Daily Archives: 1. April 2013

01.04.2013 - 23:43 [ WIRED ]

Reselling Digital Goods Is Copyright Infringement, Judge Rules

The case weighed the so-called first-sale doctrine, the legal theory that people in lawful possession of copyright material have the right to resell it. U.S. District Judge Richard Sullivan, ruling in a suit brought by Vivendi’s Capitol Records, said the doctrine did not apply to digital goods.

01.04.2013 - 20:40 [ Montreal Gazette ]

Yes, it‘s April 1: roundup of April Fool‘s Day pranks from around the web

In case you hadn‘t clued in yet, it‘s April 1 on the calendar — April Fool‘s Day.

Some of the web‘s heavy hitters — including Twitter and Google, which always goes overboard with pranks — have posted a slew of phoney stories designed to trick and amuse readers.

01.04.2013 - 20:32 [ De legibus Blog ]

NSU-Verfahren: Wer hat im Strafprozeßrecht die Hosen an?

Wenn es bei Walter Hallstein keinen Schauprozeß geben darf, dann natürlich auch nicht bei Beate Zschäpe und ihren Mitangeklagten im NSU-Prozeß, der Mitte April vor dem OLG München beginnt.(…)
Die diversen Finanzkrisen der letzten Jahre haben gezeigt, daß in Fällen, wo ein übereinstimmender politischer Wille mit besonderer Eilbedürftigkeit zusammentrifft, ein Gesetz sogar innerhalb eines Tages erlassen werden kann, einschließlich Verkündung im Bundesgesetzblatt. Und das ist kein Aprilscherz.

01.04.2013 - 13:20 [ in Cyprus ]

Invitation to the left

„We are in a state of emergency,“ said Mitsopoulos.
The Government had „inherited chaos,“ he added Minister and revealed that the President was considering inviting the opposition parties, AKEL and EDEK, to participate in government to offer a collective response to the situation

01.04.2013 - 13:19 [ Fox News ]

Cyprus Leader Says Nobody Immune from Bank Probe

President Nicos Anastasiades was responding to allegations traded between the pro-government and opposition press that family members of leading politicians had taken advantage of privileged information to protect their assets from the swingeing hit on bank deposits imposed by international creditors last month.

01.04.2013 - 13:16 [ Famagusta Gazette ]

Central Bank of Cyprus Press Release

(31.03.) For the better understanding of the resolution measures implemented under the Resolution of Credit and Other Institutions Law, 2013 at the Bank of Cyprus and Laiki Bank, following the agreement of the Eurogroup with the Cyprus Government on 25 March 2013, the Central Bank of Cyprus (CBC) would like to clarify the following points:

01.04.2013 - 12:01 [ CBC ]

Demonstrators protest Pacific Trails Pipeline

Nearly one hundred costumed demonstrators marched to Chevron‘s North Burnaby refinery on Saturday, protesting the company‘s involvement in the proposed Pacific Trails Pipeline.

The pipeline will run more than 450 kilometres through the B.C. Interior from Prince George to Kitimat, transporting liquefied natural gas to be sold to foreign markets.

01.04.2013 - 11:58 [ Statesman Journal ]

Lawsuit continues over Bush protest

A nearly 7-year-old lawsuit by filed by Oregon demonstrators against law enforcement officers protecting President George W. Bush is continuing in federal courts.

01.04.2013 - 11:48 [ Trend ]

Jordanian Dowager Queen Noor to visit Baku

Attending the South Caucasus Forum will be 30 heads of states and governments, as well as 200 well known scholars and strategists from over 50 countries. The forum is being held with the support of the Bibliotheca Alexandrina, Fundacion de Paz, the Club of Rome and a number of other bodies.

01.04.2013 - 11:25 [ Wikipedia ]

Gürtel case

The investigative operation was given the name Gürtel in a cryptic reference to one of the principal suspects, Francisco Correa (Correa means belt in English, Gürtel in German). Correa is a businessman who cultivated links with PP officers. An investigation began in 2007 after information was obtained from a whistle-blower.[1] The case came to public attention in early 2009.

