A company owned by in-laws of Cypriot President Nicos Anastasiades wired €21 million from Laiki Bank to London days before the Eurogroup’s crisis-triggering levy proposal, claims a Cypriot newspaper. The president demands an investigation.
Daily Archives: 31. März 2013
Germany Sees Rise of Campaign Against Combat Drones
The organizations met together in Hannover earlier this month to begin the joint campaign. As a first step, they drafted an appeal—“No Combat Drones“—which was made public this past Sunday. Close to one hundred German organizations and hundreds of individuals have already endorsed the Appeal, signaling a very strong interest in this issue.
Like 500 years ago, geeks are becoming the last line of defense for free speech
Thus, we have arrived at the weird situation where the geeks of the world are defending free speech rights for everybody against the desire and hard push of business interests, politicians, and governments. Politicians have abdicated from one of the most important parts of their job – safeguarding civil liberties – and are instead trying to dismantle them.
Whitehouse – Why You Never Became A Dancer
what do you want to be when you grow up?
Grave Onion by horacio pollard
Michel Benita – Made Already
A clip by Judith Darmont over „Made Already“ from Michel Benita‘s „Drastic“ album. Featuring Stephanie McKay on vocals. (2005).
Michel Benita – Alles Ist Möglich
A clip By Nicolas Bonnefous over Michel Benita‘s „Alles Ist Möglich“, from the album Drastic.
Auto-Mutator by horacio pollard
Anmerkungen zur linken Leidenschaft für den Staat
Die Faszination des Staates und der Hang zu staatlicher Politik dürfte nicht zuletzt daher rühren, dass solche gesellschaftlichen Veränderungen ein mühsames, langwieriges und schwieriges, und durch viele Rückschläge gekennzeichnetes Geschäft sind, ein Geschäft, das keine schnellen Erfolge und wenig öffentliche Anerkennung verspricht. Man hat dabei die Macht- und Gewaltstrukturen nicht nur des Staates, sondern auch der bestehenden „Zivilgesellschaft“ gegen sich.
As Administration Decides On Keystone, U.S. Experiences Two Tar Sands Spills This Week
One week after the Senate held a symbolic vote in favor of the Keystone XL pipeline, the U.S. saw two different oil spills involving Canadian tar sands crude oil.
An ExxonMobil pipeline ruptured Friday, leaking approximately 10,000 barrels of tar sands crude in an Arkansas town. As a result, 22 homes have been evacuated as officials clean up of the world’s dirtiest oil:
Iraq, Afghan wars ‘most expensive’ in US history, drained defense budget for decades
“The US has already spent close to $2 trillion in direct outlays for expenses related to Operation Enduring Freedom (OEF), Operation Iraqi Freedom (OIF) and Operation New Dawn (OND),” said the 21-page Harvard report, titled ‘The Financial Legacy of Iraq and Afghanistan: How Wartime Spending Decisions Will Constrain Future National Security Budgets.’
Troika Nixes National Bank-Eurobank Merger
After not opposing a merger of Greece’s National Bank with Eurobank, the country’s internatonal lenders now have asked for it to be stopped, fearing the combined entity would have too much financial power and be too big for the government to handle.
Italien: Anruf vom Chef – wer wird Präsident?
Offensichtlich sind in Rom zwei nicht unbedeutende Amtsträger von ihrem Chef angerufen wurden, der ihnen gesagt hat was sie zu machen haben.
Who Can Bring the E.U. To Its Senses?
How could sophisticated European finance ministers — along with senior officials of the European Central Bank and the International Monetary Fund — have signed off on such a counterproductive rescue plan? And if they could agree to that, what other damaging schemes might they grab for in some future crisis?
Italian president at center of storm as deadlock continues
Italy‘s 87-year-old President Giorgio Napolitano will face the greatest test of his career during his final weeks in office as he tries to end the standoff preventing a new government being formed more than a month after elections.
Zyperns Kirchenoberhaupt: EU hält nicht lange
Laut Chrysostomos II. haben die EU-Entscheidungsträger für viele Dinge kein Verständnis und treiben die Europäische Union in den Zusammenbruch. Deshalb sollte Zypern lieber schon jetzt aus der Union austreten.
Afghanistan: Bundeswehr schickt erneut Soldaten in Unruhegebiet
Der Kommandeur des Regionalkommandos Nord der internationalen Isaf-Truppe, der deutsche Generalmajor Jörg Vollmer, sprach in der Welt am Sonntag über die Entsendung von Verbindungsoffizieren, um die afghanischen Streitkräfte stärker zu unterstützen
The message sent by America‘s invisible victims
As two more Afghan children are liberated (from their lives) by NATO this weekend, a new film examines the effects of endless US aggression
KenFM über: Wasser ist ein Menschenrecht
Dass diese Erkenntnis erst durch eine Resolution der UN fixiert werden musste, sagt viel. Sehr viel. Z.B. über die geistige Verfassung eines Planeten, der – von weitem betrachtet – blau ist, da der größte Teil seiner Fläche von Wasser bedeckt wird. Ist das bekannt?
Berlusconi‘s party skeptical about chances of ‚wise men‘
Ex-premier Silvio Berlusconi‘s People of Freedom (PdL) party said Sunday that it was skeptical about the chances of success of a group of experts President Giorgio Napolitano has asked to try to find a way out of Italy‘s political deadlock.
Grillo says Italy needs functioning parliament not wise men
5-Star Movement (M5S) leader Beppe Grillo on Sunday blasted the group of experts President Giorgio Napolitano has tasked with finding a way out of Italy‘s political deadlock as „unreal negotiators“ and „carers of democracy“.
Saudi orders telcos to ensure Skype, Whatsapp meet local laws
The announcement from the kingdom‘s Communications and Information Technology Commission (CITC) follows local newspaper reports last week that claimed the government had asked telecom companies to look at ways to monitor or block these services.
Kosovo-Politik: Serbischer Historiker wirft Deutschland Sadismus vor
„Schlimmer als 1914“, „Viertes Reich“, „demokratischer Faschismus“: In Serbien werfen Historiker und Politiker Deutschland Erpressung und Sadismus vor.
Scientists Uncover Mystery of Green Meteorite, State it is from Mercury
Scientists discovered that the strange green rock discovered last year in Morocco may be from the closest planet to the sun, stating that it is the first meteorite from Mercury.
Greek newspapers: how safe are Greek deposits?
The Cyprus example might be “a template”, after all, as eurogroup head Jeroen Dijsselbloem recently said. Deposits in Greek banks may be at risk after all despite the assurances of finance minister Yiannis Stournaras that “deposits are shielded”.
German opposition parties warn each other: don‘t team up with Merkel
The leaders of the Social Democrats (SPD) and Greens party issued unusually shrill messages to each others‘ supporters about the risk their votes might end up going to a party that could join forces in a coalition with Merkel.
Athens prison: Inmate night walk to get … weapon supplies
Kathimerini reports that prison guards have repeatedly asked for new iron bars in the windows, but the request has been turned down due to cost.
Papst Franziskus ruft zu Frieden zwischen Israelis und Palästinensern und politischer Lösung in Syrien auf
Vatikan: Auf dem Petersplatz in Rom hat Papst Franziskus bei seiner Ostermesse und dem Segen Urbi et Orbi (“Der Stadt und dem Erdkreis”) vor Hunderttausenden Menschen zum Frieden im Nahen Osten, “im besonderen zwischen Israelis und Palästinensern”, sowie zu einer politischen Lösung in Syrien aufgerufen.
Pope: Urbi et Orbi Message, Easter, 2013 [Full text]
Peace for the Middle East, and particularly between Israelis and Palestinians, who struggle to find the road of agreement, that they may willingly and courageously resume negotiations to end a conflict that has lasted all too long. Peace in Iraq, that every act of violence may end, and above all for dear Syria, for its people torn by conflict and for the many refugees who await help and comfort. How much blood has been shed! And how much suffering must there still be before a political solution to the crisis will be found?
Medienberichte: Saudi-Arabien will Anonymität auf Twitter abschaffen
Dafür soll der Zugang zum Kurznachrichtendienst gesperrt und nur für solche Personen freigegeben werden, die sich dafür mit ihren Ausweispapieren registrieren.
Nächster Russland-Nato-Rat am 23. April in Brüssel
Der Russland-Nato-Rat wird am 23. April in Brüssel auf Ebene der Außenminister tagen.
Südrussland: Heer und Marine kehren nach Überraschungsmanöver auf Basen zurück
Nach der großen Alarmübung, die Präsident Wladimir Putin in der Nacht zum Donnerstag überraschend angeordnet hatte, sind alle 7000 Soldaten in die Kasernen zurückgekehrt.
IMF team to arrive in Egypt on Wednesday for loan talks
An International Monetary Fund delegation will arrive in Egypt on Wednesday for talks with the government on a $4.8 billion loan, Egypt‘s government spokesman Alaa El Hadidi said on Sunday.
Pope says ‚God stronger evil, death‘ in Easter message
„Dear brothers and sisters in Rome and throughout the world, Happy Easter,“ Francis said from central balcony of St Peter‘s Basilica.
Pope calls for peace in Middle East
„Peace for the Middle East, and particularly between Israelis and Palestinians, who struggle to find the road of agreement, that they may willingly and courageously resume negotiations to end a conflict that has lasted all too long,“ Francis said.
Germans greet Cyprus deal with a mixture of relief and fear
while the deal to secure a financial lifeline to Cyprus after months of tortuous negotiations between Nicosia and the eurozone was met with relief, comfort and not a small amount of praise from both left and right in Berlin, there was also a considerable amount of scepticism.
Pope: Easter Vigil Homily [Full text]
Below we publish the definitive text of Pope’ Francis’ Easter Vigil Homily, March 30th, 2013:
123. Begehrt
Nicht nur unter ehrlichen Studierenden des John-F.-Kennedy Instituts sind die Schriften Charles Bukowskis beliebt – auch bei „Bücherdieben“ stehen die Werke des US-amerikanischen Dichters und Schriftstellers hoch im Kurs:
Obama to nominate Air Force general for NATO post
The Air Force‘s top commander in Europe is President Barack Obama‘s choice to be NATO‘s next supreme allied commander for Europe and commander of U.S. European Command.
During a news conference today with Gen. Martin E. Dempsey, the chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, Defense Secretary Chuck Hagel announced the president‘s intent to nominate Gen. Philip M. Breedlove to succeed Navy Adm. James G. Stavridis.
Philip M. Breedlove
Philip Mark Breedlove (* 2. September 1955 in Forest Park, Georgia in den Vereinigten Staaten) ist ein Viersternegeneral der United States Air Force. Er ist aktuell Kommandeur der United States Air Forces in Europe, der United States Air Forces Africa, des Air Component Command in Ramstein sowie Direktor des Joint Air Power Competence Center. Am 28. März 2013 wurde Breedlove als 17. Supreme Allied Commander Europe (SACEUR) der NATO nominiert.
NATO announces nomination of General Philip M. Breedlove as Supreme Allied Commander Europe
Upon completion of national confirmation processes, he will take up his appointment as successor to Admiral James G. Stavridis, United States Navy, at a change of command ceremony at the Supreme Headquarters Allied Powers Europe in Mons, Belgium, expected in the Spring of 2013.
U.S.-Luftstreitkräfte würdigen Beck
11.03.2013 Ministerpräsidentin Malu Dreyer gratuliert ihrem Amtsvorgänger Kurt Beck, der am Freitag auf der U.S. Airbase in Ramstein mit der Medal of Distinction ausgezeichnet wurde.
Taking a stand on open source and patents
At Google we believe that open systems win. Open-source software has been at the root of many innovations in cloud computing, the mobile web, and the Internet generally. And while open platforms have faced growing patent attacks, requiring companies to defensively acquire ever more patents, we remain committed to an open Internet—one that protects real innovation and continues to deliver great products and services.
An extended interview with Julian Assange recorded during filming of John Pilger‘s latest film The War You Don‘t See.
The attacks on WikiLeaks and its founder, Julian Assange, are a response to an information revolution that threatens old power orders, in politics and journalism.
Mindless Media Parrots | Brainwash Update
Abby Martin exposes the mindless media parrots that repeat generic scripts with zero questioning and pass it off as news.
Top Swedish prosecutor leaves Assange case
The top Swedish prosecutor pursuing sexual assault charges against Julian Assange has abruptly left the case and one of Mr Assange‘s accusers has sacked her lawyer.
The turmoil in the Swedish Prosecution Authority‘s effort to extradite Mr Assange comes as another leading Swedish judge prepares to deliver an unprecedented public lecture in Australia next week on the WikiLeaks publisher‘s case.
Hammond, Brown, Swartz, Assange, Manning: information warriors of the digital wasteland
(Note: title of this article is a reference to Frankie Goes To Hollywood’s song, Warriors of the Wasteland.)
Fusion center director: We don’t spy on Americans, just anti-government Americans
Law enforcement intelligence-processing fusion centers have long come under attack for spying on Americans. The Arkansas director wanted to clarify the truth: centers only spies on some Americans – those who appear to be a threat to the government.