as the NSA whistleblower Thomas Drake, Wikileaks central editor Heather Marsh, and Wired reporter Quinn Norton. Eric Hughes, the author of A Cypherpunk‘s Manifesto nearly two decades before, delivered the keynote address, Putting the Personal Back in Personal Computers, at the Amsterdam CryptoParty on 2012-09-27
Most Democratic Party (PD) voters want anti-establishment comic Beppe Grillo‘s candidate Stefano Rodota‘ as president, Nichi Vendola, leader of the PD‘s left-wing ally SEL, said after ex-Senate Speaker Franco Marini failed to get an expected majority in the first vote Thursday.
Ex-Senate Speaker Franco Marini has declined a suggestion from his Democratic Party (PD) leader Pier Luigi Bersani to pull out of the race for Italian president after he failed to win in the first ballot, sources close to the PD said Thursday.
EFF extends its deep gratitude to the many organization that have worked with us on this campaign and the tens of thousand of EFF members who helped us by contacting Congress to oppose CISPA. We look forward to continuing to fight by your side in defense of civil liberties as CISPA moves to the Senate.
„Wie würde ein ehrlicher Mensch handeln, wenn eine der beiden Organisationen, die ihn zum Vermitteln zwischen Macht und Opposition in Syrien beauftragt hatten, die möglichen Verhandlungen nicht mehr unterstützt und das nationale Oppositionsbündnis als den einzigen legitimen Vertreter des syrischen Volkes anerkannt hat?“, fragte Lawrow. Zudem habe die Arabische Liga beschlossen, die Opposition noch stärker zu bewaffnen.
Was ist von einem Verfassungsschutzbericht zu halten, der alles, was den Begriff „Antifaschismus“ im Munde führt, als verfassungsfeindlich und extremistisch brandmarkt?
Von einem Dokument, dem selbst ein Extremismusbegriff zugrunde liegt, der von Wissenschaftlern als überholt, irreführend und deshalb gefährlich gekennzeichnet wird?
Die Übung simuliere Terroranschläge in Kraftwerken, Schulen, Zügen und Bussen, so Cercone. Sie soll helfen, das gemeinsame Reagieren auf mögliche Terroranschläge zu verbessern, so Cercone.
„In the end I voted for Rodota‘,“ she added, saying she was confused about why Bersani had failed to move after M5S leader Beppe Grillo hinted he would soften his line on a government pact if the PD voted for his movement‘s presidential candidate.
Berlusconi and PdL bigwigs are in a meeting to decide on their strategy, after the candidate they viewed as acceptable failed to win support from the party that proposed him.
The trio were successful working together in 2002 when they forced a U-turn by the government of Silvio Berlusconi when it tried to dramatically alter labour legislation.
Some of those same changes have more recently been planned by the technocratic government of outgoing Premier Mario Monti.
Italian finance police sought documents from the Milan offices of the American investment bank JP Morgan on Thursday regarding a probe into Italy‘s scandal-ridden lender, Banca Monte dei Paschi
A company staffed with former operatives of Israel’s top intelligence agencies and founded with the help of the former head of the Mossad is being used by hedge funds looking for an edge in the financial markets.
ocial media is a very democratizing form of communications and to assess influence you really need to know who is first among equals.
That means assessing who has a real following – real in the sense of real people and not just bots, real also in the sense that the following is active in social media and not just a passive consumer.
Nach dem erfolgreichen Start vor zwei Wochen zum Thema “Finanzkasinokapitalismus” steht nun die zweite Episode von Dieter Hildebrandts “StoersenderTV” im Internet zum Ansehen bereit. Thema diesmal: “Wasser marsch”.
The centre-left Democratic Party (PD) told its lawmakers and regional representatives to cast blank papers in the second ballot to elect the next Italian president on Thursday.
According to government sources, the cuts, which amount to around 0.5% of GDP, will allow the country to receive a new bailout tranche of 78 billion euro granted two years by the Troika (European Commission, IMF and ECB) as well as extensions on debt repayment deadlines.