01.04.2013 - 10:44 [ International Rescue Committee ]

David Miliband, former UK Foreign Secretary, appointed president of International Rescue Committee

The International Rescue Committee (IRC) today announced the appointment of David Miliband, 47, former Foreign Secretary of the United Kingdom, as its president and CEO, effective September this year. He will succeed George Rupp, who has led the global humanitarian relief and development organization since stepping down as president of Columbia University in 2002.

01.04.2013 - 10:42 [ Guardian ]

British power elite will give David Miliband an edge in New York

The UN building will just be a short stroll – or an even quicker drive in a limo – from Miliband‘s new International Rescue Committee office near Grand Central station. (..) Former UN secretary general Kofi Annan, and former US secretaries of state, Colin Powell, Henry Kissinger, Madeleine Albright and Condoleezza Rice all act as IRC advisers.

01.04.2013 - 10:18 [ Bloomberg ]

German Adenauer Foundation Says Russia Raid May Damage Relations

(26.03.) Russian lawmakers last year required groups that receive money from abroad to register themselves as “foreign agents” and submit to tighter controls. Searches in recent days included the Friedrich-Ebert-Foundation, affiliated to Germany’s Social Democratic Party, and other non-government organizations such as Amnesty International.

01.04.2013 - 09:56 [ Beppe Grillo ]

Parliament and the nannies watching over democracy

Parliament’s centrality needs to be restored. In order to do that, it’s urgent that the Committees are set up to examine proposed laws. More than a month has passed since the election, and the Committees have still not been set up. The result is a slowing down of legislative activity that could right now be dealing with topics like the new electoral law, conflict of interests, citizen incomes, the law on corruption, and the abolition of the IRAP regional tax on production.
Who is opposed to these Committees? Why’s that? For weeks now, the M5S has been proposing that they be created immediately, but this idea has fallen on the deaf ears of the parties and of the institutions.

01.04.2013 - 09:47 [ Ansa ]

Skepticism about president‘s 10 ‚wise men‘

They are former House speaker Luciano Violante of the centre-left Democratic Party (PD), Senator Gaetano Quagliariello of ex-premier Silvio Berlusconi‘s People of Freedom (PdL) party, Mario Mauro of outgoing Premier Mario Monti‘s Civic Choice group, Northern League MP Giancarlo Giorgetti and Filippo Bubbico, a PD Senator.

01.04.2013 - 09:38 [ Feynsinn ]

Wiedereinführung der D-Mark wird ausgeschlossen

Das historische Versagen der Linken, gewisse Kollegen würden es ein “Verkacken im Industriemaßstab” nennen, setzt dem Ganzen die Krone auf. Der Euro hat sich seit seiner Einführung als ein Vehikel erwiesen geboren aus Betrug und Dilettantismus, Herrschsucht und Gier, kurzum: In der Spätphase des Nachkriegskapitalismus der Bagger, der das Grab aushob, in dem Demokratie und Sozialstaat verscharrt wurden. Wer wenn nicht die ‘Linke’ musste das kommen sehen? Wer wenn nicht die ‘Linke’ muss das analysieren, anprangern und dagegen vorgehen?

01.04.2013 - 09:34 [ Guardian ]

Is Germany too powerful for Europe?

In his novel Fatherland, Robert Harris envisaged a hellish scenario – Hitler won the second world war. Decades later, the Greater German Reich extends from the Rhine to the Caspian Sea. The rest of Europe, though notionally consisting of independent states, is really under the Nazi jackboot.

Sound familiar?

01.04.2013 - 09:30 [ Washington Post ]

Buzzing BlackBerrys, billion dollar bailouts, and behind the scenes in Basel: How global central bankers battled the crisis

Wonkblog economics editor Neil Irwin has a book coming out this week. “The Alchemists: Three Central Bankers and a World on Fire” (The Penguin Press, available April 4) tells the story of how central bankers came to exert vast influence over the global economy, and how they wielded that power from 2007 to 2012, through the financial crisis and its aftermath. Based on behind-the-scenes reporting that took place 27 cities in 11 countries, the book covers the global reach of the crisis through which the world is still living and puts it in its historical context.