The government‘s stated reason:
“There are now a wide variety of Aboriginal resources online and the rise of search engines and social media have rendered the Portal web site obsolete,” states a message where the Aboriginal Canada Portal once was.
The government‘s stated reason:
“There are now a wide variety of Aboriginal resources online and the rise of search engines and social media have rendered the Portal web site obsolete,” states a message where the Aboriginal Canada Portal once was.
Und was kommt jetzt?
Die Anti-Atom-Proteste rund um den Fukushima-Jahrestag sind erst der Anfang. Wir machen mit Dir zusammen weiter politisch Druck, damit auch die restlichen neun AKW tatsächlich vom Netz gehen – und zwar deutlich früher, als der Bundestag 2011 beschlossen hat.
Diese Regierung macht uns arm
Hohe Mieten – niedrige Löhne – Jobcenter Stress
Es reicht. Wir fordern:
Jobcenter muss die realen Mietenübernehmen (KdU anpassen & keine Aufforderungen zur Kostensenkung vom Jobcenter)
Sofortiges Moratorium für Zwangsumzüge (Stopp!)
Soziale Wohnraumversorgung gewährleisten (Bezahlbare Mieten)
Ein Recht auf Stadt für alle
Demonstration zu den Senatsverwaltungen für Arbeit und für Soziales
16. März um 14 Uhr
ab Kottbusser Tor
“Es gibt genug Wohnraum in den deutschen Großstädten. Das Problem sind wie immer die armen Schweine, die kein Geld haben.”
Im Planfeststellungsbeschluss zum Ausbau der A100 zwischen dem Autobahndreieck Berlin-Neukölln und Anschlussstelle Am Treptower Park VII E – 2/2010 (Link zum Beschluss als pdf) steht auf Seite 30: “Die Beseitigung von Bäumen sowie anderer Vegetation erfolgt nur während des Zeitraumes Anfang September bis Ende Februar und damit außerhalb der Vogelschutzperiode.”
Somit sind die geplanten Baumfällungen nicht nur auf dem Privatgrundstück, sondern auch auf dem Straßengelände und dem Bahndamm illegal.
Am kommenden Donnerstag, den 14. März 2013 um 10 Uhr, wird vor dem Verwaltungsgericht Berlin ( Kirchstraße 7) die Klage einer Atomkraftgegnerin gegen die Berliner Polizei verhandelt. Die Klage steht im Zusammenhang mit Demonstrationen im Rahmen des Protestes gegen ein Treffen der Atomlobby, das Atomforum, im Mai 2011 im Kongresszentrum in der Nähe vom Alexander Platz.
Wenn aber entsprechend dem Berliner Entwurf laufend ohne Vorliegen einer konkreten Gefahr derartige Übersichtsaufnahmen angefertigt werden, liegt es aus polizeilicher Perspektive nahe, vorläufige Aufzeichnungen vorzunehmen, um sodann nach der Versammlung über das Vorliegen der Voraussetzungen einer Speicherung nach § 12a VersG zu entscheiden. Das würde im Ergebnis dann eine umfassende, anlasslose Videoüberwachung von Versammlungen bedeuten.
Die sind wenigstens ehrlich mit ihren Geschäftsmodellen!
Channel TV2 has been forced to apologise for using a screenshot of video game Assassin’s Creed as a backdrop for a news report about the fighting in Syria.
General Dunford: Die Vereinigten Staaten von Amerika werden afghanische Gefangene nicht überstellen, falls sie freigesprochen werden könnten
I flew to Kansas City last week to see Tomas Young. Young was paralyzed in Iraq in 2004. He is now receiving hospice care at his home. I knew him by reputation and the movie documentary “Body of War.” He was one of the first veterans to publicly oppose the war in Iraq. He fought as long and as hard as he could against the war that crippled him, until his physical deterioration caught up with him.
Google Glass might change your life, but not in the way you think. There’s something else Google Glass makes possible that no one – no one – has talked about yet, and so today I’m writing this blog post to describe it.
Haben die Deutschen Verständnis für die Wut der Portugiesen, Spanier und Griechen oder glauben sie, die Menschen dort sind selbst für ihre Situation verantwortlich?
Ten months into his mandate, President Francois Hollande scored the worst of any French president since 1981 in the TNS Sofres poll for Le Figaro magazine released on Thursday
ALGIERS – Visit by International Monetary Fund Director Christine Lagarde (through 3/14).
In failing to accept that women own their own bodies, religious groups risk reversing progress on the status of women
Hier nun ein Auftritt des italienischen Volkshelden im Jahre 1998. Es ist fast so, als wäre es heute gewesen. Allen, die in über elf Jahren standhaft gegen einen nach der Macht greifenden totalen Kapitalismus und weltweiten Krieg geblieben sind, wird es ein Urlaub von einer verrückt gewordenen Welt sein. Allen anderen wird es kalt den Rücken herunterlaufen.
Ten years after the US-led invasion of Iraq, the consequences are legion: a country divided along sectarian lines, a new authoritarian leadership, a region destabilised, western armies licking their wounds and international diplomacy discredited like never before.
George Bush sold the war as quick and cheap; it was long and costly. Even now, the US is paying billions to private contractors
For analysis, int‘l cooperation, prevention, and victim support
the president of the European Parliament said.
Croatia‘s Prime Minister Zoran Milanovic and his Slovenian counterpart Janez Jansa on Monday signed a memorandum of agreement ending a 20-year-long financial dispute between the two former Yugoslav republics and eliminating the last obstacle for Slovenia to ratify Croatia‘s adhesion treaty to the European Union.
In 2012, Portugal‘s gross domestic product (GDP) fell 3.2% in volume or real terms, after a dip 1.6% in 2011. For the full year of 2012, Greece‘s economy shrank by about 6.4% after a 7.1% contraction in 2011.
“What are the economy predictions for Greece?” a friend calling me abroad asked me on Monday morning. “We don’t give a hoot about predictions,” I replied. “Real life is far beyond any predictions of IMF, real life is about struggling to come along without money.” Like in cases where one works but does not get paid on time or the case one gets sick but has no insurance….
The policeman puts his hands on the protesters’ mouth, while he tries at the same time that his face is not been captured by the camera. The protester shouts his name again and again. Another police man rushes to aid his colleague, who pushes the protesters’ head to the ground. With his knee.
They are offered for sale. Exactly as they stand: with furniture, curtains and even toilet paper. The ministry of Culture, of Interior, of Justice, of Health, of Education… the Greek police headquarters in Athens, the police headquarters in Thessaloniki. A total o f 28 buildings belonging to Greek state are offered for sale by the Greek Asset Development Fund (Privatization Fund/HRADF).
Baku-APA. Turkey will emerge as the strongest economy in Europe by 2050, Turkish President Abdullah Gul said on Saturday, APA reports quoting RIA Novosti.
There is an extremely dangerous trend to remove proper judicial review from cases involving alleged copyright infringement. Sometimes that means „voluntary“ actions by ISPs — the SOPA and ACTA approach. Sometimes, it means appearances before tribunals by members of the public without adequate legal representation, as is happening under New Zealand‘s „three strikes“ law. And sometimes it might involve a judge, but consist of the latter simply agreeing to requests from the copyright industry, without anyone challenging the grounds for doing so.
Naples prosecutors have requested that ex-premier Silvio Berlusconi be immediately sent to trial on charges of corruption over Senator Sergio De Gregorio‘s change of political colours.
In the dead of night on April 7, 1972, Archer Daniels Midland CEO Dwayne Andreas slipped $25,000 into a safe-deposit box near his Florida home.
Kerker von Bagram bleibt weiter unter Kontrolle des U.S.-Militärs
„Die Strafsache Mollath ist eine bisher von mir nie gesehene Ansammlung von vorsätzlichen Gesetzesverletzungen, gravierenden Verfahrensfehlern, gepaart mit schweren Verteidigungsfehlern und Versagen von kontrollierenden Instanzen. Hinzu kommt eine (…) geradezu unmenschlich erscheinende Ignoranz der jeweiligen Adressaten.“
(Prof. Dr. Henning Ernst Müller, Lehrstuhl für Strafrecht, Universität Regensburg, 23.02.2013)
„We believe that this project has to be stopped. It’s a shocking waste of land. It doesn’t resolve any traffic problem, in fact, quite the opposite, it increases traffic. It costs too much and it means that the local authorities are exposed to being infiltrated and subject to speculation against which, as yet, they are not able to defend themselves.“
Alessandro Gennari, M5S Verona
Anti-establishment Five Star Movement said it wants to lead Italy‘s next government following last month‘s inconclusive elections
Development ministry general secretary Spyros Eystathopoulos resigned on Monday morning.
Egyptian police in various governorates nationwide went on strike over the past few days, complaining recurrent bloody confrontations with anti-government protesters, rioters and sometimes outlaws when they are only allowed to use teargas bombs and water cannons in dealing with troublemakers.
Discussions between Greek officials and envoys of international lenders bogged down after the government was reluctant to press for public sector layoffs and over differences in a debt-relief plan for Greeks who can‘t pay their bills because of harsh austerity measures.
Defence team present three certificates at sex trial
Greek indignant returned to protest austerity outside the parliament building for first time after several months on Sunday evening with a symbolic rally which ended in minor scuffles with police forces.
Prosecutors in Silvio Berlusconi‘s sensational sex-for-hire trial have requested court-appointed doctors certify that the former premier‘s medical condition is severe enough to postpone a hearing.
Some 6.7 million people in economic difficulty in Italy
Soldiers of the Second Infantry Brigade of the 23nd battalion of the Georgian army and 350 U.S. Marines are participating in the exercise, the Georgian Defence Ministry told Trend. The 23rd Battalion returned from Afghanistan after a peacekeeping mission without losses.
Compared with the fourth quarter of 2011, gross domestic product (GDP) shrank by 2.8 percent
Pakistan will pay fine equal to one million dollars per day if it fails to complete the Iran-Pakistan pipeline in time.
Recently elected Cyprus President Nicos Anastasiades is due to conduct an official visit to Greece on Monday
The UN Mission in the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC) refused to confirm officially the death of four Russian pilots in the crash of the UTair helicopter Mi-8.
“The four crew members are missing. At this stage we cannot confirm their deaths,”
BRUSSELS – Council of EU foreign ministers meets with UN special envoy for Syria, Lakhdar Brahimi.
BRUSSELS – Croatian Deputy Premier Vesna Pusic meets with EU Interior Affairs Commissioner Cecilia Malmstrom.
A Russian rapid response naval force in the Mediterranean Sea will be formed mainly from the warships of the Russian Northern Fleet, a source in the Russian Defence Ministry told Itar-Tass on Monday.
TC: Killing a bunch of people in Sudan and Yemen and Pakistan, it‘s like, „Who cares—we don‘t know them.“ But the current discussion is framed as „When can the President kill an American citizen?“ Now in my mind, killing a non-American citizen without due process is just as criminal as killing an American citizen without due process—but whatever gets us to the table to discuss this thing, we‘re going to take it.
The progressive ’empathy gap‘, a strain of liberal authoritarianism, and a distortion of Holder‘s letter are invoked to defend Obama
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Uhuru Kenyatta will be more defiant, too. We learned during our crisis the risk of being banana-republicked by the west
General Fulgencio Batista, who led his first revolution in 1933 while still a sergeant, staged his fifth revolution to-day, taking over Havana and the Presidential Palace to „save the Republic from chaos.“ About two hundred people lined the sides of the Palace Square watching as calmly as if they were in a cinema.