“They’re going to vote for Marini, but not me,” Giuseppe Civati, a Democratic Party parliamentarian, said in an interview before the vote. “It’s all wrong. There’s no popular support.”
Italy‘s parliament failed to elect a president in its first vote on Thursday, with internal party divisions undermining the centre-left‘s official candidate, former trade unionist and ex-Senate speaker Franco Marini.
This means that both trials, with the next hearing scheduled for Saturday in the film rights case and for Monday in the Ruby one, are likely to suspended for two more weeks.
Italian Industry Minister Corrado Passera on Thursday dismissed German Finance Minister Wolfgang Schaeuble‘s warning that insolvency in Cyprus could cause problems for larger European countries exposed to the eurozone crisis like Italy and Spain.
“People are living through tough times in Italy and Spain but they have to make reforms, there‘s no alternative“, he added in a plea to national governments.
The offers includes activist U.S. investment fund Third Point, which made fat profits on a speculative investment in deeply discounted Greek government bonds last year. The other bid came from Emma Delta, a group controlled by a Greek ship-owner George Melisanidis and Czech investor Jiri Smecj.
Derzeit wird der neue nordkoreanische Machthaber von den Konzernmedien in einem Ausmaß dämonisiert, dass der Gedanke nahe liegt, er könnte das nächste Opfer imperialistischer Begehrlichkeiten werden.
Bundesregierung und Bundestag dürfen der Zypern-Hilfe also nur dann zustimmen, wenn die „systemische“ Auswirkung einer Insolvenz Zyperns – sowohl im Hinblick auf andere Mitgliedstaaten als auch auf das Euro-Währungsgebiet insgesamt – nachweisbar ist. Dies muss durch konkretes Zahlenmaterial belegt werden. Ein solcher Nachweis ist bisher nicht geführt worden.
Das Programm erhielt eine klare Mehrheit, weil neben den Abgeordneten der Regierungsparteien auch die meisten Mandatsträger von SPD und Grünen mit Ja stimmten.
CISPA‘s sponsors insist the law is 100% voluntary—it doesn‘t compel companies to do anything. But as we‘ve been warning for a year and warned again yesterday, the bill‘s blanket immunity provision doesn‘t merely clear a „legislative thicket“ of laws restricting information-sharing about cyber threats. It also bars companies from making enforceable promises to their users about how they might share users‘ information with the government or other companies in the name of protecting cybersecurity.
One of the key things we‘ve seen in the pushback on CISPA is that its backers insist that people arguing against it don‘t really understand how the bill works, and that it does protect privacy. CISPA sponsor Rep. Mike Rogers himself took to Twitter this morning to tell the EFF that it‘s misreading his bill. But, of course, as we‘ve seen, it seems that Rogers himself is the one being misleading when it comes to privacy. If he truly believed in privacy protections, he would have supported a variety of straightforward amendments that made it clear how privacy could be protected. But he didn‘t. Instead, he clearly left it open for abuse.
Rom: Die Abgeordneten und Senatoren beider Kammern des Parlaments der italienischen Republik versammeln sich zur Präsidentenwahl. Die Entwicklung der Ereignisse ist rasant.
On Wednesday, the anti-establishment 5-Star Movement led by former comic Beppe Grillo named its candidate as Stefano Rodota, a left-wing politician and academic who is anathema to Berlusconi but who many in the center-left would be prepared to support.
Before announcing the full Official Selection this Thursday 18 April, the Festival de Cannes has two announcements to make on Un Certain Regard: the President of the Jury and the Opening film.
The judges recognized that the central issue is whether the temporary copies held on a computer in its memory cache, which are necessary to view a document stored on the Web, are covered by a clause in UK and European law that exempts temporary copies from needing a license provided certain conditions are met. In the judges‘ view, copies held purely for browsing were indeed covered, provided they were not saved or printed out. Here‘s why that is crucial: